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Posts posted by alikim
































































































































































































































































































































































    I think the CB you are talking about is:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There another one that has alot of old clips of Shinhwa with Chinese translation:

































































































































































































































































































































    oh! i tried goin to orange6houses's clubbox..nd it doesn't wrk. o.OOOO. lolz.
















































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi Everyone!
































































































































































































































































































































    I don't have time to go back and answer to everyone's post so let's see if I remember what I want to say.
































































































































































































































































































































    First, I was busy....been trying to catch up on all J2's activities...watched Golden Bell, X-man, Couple Section, and Happy Together Friends....had fun watching them....they were all good! I didn't think I'll like his pony tail but I liked it in Couple Selection...he looked so handsome.
































































































































































































































































































































    Right now I'm also addicted to Lovers drama (it's so funny and cute)....watched Snow Queen (I can tell it's going to be sad)...watched last weeks Couple Selection (is quite good)....
































































































































































































































































































































    Took my oldest son shopping...now that he's in college, his taste in clothes is changing....he was always in T-shirts and shorts but now that college girls are "HOT", I guess he need to dress to impress! Of course while we were shopping in Hollister, I saw nice ORANGE polo shirt so I tried to pursuade him to buy it...told him he looked REALLY GOOD in orange but he wouldn't buy it!!!! :crazy:
































































































































































































































































































































    As for 6mm clips, I only saw 3 clips. I think there's more but I can't locate them. Anyway, what it is Shinhwa members play out scenes and they also do the lighting, directing and etc. It's really funny! I think some of you already saw the one clip where members were acting out kung fu masters? That's one of the 6mm movies they made. I think I found it in shinhwasarang.net or shinhwachangjo.net CB.
































































































































































































































































































































    As for the voting thing, I'm too upset to talk about it. It's so typical of Korea....nothing ever is done fairly...I'm not just talking about music industry...the whole country is corrupted. If you have money, you have the power...which is really sad. As someone mentioned, don't be upset at DBSK, it's not their fault. I'm sure there are immature fans who are happy but if you are true fans, you'll wish that best group wins failry.
































































































































































































































































































































    Oh, I was also busy because I was at Eric's soompi forum and someone posted really "HOT" pictures of Eric so I had to re-watch all my Hyesung's clips to remind myself, Jyesung's is one of my favorites! I really miss him...I wish he would do some activities....
































































































































































































































































































































    Oh year, YSMM with Andy, Junjin, and Se7en will be aired on Monday, 11/20/06.
































































































































































































































































































































    There's 100 episodes of Dae Jo Young? WOW!

    To be honest, I'm watching this drama for Park Ye Jin, so I mostly pay attention to only her scenes. (100 episodes.. that's a whole lot of commitment to one show :sweatingbullets: I still need to catch up on Jumong!)
































































































































































































































































































































    Hyesung's pose in the second picture definately look like a bodyguard pose especially with that sunglass!!! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    I can understand Minwoo and Junjin not attending but why didn't Andy and Dongwan attend?
















































































































































































































































































    I was looking at his wedding guests pictures in KHD's forum and he got quite impressive guests attending. He knows so many celebrities!
















































































































































































































































































    no they didnt attend..
















































































































































































































































































    i was really laughing when i saw the second pic..
















































































































































































































































































    i wasnt surprise not to see junjin and minwoo.. cause theyre working so hard















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOL! They look like they belong in the mafia or they are KHD's bodyguards!!! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    Either way, they look so handsome! I really miss Hyesung..... :tears:
















































































































































































































































































    Did other members attend the wedding?
















































































































































































































































































    Eric and Hyesung in Kang Ho Dong's Wedding:
















































































































































































































































































    credits to naver + me for uploading















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm in the middle of watching Golden Star Bell right now and I had to run over here to say Junjin gave very short preview of his song and I must say I liked it alot. He sounds good!
















































































































































































































































































    However I found it interesting that other guests like Sung Shikyung and others sang without the background music but when it was Junjin's turn, they turned on his song so he can sing along with it. I guess he must of request it since he might be still nervous singing without music.....very interesting.
















































































































































































































































































    Another interesting fact: I guess Sung Sikyung and Junjin are known for drinking alot....Junjin admits he drinks alot but he slow down alot because of his solo singing...but before he used to drink up to 15 bottles of soju! That's ALOT of alcohol!!! I don't know if any of you drank soju but it's VERY strong alcohol. Even my husband who drinks alot cannot handle one bottle....I tried it and after few little soju cups, I got intoxicated already! 15 bottles!!! Can't imagine anyone drinking 15 bottles!
















































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you so much. I was wondering what you guys were talking about. Anyway for those who wants translation:
































































































































































































































































































































    A = Andy
































































































































































































































































































































    JM = Kim Jong Min
































































































































































































































































































































    Narrator: JM's reaction to the picture.
































































































































































































































































































































    A: I think I know who it is
































































































































































































































































































































    JM: Really?
































































































































































































































































































































    JM: The way I see it, it's either someone who does the ballet or dancer because she/he does stretching so well.
































































































































































































































































































































    A: no no no, it's Kim Shin Young
































































































































































































































































































































    JM: Kim Shin Young?
































































































































































































































































































































    A: Hyung, who do you think it is when you first look at her/him?
































































































































































































































































































































    JM: Kim Tae Hee?
































































































































































































































































































































    Narrator: Kim Jong Min, you can't say the name of the person you like!
































































































































































































































































































































    JM: Why....Kim Tae Hee....
































































































































































































































































































































    A: Can you just tell us if she/he is new actor/actress?
































































































































































































































































































































    JM: Someone who is aged (not quite sure what "yun-rhun" means, maybe talking about seasoned actor/actress?)
































































































































































































































































































































    PD: Can't tell you.
































































































































































































































































































































    A&JM: Aiyeeeee
































































































































































































































































































































    A: If I investigate, everything will come out.
































































































































































































































































































































    JM: Investigate...call Eric
































































































































































































































































































































    A: He's filming
































































































































































































































































































































    JM: He's filming (but says it formally/respective way)
































































































































































































































































































































    A: (laughing)...he's funnier(pointing at JM)...he said, "he's filming? in formal/respective way"
































































































































































































































































































































    Narrator/written: Why formal language between friends?
































































































































































































































































































































    A: Your friends!
































































































































































































































































































































    JM: Yes, we're friends!
































































































































































































































































































































    JM: But it's awkward
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    MC: Show us your charismatic look!
































































































































































































































































































































    A and JM both shows their idea of charismatic look!
































































































































































































































































































































    on another note! u kno how i saw happy shares company nd saw andy in it? well......make a little andy cut (tz like a min nd a half)..of wen he was on it.
































































































































































































































































































































    here's the youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDDRfoEjgdk































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So cute! He's good at it.
































































































































































































































































































































    He said "when the doors are closed"...meaning this is the sound dog/puppy makes... LOL!
































































































































































































































































































































    Random post:
































































































































































































































































































































    I was checking my account on YT and stumbled on this
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    asdjklasdjlka It's too cute for words xD & Wan adds a nice touch in the BG 8D;;
































































































































































































































































































































    It will take only 6 seconds of your time x]















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I fyou go to Se7en's forum and scroll couple of pages back you can see the link to uncut version of him and the actress in the limo. It's pretty :phew::blush::sweatingbullets: I think I read there were already over 1,000 posts talking about it.
































































































































































































































































































































    You'll see why I said Shinha better not film anything like that!
































































































































































































































































































































    Mommie Alice xtine.... where is this uncut version? xD
































































































































































































































































































































    I've seen in some se7en fans sig something about being heartbroken? :unsure:
































































































































































































































































































































    But I find it hilarious... :lol: hrm... I don't know I was pretty ok when Eric was dating... :phew:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So you saw the uncut version of it? Yes I can imagine female actress being threatened. Pretty soon no acturesses is going to want to be in MV with Shinhwa, DBSK, Se7en, Bi, etc! LOL! Their life is more important than $$$!!!
















































































































































































































































































    ^ LOLS !! you're hilaroius































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yes, i wuld murder everybody who tries to touch my guys





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    they had a kissing scene, i saw the making of it.. but they cut it out cus the fan girls went HYSTERICAL !!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOLS !






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    they threatened the female actress. XDD i find that kinda funnie.. in a very bad way..














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was reading Se7en's forum and appearantely there's ALOT of responses due to his UNCUT version of the MV La La La. I don't know if you guys seen it but there's a "making love" scene in the limo that's pretty PG13 rated. Cut version is not bad but if you see uncut version, it's almost R rated! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    The reason I brought this up is with all you gals "fighting" over each member claiming them as your husbands....if Shinhwa member did MV like Se7en, I can imagine all the uproar they are going to cause! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    I don't think I've seen any almost R-rated Shinhwa MV....or is there? LOL!
































































































































































































































































































































    I didn't burn those because their files are small so it wouldn't make dent in my hard drive. I needed space so I burned all the 700MB files like X-man, LL, Heroine6, and etc. Of course eventually I might have to burn those....either that I have to delete my favorite drama, Goong....gosh what I would sacrafice for Shinhwa! LOL! Of course Goong is already burned into DVD but I loved it so much I wanted to keep it in my hard drive....I think I have to delete it soon to make room for Goong 2 with Se7en! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    Oh, by the way, my husband called me at work and I missed his phone call because I was listening to Shinhwa on my headphone. When I called him back he wanted to know why I didn't answer and I told him I was listening to music so I didn't hear the phone ring. He asked if I was listening to Shinhwa and I said OF COURSE and he said he didn't want to talk to me anymore! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    Anyway, I don't like Junjin's hair on pony tail either...it's not even length to be tied so it looks untidy....
















































































































































































































































































    I also noticed in Minwoo photo that he also tied "little" pony tail! Are they into "pony" tail look????? LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    ^Lolz I'm the opposite, I only burn MVs and live perfs haha
















































































































































































































































































    ^ urrggg me too :sweatingbullets:
















































































































































































































































































    Jinnie's NOT suited for long hair...he sweats too easily and too much for bangs. But for some reason I think it's going to be awhile before he cuts it since it seems like he spent quite awhile deciding the hairstyle for his single...
















































































































































































































































































    Anyone else notice Jinnie coughs a lot (lots of mucus) when the cameras aren't focused on him? I really hope his health is alrite. Must be all that smoking...bad boy :vicx:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you so much for Hyesung and Andy photos.....I wish I could stare at it all day at work but then I'll get in trouble especially since I'm suppose to be working OT! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    :phew: Because I'm bored and oddly till awake at 3 AM































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Exclusively for "Mommie Alice" SPAM! No not the one you eat but a Pic spam!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    SyungDy Because Linh has no life whatsoever and she needs to get into Sungie mode once in awhile :ph34r:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credits to: Random sites I remember: s-shinhwasarang+shinhwachangjo.net+shinhwajj+some chinese forum I stumbled over































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And some I can't remember because it was quiet sometime ago x]































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ahh I hope Sungie and Andy lufers liked that & Sorry for the lack of Andy pictures 8D;;































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    &Mommie Alice... here's a SyungDy spam? xD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lazy bum is off to bed at 3:30 AM :ph34r:















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Well, all my DVD I burned has 2 HQ (almost all of my DVDs are HQ unless I couldn't find it) eoisodes so if I had burn one per each DVD that'll be double and then if I were to burn all what in my harddrive, I don't know how many boxes that'll be! LOL! I didn't burn any LQ clips, MV, live performances, and etc!
















































































































































































































































































    Right now I'm too busy burning drama (Dawn of Eyes 1991)....to keep him occupied since it's 36 episodes.... LOL! and I'm addicted to Korean drama "Lovers"! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    Did Junjin come out in Golden Bell today? If he did, he's been on Friday (Happy Together Friends), Saturday (Golden Bell), and going to be on Sunday (X-man)???
















































































































































































































































































    ah? your shinhwa cds have 9 boxes??? wow!!! i mean, if you'll burn them all it will take up 9 boxes, right?
















































































































































































































































































    ahe? andy? crying? wa! i really want to watch that! YSSM!!! come out now!!!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Well, 300GB is just my external harddrive....I have 80 GB on my C: drive! LOL!

    Mah 300 GB! :crazy: My Gosh... Mines is barely 80 GB xD And it's really running out of space...
































































































































































































































































































































    I meant to ask this question long time ago....but I kinda forgot about it....
















































































































































































































































































    I know people don't like talking about it so if you know the story about Andy (& his Dad) and time during 4th jib, can you please PM me with it? I never did get the true story...it was such a "hush hush".....

    andy is very sensitive when it comes to his parents especially his dad
































































































































































































































































































































    This made me laugh because I proof read at work and I used highlighter to bring attention to my users (engineers at work) and I used to use pink but switched over to orange highlighter and orange pen to make corrections and comments! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    Nowadays EVERYTHING has to be orange! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    Oh by the way, I think I shocked my husband today. He was looking for my Damo DVDs and he saw my 3 boxes of DVD by my computer and he was looking through them and I told him it's not there and he wanted know what all these were (3 boxes) and I told him that was ALL Shinhwa DVDs I burned! LOL! He said when I go crazy about something, I really go crazy! And then he wanted to know why I can't be crazy like that about him! LOL! He doesn't realized what I have in 3 shoe boxes are only 1/3 of what I have of Shinhwa. Rest of them are still in my harddrive! LOL! I had to burn alot of them because I was running out of my 300 GB external drive! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    I just read in Andy's forum that Andy cried during YSMM recording when they were talking about the topic (something to do with giving alot of hearache to their parents). Soooooo sad..... :tears:

    ohh~!! i bought some orange highlighter today!! so when i study, i'll get reminded of shinhwa =P next mission, to find an orange pencil case..
































































































































































































































































































































    Now that you mentioned it, it does look like he has no lenses on his glasses! LOL!

    is it just me? everytime i see minwoo wearing glasses, it looks as though there are no lenses, only a frame
















































































































































































































































































    Hi, welcome to Shinhwa forum. I'm "mommie" alice...I think I'm the oldest member here who post...LOL! How long have you been fan of Shinhwa? Who is your favorite? As you can see by my avatar and banner, mine is Andy and Hyesung.
















































































































































































































































































    x_sadendings, thanks for sharing the pics~ Eric looks soooooooo good. *legs go wobbly* xDD
















































































































































































































































































    Hello all Shinhwa lovers. I'm sort of a newbie here~~ Keke. (Just thought of saying hi to everyone. ^^)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Minwoo looks so "HOT" ....ooops I'm not suppose to say that....he looks "GOOD"! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    These pictures are making me forget who's my favorites AGAIN! LOL!
















































































































































































































































































    Thank you for the pictures by the way but you gotta stop posting "HOT" Minwoo's pictures!!!! Can you find some "HOT" Andy and Hyesung's pictures so I won't get sidetracked!!!! LOL!

    Minwoo - Korean Interview Mag (Jpn Mag)
































































































































































    Andy didn't do anything. That's why so many us was so pissed! He didn't get to play ball game nor do battle dance. (Who know if he did these and they just cut him out).
















































































































    I think you can see him for less than 5 minutes? even if that!!!

    ^ No, I only see clips posted by coolsmurf on youtube. So how did Andy scored?
































    I don't know if you saw the X-man yet, but they briefly show staff picking color ball from a box. I guess who ever picks certain color ball were picked as judge. They felt this was the most fair way of judging.












    Oh, didn't know the judges were random XMAN staff. Thanks for the explanation.












    Thanks, Rozzy, for the Eng tutorial to get tvants. And all this time I keep wondering what TV channels people are catching Shinhwa...now I look forward to see Jindy on the shows ^_^





























    Thank you. I have that clip. It's one of my favorite show!












    Hi mommie alice, glad you stayed awake to watch the show. I hope we can get to watch it sometime soon.




































    I don't know if you remember their Happy Sunday appearance a few years back where they did Rock, Scissor, Paper game. I finally saw an english sub clip at youtube and I just laughed at the interaction between Eric and Hyesung. Here's the link, happy viewing



































    I'm so busy on computer, I haven't watched TV stations in months so I don't know if they air it. I don't have time to be on schedule trying to watch TV so I either download everything I want to watch or I rent the video. So whenever Shinhwa appears on variety shows, I download and burn it and then because I go every week to rent videos for my husband, I also pickup X-man, LL, YYMM, Heroine6. Usually video stores are 1-2 weeks late so I get to re-watch again 1-2 weeks later.












    As for Yunho, I think he was shocked that he got such low score. I guess DBSK is so used to getting best reaction from everyone, and I guess it was shock to him that he didn't get high score especially since all members came out to help him. I don't know if you understood from the show that judges were X-man staffs who were chosen by lottery system to be fair. Since they have jobs working at X-man production, I'm sure there's no teenagers but more mature staffs whos ages ranges from 20+ and up. Of course if the judges were young, Yunho probably got high score.












    You have to admit Hong Kyung Min was excellent. He imiated everyone so well. He deserved high score!












    Everyone keep mentioning all these shows J2 and Andy are appearing in. I want to see them too...LOL...but I'm lost. Pardon my ignorant, but are the shows broadcast in the US? Mommie Alice, since you live pretty close to me, I'm wondering what channels are you watching the shows? And time? I watch k-dramas on channels 18 and 19.












    I did get to see a clip of Andy asking if he can call his Shinhwa members out to help (thanks to coolsmurf youtube video). That was very adorable and funny. But, did I misread Yunho's reaction to his score???












    Oh, on the voting results, I'm surprised to see Kangta & Vannesse leading the vote in Americas by more than half. That's quite a hugh gap. I thought they are more popular in the Asia countries. Hmmm, interesting.





























    Goldfish Theatre was hilarious! I was so sleepy I thought of going to sleep but then I decided to stay up to make sure my son finish is homework so I watched it while waiting for him. I laughed so much and loud my son complained he couldn't do his homework because I was too loud! Anyway, the show certainly woke me up.












    Next week preview is so funny! Andy is playing the role of Kim Sam Soon and he got boobs! LOL!

    Rozzy: How's the Goldfish Theatre?? I don't have the chance to watch it. I can't stand anymore *sleepy head* I was awake for 2 days straight and I went to sleep half an hour before the show I thought it was on 6.00 AM but it was actually on 6.20 AM. So I thought I converted the time wrongly and missed it so I decided to sleep.. :tears:


















    When I first became Shinhwa fan, I also wondered and asked and I was told other colors were already used by other group/singers and I guess orange color was one of the few colors left.












    I don't know if Shinhwa chose it or the management but that's how they got their orange color.












    I didn't even realize or notice that when I was watching TV that different color represented different stars.












    Uhm. :D Hi












    I think this will be a very very very very *inserts very a few more times* strange and random question.
























    How did orange ever become Shinhwa's fan color? O__O I have no clue, but I was thinking about that for the longest time.























    I was standing in line for food at the cafeteria at work today and person behind me had BIG ORANGE water jug/mug! Of course I immediately asked her where did she get it and she told me she got it at Wal-Mart so I guess I have to go there soon! I hope they still have it since it's already winter time....












    whatever the reason...i love the color orange because of shinhwa. xD












    cute video!!! :lol: i favorited it too xD





























    I read in Andy the Best that Andy will also be appearing in Norlowah (Come to Play) show with Junjin.












    Looks like we'll have at least one membr per week to watch.












    Once Minwoo release his album, it's more promoting time for members.












    I hope Hyesung hurries up so he can promote his album.












    but also..andy nd junjin are goin on lotz of shows together. but yayee for that...puahhh. xPP..












    goldfish theatre is on tonight right?! newun else planning to stay up nd watch it besides me? =DD












    u kno...junjin should debut in inkigayo instead of music bank or wahtever....puahh..:D





























    I think all of them smoke? Dongwan has been trying to quit on and off and I haven't heard anythign lately about it so I don't know if he quit again or not.












    I doubt army is going to stop them from smoking. They are allowed to smoke in army so I'm sure it won't happen.

    welcome.. axerine.. they smoke. though a number of us are against them smoking, we still love them to bits and every single pieces... i'm still doing my daily prayer that includes them to stop smoking.. i havent given up hope.. who knows if the army will make them quit smoking?(just my bit of hope:D)


















    Finally finished watching KSA. Ending was cute and I enjoyed watching it. I wonder what drama Eric is going to do next?












    I noticed that someone started Junjin's thread in Korean music forum. I guess now that Junjin has his own album, he belongs here too just like Minwoo. More forums to visit daily! LOL!












    Okay, now that I visited for few second, now I have to go watch Andy on X-man! LOL!


















    I have all the X-files but didn't get to watch all of them. I just watched Kim Gun Mo X-file and it was so funny when Junjin was hiding behind the pole waiting for KGM. When JJ told members that he is hiding behing the pole, they told him becareful so that KGM doesn't see him and to make sure his wild hair is not spreading all over! LOL!












    Anyway, watching KGM brings back old memories....does anyone know what show this is? Have you guys seen it in CB or anywhere else??












    Hahaha.. I'm agree with your descriptions :P












    I think I've seen the full video of that performance :)












    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz_ATZWbO7c >> Shinhwa - Making Trouble Part 1












    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOpWlxue54U >> Shinhwa - Making Trouble Part 2





























    Do you have to join to vote? I tried to join but either I'm demented or something is wrong because when I got to the bottom where you are suppose to put country, I only saw few countries starting with either A or B? (I forgot). I don't see US? And I don't see any button to clik after filling out info. Am I doing something wrong?












    VOTING MKMF FOR OVERSEA IS OPENED !! :lol: ~ Come show our power :)





































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