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Posts posted by sHaziEe

  1. 拍攝電視劇《宮》的過程中朱智勛一直抱著一定要努力投入的信念。可能是太過投入,有些場面都讓所屬公司的工作人員詫異不已。朱智勛說:“第23集裡有與尹恩惠的吻戲,看這一集電視時包括我在內的所有所屬公司朋友們都嚇了一跳。當時我的想法只是想努力演戲,但是通過電視看到的畫面好像吻得有些過火,弄的周圍人都有些誤會。”

    During filming of television drama GOONG, Joo Ji Hoon always holds on to the belief to work diligently. Perhaps he was too into the role, some scenes surprised the agency staff. Joo Ji Hoon said: In episode 23 there’s a kissing scene with Yoon Eun Hye, all the agency staff including myself were shocked when we saw it on television. At that point in time my only thinking was to act well, but from what I saw on the television, the kiss seems to have been taken a little too far, and causes some surrounding people to have misunderstanding.


    English trans by Rebby

    we sure do misunderstood that kiss of yours with YEH :phew:

    lots of ppl are quite "disturbed" by his way of life.. ya know, bad boy kind.. but i don't think he's a bad boy sort..

    Fighting Ji Hoon!

    Thanks Rebby for the trans..
































































    the chinese title is 偉大的遺産, and lisafh has been posting the clubbox links of the chinese subbed versions by tsks































































































    ahh, still haven't watched ep. 4 yet, but skimmed through the raw, so really excited about it; haah can't wait for next week though, poor guy was embarassed that he was caught?..haha..but there are a lot of complicated triangles forming, can't wait for the lil carnival type thing next week..































































































    Thanks, june_showers!
















































    think i'll download this drama and watch.. looks interesting :)
















































































































































    anyone knows what's the chinese title of this drama?
















































































































































    anyone has the song to the MV of this movie? if i'm not wrong the title is called "ONE" by DBSK...
















































    where can i find it? cos it's not in the OST

















  5. Just watch 1st hour of Millionaire's first love

    and 1st thing I feel that is...

    I miss Binnie's voice so much~~~~

    his voice is the most sexiest voice ever...

    i dunno someone felt the same as me...

    the 1st time i watch him in MNIKSS... I was attracted by his voice 1st...

    and my fren was watching MNIKSS from TV which is chinese dubbed...

    I asked her to watch again with original one... the reason is

    "You must listen to Hyun Bin's voice!!!"

    Yes, i agree with you... Hyun Bin's voice is sooo... man! sexy!

    if he whispers in my ears, think i'll go high! :w00t:

    cannot watch those chinese dubbed, the voices are horrible.. normally the voice who dubbed the male lead is so sissy..

  6. I don't think he's that hot either when I first saw him in Goong. But he's the type that grows on you. Really grows on you. The longer you look at him the more handsome he becomes. Plus I think he did great as Shin for a newbie in the acting business. Now am hoping, wishing and praying that he'll be back in Goong2. It won't be the same without him there with CG.

    same here.. i didn't think JJH was hot at first... after watching more Goong, i slowly fell in love with him..

    he portray Hwang TaeJa very very well.. he just had that X-factor to be Shin..
















































































    i was surfing this particular website that sells drama online.. came across this.. just wanna share it with you girls
















































































































































    it look so original ya.. it even comes with english sub..

















  8. My dear Pervies..

    here's wat LDW said to LDH after the Fan Meeting/behind the stage

    东旭在后面说:dahae ssi 祝贺~要一直健康~既然已经23岁了,就不要老是跟oppa顽皮了。还有cd里的歌都很不错,希望你好好听哦^^


    Dae Hae shi, i hope u will always be healthy. since u're already 23, stop being naughty and dun play around with OPPA ( LDW himself). n the songs in the Album are very nice, please listen to it really well ok??

    oh my god.. i think LDW likes LDH.. hahaha.. issit it obvious?!?!?!

    he's so cute.. ask her don't play around with oppa.. does this mean he's asking her to be serious with him? hahaha so excited! :w00t:
















































































    haha.. i've got another pic of the phone..
































































































    there's also a website that you can check out.
















































    Motorola V3
















































    actually this model has been around for quite some time already..

















  10. OMG! she looks so beautiful in that backless dress.. *JJH, you have to see this pic! :w00t:

    and yes, she has a very nice tan.. she coloured her hair??

    there's one pic where she covered her clevage haha.. i think her boobs are quite *ahem* big rite haha

    overall, her figure is great..

    in the past, i feel that Song Hye Gyo is the prettiest korean actress.. but now, i think it's Yoon Eun Hye!~!~

    hope she get well soon.. poor girl, must be over exhuasted :unsure:
































































    sorry to burst ur bubble but...































































































    that is a PHOTOSHOP pic i think.































































































    i dun mbc design the box yet lOlx






























































































































































    and yeah~~ if u look at the epi 23 kiss careful.































































































    there is some tongue action going on k.































































































    i watched it like 30 million times so yeah...






























































































































































    Agent watermelon reporting































































































    hahaha same here.. i watched that scene for countless of times!!! :D
















































    yes.. there IS definitely tongue action..
















































    actually i thought actors dont' use their tongues for kiss scene.. cos they're just acting.. and it'll be weird.. you know what i mean
















































    i was so shocked to see JJH's tongue.. i almost faint when i saw it.. hahaha
















































    can't see YEH's though..
















































































    hey nikki! wloi already translated it over at the shk thread..it says smthing about the best hugs between those couples... :)
















































    anyways..have these been posted before? saw it over at the official website...































































































































































































    sorry but i gotta include these pic..
















































    see that blanket?? why must she wrap a blanket around her lower body?
















































    hmm.. too avoid "too much" contact on the lower body??
















































    you know what i mean girls?? hehehehe :P

































    what the story about? :) can anyone give a summary?
















































    hello... maybe you can refer to the 1st page of this thread to find out more
















































    you'll able to find what you want :)
















































    there's TOO MUCH to say about this drama.. it will never end :D
































































































    JJH was so shy throughout the whole Goong 1.5.. hehe :D
















































    and if you notice, whenever they show the kiss scene, the "window" on the bottom left disappears.. haha maybe they didn't wanna show their"embarrass" look :sweatingbullets:
















































    and i love the narration by Shin :) i think it's very touching
































































































    Ive finish watching Goong
















































    the Kiss in epi 23 was.. too sudden!! :blink: i wasn't prepared for it at all..
















































    i was staring at the screen.. immediately after that i repeat that part twice :D
















































    the kiss scene is longggggg.... JJH & YEH seems to be enjoying kissing each other
















































    i have to agree that that kiss scene is the best kissing scene of all the korean drama i watched.
















































































    Epi 21 & 22 :tears: so sad....
































    Shin, why can't you just ask to CG to stay in a nicer way??
































    how can you treat girls like that?
































    i was like WTH?!?!?!

















  17. 2 bad i dun haf the time 2 rewatch it again!! but i still can't get over the cute moments of GC n YR!!!

    they still stay fresh in my mind!!

    btw, i love ur new LDW/LDH siggy!!! nice~~

    Thanks ripgal i like my new siggy too! haha :lol:

    and Thanks for all the clips!

    the clip when both of them enter the stage, LDW got onto his seat.. then he "pat" the seat next to him asking LDH to sit next to him.. so sweet..

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