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    peace restored...

    the end? :(

  15. hmm. breakfast i think i ate rice with some dish.

    lunch. i had jasmine milk tea w/o boba haha oh and a little bit of pot stickers that they sold there. o-o eh, i could taste the.. unhealthiness of thoseee.. pot stickers but they were still yummy!

    dinner. i had a litttle bit of kimbap, mandooo, mochi and yeah.





    gayoung person looks really cute!



    she reminds me of hyunji haha



    and park boram is seriously one of the prettiest uljjangss out of all the other uljjangs! haha



    an di def want to see more of lee sang eun or lee ji hoo ahha. he looks so cuteee(:



    and def looks cute with haemin(?) haha.



    not sure if this was requested recently but



    could i request a park boram spam?







    i think he's really really realy cute (:




    his voice is nice hahaha but not really in a ballad ish kind of way?




    ballad as in like DRAMATIC korean ballad songs AHHA.




    mannnn he's so cute :( hahaha




    he has nice featuresss




    even though his eyes aren't the biggest, he looks really charismaatic!


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