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Posts posted by meileizi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I never like taiwanese drama before, too draggy, too many episodes..but I did love AC.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So romantic, simple but meaningful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ep 15 is so nice. I love the goodbye scene between Qang Xi and Yi Qian, it was so sad and full of regret. At least, QX confessed that his heart has truly been with YQ during these 6 years. Can we say that he did love her, not in the same way as he love Mu Cheng, but it is love also. YQ deserved to have that love.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  2. Ladies..

    Just lets it go...All rumors or private things about our beloved GHS...just let's them go..

    I feel so bad hearing that her guys left her and said such a hurtful words

    Forget about the past..think about future and fight for today.

    This is our GHS.

    Kindly lets her "bad love" go away..


  3. Although Lee Min Ho was brilliant yesterday but I can not stand the script anymore

    How come GJP could smile and touched other girls quite easily like that?

    In the manga, and even our drama, he never smiled with other girs but Jandi, his sister and MSH. And now he not only smiled but also got really close to her?

    And tomorow he is going to ...say love Umi? going abroad? after eating the lunch box of Umi?

    My God..I am going to..die

  4. sorry to disappoint all you JunDi Rewatch the episodes!

    LOL..Ji Hoo grandfather is the first one againts JH and Jandi as couple. You are the one should re watch the ep 22 my dear.

    I dit not find any clues which make me think that JH and Jandi could be the couple.

    Hey, ask Jandi whether she knows about JH. She can say that JP loves ramen, star gazing, picnic.. but how much she can talk about JH?

    They definetely will not be the couple!

  5. ^ Sorry for cutting your post, but this scene was definitely my favorite in ep23. I think there are a whole bunch of lovely scenes in BOF that doesn't involve kissing. I like it that this scene did not have Joondi reassuring each other verbally, their simply gazes and smiles told each other. It was really a touching scene. :)

    I get the vibe that everyone's turning negative about BOF.. maybe i'm not feeling like that because i try not to have too much expectations with each episode. It really saddens me that a lot of people are disappointed and has to go and criticize the experiences of the PD and scriptwriter.. :unsure:

    I am totally with your and F4fan. That scene is so touching for me. The way JP and Jandi looking to each other eyes is..how to say.... more than love. The look is so sharing, comforting, and tender. I feel like crying ..

    Sometimes we dont have to kiss but I think we should kiss when ...the atmophere is kissing..LOL

    Now I am worrying about the ending..Will the writer kill us ?

  6. u guys might get angried again with the spoiler! i cant say anything since i read it! the 1st time really hope that baidu is wrong :(

    note: dont know it is reliable or not

    - JH thinks that he owed JP (who got stabbed for him) so he hided his feeling towards JD again

    - umi appears

    - Jp's dad recovers and he loves JD. ma ma kang seems to accept JD

    - but JH's situation is so pitiful. He is rejected by JHD, hsi grandfa is hospitalized. being a friend, JD cant ignore him.

    - finally, she goes abroad for studying, leaving behind the 2 hurt men

    - 5 years later, JD comes back to Korea and open a clinic. incidentally, she meets JH and they have a talk. they're still good friends

    - Jp is the president of shinwa. he's very busy with his work but keeps on missing JD. ma ma kang has changed so much, she and JP's da are happy

    - ths to JH, JD and JP meet . they look at the other with the eyes of missing and surprise

    - after GE leaves, Yj spends his day on making pottery and waits for her

    source: Baidu/Daum

    translated by me. uploaded by kst

    my question: where does JD get money to study abroad? dont say that she gets a scholarship! :D

    F4fan: u really make me laugh! ha ha. i do hope that this spoiler is wrong, girl!


    What the hell is going here?

    Because JH is so pitiful? Oh my God..the writer makes my JH to be so pathetic. From the beginning JH never wants the sympathy from other pp, even F4. He is so strong, calm and independent. Moreover, JH always wants JD to be happy,how come he lets her go away, with broken heart like that..

    And why Jandi should go away? She did not love JH? Why she will go?


  7. I know some people will be mad with me, but I just had to post this. I actually posted this on javabeans but I wanted to share this with you guys.

    I am so glad that the writer did not follow exactly the manga..

    When I am reading manga, I really hate some scenes such as Tsukasa slapped Makino several times, and she..slapped his mom..???

    How could we call that " weed spirit"?

    If our beloved Jandi also behaved as Makino, she would be not only commoner but also uneducated girl. You dont have to over-act to show your strong character. When Jandi accused that JP'S mom is the worst person she's ever met, I was so proud of her. I prefer her way more than Makino in the manga.

    Moreover, the writer make Tsukushi and Tsukasa more real for us. Tsukasa is not always strong as he supposed to be. He also has his own weakness and it's so interesting to see how is he growing after each episode.

    From the boy to the man, from the person did not fear anything to the human who is afraid to lose, to hurt other people etc..I really love him that way

  8. Rewatch ep 23 again. The ep is so sad..

    I dont understand why so many people complaining about Ji Hoo's appearance.

    He is the 911 of Jandi. I can not imagine how would she can continue her love with JP without him.

    Whenever I watching Ji Hoo with Jandi, my heart is so hurt. That man is brilliant, he has a good heart and beautiful mind. The more he gets close to Jandi, the more he will get hurt at the end.

    I dont want him propose to Jandi. It's so cruel to him. Confessing his love to her is enough..don't make Jandi to reject him..Please....It will be heartbreaking scene to me...

  9. Sorry for cutting your post, but my point is that: JH doesn't even try to win JD from JP. All I have seen is him lending both JP and JD the support they need. In the episode today, we saw him distancing himself from JD, but she is oblivious with his feelings and JP's assertion puts him in an awkward situation. He couldn't help but falling in love with JD. He had to see JD suffered from JP's and his mother's doing. Then, he has to keep telling JD to believe in JP. He doesn't want to keep her close, but he is also the safest place that she can go to. Who has it the hardest? This is why I think the script is so messed up.

    I like what JK said to JH, "I guess neither of us has enough greed."

    I think that he is trying to win her heart many times. He has his own way, not noisy and funny as Junpyo but he did want to have Jandi.

    I wondered why JH kept silence about the night of JK and Junpyo? He knew nothing happened and he is so quiet..?

    What is his purpose?

  10. JH should give up.

    JP is the only one who makes her happy.

    I see alot of pp supporting JH Jandi but I think JH should give up . Why?

    Cause he is going to hurt himself and I dont want to see him like that. Yoon Ji Hoo, the 911 of Geum Jandi, I want him to be happy, to smile

    Love has its own reason. We love somebody not because they are kind, thoughful etc. Although JH is an angel, great person but the fact is..Jandi has no feeling for him and we can do nothing to change her heart.

    You may say that the love of Junpyo causes Jandi so much troubles. But he also makes her laugh. Jandi changes Junpyo from selfish, immature boys to thoughful, manly man. And he makes her to be the stronger, confidence girl. She always doubts herself: no beautiful, no money, no smart and JP not JH is the person telling her that she is special and she has authority to love anybody.

    When Jandi fighting for her love with JP, she also fighting for herself. The love of JP makes her to belive that she can bring hapiness to somebody, she is really something not just a weed..

    That is why I really love this couple. I think they are supportive to each other, they have changed so much to love to understand, to share and to fight. If Jandi loved JH, she would never go throudh those hardships and she would never understand herself like that..

  11. my comment is targetted at the spoilers(if it is true) posted earlier that both of them reaffirm their love for each other in epi 22.....

    besides that, i'm sure JD do knows a bit about the reason for JP coldness in Macau and what he had said.. (from working as a maid in the house, i'm sure she knows....otherwise she would not have allowed JP to hug her when he was in bed)

    In ep 23 they will reaffirm that but not now.

    She still loves him..and that is why she lets him hugging her..Who can deny the person you love?

    But if i were her, i would never say anything either.

    Let's him go with that damn wedding..

  12. You are right... placing his arm over his head, he is so pissed off by the sudden appearance of JK...(i'm sure he was fuming already...).... but i think it's understandable that JD pulled away because as a maid, you wouldn't want to be seen with your master in such a position.. :P (at least she still knows her responsibility as a maid... just that she got carried away when JP hugged her and she allowed him to do so.. :lol: )

    If JP knows that JD doesn't love him anymore, i'm sure he will let JD goes....but JD has never said anything like this before either.. That's why JP is still hoping that JD could assure by asking him not to go on with the wedding. But likewise, JD felt she doesn't have the look/money to fight with JK at all, just love alone is not going to help JP, so she has asked JP to go ahead. both of them are protecting each other!!! :tears::tears:

    JD said in epi 13(?can't remember if it's correct) that she has not told JP that she likes him.....so JD, in epi 22, we hope to hear you say it loud and clear in front of JP and make him blush and happy!!! :D

    I dont understand why Jandi should say something to JP?

    He is the person dumper her for no reason and said that she is the staind he wanted to erase?

    How come she could say that she is still in love with him?

  13. 05. 어떡하죠 - 지선

    I would like to ask if anyone knows the English translation of this song. I keep on humming it, and it would help if I knew what the song meant.


    PS.I love the fact that Jun pyo is starting to realize that he has to fight his battles with his own conviction, his own resolve and not rely on any one else as reason to fight head on with his mother. Give the guy a break, his barely past puberty, its amazing as it is that he can love as much as he love Jandi. Any guy his age and power would be fooling around.

    That song is What should I do. I found the lyrics

    어떡하죠 (Uhddukhajo/What should I do) Lyrics and Translation

    My heart is beating wildly,

    But because I knew it wasn’t for you

    But for that person, it hurt so much

    These days, whenever you look at me

    That person’s face shows up

    I am so sorry, meeting you

    Was my life’s biggest blessing

    I must be an idiot but I can’t stop myself

    All I see is her

    Oh, I even tried for a few days to forget her

    but it is not working too well

    What should I do? In your face

    All I see is hers

    Even if I tell myself that I shouldn’t act like this

    It’s not working too well

    What should I do? From your voice

    All I hear is her

    I guess my heart has already left you

    And have begun to love her

    Even when we meet

    I look around to see if that person is there

    When we walk down the street

    I get scared that she might see

    I can’t do this, I know that I shouldn’t be doing this

    But the words “I love you” have become more awkward to say

    I know you do your best for me

    I can’t do the same for you

    Oh, even if I tried to love you again, I know I can’t

    What should I do? In your face

    All I see is hers

    Even if I tell myself that I shouldn’t act like this

    Its not working too well

    What should I do? From your voice

    All I hear is her

    I guess my heart has already left you

    And have begun to love her

    I wanted to be at your side forever

    And take care of you

    But my heart keeps on

    Searching for that girl that is not you

    What should I do? In your face

    All I see is hers

    Even if I tell myself that I shouldn’t act like this

    It’s not working too well

    What should I do? From your voice

    All I hear is her

    I guess my heart has already left you

    And have begun to love her


  14. A lot of pp love Jandi to be with Ji Hoo. At first I also think that he is the best guy for her. Full of understanding, caring, gentle, no evil mom, no 700 hundreds of victim. Moreover, JH has granfather who treasures Jandi.

    But after watching 19 eps again and again, I dont think that they will be a best couple. Ji Hoo can undertand Jandi completely due to she is quite simple-mind, but Jandi can not really understand JH. She just knew him in surface that he is lonely, but how about his dream? his music? F3 nicknamed JH as 4 dimension not for no reason.

    On the contrary, Junpyo is as simple as Jandi that is why she fully understand him from head over heals. She knew all the good and bad sides of Junpyo but she still loves him that much. Does Jandi know about JH's bad side?

    Jandi must go through a lot but the person that her heart crying for is Junpyo, cause they are made for each other. The Jundi relationship is quite equal, they lean on and protect each other. I really can not imagine Junpyo together with other girl . He must and should be with our beloved Geum Jandi..

  15. My God, I really dont get JK's intention.

    She really wants to help JP and JD ?

    I did not see that point in her words. I only see the jealous, evil Ha Jae Kyung.

    She must know that both JD and JP are really suffer because of her and that stupid engagement. And she dared to ask Jandi if she still considered her as friend even if she would marry JP?

    My Lord! It's suck.

    When JH wanted to help the couple, he only made JP jealous but never tried to say anything to harsh. But this girl is too far. I never hate her before but now I changed my mind. I really dont like her.

  16. There is nothing significant that really holds root in JK and JP's relationship. Not one defining moment where their relationship changed from friendship to lovers. You brought up the Macau scene but again the scene was brief. Nothing really transpired other then her meeting him for the first time and finding out how weird and childish he was. I wouldn't go as far as saying she was deeply impressed, after all it was only the first encounter-- a transition scene. What I was trying to get across is that she loves the ideal of Jun-pyo and what he could be for her, but she does not love him. Not technically. She hasn't seen the caring side of Jun-pyo in relation to her. She has seen that he does cares for Jan-di and there is history there. She hasn't seen how he can be when he is with his friends-- having a good time, or when he is with Jan-di from their previous dates. His dynamic is different then.

    Their (JP and JK's) moments they spend together there is still an awkwardness and often times Jun-pyo forces himself to go along with the ride. He still holds up his guard when he is around JK, therefore there hasn't been much growth in their relationship. Even when she mentioned how she hated eating breakfast alone, which was something he could relate to, he held back and his thoughts roamed over to Jan-di. JK is oblivious to this and is happy that he is just there. She cannot love him yet because she doesn't know him well enough. I would guess she likes him a lot from what she has been presented with and has seen but even then it pales in comparison to what JD has with JP. There isn't enough to go on to call it love just yet.

    I dont think that JP only thought about Jandi when eating breakfast with JK. When she said how much she hate eating alone in the big table, JP flashed back to his childhood and I think this is the first time he did not hate her. JK is as lonely as him. They have the same burden.

    When JK used her own hands to give fish to JP, he remembered how Jandi's mum did it and took a deep look at JK. The look is quite sad, understanding and somehow...a little sympathetic. May be he did realize how much JK like him.

    I said JK was impressed by JP because he is quite strange and rude in Macau. Do you think that somebody could hug JK without receiving the punch or kicking? I am sure that nobody can do that to her that's why she is so shock and impressed. But after ep 19, she started to love him. Not the rich, handsome Goo Jun Pyo but the man who never ever lets his woman go and holds on to the friendship. She starts to understand him.

    If the bond of Jandi and JP is understanding and sharing, the bond of JP and JK is similarity. They are mirrors for each other. When JK tried to get JP's heart, she did the same things JP had done to get Jandi's.

    We know that JP did not love JK. But for her I am sure that it is her first love .

  17. I've always wondered if Jae-kyung was in love with Jun-pyo or in love with the idea of him. By that I mean while the two are similar in personality, there are still things JK doesn't know about JP. At least not on the same level as Jan-di. JK only sees one side of him and not the other dimension of his personality, such as when he is with Jan-di or her family. He's more subdued and content then. I think what JK likes (a lot) about JP is that he is good-looking, rich, tall, etc. All external attributes. The fact that she's never had a bf before probably appeals to her even more. She believes that JP could will be her first love (in her mind that is). So I can't really say she loves him more so than she loves the idea of what JP could be to her. They haven't established that kind of intimacy just yet. I'm sure under different circumstances it could have worked out but because JD came err high-kicked into JP's life and he fell for her first.

    I don't get why people are worried JD will not end up with JP. Sure it was a while ago since their last date but it's obvious JP still cares and misses JD very much so. How can we forget all those crying scenes, jealousy scenes, or even where he is sleeping with the pink kitty doll. Isn't that proof enough? Just like Ji-hoo, he is also very attentive to Jan-di. I won't dish out all the examples but you can always rewind previous episodes to see that. Hopefully the remaining episodes will begin to develop the Joondi couple and re-establish their broken connection. As long as it's not in the very last two episodes...

    etoile: I'm loving that icon. Ferosh indeed.

    I think that both JK and Jandi understand JP as much as they can. But both of them have something that they dont really know about him

    JK fall for JP not only because he is handsome, rich and tall. Dont get her wrong. She is depply impressed by his behaviour in Macau: childish, funny. Later on, she feels that he is so emotional, stubborn and finally she really loves him when JP said "give up" is the word he never knew. The love JK give to JP did not stem from understanding at the beginning, but we can not say she does not understand him.

    However, JK did not have a chance to know about JP's other sides : sweet, caring, ignorance ...which Jandi knew so well

    I really think that if JP meet JK before Jandi, he would fall for her.

  18. wooh wooh wooh i can see alot of ranting everywhere in this thread.. i thought of giving positive contribution.

    After watching the lst time of epi 19, i cursed and scold , eventually i told myself why am i silly to get myself so angry for this drama? Therefore i watched the second time and i realised there is some hope for epi 19 and i think jandi ship is going to move and sail to paradise.

    Positive note :

    1) junpyo still love jandi as he take great pains to move in to become her neighbour.

    2) jaekyung realised junpyo loved jandi alot hence she brings her to jandi house and even lie to mama kang that they are out on a date.

    my thoughts: Jaekyung and f3 will definitely bring junpyo and jandi together. Yijung will accept gaeul as his girlfriend. Last but not least, a great happy ending!!! YEah... ( i hope all this will come true)

    conclusion: pls do not hate monkey, true enough story doesn't flow but could we forgive them the bof production team since there are still like 5 or 6 episodes left.. i sure PD do not want the koreans fan to blast the whole of KBS company or Group 8 down. so let's anticipate for more surprise (hopefully not heart attack) from them .

    Yeah..I dont hate JK anymore. Actually I am glad that JP's fiance is Ha Jae Kyung, not other silly girl who loves shopping or stupid.

    I haven't seen JP's smile for such a long time after he had to broke Jandi's heart. Even in his sleep, you can see how much this lost tortures him. He hugs the cat Jandi made, breathes hardly..so poor JP.

    That's why I appreciate JK for bringing him to supermaket, playing game with him and making him smile again. I thought Jandi would thank JK for that to.

    Poor JK too, the only thing she can do to JP right now is letting him go...

  19. After hearing that sentence from JK, I forgave her for yesterday ep.

    " Fool, if you continue to say what I like to hear, what am I supposed to do?"

    It is really Ha Jae Kyung. :D I love those words. I can see that JK just loves JP more after he said that he will not give up both love and friendship. JK is hurt by hearing that, but she is also glad because JP is exactly the person she dream about. Tough, sincere, and fervid. She was not wrong when falling for him. Poor her. The more she loves him, the more she realises that she must give up from now on.

    I totally understand why JP is so unclear. He does not know what should do to take Jandi back. Will she give him another chance? Will she forgive him for all the things he has done. Junpyo is afraid and puzzled, that's why he asked her about their promise. I wonder, what would happen if Jandi could say " So how about the stain in Macao, did you really mean it by your heart?"

    Both of them are hurt very much right now. I hope that the wedding and amnesia will bring them together and realise that how much they love each other.

    But poor my angel JH. Once again, he can not confess to Jandi that he has feeling for her. He kissed YJ which means that his answer was a lie. How could PD do that to him? My JH.. I really want him to be happy...He is derseved to be happy..

  20. Episode 15 in the drive back from JP's birthday party was pretty clear to me. She knows and unwilling to accept more. I thought it was pretty clear to JH too since he didn't push it further when she cut him off from confessing more.

    And if she can reconcile JH with his Grandfather, then it resolves the monk's words about her making him a family.

    Today I am so talkative.

    I think it's not really clear due to Jandi at this time focused only on Junpyo things and she really thought that JH was angry with JP while saying those words

    It may be clear to JH, but it is so unfair to him that Jandi would never knew about his love for her. He had no chance just to tell her that she is his love. It's so sad and regretful..

    I really hate that..

  21. Actually I dont mind about amnesia but I worry about JH.

    I think Pd should focus on two things: how Jandi will make clear everything with JH? Will she finally realize that he deeply loved her, as much as JP?

    We expect that she will do it as soon as possible so JH will not get hurt anymore

    I can not stand JH continues comforting Jandi and finally give her back to JP. The third time..OMG

    It's too much for him

    Poor JH.

    Anh the Evil Mom? How they will fight her?

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