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Posts posted by kybb21

  1. It's really sad that when people lose their native language...
    You lose a lot when you don't speak your native language.
    I get sad when I hear my little cousin saying: WHY SHOULD I LEARN CHINESE, I'm NOT Chinese, I'm CANADIAN... totally heartbreaking how in the second or third generation the language is already lost.

    I personally love to learn new languages so I have been interested in learning new languages since I was a kid.
    My parents are from Zhongshan, Guangdong, and they came to a Spanish speaking, so I was born in there, learned the Zhongsan dialect, then Spanish and gradually learned Cantonese. And when I got older I learned Mandarin. And I learned English at school.
    I'm fluent in all five and I am really proud to know them all and I still wish I know more languages, it gives one more opportunities for work and stuff. I just graduated from HS and I'm working as a translator from Mandarin to Spanish, and even English, and there are a lot of companies searching for people that know Mandarin.
     It's true that older people respect second generation that can speak their native language. And the relations with your parents and family sure is better.

  2. :wub: I don't know what can I say <3 I'm so happy I'm going to cry :tears:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOP <3my sister too.. XD they were born on the same day <3

    VIPz are truly blessed, we got to see them together again, and normally in others groups when something like what happened to us happens, they would just disband... :tears:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    HAPPY 2nd Anniversary B2ST!! <3 :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    They were accepted, rejected then accepted into a group called B2ST.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The 6 of them came together to form a group that went through a lot. The 6 of them suffered from parting from their previous bandmates to form B2ST































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2years ago B2ST was born, but many rejected them, criticized them, and called them "recycled group". I was really hurt that people talked like that about them at that time :tears:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    They were hurt, but they stand strong, and released more and more song, proving haters they have talents and can shine <3































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    after their 2nd mini album, things started to change, the public started to take notice of them, then by their 3rd mini album they were already a strong group with a fanbase that increased everyday.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now, 2 years later, they are considered one of the top boygroups. All of them can sing, rap, dance, act, compose, they surpassed many of their sunbaes.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is the power of B2ST!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY <3 :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Junhyung and Hara broke up... crazy.gif I was kinda happy that he was dating someone.. but when the news went out.. I was totally sure that they would broke up pretty soon because of all the attention they would receive... and it was kinda stupid letting the news go out so fast, they were only dating for a few weeks <_< .. then they let out the news.. and they broke up.. wtf... tears.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well they are still friends so.. :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Let's forget about what I wrote before... :vicx: stupid reporters :wacko:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the one who fell down but stand up again to go toward his goal.. the one who improved a lot.. 4D and liar XD the one who has A LOT OF FANBOYS and is scaring me... XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hope he can still continue toward the TOP
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    YOON DOO JOON!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Forever B2ST Leadah and Boyfriend-dol <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope he has a nice day <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ yeah.. It's not like we can be their girlfriend anyways hahah xD :ph34r:(maybe someone is lucky enough)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Junnie dating is NOT unexpected.. but with Hara, it is XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well.. actually the one I WANT to see dating.. is Hyunnie kekekke...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't know.. this guy just needs experience... :ph34r:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omo.. that news... my thought of Junnie dating.. was right after all ;D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    in their few last perfs of Fiction he was kinda smirking a lot when he rapped XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hara is cute... but i never thought of that couple...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Those photos of them are so sweet.. so cute.. so fluffy.. makes me want to go into my bed and roll on it hahah xD :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    that's what I think of junnie dating
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "more experiences = more love songs = more sweet songs = no more sad songs = more songs like freeze" :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love that both of them are makeup-less...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but what i'm afraid of.. is that now that it is public.. will they last long? i hope that nothing like Jonghyun and Shinsehkyung happens... :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































    I was watching some of the videos that I favorited a few years ago and I stumbled upon a video of Daesung singing (aigoo Dae... I miss u) :tears:
































































































































































































    and what do you think I found?
































































































































































































    a really gangster Hyunnie fooling around while Dae was singing haha XD blush.gif
































































































































































































    Hyunnie's swagger XD
































































































































































































    he is the one in the red hoodie.
































































































































































































    I wanna watch him doing this again in B2st's shows.. haha...
































































































































































































    PS: Look at Seungri's chest pump XD

















  10. This week was a pain in the butt... my week was filled with tests and homework and all those freaking projects, and today I needed to take my TOEFL test.. so I didn't have time to catch up with soompi.

    When I read about the news on Thursday.. my head begin to hurt... and my heart too....

    Now watching how the boys says they will be back as 5... I'll wait...

    Dae halting his activities till next year.. is a way to pay his respect to the deceased's family... I will wait...

    This is a test to make people stronger.. I believe with this.. Dae, BigBang, and VIPz will be closer than ever...

    I have waited a lot... Waiting for them, is my specialty, I have been fan of other groups when I was waiting for them; however, they will forever be my number 1, It will never change, they inspire me, they made me love music, made me realize that music is a miracle that can brighten a day, that even idols as famous as them, can be as normal as my friends, they are not just my idols, they are my friends, my family, my everything.

    My dream since 2008 was to wait until I graduate from high school and go to korea, to their concert.. to at least fulfill my dream of seeing the boys in real life... I hope that somehow I will manage to see them on 2013 Big Show. with all five of them standing on the same stage, with bright smiles and delivering good performances. :wub:
































































































































































































































    GAG CONCERT :w00t:
































































































































































































    Kiki was just smiling XD
































































































































































































    Junseung being shy :wub:
































































































































































































    Hyunnie was totally covering his eyes.. XD such a cutie!! :wub:
































































































































































































    Uri Dongwoonie is an adult now.. :wub: hope he has a nice bday party ;D

















  12. Translation of Hyori's tweet regarding daesung being involved in a car accident:

    "Knowing that Daesung's character is one that always turn things around to make it his own fault,it makes me more sad and worried."

    That's exactly my thoughts and what I said to my friend today.. I'm really worried about Dae...

    A few minutes ago my imagination just went wild... I imagined that... that... Dae... U_U he well... he just gave up and ended it.. and also imagined GD crying all over the place.. And a lot of celebrities coming... I'm scared... I'm scared really scared about Dae but I know Dae is a Strong Man... I should not think about that anymore

    Today's my friend birthday.. she is so freaking sad about what happened... I hope that everything will be alright..

  13. UPDATE


    UPDATE: While they don't think Daesung is behind the motorcyclist's death for now it was found that Daesung was over the speed limit driving at 80kmph in a 60kmph zone, so he will be charged for speeding. They are still investigating whether the motorcyclist died before or after Daesung arrived. For now though, they're assuming the man died before he arrived due to the hit and run. They also explained details about the accident and there was a taxi and another car in front of Daesung, those two were able to avoid the body, but Daesung didn't see it and then crashed into the taxi. If it's confirmed that Daesung didn't cause the motorcyclist's death, then the only thing he is responsible for is crashing into the taxi.


    This is the police report. He's only responsible for crashing into the taxi due to unsafe driving. The police are now directing their attention at finding the hit and runner.

    C: Flibbertigibbet @ 6theory

    Oh.. My freaking God... If this is true.. I feel better now... I hope they can find the one responsible RIGHT NOW!!

    The family of the victim.. I hope they are okay now...

    And.. Dae... I hope he is holding it up... :wub:

  14. I was like this when i read the news :blink:crazy.gif then it hit me and became like crazy.gif then like tears.gif

    R.I.P to Mr. Hyun U_U

    I feel like crap right now...

    And I'm sure (judging how Dae is the type of person who always punishes himself for something wrong that he has done) that Dae is like in a living hell right now...

    I hope that the autopsy can prove that Dae is innocent or at least the charges that they charge him would not be really serious, because of what I read.. it seems that he just hit the taxi, and the taxi hit the man...

    poor taxi man.. U_U

    I hope they will not charge them.. and find the man who hit-and-run the motorcycle man U_U

    God knows what he does.. and justice will rule... (I hope so)

    I'll pray a lot tonight (and i'm not even christian)

    VIPz will always be by ur side Dae... BE STRONG!!! HIMNAESAEYO!!!!
































































































































































































































    :wub: Their Comeback stage was AMAZING!!!
































































































































































































    100/100 ;D IT was TOTALLY perfect... (Except the clothes.. again XD I hate it on everyone except Seob, cuz he looks amazingly tall in it XD :ph34r: )
































































































































































































    Their vocals are amazing as always.. and..
































































































































































































    Doojoonie's acting was AMAZING.. it almost made me shiver :wub:
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Junnie's ACTING IS PERFECT!!!
































































































































































































    The DANCE is PERFECT (well from what I saw.. it was XD)!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The story was so heartbreaking... Junnie's acting has gone to another level <3 :wub:
































































































































































































    he and Boyoung looked EXTREMELY adorable with each other :wub:
































































































































































































    It would be nice if Cube releases a dance version of the MV ;D
















































































































































































































































    tears.gif Fiction's lyrics are so FREAKING sad.. makes me want to cry.. It totally describes the emotion of not wanting to lose someone, but is too late, and the only thing that can be done is to lie to oneself, writing stories that have happy endings... tears.gif
































































































































































































    I wonder who wrote the song.... Tiger? with Junnie? :wub:
















































































































































































































































    :wub: Listening to this album... makes me feel so proud of them...
































































































































































































    Freeze produced totally by OUR Joker... It's amazing, makes me want to jump and dance haha such a nice song :wub: totally lift the mood after so many sad songs at the beginning... and OMFG!! Junnie's extremely fast rap it's osm....
































































































































































































    I'll reserve my spazz XD I need to write three essays for tomorrow ahhaa xD gotta do it while listening to their new songs <3
































































































































































































    EDIT!!! OMFG!!! THEY DOMINATED THE CHARTS ALREADY????????? THAT WAS FAST, MAN!!! I'm SO freaking proud wao... :wub:
















































































































































































































































    myboyRobin: Thank you for the advice, Maybe I'll try it when I have money ;D
































































































































































































    FICTION: OMG!... this song is TOTALLY refreshing... It's OSM!!! really fresh to the ears... and now it is not only Seob in the chorus... HYUNSEUNG-ie IS SINGING THE CHORUS!!! WHICH IS AMAZING! I LOVE the writing and paper sound XD Dongwoonie and is also singing the chorus Junnie's rap is amazing as always <3 it's extremely fast hoho
















































































































































































    w00t.gifw00t.gif I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!
































































































































    I can't wait to listen to it.. OMG!!!
































































































































    (I'm so sorry to B2st and all the b2uties.. I cant buy the album u-u I have no money, and no credit card... and i'm still a minor.. when I graduate from high school.. and I have my part-time.. I'll buy all the albums of BB and B2st HOHO)
































































































































    EDIT: FICTION: OMYGOD!!! It is really the ending of the teaser.... LOVE IT!!! tears.gif DOO's the intro w00t.gif , Jun's RAP!!! AND THEN IT's CUT tongue2.gif XD I WANNA LISTEN to the full version

















  21. :wub: HYUNSEUNG's Orange-red-ish HAIR IS SO HOT!!!

    he just caught my eyes like BAM XD

    gah... the teaser is AMAZINGNESS!!!!

    The FACT sounds like a Spanish song :tears: makes me want to cry...

    Is it me or I feel that Junnie's hair is similar to his predebut hair hehe.. just that the front is a lil bit shorter XD It makes him look like a mushroom XD

    The others hair are nice... EXCEPT Kiki's u-u WHY OH WHY U_U it's a little too short U_U :o

    Doo's never changing hair haha XDD :vicx:

    BAD GIRL JAPANESE cover are so FREAKING AMAZING!!! It reminds me of their first mini album.. GAAAHH Such nice memories.. they grew so much :tears: .

    I CANT WAIT FOR THE 17th (16th in my country haha)

    EDIT: I STRONGLY believe that the tune at the end MIGHT be the melody of FICTION.. :w00t: because it does not fit The Fact... the tune is truly angst-y :wub:

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