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Posts posted by the_summerangel

  1. nobody's responded to my question so far, probably because it's on the previous page. some input please? :sweatingbullets:

    there's this guy i'm really close friends with and we've known each other for over 9 years, but we're not the kind of friends who hang out a lot. we never hang out just to enjoy some time with each other. we talk online a lot, and he always makes my day and makes me laugh. the last couple times we hung out, i noticed that when i'm around him, i don't feel extremely nervous or have butterflies in my stomach. i know that sounds kind of silly, but isn't that how you tell that you like someone? when i look at him, i don't think, "wow. i really like this guy." but the weird thing is that i think about him all the time, and the thought that he doesn't like me makes me really unhappy. whenever we have to part ways, i just feel this overwhelming sadness and miss him a lot, especially because i don't know when i'd get to see him again.

    i talked to my friend about this and she thinks i'm infatuated with him. she thinks i like the idea of him being my bf, but don't actually like the guy. what do you guys think? what exactly does being infatuated mean?

    Hmm... Maybe you just want to have a bf these days, but you don't really see any other guy... So then there's this friend, but he's not really the one you're looking for... I think you could try to hang out with other guys and see if you still think about him. Then you'll know a bit more about your feelings for him I guess...
















































































































































































































































































    Since we're on the subject...
































































































































































































































































    would you guys be okay if your bf/gf are still closed friends with someone they had dated briefly in the past or one or the other had liked each other before? If they still hang out one on one with that friend, would you be okay with that?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well... it happened to me somehow, my bf's ex is part of our group of high school friends... so yes they still see each other quite often. there was even one time they would have lunch together every week cause they go to the same univ. I would have no problem with that, if only he didn't hide it from me. I found out at the end of the semester by pictures of her on his cellphone... T___T we got into a huge fight for it (it's been 3 years ago now so it's fine but... yah I almost broke up around that time.) anyways, I'm pretty sure they are "only friends" and that it stops there. both have gf/bf so... no worries for now!
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've been around a LOT of guys growing up while doing sports in my teens, to getting into cars, and spending 8 years in the military and I can tell you this.......
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have never met a guy that would not sleep with his female friends if he was given the chance.........unless he was gay or she was busted. While guys and girls can be friends.....the guy will still ALWAYS take the chance to sleep with the girl when he gets it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Even if he thinks she's ugly and what not??? yah right.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Very possible.
































































































































































































































































    I'm friends with tons of guys that I would never be attracted to, seriously. and they would never be attracted to me too. I think it's easier when someone is in a couple to have "only" friends apart from their gf/bf, as ppl know they are "taken" and just don't get interested in them. sure there are exceptions, but most of the time it's like that.
















































































































































































































































































































    Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. GRRRR my bf played the song over and over again while studying the other day, and then I couldn't sleep and woke up with the song in my head!!! so pissed lol.
















































































































































































































































































































    Hmm... I used to collect rocks when I was 6-7 years old. There was this magazine sending stones by mail every month, but after a year my parents didn't want to buy the magazine for me anymore : ( I have no idea where my collection is right now, as we moved out about 5 years ago... I also used to collect celebrity posters. My room was all covered with them! oh and obviously, pokemon cards and barbie dolls lol! and some books...
































































































































































































































































    now I collect Hello Kitty stuff lol... quite unintentionally though, cause my mom noticed I had a hello kitty pouch, and then she started buying me hello kitty watches, pouches, cellphone charms, christmas tree decorations, etc... well, I won't deny I find this cat cute aha.
































































































































































































































































    I also collect postcards from everywhere I visit, and from friends too, I post them on the mirror in my bedroom. and seashells instead of rocks lol.
































































































































































































































































    and, let's say I collect clothes lool... I have TOO MUCH. way too much. I should throw half of it away!!

















  7. Need you help on this ladies! I posted in the Guy thread too, but wanted other girls' opinions as well.

    So. This guy I've known since I was like 12 asked me out yesterday, and I said yes. We enjoyed the date, ice cream parlor, and we've made it official.

    The thing is, I'm 16 [A junior] and he's 17 [A senior]. That's not the problem. The thing is, I'm his first. First kiss, first girlfriend. I've had one long relationship before and been out with a few other guys. The thing is, he's a shy guy to begin with and being his first makes me nervous. 

    How should I treat him? With respect obviously, but anything special I should do to make him feel more comfortable?

    Well the same happened to me when I was 15, but in the other position: I was the "no bf before" one lol. So, as I am a girl, obviously I was a bit more shy and a bit cold... My bf waited for me to be ready for stuff, and when he would get too pushy, I would tell him honestly. So yah, don't be pushy, even though I think a guy would mind less ;) and it's been 5 yrs we're together so... we never know!

  8. Ladies, what types of hints do you pick up on if a guy isn't interested in you?

    Maybe what I'm trying to ask is this: if a guy wasn't interested in you, how would you like him to let you know?

    Tell me with words... misunderstandings caused by bad communication = consequences = girl annoying you forever if you wont tell her directly.

    depends on the girl too... I mean, if she's blinded by her love then she wont notice anything. if she's reasonable then she'll see the signs.
































































































































































































































































































    oh this thread is very useful! I am probably going to visit Hong Kong next summer and possibly Macau, so I will read this thread carefully! ^-^
































































































































































































































































































    It's easy to get to a university and no, you don't have to be smart.
































































































































































































































































    Someone who has the same level of affection for me, as I have for them.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well it's a good sign, and there's a good chance I end up with a univ guy since I do go to univ. Actually, I am dating a pretty smart 4.0 GPA engineer ;) so no worries, he surpassed that criteria long ago. I was just stating a minimum requirement.
















































































































































































































































































































    - not violent
































































































































































































































































    - taller? I think that's not a minimum requirement though
































































































































































































































































    - smart enough to go to univ
































































































































































































































































    - honest
































































































































































































































































    - loves me
































































































































































































































































































































































    I'd like to go to Portugal and Korea... Maybe I'll go next summer who knows!
















































































































































































































































































































    Hmm... I would say Zhang Ziyi, Hwang Jungeum, Maggie Q or Jessica Gomes... there are probably others but I can't really think of any right now! OH yes, Taeyeon... I remember seeing her for the first time in Run Devil Run MV, and I kept on hitting the replay button cause I found her so pretty and it really mesmerized me ahaa!!!
































































































































































































































































    edit: and Sunye from Wondergirls : ) She's beautiful!
































































































































































































































































    ^ oh it's true she looks like her!
















































































































































































































    I think that Tia from Chocolat and this Japanese model (I don't know who she is, maybe it's really Tia ahah!) really look alike...
















































































































































































































    Tell me if you know the model!! :)
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here's my story. I'm a white French-Canadian from a small town, so there was pretty much no Asians around while I was in highschool. However I had this Thai friend in college and we'd go hang out at the anime club once in a while, so I guess that's why one day she lent me a kpop MV video tape (it was in 1999 I think). There's a lot of clips I don't remember but I liked H.O.T.'s Hope, Haengbok, Lineup, as well as S.E.S's Dreams Come True and Park JiYoon's Steal Away. So after listening to that tape several time, of course I had to give it back, so I ordered a couple of H.O.T. cds online and listened to them again and again. Unfortunately by the time they released their 4th album, my computer's audio was all messed up and I kind of lost interest after listening to a distorted version of the 'newer' songs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So I kind of forgot about all that for a while. When I changed school I met some friends who where really into j-rock so it got me back into asian music. I discovered rock bands like Dir en Grey, Pierrot, and Plastic Tree, as well as jpop artists like Hamasaki Ayumi and Utada Hikaru. I started listening to H.O.T and S.E.S again - even though by then H.O.T had disbanded and S.E.S where pretty much releasing their last songs. By that time I didn't really hang out with kpop fans anymore though, so it was not as fun. Then one day at a party, I realized that this other girl (the younger sister of a girl from college) also liked the song Dreams Come True by S.E.S, even though she didn't know that much about kpop. She got into kpop more after that - I showed her some H.O.T MVs and we became friends over liking kpop. It's was nice to have someone with whom to watch videos and chat about kpop again. And since we both like to sing we started going to korean karaoke and got more confortable with reading hangeul and with the language in general.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyway I've kept on listening to kpop ever since that time (so... maybe 10 years), and got to know more people who like kpop - for exemple, another friend from college who I'm pretty sure I introduced to kpop, but who now knows so much more groups and news than me!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG I'm a white French-Canadian too!! :D Nice to see I'm not alone ahah! C'est vraiment rare ici je crois...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I first started listening to... Jpop, yes. I had a Chinese friend obsessed with w-inds. (a really awesome Jpop boyband) in high school, and she pushed me to listen to every single of their songs ahah!! Then, she also listened to DBSK a lot, so she gave me one of their cds for my bday and then I loved them so much!! I was really impressed with their strong vocals and harmonizations skills! So, I only listened to these 2 bands for like... 3 years lol. Until I got my own laptop, then I discovered soompi randomly and started getting interested in more kpop bands... and now I'm pretty much kpop addicted lol.
















































































































































































































































































































































    My god this thread is dead!!!
















































































































































































    Here's a few updates from the boys:
















































































































































































    Their newest single! Love Parade PV : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qbkA0hH0Xw
















































































































































































    Mezamashi Live 2011 :
















































































































































































    Love Bingo : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N32vrmJqAPc&feature=player_embedded
















































































































































































    Magic : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk3FMMwAEds&feature=player_embedded
















































































































































































    Love Parade :















































































































































































































































































































































































    cr: youtube/Astromafia forums
































































































































































































































    Secret's Sunhwa and f(x) Sulli look exactly the same!!!
































































































































































    After watching f(x)'s PINOCCHIO MV, I think more and more that Amber looks like LeeU from F.CUZ!
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Congrats to the boys for making it to the 6th spot on the Daily Oricon Charts for their Japanese debut single "Love Power"!!!!! :D
















































































































    The Boss’s debut Japanese single places 6th on the daily Oricon chart
































































































































    On April 13th, The Boss succeeded in ranking in the top 6 with their debut Japanese single on the Oricon chart!

    The boys headed over to Japan in September of last year to begin promoting under Digital Adventure/Sony Record. Unlike other K-Pop groups who just translate their Korean hits into Japanese, The Boss promoted with music composed directly by popular Japanese producers.
















































































































    Open World Entertainment revealed, “On the day of the album’s release, Tower Records nearly ran out of The Boss’s singles, proving the positive response from music fans. Even after seeing their achievement on the Oricon chart, the members themselves are having a hard time believing it. It’s a bit early to say that it’s a success with just landing on the daily chart, but we hope to expand ourselves through future promotions.”
















































































































    Their title track, “Lover Power“, has been earning much praise from the Japanese media. Many have commented, “The song fits well with the members’ image”, “They’re rookies to look out for”, and “They’re a ‘creamy’ idol with a fresh feel.”
















































































































    Their labelmates X-5 are currently preparing to debut as well, so Open World seems to have a busy year ahead of them.































































































































































































































    cr: allkpop
















































































































































































































































































































































































































    This one is not mine, but is a 13 year old girl from Montreal, and she has great fashion sense. She is half chinese half canadian. Unfortunately, her blog is only in French. Here's the link:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I heard about her in a fashion magazine last week, so I thought I'd share!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In the metro, I saw this white brown haired guy, really hot ahah. straight hair, brown eyes. He was younger than me... that's when I realized I am getting old and cannot look at any guy in the street anymore T___T
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yup they are having a new single out in March!
































































































































































































































































    New Japanese Single - Love Power
































































































































































































































































































































    Although we haven’t heard much from The Boss (they originally debuted under the name ‘D-NA‘) after they wrapped up their sub-unit promotions in Korea a few months ago, they’ve just released a short behind-the-scenes look inside the studio where they recorded their Japanese single, “Love Power“.

    “Love Power” is set to drop on March 13th, with five tracks:
































































































































































































































































    1. Love Power
































































































































































































































































    2. 奪いたい今すぐに
































































































































































































































































    3. もう最後になると
































































































































































































































































    4. Love Power –instrumental-
































































































































































































































































    5. まだ見ぬその未来へ
































































































































































































































































    Keep an eye out for the boys, and check out the video below!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    cr: allkpop, Official Fan Cafe
































































































































































































































































    Here's a live of one of their songs, "Love Bingo": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Icfo7LVSZsg
































































































































































































































































    And another song live "Want To Take You Away Now": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VatCg_2Fgbg
































































































































































































































































    Seriously, they are AMAZING live!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just discovered "Secret" and I found that Sunhwa really looks like Sulli from f(x)!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yaaaah I love the new single!! I prefer the PV for Let's Get It On though, since the PV for Be As One is only a video of them live :/
































































































































































































































































    It feels like they are regaining the fangirls ehe... anyways, I'm re-fangirling about them during the last year : )
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ well I can only answer about the name part. Their Korean name is Dae Guk Nam Ah. Their Japanese name is Daikokudanji. Their English or International name is the BOSS, which means "The Boys of Super Space".

































































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