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Posts posted by aznboy78





    actually it was yoo hee's mom who cheated on the dad and her dad knew how much yoo hee adored her mom so he lied and passed paran off as his son as if he cheated thats why theres some tention between yoo hee and her dad..

    does anyone know what that guy meant about the whole bean pot rice thing when the family was all outside ease dropping on yoo hee and MR?















































    foreals? when did they talk about this? i missed a whole scene or something. lol









    Please tell me you guys watched the suns and warriors game. It was pure offense, had to be one of the funnest games to watch this season.
























    funnest game of the season. Actually, the Mavs vs Suns last month? was really good too.
























    Can't wait for the game on Sunday. Mavs vs Suns again. :)




























    only four episodes are out but this has to be one of my favorite dramas
















    its gets funnier and funnier after every episode. lol
















    jaehee is a funny guy and han ga in looks hot!
















    looking forward to episode five. the 찜질방/sauna scene looks HILARIOUS!









    don't think so...i have the suns and mavs going against each other...the bracketology last season was messed up...hopefully they fix it before this year's finals
















    yeah i think they did change it.
















    division winners cant be seeded below the 4th seed.




























    man. i'm having a feeling that the spurs are gonna make it to the finals.









    found some H&M hoodies on ebay.

    dont know if they sell it at the store in hk....but it's worth taking a look at it.




















    so which one looks the best??







































    #4 looks the best. I always wanted one.









    Screw Nash and his Mvp trophies.

    Last night proved again that Kobe is the King.































    its most valuable player









    really..? but on the tag it says Bathing Ape and on the front of the sweaters has the BAPE words on it... so its still a fake..?! =OO




















    yeah. ppl are getting better at making fapes.




















    you gotta check all the tags, bag, and other small things.




























































    ^those are fake but they look real.









    ahh wait so then how would a person be able to tell if BAPE is authentic or not..? =/ in my area the bape shoes are on sale so they are $89.99 CDN and they sell it at this place that also sell urban brands like baby phat, apple bottems, pepe jeans etc, and BAPE sweaters there are also on sale for $79.99.. does that mean its not authentic..? o_O;;




















    the bape stuff is probably fape. I see a lot of 80 dollar fapes online.









    i still dont get why people keep on comparing him to the legends. sure he may not be as good as the legends, but they played in their era. nash is playing in the NBA today and compared to what the other players are doing, nash is one of the few who deserves the MVP. i find it stupid to say that since the legends have 3 mvp, nash cant have 3 mvp cuz he isnt as great as they are. u can only compare the current players in the NBA against each other when it comes to receiving the mvp award, not looking back at the past.












    i agree












    playing in two different eras.





































    but the point is i want those two hoodies specifically, theres nothing exclusive about something you aint feelin know what i mean?. i've travelled to places like SF and LA to buy some good clothes, but im not so money-happy to go to NY or japan.

    unless you know where i can get those two real bape hoodies somewhere in the bay, hit it up playboy































































































































































































































































































































































































    if u wanna pay 90+ for fakes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    has anyone seen this around on one of the korean shopping sites like zipia?
































































































































































































































































































































    I'm taking about the hoodie the guy is wearing.
































































































































































































































































































































    It's based off a dior hoodie I think....
































































































































































































































































































































    I really want one of them!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    They have these on gmarket.
































































































































































































































































































































    supertalk has em too

































































































































































































































































































































    ^well at least its not as bad as bbc.. now thats just fruity imo
































































































































































































































































































































    bbc is HORRIBLE. haha

    where exactly do people buy baby milo stuff? are there legit sites online?
































































































































































































































































































































    I jus check a bunch of forums

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    dammnnnn . how'd you get the 5's for 10 buxx ?
































































































































































































































































































































    i traded my beat up 8's with em. lol + the ten dollars.









































































    ^i hope not nash

    spectacular last night... yet i think hes still overrated
































    and oden looks like he should be retiring from the nba sometime soon O.o































































    i don't think he's overrated. Tell me why he's overrated. I want to know why

    is it just me or Dirk's not good during clutch situations??

    ..Lebron deserves MVP :P































































    dirk is a choke artist. lol
































    + best amare vid































































































    So who is the MVP this year?
































    Dirk or Nash?
































    I have to go with Nash again.

















    I dunno....he'll turn 31 if he stays another year. lol am I the only one who thinks he looks late 20's ??!! Dude doesn NOT look 18 lol!

    And yeah....NASH proved once again why he IS the MVP! All you Nash haters bow down :tongue2:















































    Lebron didn't look like no 18 year kid either. lol
















































    wow! the suns beat the mavericks?! haha i turned off the tv when i saw the mavericks up by 10 with 4 mins to go.
































































    just got the 5's for 10 bux. haha

















































































































































































    nice tee's








































    too big for me to buy








































    but i like the box tee.

















    great. going to supreme today in a few minutes.

    itsd like 9 50 rite now. ima get there at like 11.








































    hopefully they still have some tees left. gotta resell.















































































    I'm interested if you get some. :)









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