Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by LolliDoAlittle
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is my first time posting on this thread. I watched the first episode and it was very good so far. When I first read the plot, I thought it wouldn't be that interesting, but after watching the first episode, it seems like it is off to a good start. My only complaint is that one episode this week wasn't enough. I'm definitely going to keep on watching the drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yay done with watching episode 1 raw and then reading the transcap over at softy's blog [soulsrebel.wordpress.com] and i think i like it. :) it had a slow start but got very interesting on the second half of the show. i want to know what exactly DH's scope of work is. and i want to know the reason why

    DH changed and if it is part of manager choi or the IH's machination... was it blackmail or DH just being greedy/ambitious.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so far it got me intrigued. :) and i think i'll be shipping DH and IH... they have electric chemistry on that first handshake. XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    From what I could understand from episode 1, the reason why DH was hired was because he knows how to get creative with the law & obviously the Yoo family OR In Hye has done some illegal doings & needs someone who knows how to bend the law so that it is in their favor.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm very excited for No Min Woo next week & just drooling at the thought of seeing him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I see that a lot of people are posting photos, please CREDIT the original person or where ever you got the photo from.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lovelyangel already translated and I didn't notice. Ops. :phew:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    주상욱, 공주 김태희의 아는 오빠로 `마프` 등장
































































































































































































































































































    Joo Sang Wook will play the role of an oppa that Kim Tae Hee knows makes a "MaPoo" appearance. MaPo is short for My Princess































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    배우 주상욱이 공주 김태희의 ’아는 오빠’가 됐다.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Actor Joo Sang Wook becomes a oppa that Kim Tae Hee knows.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    주상욱은 2일 방송되는 MBC 수목드라마 ‘마이 프린세스’ 9회에서 이설(김태희 분)과 어린 시절부터 친하게 지내온 ‘아는 오빠’ 현우로 등장한다. 전형적인 해외파 엄친아로 훤칠한 외모를 자랑하는 인물이다.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Starting in February in the MBC Drama "My Princess" beginning in episode 9, Joo Sang Wook will play the role of an oppa that Kim Tae Hee [Lee Sol] has known since she was young. [i'm not sure about the second sentence, but it talks about Sang Wook's character being something like a handsome model/ or ideal type of guy who is good enough to show off.]













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    현우는 외국 유학 생활 중 잠시 한국에 귀국, 해영(송승헌 분)과 함께 은행을 나오던 이설과 마주친다. 값비싼 외제차를 몰고 멋진 차림으로 나타난 현우는 오랜만에 만난 이설에게 “기사 보고 설마 했는데 너 진짜 공주였냐”고 반가워한다. 이에 이설 역시 현우에게 한걸음에 달려가 손을 잡으려 하지만 해영의 저지로 실패한다.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hyun Woo [Joo Sang Wook] is living abroad, visiting Korea briefly, and bumps into Hae Young & Lee Sol who come out of the bank together. He drives a expensive foreign car and who is dressed handsomely, says to Lee Sol, "I wasn't sure if the news reports were true, are you really a princess?" is enthusiastic to see her. Lee Sol tries to run over and shake Hyun Woo's hand, but Hae Young stopped her.













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    해영은 “공주님, 정체가 불분명한 외부인과 사전논의 없이 막무가내로 접촉하시면 곤란합니다”라며 이설과 현우의 만남을 저지한다. 이설과 현우의 관계를 질투한 해영은 결국 현우에게 “넌 왜 서 있어. 가, 그만”이라고 신경질 섞인 반말로 현우를 위협, 폭풍 질투를 드러내 웃음을 자아낼 예정이다.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hae Young tells her, "Princess, it isn't safe to shake hands with a foreigner" and obstructs their reunion. Hae Young who is jealous of Hyun Woo and Lee Sol's relationship, out of anger he says Hyun Woo some insincere comments such as , "Hey, why are you standing here. Go away!"; scenes like this will make many viewers laugh.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credit: Star Today Translation by Lolli
































































































































































































































































































    Does this mean that they both have fallen for each other at the same time? I think that Hae Young actually fell for Lee Sol awhile ago.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't get enough of Joo Sang Wook. As if twice a week wasn't enough in Paradise Ranch. Maybe that's what the writer means by MaPoo? Mal = House and Poo = well poop obviously. LOL. He's sssooo not MAPOO!














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh snap. I topped the page. Hehe.
































































































































































































































































































    Credit sovereignn [below]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    '마프' 송승헌-김태희, 분수대서 짜릿 포옹..로맨스 진전?














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My Princess Seung Sung Hun - Kim Tae Hee, water fountain tingly pong... a developing romance?
































































































































































































































































































    STILL WORKING ------ lovelyangel2 - if I don't get to this tonight because I might fall asleep while reading the worlds most boring textbook, can you pretty please translate the rest? Thanks in advance!
































































































































































































































































































    Credit: Nate
































































































































































































































































































































    [CAMEO APPEARANCE : Joo Sang-wook]
































































































































































































































































































    Joo Sang Wook (Giant, Paradise Meadow)
































































































































































































































































































    ~It seems that Joo Sang Wook (in pic below) will make a cameo appearance in Ep 9 and has scenes with LS and HY. Wonder what his role is?
































































































































































































































































































    source: Baidu MP
































































































































































































































































































    -Update via TSH (thank you!)-































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm ssssooooo okay with this cutie, Joo Sang Wook, making an appearance. Episode nine and this week is going to be a week of eye candies for me. [Preparing my heart now].
































































































































































































































































































    Edit: I was lurking on Naver and found some information about Lee Sol's beautificant clothing. Credit to the blogger jung_tarran.
































































































































































































































































































    Translated by LolliDoAlittle @ Soompi.
































































































































































































































































































    마이프린세스 5~6화 김태희 패션 모음이에요!
































































































































































































































































































    5,6화는 이설양이 입궁하면서 대학생패션으로 나오던 스타일에서 벗어나
































































































































































































































































































    블링블링하고 화려한 드레스나 슈즈, 악세사리 등 공주님 스타일로 나와요
































































































































































































































































































    눈이 즐겁네요ㅎㅎ
































































































































































































































































































    [출처] [김태희] '마이프린세스' 김태희패션 스타일 총 정리♡ (5~6화)|작성자 하우알유
































































































































































































































































































    These are the clothes that Kim Tae Hee wore in episodes 5-6.
































































































































































































































































































    From episodes 5-6 Lee Sol breaks away from her old college fashion and starts to wear elegant clothing to shoes that a princess would wear.
































































































































































































































































































    Her clothes are fun for the eye. "My Princess" Kim Tae Hee style [스타일 총 정리 not sure what choi jung yi jak sung ja; I know that 스타일 means style] guru How are you?
































































































































































































































































































    From here I'll just parapharse the interesting stuff...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The tiara that Kim Tae Hee wears is sold at Kate & Kelly Seoul: Click here for the link. The tiara that she wore to the press conference is also sold at Kate and Kelly Soul. The mini tiara is about 30 U.S. dollars and the one she wore at the press con is about 98 U.S. dollars.
































































































































































































































































































    We already know about the short red dress so I'll omit that information.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The black and white skirt that she wore can be found at http://www.aiolimall.com/ & look under the skirt link. I think what they did was layer the skirt because it was short.
































































































































































































































































































    I'll be back with some other stuff from the blogger. I have to get ready to go to class.
















































































































































































































































































































































    soju - I was able to fix a majority of the codes for the first post. Check your PM for the corrected code.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What perfume does My Princesses, Princess Lee Sol use?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Some people might wonder what perfume MBC My Princess, Kim Tae Hee who plays the role of Lee Sol, uses.
































































































































































































































































































    You all might remember that scene where Lee Sol writes her love letter to Jung Woo and sprays a little perfume on the letter. Since then, many people have been wondering what perfume Lee Sol sprayed onto the letter.
































































































































































































































































































    The perfume in the pink bottle is called KENZO Amour that costs anywhere between 78-100 U.S. dollars. This perfume is supposed to give a sensual feeling of loves journey, has a soft scent, and is made of Daphn é Bugey .
































































































































































































































































































    Credit: BNT Beauty news & BNT Brand news















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sharing some siggies and an avie that I made. have a great weekend royal family!














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By the way, you can get that steamed milk, also known as a steamer, at your local Starbucks, [just saying Starbucks since it's pretty much all over the world, but I'm sure that every other coffee shop or cart has it]. Just ask for some steamed milk with some flavoring such as carmel, hazelnet, strawberry etc; there's not need to go out and buy an expresso machine and whisking if won't give it the same flavor or consistency because steaming it is what makes it foamy and gives it that great taste.
































































































































































































































































































    Did anyone notice how there was no confrontation about the kiss? Did Lee Sol not remember it because there was no awkwardness between them. It's like Hae Young casted a little spell before he kissed Lee Sol, "Don't remember what I am about to do...". But I guess it's more due to the fact that she was drunk. I guess the kiss is only a memory in Hae Youngs mind :(.















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode seven preview translations.
































































































































































































































































































    credit: snowhitelovesSHINHWA/a.k.a. Hueee @ Soompi.

    Lee Sol: Are you seriously going to stoop this low and torture me like this?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yoon Ju: Do you want to hear me say your highness to you?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lee Sol: Wow, you're really scary.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hae Young: She probably feels like you and me when we were young.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yoon Ju: Yun Min should be given to someone who deserves it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hae Young: I'm going crazy because of you. Only if you were easy to watch after...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yoon Ju: If the chairman passes away, from that moment everything will be null and void.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lee Sol: I'm going to take on the role as the Princess.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CXpandaRAWR & lovelyangel - I think that we may be on the same side of the world. I'm busy @ NYU and not as active on Soompi as I used to be because school demands and screams for my attention everyday . This upcoming kiss will be the sweetest treats of the week. I love it when dramas treat the viewers with an early kiss because regardless of the how innocent or even passionate the kiss was, it's one of the times the leads begin to re consider their true feelings & start doing some cute, sometimes crazy in some dramas, things. But after watching this preview, I really want Yoon Ju to be bald. "Do you want to hear me say your highness to you?" The nerve of this woman!
































































































































































































































































































    Hueee - thanks for uploading the video.

















































































































































































































































































    Oh then I am clearly the one one who thinks that KTH looks SUPER cute and CHIC with that new hairdo --- honestly her hair was bugging me .. what's with the visible roots in the front? Also, I thought it was too childish. And I don't agree this new look makes her feel old. In fact I think it makes her look VERY glamorous and lovely <3 I love it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I second that. Though her previous do wasn't bugging me, but the new short do is more fit for a princess who is going to run a country. Her shoulder length style was cute, but unless she tied it back and colored her roots and got rid of the head bands, to me she would only be a cute princess; not one that old politicians would take seriously. You don't see the queen of England, Princess Camilla strutting a long hair do, Condaliza Rice or First Lady Obama wearing cute little head bands and fading roots. Secondly, short do's are the trend in Korea right now. But then at the same time, with Yoon Ju having a similar hair style, it kind of does bug me. If Lee Sol is going to have short hair, make Yoon Ju bald.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Translations of the Me2Day pics that soju posted this weekend. Sorry it took so long. Busy busy.



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What is our princess doing all alone in a forest? She loves the fireside because she is the daughter of a bed & breakfast owner, but if she isn't careful she is going to pee in her pants. [ROFL!] At night she suffered from diaherrea and now peeing in her pants? You shouldn't cause anymore embarrassing moments like this, Princess please go to bed.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Playing in car and got busted by the Princess. (That moment played something else)




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just when the sun began to rise at 3:00 A.M. we rush to work & automatically get settled. The life of an actor/actress isn't easy.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Do not repost without proper credits.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think that Tae Hee's wig suits her. As a princess that will represent Korea & with short hair, a sense of seriousness starts to radiate from her. It's not that I didn't like her hairstyle before, but as someone who will represent a country she should look polished & that hairstyle fit.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    손혁의 사진을 조사하던 정우는 손혁과 다정하게 사진을 찍은 소녀가 혜인이라는 사실을 알고 큰 충격에 빠진다. 정우는 혜인에게 이 사실을 묵과하지 않을 것임을 전하고, 이에 혜인은 깊이 가슴 아파한다. 소리 없이 종적을 감춰버린 혜인, 혼란스러운 가운데 혜인의 행방을 찾아 헤매던 정우에게 걸려온 뜻밖의 전화!
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Jeong Woo is falls into utter shock when he finds out that the girl standing next to Son Hyuk in the picture is Hye In. Jeong Woo contfronts Hye In about his finding, but tells her that he isn't going to tell anyone and Hye In is saddened that he has found out. Hye In was able to hide her identity quietly, she is perplexed by the unexpected call from Jeong Woo.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    정우가 없는 사이에 몰래 혜인을 빼내온 손혁은 아테나를 떠나겠다는 혜인의 마음을 돌리려고 애를 쓴다. 한정필 암살 현장에서 총을 들고 있던 혜인을 목격했던 정우는 큰 배신감에 사로잡히고, 그런 정우에게 용관은 혜인을 직접 잡아올 것을 명령한다. 한편 아버지의 죽음으로 재희는 슬픔에 빠지고, 정우는 이를 안쓰러워 한다. 그리고 철영은 기수에게 모두를 충격에 빠뜨릴 비밀스러운 임무를 지시하는데...
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Son Hyuk, who was able to take Hye In without Jeong Woo knowing, tries to convince Hye In to change her mind about leaving Athena. Jeong Woo, who feels betrayed by Hye In because he saw her pointing the gun at Hwang Jung Phil, vows to brings back Hye In himself. Jae Hee is depressed because of the death of her father and Jeong Woo feels sorry for her. Chul Ryung asks Ki Soo to do a task that will shock everyone...
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Originally posted by naddifcation & translated by LolliDoAlittle







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    They say that she plays the role of Tae Hee's friend. They look like real friends.








































































































































































































































































































    태희 친구로 나온다는데.. 딱봐도 친구 같음..
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    They are five years apart.








































































































































































































































































































    근데 실제 5살 차이라니 ㅡ.ㅡ;;;;








































































































































































































































































































    Tae Hee doesn't look like she's older than her does she? Ke ke ke








































































































































































































































































































    태희는 이정도 나이차는 거뜬하군요? ㅋㅋㅋ
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    More info about the Tae Hee and Yoo Hwa's relationship








































































































































































































































































































    It was revealed to the press that even off the screen, the two have a good relationship. Kim Tae Hee is Yoo Hwa's unknee and on the set they act like two sisters. Yoo Hwa said that, "I think that right now I am gaining a lot of interest from fans because of Tae Hee. I'm in awe, happy & thankful, because I work with her, I end up talking to her a lot. I will try to show the best of my acting skills and I am learning a lot."








































































































































































































































































































    Credit: TvReport
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    YoonJu's clothing style has been gaining a lot of attention lately and so have these golden earrings designed by Golden Dew Korea [www.goldendew.com]. According to the Golden Dew rep they wanted it to represent YoonJu's desire to be in Hae Youngs thoughts.















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here are some siggies that I made.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Have a great weekend everyone & happy Friday! :)








































































































































































































































































































    Hey soju_chic - great job with the translations. Keep the news coming. You're not fluent in Korean are you?
































































































































































































































































































































    Credit as labeled, MBC & originally posted by soju_chic & reposted with translations by me.







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hae Young: You are the princess with the glaring eyes!!!






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    That's so stinking CUTE!

    How can I stream tonight's episode?








































































































































































































































































































    Edit: It seems like you've been a member of Soompi for awhile and should know by now that information like that is posted on the first post. It has been posted and has been there for awhile so take a look at your streaming options.








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's been awhile since I've contributed anything to this thread. Even though I'm lurking most of the time, it don't mean that I don't like this drama... I'm so loving it. Actually, I was in Seattle this weekend and bought the same headband that Lee Sol wore in episode 2.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Hae Young: What are you guys doing? I'm not in debt!!! [Voice over of Hae Young: It's the only way to turn things around]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Lee Sol: Why is the ousted heir of the DaeHan group here?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hae Young: I am just going to marry you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Lee Sol: Isn't it true that you're the only person who wants to stop me from becoming a princess? Then, let's not see each other again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yun - those new photos are so darn cute.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    soju - thanks for keeping this thread updated all the time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I watched the first two episodes a couple of times already because it's so darn cute!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think that Kim Tae Hee was born to do romcom's. She fits the role so well. One word to describe her character, LOVABLE!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Song Seung Hun couldn't be any hotter. I knew he was cute, but here he's flaming hot. Especially in the scene where he comes out of the shower.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This show started out much better than I expected and Seung Hun might get his wish. My Princess just might be the show to break the Wednesday/Thursday curse on MBC.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Some users on dc have been saying that the strong start was more due to the Kim Tae Tee effect [men and women of all ages adore KTH in Korea. I have had the longest girl crush on her.] which is probably true; that could have been the reason why many people tuned in, but after watching the first two episodes, it's obviously more than that. There are so many melodramas, saeguks, etc. There isn't anything fluffy and fun to watch and My Princess couldn't have come at a better time. It's too early to say that I am sold, but I'll keep on watching it. [This isn't meant to be negative, but I need more. I wish they would air three episodes during the first week... two isn't enough... at least for me it isn't]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Seriously, there are too many good dramas right now. I don't know if there is a day that goes by where I don't watch one. Mondays\Tuesdays are the worst .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    P.S. I know that I said that I would do recaps, but since dramabeans is doing it and subs are coming out faster than I can write, I don't think I need to recap it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    BTW - I don't like Yoon Ju. She reaks of bad news. She took the full credit of finding the scroll so that she could further her career. Yoon Ju I have no sympathy for you. Beezy. I shake my fist at you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [2010 10Asia's Awards] Drama & Director of the Year
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kwon Seok-jang of MBC "Pasta"
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kim Sun-young (TV Critic) The acting and script may have played a big role in allowing "Pasta" to casually unravel the issue of balancing work and love but it was the director who mediated everything in a natural way.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Choi Ji-eun (Reporter) The show's director is the reason that "Pasta" was able to go beyond being just a simple melodrama and portray the kitchen as an intense battlefield while reflecting on organizations and leadership.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I do not think that Writer Kim Eun-sook (who is doing so well in SG) will co-write My Princess even after she's done with SG. She is a famed writer capable to do a successful script on her own. My guess is she might have provided guidance to her junior (Jang Young-sil) in the initial planning of My Princess, and hence being credited for "Creativity".
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By the way, "Home Sweet Home" did hit a two-digit rating few times, and not forgetting "Personal Taste" scored double digit ratings throughout its broadcast.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As a correction, to my knowledge and from what I read on dramabeans, Pasta didn't win best Drama or Director[if Pasta won, then I think that there was something wrong with the judges at MBC]. The best drama for 2010 went to [viewers choice] went to Dong Yi & the PD of the year for drama was Oh Kyung-hoon and for PD acting was Lee Tae Gon.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What Seung Hun is referring to is the Wednesday/Thursday time slot curse. Networks are happy with the double digits, but are even happier when surpasses 20%. The drama to break that curse and surpass 20% and keep going up will be praised. I hope that this year will be a better year for MBC. I pray that My Princess will be able to break that curse. :). There were better days when networks were able to hit 50%.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    soju - thanks for keeping this thread hopping! I can't wait until tomorrow! And to everyone else who's been sharing YT vids, pics and news.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Kim Tae Hee looks so adorable! :D








































































































































































































































































































    Here are some of the transcripts from the press conference from articles... I'm going to omit the 411 that we already know.








































































































































































































































































































    이어 김태희는 "송승헌씨와 길거리 걷다가 너무 기분이 좋아서 노래 부르며 춤을 추는 장면이다. 대본 을 보고 어떻게 해야하는지 너무 고민이 됐는데, 감독님이 그냥 노래 흥얼거리면 된다고 편하게 하라고 하더라. 하지만 다음 송승헌씨 대사 가 '그런거 연습할 시간 있으면..."이라고 한다.








































































































































































































































































































    Kim Tae Hee confessed that she was so embarrassed when she had to do the arrow dance.








































































































































































































































































































    There is a scene in the drama where Kim Tae Hee's character is so happy that she starts singing & dancing the in the street. She ask's the director how she should go about this scene and he just told her to act natural. Seung Hun's character says, "Only if there was time..."








































































































































































































































































































    김태희는 "이설의 그런 캐릭터 는 나로서 생각 못할 일이다. 많은 사람들 앞에서 춤을 추는 것이 민망하고 창피했지만, 내 안에 있는 이설을 많이 끄집어 내려고 노력 중이다"고 덧붙였다.








































































































































































































































































































    Kim Tae Hee said that the "singing and dancing on the street that the Lee Sol character does isn't something that she would do. Dancing and singing in the street was very embarrassing, but I am working very hard to become the Lee Sol character."








































































































































































































































































































    --Also this director is the same man who worked on Pasta-- :mellow: With that information aside, I put all the faith in the writer.








































































































































































































































































































    Credit: OSEN Reporter Lee Ji Young/ http://osen.mt.co.kr/news/view.html?gid=G1101030245








































































































































































































































































































    송승헌은 1월 3일 오후 2시 서울 중구 소공동 롯데호텔 에서 열린 MBC 새 수목드라마 '마이프린세스'의 제작발표회에서 최근 MBC 드라마가 시청률 침체기를 맞은 것에 대해 " 부담 이 되는 것은 사실이다"고 말했다








































































































































































































































































































    At the press conference for My Princess that took place on January 3rd at 2:00 PM Song Seung Hun expressed concern that he felt a little burdensome because of the ratings. [a little history, MBC hasn't had luck with ratings for a while... urgh the ratings]








































































































































































































































































































    송승헌은 "MBC 수목극 이 '베토벤 바이러스' 이후 두 자릿수 시청률이 안 나왔다고 들었다"며 "올해 새해가 되면서 드라마도 같이 시작했는데 저희 역시도 부담이 된다"고 밝혔다








































































































































































































































































































    Seung Hun has heard that MBC hasn't had double digit numbers since Beethoven Virus and revealed that because it is the starting of the new year with the first drama of the year, it is even more burdensome. :(








































































































































































































































































































    이어 송승헌은 "시청률이 낫다고 드라마가 별로라고 보면 안되겠지만 시청률은 두 자리만 나오면 되는 것 아닌가?"라고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다. Furthermore he said "It would be unfortunate if people didn't watch the drama because the ratings were bad, but all we need are double digits right?" The crowd laughed.








































































































































































































































































































    하지만 "각 드라마마다 시청층이 조금은 다른 것 같다. 분위기 도 다르기 때문에 어떤 면에서는 각자의 마니아들이 생기 지 않을까 생각 한다"고 답했다.








































































































































































































































































































    Song Seung Hun is aware that the drama has to compete with "Signs" and "President". But for "every drama seems to target various groups of audiences. Since the plot of the drama is a little different than the others, it might draw more viewers." Seung Hun replied.








































































































































































































































































































    Credit: Newsen reporter Gog Yeong Min http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201101031612331030
































































































































































































































































































































    Emsie - she will be in charge of the creative part of my princess.(thanks for correcting me soju) I'm sure with her on board, this drama will do great. She's doing such a great job in SG that I have faith that with those two, this drama will be a delight!!! SG only has two more weeks left so I think that she will help more once it's done.
































































































































































































































































































































    I found this information about the writer for My Princess...








































































































































































































































































































    Secret Garden | Sikeurit Gadeun (SBS / 2010)








































































































































































































































































































    My Princess | Mai Peurinseseu (SBS / 2010)








































































































































































































































































































    Mr. Sunshine (MBC / 2009)








































































































































































































































































































    City Hall (SBS / 2009)








































































































































































































































































































    On Air (SBS / 2008)








































































































































































































































































































    Lovers | Yeonin (SBS / 2006)








































































































































































































































































































    Lovers in Prague | Peurahaui Yeonin (SBS / 2005)








































































































































































































































































































    Lovers in Paris | Pariui Yeonin (SBS / 2004)








































































































































































































































































































    South Of the Sun | Taeyangui Namjjok (SBS / 2003)








































































































































































































































































































    [Credit: Drama Wiki]








































































































































































































































































































    She has been writing for quite awhile and since 2004, she's had numerous hits and currently her latest hit is Secret Garden. As Secret Garden will draw to a close very soon, Kim Eun Suk will be writing My Princess as well. I have no doubt that this woman can pull this off. I've watched all of the dramas minus South of the Sun, Lovers, and Mr. Sunshine. The ones that I have watched have been very good and are my all time favorites. Eun Suk is creative and very witty. I can't wait for Monday!
























































































































































































































































































































    [My Princess Official Website] WALLPAPERS























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    -from iMBC-















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    고고학계의 매력남 일명 교수돌 - He is an alluring Archeology Professor.








































































































































































































































































































    성안 공주가 되고픈 차도녀 - She has a definite plan & roadmap to become a princess [i'm not sure about this one, but I think that it is what it means]








































































































































































































































































































    현대판 왕자가 될 뻔한? 엄친아 - He might have become a prince opposite to her? Oh my goodness!








































































































































































































































































































    공주님되기 2달 집중코스 - She is going to take princess lessons for 2 months.








































































































































































































































































































    Credit: LolliDoAlittle @ Soompi.









  21. Just finished recapping episode 5 & posted it on my blog. I tried to be as through as possible; hitting the main points. Anywho enjoy and have a very hiphhappy New Year in advance!

    I watched this episode once and it was fairly simple to understand what was going on. If I could figure out how to write the recap, it would have been out awhile ago.

    But it’s difficult to add any humor to this type of recap because this is such an action packed drama.

    Episode 5 Recap

    So let’s begin...

    Todays episode was action packed, at least the first quarter of it. Click. Bang. Shoot. Chase. Run. The first one to find Sue Young will be her knight and shining armor.

    I’m not going to describe what is going on because there isn’t too much dialogue that occurs. I mean come on, it’s hard... sorry... impossible to talk while you’re trying to shoot your enemy and watching your back.


    Jae Hee who’s kicking @ss until she’s shot in the arm and almost killed. Why do I say almost? Son Hyuk, who seems to have a thing for Jae Hee, shoots the guy that she was duking it out with.

    Jeong Woo hears gunfire nearby and his instincts tell him that one of his comrades might need some backup. Comrades? I wouldn’t too sure about that. Hye In is in the middle of shooting and stabbing about 5 men when Jeong Woo runs to help. He freezes for a moment. Total idiot. Fool. He’s in utter shock wondering why the hell she is here.


    She looks at him because... no NO ONE from the NTS was supposed to be there. What is she to do?

    During the time he was thinking, he could have helped her slay those men. Women officially rock!

    He would have died if Hye In didn’t shoot and ax three men who almost killed him. Now we all know who will have the balls in this relationship. As a wise man once said, “The woman is the neck and the man is the head.” For reasons that are obvious. Don’t you agree ladies?

    With the number of his men dwindling, Min Hyuk has no choice but to evacuate. Chicken.

    But before they can leave, the NIS has found the stakeout and shoot here and there. Unfortunately they are too late. The men have taken Sue Young out through the attic.

    They tug and pull her through the war zone and when they least expect it, Sue Young decides to make a run for it. The courage this woman has! Running through gunfire!

    Jeong Woo, who probably saw her running, pulls her into the ally and greets her, “I missed you!” She looks at him wondering why he’s there. “I’m an NTS agent!” Sue Young is one step closer to home.

    He grabs her and makes a run for it towards a car and the shoot out continues. Jeong Woo tells Sue Young to make a run for it when he starts shooting knowing that the car is going to explode soon for obvious reasons. The car goes KABOOM! Jeong Woo flies in the air in slow motion and lands on the ground. This guy is officially IRON MAN.


    As Jeong Woo tries to get up, one of the kidnappers puts a gun to his head.

    Son Hyuk who is pissed because the NTS agents have interfered with his grand plan [remember that Son Hyuk has to deliver Dr. Kim to his superiors]. He tells the agents to put the gun down because they went against orders.

    During this time, Min Hyuk has Sue Young hostage and is telling the agents to put away their guns.

    But as I m watching this scene, I am wondering if Min Hyuk recognized Son Hyuk’s second hand man and realize that they’re on the same side? Isn’t that kind of a duh?

    I don’t know what Jeong Woo is thinking exactly, but he slowly stumbles towards Sue Young and Min Hyuk warns him not to come any closer or she dies.

    Just when you think that Min Hyuk is going to shoot, Hye In who was staking out in one of the house, shoots Min Hyuk. I’m betting my money that this was all in Son Hyuk’s evil plan. He had to get rid of all the evidence that could lead right back to him, directly or indirectly.


    Jeong Woo turns around to see who made the shot and he has a good feeling that Hye In did it. If he could figure that out, why couldn’t he figure out that Sue Young was the presidents daughter?

    Min Hyuks goonies who were in China awaiting Dr. Kim are busted and all is now quiet on the Italian front again.

    As I am watching this whole bang bang action go down, did anyone seem to notice the old lady that Ki Soo yelled at? I wonder what happened to all those people who lived in the village. These are little minor details, but it’s the little stuff that people tend to notice and wonder about. In my opinion, after watching this whole scene go down, this was a bad location for a shoot out because one major thing doesn’t make sense, what happened to all those village people?

    I guess flying in the air is nothing compared to crashing through windows and being run over by the car eh? Jeong Woo escapes the shoot out with a little cuts and bruises and

    Jae Hee with a bullet to her arm.

    Of course, this mission wouldn’t be complete if Son Hyuk and Dr. Kwon didn’t have a heart to heart. Dr. Kwon tells Son Hyuk to understand his agents rash actions. Son Hyuk warns him that the U.S. government is not very happy with NTS right now & keeping secrets from the American government won’t be very beneficial... well it’s more like

    Athena won't be very happy nor is Son Hyuk. His evil plan has failed.

    Back at headquarters in Italy, Jeong Woo waits for Hye In to ask her the questions that some of us have been dying to know the answers to.

    They go to a cafe...

    Jeong Woo: “I just want to hear some explanation... What happened?”

    Hye In: “Do you understand why I avoided having a personal relationship with you?”

    Jeong Woo: “Well that...”

    Hye In: “Do you need me to be more specific? I’ll leave first.”

    Burn baby burn! Hye In has a way of turning men down and telling them who is in control.

    All hard feelings aside, the NTS and NIS team bid their good byes. Ki Soo asks an NTS agent if he knows how to play mahjong [A Chinese tile game], but the guy tells him no.

    Ki Soo of course wonders if there is going to be some compensation for his “hard” work and ask’s Jeong Woo if he has spoken to Dr. Kwon yet.

    Dr. Kwon comes in from behind and assures Ki Soo that he will be compensated for his help & he will take responsibility. Ki Soo is really the comic relief in this drama.

    Back at the hotel, Jeong Woo has flashbacks to when he witnessed Hye In killing more men than he could at one time. He’s probably wondering, who is this beautiful stranger?

    I’ll tell you, she aint no black ops double agent & you’re in for one wild ride. RUN JEONG WOO RUN AWAY WHILE YOU CAN!


    As Jeong Woo is putting his luggage in his car to go to the airport, he see’s Hye In in a car, he jumps into his car and follows her. Ah, destiny. Sweet aint it?

    She knows that he’s following her, so she rolls down her window, he does the same, smiles are exchanged, also known as flirting. The drive leads him to a Italian look out where Hye In is waiting for him.

    Jeong Woo: “Is Yoon Hye In your real name?”

    Hye In: “If you need to, you can call me that as long as I can understand.”

    Jeong Woo: “Yoon Hye In ssi... okay so your not going to give me a honest answer to my questions so can you tell me one thing? Have you eaten yet?” Okay Jeong Woo, your detective skills are questionable, but you are very good at flirting. Sly my friend.

    Stalker vs. Obsessive fan? Where do you draw the line? Jeong Woo tells Hye In about all the things he knows about her, like her major, how many cars she owns, blah blah. She ask’s him if he missed the motorcycle that she has in front of the restaurant. He ask’s her if there is anyone else who goes on a date and talks about this kind of lame nonesense useless information? Okay so I guess it would be useful in the event that Hye In goes M.I.A. but now that she is aware that he knows about the little toys she owns,

    I’m pretty sure she is going to use another form of transportation. I wonder if Athena has perfected the tele-transporter because I sure need one.


    Hye In ask’s him if this was a date and they look at each other. Date? If this is what a date is, then what do you call a romantic dinner with a stroll on the beach? The three letter word that my mommy told me never to say eh?

    Jeong Woo ask’s if once they return to Korea, if Hye In is still going to be working at the NIS information center. She tells him that she is not sure and Jeong Woo tells her that what he is really asking is if she wants to date him. Jeong Woo, “Maybe I’m being too burdensome. If we are fated to be together, then we will meet again.”

    Jeong Woo and Hye In go on a stroll.. cough... mean a date and he can’t seem to wipe a smile off of his face.

    Hye In has to get rid of him because she knows... we all know... that she’s already fallen for him and can’t keep on leading him on. She tells him that she wants some delicious gelato ice cream and disappears. Where’s my gelato?

    Jae Hee finds Jeong Woo’s location via special NTS gadgets. One might think that she’s super uber stalkerish, but she’s insecure when it comes to Jeong Woo because he’s broken up with her once... maybe disappeared for a short time possibly. She’s just looking out for her lover.

    She see’s that he has two ice cream cones and one can only assume that he was probably with someone. I mean come on, what would he do with two ice cream cones right? Technically, he could just give one to me and I would be super ober happy, but I have to get to meeting him first.

    Back at the Blue House, Mr. President is at peace now because Sue Young is safe. She’s always been the type to hide her true feelings and he wishes that she wouldn’t be that way. His secretary tells him to only think about the results.


    At the NTS, Dr. Kwon was not very happy with the results from Italy. He ask’s Jae Hee what the purpose of NTS is and she tells him that their main duty is to stop terrorists that hinder the Koreas energy development. He obviously feels that his team does not understand what the NTS does and makes it clear to them that the purpose of the NTS is to protect the South Korean plan to build a new nuclear power plant so that everything can go smoothly a.k.a. protect Dr. Kim and documents relating to the nuclear power plant. But the Italian mission has proved that there is a huge loophole and everyone needs to be extra cautious. All precautionary measures must be taken to secure the information.

    Dr. Kwon is well aware that there is a mole within the NTS because there are things about the Italian mission that doesn’t make sense.

    Ki Soo comes back to his office only to find that his employees got bored and decided to run the business themselves; in the process costing him a lot of money. A man who seemed like a good target to rip some money off of came in while he was gone and this guy only ended up taking money. Ah, poor boys. How did they get stuck with such a funny but yet meanie boss? The boys have 24 hours to find this gangsta or else CAPICE!

    As if his day couldn’t get worse the cops have come to shut down Ki Soo’s business. Ki Soo bribes, even calls Jeong Woo, but he ends up going to jail. When Ki Soo called Jeong Woo to help him out of the mess, I don’t know what Jeong Woo said, but I think he might have said something like, “He’s a Seoul Wang Kim Gang Pae that is a danger to national security. Please arrest him.”


    Jeong Woo goes to the NIS information center, but Hye In has quit. Ah, poor boy. If Aphrodite is really on your side sir she will bring her to you two back together, but at a hefty price. Are you willing to pay the bill Jeong Woo?

    After seeing Hye In and Son Hyuk in a couple of public meetings, it makes me wonder if anyone will see them and become suspicious. Most people know Hye In as a humble NIS tour guide, but why would someone like her be having drinks with a slime ball like Son Hyuk? Dare devils.


    Hye In has drinks with Son Hyuk. She tells him that she has quit the NIS and is thinking about talking to Dr. Kwon about getting a job at the NTS. Through the Vicenza mission, she was able to gain the trust of Dr. Kwon and she knows Jeong Woo. She plans on using Jeong Woo’s feelings for her to her advantage. If she can work for the NTS, she can get classified information on Dr. Kim. I swear the more I watch this show, the more evil Hye In becomes, but I still have a girl crush on her regardless. How can you not love a female who can slay more men than one man? She has more balls than any man alive... including Son Hyuk.


    Back at work, Jeong Woo is busy... not busy working, but stalking Hye In. He tries to hack into the system to gain access to her employee profile but it is classified. It’s only information that the Greek Gods have access to unfortunately because I wanted to know her real name. Don’t worry Jeong Woo, in time you will find out Hye In’s true role... we all will. When we do, let’s all hope that she’s not as bad as the writers are leading us to believe. If you can’t handle the truth I’ll drop my boyfriend and come to heal your broken heart.

    He looks to Sung Chul for some help, giving him the sad puppy dog eyes, also known as I’m desperate! He’s sssoooo stinking CUTE!

    Poor Jeong Woo is sitting in bar all alone having flashbacks of Hye In.


    It took long enough for Si Won to get some screen time! Dr. Kwons assistant tells Jun Ho as he is walking down the hallway with Jae Hee that he will starting field training asap and Jae Hee is going to help him. Jun Ho, who doesn’t have the confidence to re enter the field... what hold on... he used to be a field agent? I didn’t expect this.

    Jun Ho goes to practice immediately; first stop shooting practice and we have a flashback...

    Many years ago, when Jun Ho was an agent, there was a hostage situation. A woman was being held hostage with a gun to her head and in order to save her, Jun Ho shot the man who had the gun pointed to her. As the man fell towards the floor, he shot the woman to death.

    For an agent, that’s gotta hurt. An innocent person died because of him.

    The president’s secretary, director Han, and Dr. Kwon have a meeting because of the NTS interference with the Italian mission, the U.S. will be keeping a closer eye on Korea.

    Since Jae Hee has dodged and stayed out of contact with her father, Director Han asked Dr. Kwon to ask Jae Hee to come to his office. As a concerned father, he wanted to make sure that the apple of his eye was all right. Director Han has a flashback to the day when Jae Hee told him that she was going to be a field agent until Jeong Woo returned to her.


    Unknowingly, she goes upstairs and daddy dearest is waiting for her. He see’s that she might never forget the pain that he caused her. Director Han tells her that he doesn’t regret his decision and that maybe she will understand when she has a child of her own. Of course there are other men in the sea, but for Jae Hee, Jeong Woo will be her only and last love.


    Sung Chul helps Ki Soo get out of jail and he is pissed. I would be too if I was promised that the Korean government would help me, but didn’t. He declares a war against Jeong Woo and storms off. ROFL!

    NTS meet your new neighbors, DIS team. As a punishment, as one might call it, the DIS have moved into the NTS building. The NTS must provide all information relating to Dr. Kim and the nuclear project. I sense muchos of tension. The first person that combusts is the loser of course and I hope that person is Son Hyuk.

    Word travels fast; especially bad news. Jae Hee and Jeong Woo go to Dr. Kwons office to confront him about the NTS handing over all 411 to DIS in relation to the nuclear project. He tells them to calm down because they have nothing to worry about and just follow orders.

    Jae Hee and Jeong Woo run into Son Hyuk on their way down.


    Son Hyuk: “Since we’re going to be working under the same roof, let’s try to get along.”

    Jeong Woo: “You are mistaken. Working as one family is your idea, but we have no intention to.”

    Son Hyuk: “You’re probably still angry about the DIS taking over the NTS mission, but you have to understand that I was just following orders and it’s all politics. You, me, all those people are just following orders right? If you focus too much on that kind of stuff it’s not good for you or me psychologically.” Look who’s talking? Is he talking about himself? “Anyways, we’ll be seeing more of each other since I will be working at the NTS also, Lee Jong Woo ssi... Han Jae Hee ssi...” Wink wink ;).

    The NTS team is called in for a meeting about the DIS working at NTS. Everyone is told to comply and help the DIS. Of course the village people of NTS protest, but they have no choice. America is fatter than Korea. This is no mistake... fatter America is indeed.


    Today is filled with all sorts of surprises isn’t it? Hye In joins the NTS team. Either Hye In is a real black ops agent for the NTS or she works for Athena. Right now, I don’t know who she works for.

    The DIS is looking over the information given by the NTS, but they didn’t give the information they wanted. Which was a given. Both sides are very smart and will do anything to withhold/ steal information.


    Hye In gets to work quickly. She tries to access the information about the nuclear energy project, but because the access has been restricted to certain people, she can’t get her hands on it.

    The NTS team is out having drinks while Hye In resorts to plan two, going directly into the server room and downloading the information. She thought that she could extract the information without a hitch, but gets caught red handed.

    My comments:

    I watch dramas for fun, but as I watch this drama I feel like I’m doing homework. You see, I only dreamed of becoming a C.I.A. agent, but after finding out that I had to be fit and be a good liar like Hye In, I called them to let them know that as much as they want me to join, I just can’t.

    I’ve watched a lot of K dramas to kind of guess where the plot is going, but for Athena I am always making maps of possible scenarios of who Hye In really is.

    But in no way I am dissing this show because it feels like homework, I’m so loving every minute of it. I love how they have multiple things going on to keep me on my toes if you know what I mean. Simple plots are boring... stuff like this keeps people interested.

    It’s been a year of many dramas that had a lot of hype, but ended up being rather dull.

    So far, it seems like Athena won’t be heading down that road. The plot thickens with every episode, but some things, even if they are lies, I hope that the semi truth will come out because if they hold out too long, viewers like me might just zone out.

    There are some minor flaws that I noticed, but I’m not going to think too much about that because there are bigger things in this story that I want to see unfold without a hitch.

    You'll find this and more rantings at my blog: mightyshin.wordpress.com

  22. *quoted image* News Update from Sports Khan December 30, 2010

    Kim Tae-hee, 'jjansun two sets of four kinds of salrimbeop'

    김태희, ‘짠순이 살림법 4종 세트’

    *quoted image*

    Kim Tae-hee verse abdominal pain 'jjansun two sets of four kinds of salrimbeop unveiled.

    Sorry to delete most of the stuff on your post.

    Kim Tae Hee, "Frugal and Doing Housework 4종[slave; Serfdom] Set"

    The pictures that were released of Kim Tae Hee cleaning her house to welcome.... well more like scam off of Hae Young. He is going to be visiting her mothers bed and breakfast. [i'm assuming that it's a bed and breakfast because the article calls it a pension and I think it refers to earning money]. She is going to get every ounce [5 manwon to be exact] for eating in. According to the article, she's going to tell him that there isn't another restaurant for miles and that 5 manwon is actually a pretty dang good deal.

    I am thinking that this might be their first meeting possibly.

  23. Hi everyone!

    First off, thanks for all the news and pics. Thank you [bold] soju_chic[/bold] for starting this thread!!!

    I can't wait for this drama to start! From looking at all the news and pics it looks exciting and I wish today was January 5th!!! Hehehe :).

    just wanted to also let those interested in this drama that I have decided to recap My Princess. I don't know how fast I will be, but I will try to have it out the same week the episodes air.

    I will try n help out here on this thread also as much as I can.

    Just click on my Athena siggie to go to my blog because that's where the recaps will be posted but I will post it here too.

  24. lolly thanks for the translation :D

    Official Pictures

    Cre DC

    just found on DC preview for Esp 6 another text preview for esp 5 and (preview for esp 5 is already translate by lolly)

    5회 미리보기

    손 혁을 비롯한 DIS요원들이 수영 구출작전에 들어가고, 정우, 재희, 기수 역시 수영이 감금된 곳으로 간다. 그러나 기수의 실수로 납치범들과 전면전을 펼치게 되는 상황이 발생하고, 납치범들은 수영을 인질로 삼아 도주하기 시작한다. 납치범들과 손혁, 정우, 재희, 기수 등이 서로 총을 겨눈 채 대치된 상황. 갑자기 납치범이 수영에게 총을 겨누는 일촉즉발의 상황에서 한 발의 총성이 울리는데……

    6회 미리보기

    NTS의 기밀 정보를 빼내던 중 서버실 요원에게 들켜버린 혜인은 재빨리 상황을 수습하고 자리를 뜬다. 하지만 서버실 요원이 혜인이 보던 자료를 확인하던 중, 김명국 박사의 새로운 보호프로그램과 관련한 비밀 작전파일이 열려있는 것을 확인하고 급히 어디론가 전화를 걸고, 그 순간 가버린 줄 알았던 혜인이 어느 새 서버실 요원의 뒤에 나타나는데…

    Thanks Natali as always.

    I guess Hye In's cover might be blown?

    I translated the smoking gun on my blog... Click here!

    Ops I topped the page.

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