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Posts posted by meileizi

  1. But does JP want a replica of his mother or someone closer to like his sister? If he wants a replica of his mother, JK and any other chaebol heiress will do. He wants more and expects more. To me, he doesn't want someone like his mother. He wants softness and warmth. Someone who is going to be his partner in building a family and be there for him. Someone who wants him for himself and not the trappings that he will bring. Yet, still be her own person. JD is going to make waves because she is a commoner. But her warmth and determination can win over maybe even the toughest of upper crust.

    Bottomline: JD could and would still love JP even if he loses all his money. That is why JP wants her and loves her.

    We're just talking about "Who has the more manner (suitable) to be the Shinwa's mistress.". LOL. Not about the love of JP

    We totally understand that JP does not want money or Shinwa. He definetely can give up everything just to get our Jandi...

    That's why we all love him so much. My lovely Goo Jun Pyo..

  2. Yes, Ivana if I am not mistaken was a member of the Olympic team. I don't remember all the details but I read her autobiography long time ago. What is amazing about her is her business acumen even without a business background or training; she is very sharp. To me, Jandi is physically fragile and lately (and I blame Mr. pd man for this) she has been wearing her heart on her sleeve. What I mean by her being tough is her ability to withstand pressures when it comes to surviving for her family, taking any jobs available and at the same studying. Righ society? meaning like JK? JD was more classy during JP's birthday party than JK who was physically carried by men, screaming like a banshee. Even the way JD dealt with JP's mom when she returned the money was very admirable. Money and being in the list of the rich and famous does not necessarily equate class.

    Hi hi..When I said Jandi's strong does not mean strong in physical. I know that Jandi has determination and she can overcome all the hardships. However, being the mistress or the wife of sb like JP is not something kind of hard-working or stubborn, you need more than that. Look at JP's mom, do you really think that Jandi can be as tough as her? And if she could not, how she would be the Shinwa's mistress?

    Even JK is screaming, eating chicken legs or drinking sochu like normal girl but all of these just are funny things for her. She wants to rebel as JP liked to bully other pp in school. I think JP does not really hate her because she has her own personality. Sometimes she is really annoying but special and impressive. Moreover, you can see that she is really tough too. She can ignore her friend's feeling, pursue what she wants by fair means of foul...etc..

    I agree that being rich and being class are not the same. But I still think that JK has more manner to be the Shinwa mistress than Jandi. Theoretically, JK is perfect for JP, she is the one who understand JP as clearly as Jandi. I think somehow is more than Jandi. She has the same loneliness, boring childhood, strong desire to be loved like him. But she is not the one he loved. That is her tragedy.

  3. Hope you did not watch it dramalovers26 cuz I was disappointed with ep. 18, the reason I made the mv in the first place. I was even teary eyed, heller, watching the sweet moments of JP and JD and even chose the sappiest song to commemorate their reconciliation. Now I’m embarrassed boo hoo hoo…..

    Ivana Trump is not somebody which is know nothing. As I remember, she earned a master's degree in physical education from Charles University of Prague. And she has her own way to do business. Look at her and you can see how tough she could be.

    But Jandi, the best thing in her is her warm heart and I dont think she know how to behave in the rich society. . She just can not get used even if she would spend 20 years living in this world. Jandi is not tough, she is strong only.Therefore, I said she has no manner to be the " Shinwa's mistress". Dont get me wrong, I dont mean Jandi has no her own manner.

    I think the most dissapointed point here is JK did not show us much about her own life. What is her dream, what she want to be? In Ep 18, I only can see how desperately she tried to get JP's heart.

    I think JP started to realize that JK really loves him and feel sympathy for her. The way he looked at her at breakfast is so..touched. It looks like he will say " Jae Kyung, do you really love me that much?"

    Gosh. PD makes me to believe that the wedding in ep 20 should be JK and JP.

  4. No offense about your post...and im aware of your point

    but i think JD has a lot more manner than JK...i doubt if JK has any manner at all

    If im JK parents..i wouldve lock her up because of her wild behaviour

    JK really x look like a daughter of a high status family and she also doesnt seem to know about business too

    Unlike Junhee...or Seohyun, for me...JK is only a spoiled rich girl but other than that, shes nothing

    I dont think so.

    The manner in rich families is different from the manner in normal life

    You can say Jandi is good girl, but you can not say she had the manner like F4

    Even JK is quite black ship but I am sure she is well-educated like JP and F3 . They got "rich-education" since they were a child as you see F4 is good at so many things: piano, horse racing, foreign languages. JP can speak at least 5 languages and he becomes the Managing Director of Shinwa when he is only 19.

    I believed JK is the same. It's natural for rich pp.

  5. I know this is a drama, and things are meant to be unrealistic and over dramatic BUT:

    Certainly the rich and powerful are able to have girlfriends and wives and families no problem - so why is this such a problem for GJP's mom? Of course there would be some backlash of people saying the poor country girl reeled in the big fish, but that would be giving her too much credit no? You'd think someone as smart as GJP would realize if a girl was using him just for fame/fortune. Also, wasn't the whole reason GJP's mom allowed GJD to get into Shinhwa HS was because she wanted to create a better image for the company? Wouldn't the marriage of those two be positive PR, the whole romantic Cinderella spin on things?

    PR for what?

    What Jandi can do for Shinwa ?

    She know nothing about business and has no manner.

    Rich and powerful guys must have girlfriend and wife, but they are must be in the same level..or even better like JK.

    Shinwa does not need the Cinderella here.

  6. God. So many people hate my beloved monkey JK.Poor her.

    I dont really love her. In comparision with the original, she is not as cute as Shigeru. However, I still like her.

    She is innocent, upright, strong-minded and simple. She is something half of Jandi and Junpyo together.

    Somebody said that she pretented to be innocent, but i dont think so. Event Jandi, who is in love with JP for a year can not be sure what is happening. JP's emotions and behaviour keep changing from second to second. Today he is cold, cruel and tomorow he is so...considering. How JK can understand all the hints? Remember that she just met JP and Jandi once.

    JK is simple-minded. She only can believe in her eyes end her own reviews.That's why she only can feel something wrong at the end of ep 17 when she is witnessing how Jandi and JuynPyo locked their eyes.

    I also dont like the way Jandi treats JK. May be JK is not really sensitive girl but she also has a good heart. Moreover, she was so sincere to Jandi from their first meet: protected her from robbers, fought for her and considered Jandi as her first and best friend. But Jandi did not treat her the same way.

    You may say that it's ridiculous and Jandi does not have to say anything to the new stranger like JK. She is hurt by JP and she can keep quiet. But I dont think it is fair. In the manga, when Shigeru asked Makino about her relationship with Tsukasa, Shigeru was very straight and confirmed that Tsukasa used to love her. That is the way how friendship should be at the begining. Be sincere to each other like JK treats Jandi.

    I believe that the most hurtful people here is JK. It's not her fault when she fall in love with JP at the first sight and jumped into the mess between two stupid lovers. They both hurted her so much by ignoring her feeling, her heart and her friendship. I dont think JK is the third person, she is just the later.

    If JP could meet JK before Jandi, he would like her or even love her. Look at their dating and you can see how playful JK could be. She will not bring JP to boring places or spend time in shopping. She also can teach JP somethings that he never done before as Jandi.

    I will not pity JK. She deserves to have the man better than Junpyo because he will love her most.

  7. I would jump to the JH-JD ship too if I saw one ounce of JD wanting more than friendship. In the last 8 episodes and in the recent previews that she has not crossed that line. JP left the door wide open for JH but she refuses to walk through. She knows he wants more but she doesn't and won't take advantage of it.

    JH needs his family more than he needs JD's love. He has her friendship and support. Until he resolves his feelings related to his parents' death and grandfather's desertion, he can only love from afar. JD will hopefully deliver it to him.

    For me, its as clear as day that JD's love for JP has not diminished. She can suppress it because of the hurtful actions and words of JP but it rears its ugly head all the time. Until she can close the JP chapter, there is no use barking up the JH-JD tree.

    The next couple episodes are about testing JP's love for JD. Can it withstand a woman similar in almost every way to JD and meets his mother's expectations? Will he take the easy route and be with JK or will he take the rockier but more fulfilling road with JD?

    Edit: The JP-JK kiss. When you first see it, its pretty shocking. I was numbed and in shock. Seeing it the second time didn't lessen the numbness nor did the third time. We need to see it in context to put it in better perspective.

    Yes. I am agree with you.

    I did not see any feeling of Jandi for poor JH.

    She really considers him as her best friend from ep 8, when she said "goodbye" to him..

    Now she is fully occupied by Jun Pyo...

  8. name='g-yo' post='12623651' date='Feb 27 2009, 01:36 AM']^ meileizi But that doesn't work because JP stayed away from JD in Macau because he cares for her.

    If his mom finds out he's been interacting with her, she can literally do anything with them, because JP broke his promise. (Remember: "Do you want me to make sure they can't live anywhere in Korea?")

    He's being stupid by going back a few days after and COMPLETELY changing. JP was really charismatic and cold at Macau. Like he normally was. And now he's just reverted back to the JP attitude almost right before he left for Macau (sort of cutesy-ish), which is not supposed to happen -.- Though it's to advance the plot line and put in some Jundi scenes, it's just meh. Again, I suppose this isn't a work of art, just a fangirl, no-thought watching type we all need once in a while, but it can be frustrating because I want to watch it comfortably, and I find myself cringing.

    And just their interactions are stupid.

    I will try to give you my 2 cents. Firstly, Evil mom knew that he broken with JD and having fiance so she does not think they can make up after that. Therefore, JP does not have to worry about his mom right now.

    He loves her so much and has not seen her for such a long time. I feel that he can not hold it anymore and everything just explodes. If you look at his eyes when he talking with Jandi about her swimming, they have a lot of things: embarassing, love, akwardness. Both of JP and JD feel so hurt right now, they are definetely not JP and JD, the lovers before. I dont feel like that. I just feel so sad watching them try to find out the truth behind each other's face and behaviours

    Jandi was hurted by JP, but she did not hate him as I mentioned before.

    Moreover, we think that it is quite a short time but in fact it took sometimes after breaking up. So..it's quite normal if they can talk again. But not in the same way as before.

    Well, her CHARACTER isn't trying to look cute to guys.

    But HS is portraying in that manner. Her whole spying thing was just over the top. She did not act that way before and she's being all cutesy and just ridiculous. I understand that she's acting alarmed because she thinks that YJ is going to hurt GE, but it's done in such a ridiculous manner that I can't help but cringe. That whole part when she's trying to 'hide' by flattening herself on the wall? Please, some common sense please.

    She could have also asked WB to help her spy, but she runs to JP, who had been ignoring her and hurting her all this while. And suddenly she's all cute. She was MAD at JP when she left him at the airport, and then she goes to his birthday party and turns all helpless. Her attitude is even more annoying because she's supposed to be a senior. It's like she hasn't matured, but digressed into a middle school attitude.

    My God, so many thing I have to explain here. Firstly, she can not ask for Yoyo help. Why? He is another Casanova of F4. Jandi did not believe him as much as Yi Jung. And JP is the leader of F4, finally. Requesting the assistance from him is her smart choice here. The spying scense was hillarious. Jandi is funny and stupid. That's why i love her. He he.

    She is not really mad at JP at the airport. Remember, she asked, what do you want to say. And I wonder did you watch the scene with Jun Hee noona, JH asked Jandi to forgive JP and give him another chance. That's why she came to his birthday's party. Regarding the present, come on, why cant you give present to your ex? Furthermore, you dont hate him, you still love him very much?

    I love the scene Jandi playing piano and singing for JP. That's the last time she can show her true feeling and the song is her final confession to him. It's too late, JP, but I want you to know that I used to love you.

    The guys were attracted to her because of her stubborn and strong attitude. She's completely different now in the sense that she's helpless. At least JP changed for the better, but JD, for the worse.

    Jandi is so strong. I put myself in her shoes and wonder what I will do? Cry all days, blame myself and...cry again..

    LOL. But she did not do that. She is hurt but still tries to move on. She can face to face with JP right now, looks at his eyes with the confidence. She is stubborn too when she dares to play piano in the party. Jandi will not run away, will not depend on JH or JP anymore, she fight by herself with her own ability and bleeding-heart. How come you think she is not strong?

    Portraying a sense of confusion doesn't mean confusing the audience. And confusion certainly does not make it a love triangle. They just need to bring up tension between JH and JP, which I'm definitely not seeing. It's like JH cares sometimes, and then doesn't. I just don't understand what feelings they're trying to portray, especially JP and JH. I understand their emotions in scenes if I look at them separately, but if you push them altogether, it's like, what?

    I dont confuse anything here. Why should PD bring up the tension between two best friends in 15 years? Finally they are friends and understand each other very clearly. I dont really understand why you said "JH cares sometimes and then doent" . He always thinks about Jandi and watches her from distance. He gave up on her but not gave up his love..

    I love the way BOF will go. JP gave up Jandi once, and he will not take her back as easily as before. JH who confesses to JP that he gave him all the chances until very end will stand up to protect Jandi. I really like it. It's so stupid if you let go off your girl just because your friend also loves her . Moreover, JH leaves Jandi to JP cause he believes that JP will make Jandi happy and truly love her. But he just dumped her in very cruel way. If I were JH, I would do the same.

    Why Jandi choose JP over JH? How JH will be after that? I am so interested in BOF. LOL..

    Can not wait to Monday.

  9. Thanks audu for those spoilers!! It sounds like the Taiwanese version with a mix of the Japanese version. Does that mean that JP might live beside her? I wonder if they are going to put that scene in because that scene is really funny. In regards to the swimming scene, I think I would prefer the translation of JP's saying to be 'I promised myself to not let another man save you.' rather than 'I'd rather see you drown than see another man save you.' The latter sounds so mean. That is nice to know that he loves her that much. I think jealousy took over his love for her. It sounds like 'I don't care what happens to you as long as I don't get hurt.' Well, that sounds meaner, but I can't believe he said that. Hopefully, there is something wrong with that translation and the actual part has them changing that saying a little because that really sounds mean. Wow! So, does that mean that JP learned how to swim in Macau? Because I don't think it was mentioned anywhere in the show that he was taking swimming lessons. :)

    I think that this is what JP will say

    I learned to swim because I thought I'd rather drown (while learning) to swim than see you being saved from another man again.

    How could he let JD drown when he could die for her in EP 12?

    I can not imagine that...

    Do you guys know if they'll ever put out the edited out kiss scene? >>

    And...lol I finally finished watching 16.

    JD was so annoying.

    It's just so incoherent right now.

    They don't talk at all in Macau and suddenly they're still all close at the ice-rink.

    I guess that's the downsides of filming out of order :|

    The emotions are just all over the place.

    It was a lot easier for Minho to be cold at Macau since they weren't that close in the beginning, but the other parts were filmed after they came, so they're wayyyy too close.

    I don't like how JD is portrayed anymore, especially.

    Not strong -- just another girl who's trying to act cute and get guys (even though her dialogue says otherwise).

    It just isn't there anymore :( sighh

    Oh well, the scenes are still good to watch, though not altogether, if that makes any sense.

    So many people complains about that. LOL

    JP was cold to JD but he still loves her. I think more than before. He can't help to following her and healing her pain. What's wrong with that?

    Jandi is the same. She still want to believe him and find out what really happened. How could he totally changed like that?

    They still love and want to be in each other's arm as before.

  10. JP is saying that he doesn't get satisfied with just getting even. He pays back with double, triple of what he got.

    So when JD "kissed" him when she did a CPR on him (but "flirted" w/ JH, and hence played him and the F4), JP will pay back (seek revenge) w/ umm, whatever he was trying to do... He only stopped himself seeing how much she hated it. So no, JP is not being a "bigger" person; he's just being a jerk. I'm not trying to put him down, but it shows what kind of person he was before he was changed by JD.

    Hope that clarifies!

    Yeah..Absolutely clear.


    Sometimes I feel bad that I am not Korean. Watching Korean Drama without understanding the conversation is really annoying.

    JP had the impression that JD likes him but at the pool, he's shown 'evidence' that JD is playing him and JH at the same time, so he's hurt and he wants revenge. I'll give my version of the translation here, hope it helps....

    JP: Who are you to make a fool out of me?

    And make a fool out of F4 too?

    JD: Who says I made a fool out of who?

    Let me go!

    JP: And I thought you were cute so I'd wanted to let you off the hook. (i think he means he was going to stop all the pranks)

    Am I a joke to you?

    I'm not sure if you're aware,

    I'm not someone who takes revenge corresponding to the same amount of hurt,

    The same level of revenge......just cannot undo my hatred.

    Thanks. It seems that I got the wrong English translation. Absolutely crazy..

  11. Here's my stab at it --

    "I’m not the kind of person to exact revenge according to how much I’ve been wrong. That doesn’t resolve my anger."

    I think Jun Pyo's saying that he's the 'bigger' person, that he's not petty. If someone did something to him, he won't go back and commit the same amount of harm to them in order to feel better about the situation. Does that make sense?

    Oh. Really! I thought that he will pay back double if someone did harm him. He he. Anyway, it makes sense to me.

    Thanks a lot..


  12. In my summary, there is a lot of things that I missed.. I didn't really have time to translate everything. So if there are particular points you want to know, I'm sure we(korean speakers) would be happy to explain to the non-korean speakers. And I realized I missed a bit of a crucial part.. It was mentioned that GHS actually had a concussion from her diving pool accident. And she still hasn't had time to receive treatment. One of the MC joked around and said,"So you must not really be in your right mind right now." :) But I just wanted to point this part out because it shows how hard they are working... even with KB and his leg, he can't rest because of the tight schedule. They should have like a week off so KB and GHS can go to the hospital and the rest of the cast can rest..

    Oh thank you. You are so sweet. I have one question about ep 3. Hi hi..so long ago but I dont really understand.

    After seeing the clip of JH and Jandi under the snow, Jun Pyo was very angry and tried to kiss her. He said something like "I am not a person who pay back as much (equal) as I received" I dont understand what he means.?

    Could you explain to me this?

    Thanks again..

  13. You are right. It is really an essay. LOL.

    But i dont see any ridicullous or funny about Jandi's dream

    We will never know if she can do that or not? As you stated above, we are not sure. In fact, she will become JP's wife - the chairwoman of Shinwa instead of being the doctor. LOL.

    I think the important here is ..she found the way of her life. The purpose, new aim, new dreams. I think it's precious for her in that difficult time when she has nothing in her hand. May be when she is trying to become a doctor, she will realize that it is too much to reach and change to another job. I think policeman will be suit to her. She loves justice and good at fighting. LOL

    Let's dream as much as you can, try as hard as you have. The goal is not what you get finally but the feeling when you are trying to get it.

  14. LOL i want nobody nobody but you.. i want nobody nobody but you.. and i remember JaeKyung was at karaoke she was singing the wonder girls song too..

    oh i remember from the TW version, she was in the hot spring and fainted, and both guys were running to save her but in this case it would be JiHoo that gets there first.. so i wonder if this version they'll switch it up and have JunPyo save her instead.. cuz since they're only in a pool this time it wouldn't be as bad as if he was in the river/ocean so he would get over his phobia and save her.. ahhh i can't wait to see this scene


    You got me right . JK is so funny and unique. I like her a lot and hope that she can end up with sb. JH? Cant imagine JH will sing karaoke and eat chicken-legs. :lol: . I think Yo Yo is better.

    Its so romantic and touching if JP saves JD this time. Both JH and JK will see there is no place for them and JK will let JP go.

    But we still have the Evil Mom here.

    Gosh, how could be the mom like her ? So terrible, cold-heart, cruel. I can not stand the scene when JP screamed angrily with the eyes of tears " This is the gal, YOUR SON, ever love since I was born!"

  15. Since we are clarifying....

    When JP confronts JD about why she is no longer swimming and she says she quit. She also said you followed me just ask me that. What did JP say to her? Something about being accused and wanting to know if its true, right? Those two sentences by JP were confusing to understand.

    I think he say that he is not the person who lets go something before finding out what happened. YJ accused him in Macau that because of his fault, JD can not swim anymore. He wants to know if its true.

  16. Yeah..

    It is JD not JK in the pool scene. JP said that he cant let anyone save her twice.

    I love the PD so much. LOL

    After ep 16 I keep wondering how the two idiots JD and JP could make up after they had gone so far. Hurting each others, engagement, blah blah..but now they have a reason to believe that they love each other.

    But poor JK and JH . They have to see that scene.. It would be hurt for both of them.

  17. beamonkr and F4fan,

    I am a little confused. Because JK asked JD about her firts love.Right?

    JP definetely is not her first, at least JD did not think like that.

    Moreover, in the English subtitles, they use word "dull" . How can JD fell dull around JP? JP also is not a person can comfort or calm her like JH.

    I undesrtand dull as something like empty or gloomy. JH is always so lonely, quiet, empty minded because of MSH and it makes Jandi feel the same when she was around him.

    Regarding her eyes when saying that, I thought she recalls the time she was in love with JH. JH is peace and quiet like a stream and JP is hot, strong like Tsunami.

    I am sure if she mentioned JP, she would smile.

  18. Oh man...if that was JK that JP saves....that would not be good. It's anything but THIS! For JP to overcome one of his biggest obstacles for JK and not JD... that would be a really good way to stress the threat of JK/JP relationship. If they did that... they would be taking this to a whole new level. The ending was like set in stone. No one really questioned that JD and JP would not end up together. But if this is indeed what they did, they will make fans question the relationships again. Wow...a part of me wants this to happen(so that it could be another way the Korean version has differed, and they would have accomplished something no other version has), but then of course I want JP to overcome his fears only for JD...

    Dont make me crazy :angry:

    How come it could be JK.

    JP swim for JK. No no no absolutely not. It would be too much for Jandi..

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