Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by haruberry

  1. I love both the Yoomes Bond episodes, and this 3rd installment was fun too!  I'm so tired of the large number of guests that have been appearing in a single episode.  I enjoy the episodes with just the Running Man members, or with 1-2 guests who aren't the center of attention for the whole episode.
    Yes, we didn't get to see the other members as much in episode 231, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.  
    Sigh, I really miss all the member's background music they use to play (STEP BY STEP~ OOOH BABY!~~). 


    My favorite part was when Gary was doing his last game/mission and Yoo Jae Suk and Lee Kwang Soo were stepping and falling everywhere! hahaha!

  2. I recently marathoned all the Running Man episodes because I had never seen episodes 1-49 (I first started watching since ep 50's Bangkok episode).  Man, it really made me miss Song Joong Ki, and then I started rewatching some of his dramas... LOL xD  
    Anyways, as many other Running Man fans have said, I also really miss the name tag ripping, hide and seek with bells, and attacker team and defender team.

    Other formats/episodes/moments I miss are from the early episodes like:-

    Leisure time for a cup of tea I always found this segment to be hilarious because of the giant ladles or ear picks.  But apparently it was dropped because there was controversies (?).- Find the guest(s)/Catch the Running Man.  I thought it was more fun when they had to find where the guests are hiding, or the guests have to rip off the Running Man's name tag in a certain amount of time.- Spies.- Yoomes Bond.- Travel episodes.  All the episodes when they were abroad are some of my favorites:  China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Australia.- Themed episodes.  Like the zombie one and the prison break episode.-  Superpowers.  ~THE ONE WHO CONTROLS TIME!!!~ lolol-  RM vs Idols.  My favorite RMvsIdols episode is the one featuring Yong Hwa, Nichkhun, Eun Jung, Si Wan, Eun Hyuk, Doo Joon, and Lee Joon.-  Yong Hwa.  I pretty much loved all the episodes with Yong Hwa in it!  He's one of the best guests on RM ever, IMO.-  The Photo Challege.  I miss "Peaceful Gary".-  The Jail.  With them chatting and discussing who eliminated them or who was the spy.-  The episodes with just Running Man members working together or against each other. Way better than having those guests who hardly participate.
    (I got some of the mission/segment titles off of Wikipedia, so I don't know if they are the correct titles.)

    Most of my favorite RM eps were from 2011-2013.  I hope we can see the name tag ripping game come back.

  3. I love Daniel rather than Gun, personally.  I definitely have SLS (second lead syndrome) in this drama!
    But I think the OTP will definitely be endgame!  I just hope Daniel finds his real sister and he can finally have a family too.
    For some reason, I think SeRa might be Daniel's long lost sister.  I think there was a scene in a previous episode that showed her shoulder or back and she had a scar there.  I'm not sure if that was SeRa or someone else because I watch so many dramas I forget what scene was from what drama sometimes (maybe I am thinking about Jang Jae Yeol's shoulder scar in It's Okay, It's Love xD).  Anyways, I don't know if this SeRa-being-Daniel's-sister theory was already brought up in discussion in the previous pages, because I haven't been on this forum in a few weeks.
    I think that scene when Gun and Yong were using ice and fire was so hilarious!  Yong's face when he shot the fire was adorable.  So Yong had a small crush on MiYoung too?  From the way he was explaining the type of girl he liked on his blind date, it seemed like it.
    I'm really enjoying this drama!  Six episodes to go!




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I don't know anyone from the same year though.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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