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    I think maybe you have her name wrong. According to hancinema.com it's Jo Hye-Yeoung
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Doesn't look like she's done very much.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think it's the same name, there's 2 ways of spelling it. Also mentioned on wiki regarding spelling of surnames.

    Hello, I have read somewhere that there is something about 17 minutes missing in one of the episodes ? Can anyone confirm this - or is this not true ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Not that I know of, I watched the drama like 10 times and they seemed to flow well for me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does anyone know where I can download episode 3 (non-torrents)? Thanks a lot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi all~ Just finished watching episode 1 & 2 and also the preview for episode 3. From the two episodes there were slight changes from the japanese version, which made me happy! And I'm sure the peppermint candy that was mentioned in episode 1 certainly meant something haha~ Oh and the niece of the restaurant's boss certainly made Chanwook's character show other sides of him. Which was better because I don't really remember anything about this guy in the japanese version, other than that he dated a rich girl.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [!] There's something I don't get from episode 2 though (Spoiler!! I'm sorry D:) So I caught the episode in chinese subs thus I have zero idea if the translation is accurate or not.. From the subs, Yiseul's father told Baekho that he promised his daughter that when she starts to date he would make a glove for her boyfriend; and that he(the father) didn't expect the request came in ten years earlier that he expected. He also mentioned it was in second year of high school. What does that mean..? Did that mean Yiseul actually had ask her father to make the glove for Baekho, but was unable to give it to Baekho since he decided to give up on Baseball? Ugh hopefully this mystery will be solved tomorrow! >:(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yes, she asked her father to make the glove for Baek Ho. It was a birthday present that she hid in the library but in order to retrieve it, he would have to figure out the clues that she laid out for him. What happened was that he never figured it out so he never received the glove therefore Yi Seul had an unhappy face in the photo taken that day. He did however, figured it out when he went back in time and retrieved the glove, which also permanently changed the past as well as having an impact towards the present day.

































































































































































































































































  4. Annsit, thanks for posting this here. Wondering if he & Hong Kong's actor 'Jeung Ji Wi' the same & one person? Sorry, but not really familiar with HK stars. As I've read the article it seems they have the same role - What a mix of casts that this drama has, huh? Wondering what language they're going to speak including some Japanese cast. I'm going to keep my eye out for them. blush.gif:lol:

    He's the same person, his name was probably converted to the Korean alphabet of Hangul.




























    Does anyone know the names of the director, producer, and scriptwriter for this drama?




















    Director(s): No Do-chul, Sun Hye-yoon




















    Screenwriters: Jo Jin-kook, Park Eun-jung, Nam Ji-yeon




















    Does anyone know about their other works?









    If the description can be trusted and won't be changed later on, it's said that JH will walk a new path of life with MH; JH-MH shippers will be happy. Where does that leave DW? Triangle with DC/HR? Running out of ideas to speculate. :)




















    Well it states that "Her marriage to her husband is in shambles, and she is determined to walk a new path of fate." I took it as that she'll end up with someone else like DW.




























    SH (52 votes) - salz, fashionista, sheherizade3, arielcc, nicole214, linh27, pcyan, tinapring, kimngoc266, gcris, adir, lvtino99, saranghae<3, *beccas, krngrl3091, bellaangel012, pralee, andloveyelledno, marley, mysuna, ~XoX~, Noel, bluenitesky, vkkkim, babymarzy07, allydally, renni72, vis, luvmygirl, alfredo, gems, kat_joy, kori65, litto_gurl, willyly, hathai, mandyshi, baby1talk, gracemandy, anitawj, zara_ifa, p_cr, sakura_dubai, yanki222, crfan, aegeansea01, baby1talk, justmelody, Aznlilgirl516, naomisumandy, bedethuong12000, mzsmiley




















    GP (46 votes) - counsel05, grumpy23, ovette, canyayasis, JaneSc, Cassandra, cutiepie, elin, jessT, marbella, lovely_witch, slmisfit, imogene_af, hjkomo, pinklover27, hafi, chula, ahs, ai*, lightskies, thunderbolt, jellomocka, vjah05, ompi, dunnie, Phelen, acemaverick, axerine, kjongmin, usachin, ys_jen, Sparkly_Chic, christyc1995, melmel, ameizeing, hanamisg, nalouche, wink, christysg, Patricia, bling2, silverfire302, Partners4Life, Yehbaby, SweetKim, k_fanatic
























    Don't Care Who YJ Ends UP With...as long as I end up with GP (2 votes) :sweatingbullets: - Auntie Mame, ct1234
























    How about a threesome? (1 vote) :phew: - queer
























    Undecided/SK (South Korea) because YJ is married to the country (3 votes) :P - pruedish, Cerise, *sayuri2*















































    lol I didn't know we were having a voting poll, count me in for GP. SH is way too young and too immature for YJ. Besides, YJ looks better with GP, someone who can actually protect her.





  8. If you would like to let People magazine know about their mistake e-mail to: editor@people.com

    Address given on Rain USA

    I can't believe this, America should be given the shame finger for this. This is an outrage, why can't they get anything right?! Well I just reported the problem and my anger to People magazine. I hope more people are going to report it as well, we have to show them that this is not a minor mistake especially because it regards an Asian. How hard is it to find a photo of Rian, I mean come on! This is why I find America to be racist and ignorant and this is what I have to deal with everyday <_<

  9. sorry guys i was mistaken it is not genis book but the famous british magazine the Times now he is down to 3rd place ...

    dis is d link


    hope dat will help n best wishes 4 u Bi

    I noticed that too but I thought voting was over when Bi was 2nd place. What's happening? Oh and I don't think he made it into this year's 100 most influential (TIME magazine) because I didn't see him on the list.

  10. Colbert, Rain Not Most Influential


    The second annual TIME 100 poll pitted more than 200 scientists, intellectuals, corporate titans, heads of state, cable TV hosts and Korean pop singers against each other in a competition to determine one thing: who is the world's most influential person?

    Despite aggressive campaigning on Larry King Live, Today and his own show, the voters have spoken — and the winner is not Stephen Colbert. The falsely outraged host will reportedly address this slight on his eponymous pretend cable news program later this evening.

    If there's any consolation for Colbert, it's that his arch nemesis, peach-cheeked South Korean pop star Rain, didn't win either.

    The world's most influential person in 2008, according to TIME.com voters, is Nintendo video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto. Miyamoto topped the poll with an influence rating of 72 from 1,829,710 overall votes. (Finalists are rated from 1 for least influential to 100 for most influential; users can vote as often as they like.) The 2007 winner Rain finished second with an influence rating of 68 from 1,491,910 votes, while Colbert came in a distant third with a 65 rating from 853,004.

    Despite their defeat at the hands of Miyamoto, the 2008 poll will almost certainly be remembered for the epic battle fought between Colbert and Rain. If 2007's poll — in which Colbert created his own Korean pop video in an attempt to outshine Rain — was a World War I of meaninglessness, 2008 was far bloodier. Colbert mocked Rain on various outlets and pleaded with viewers to vote for him while Rain valiantly fought back, sending Colbert a video taunt that advised him to "keep your day job." Colbert countered by proposing a dance-off.

    Both men will have to settle for a Wii-off.

    Source: Time online

    Link: http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1736202,00.html


    At least Rain didn't lose to Colbert :rolleyes:

  11. Dear hard-core SYJ's fan: I have a question: why does she look so different in Summer Scents and her movies/dramas after Summer Scents?

    She can't be aging that fast - It's only a couple years. Or has she had any cosmetic surgery? I love her look in Summer Scents, but can't find that in other movies/dramas that she's in.

    I noticed that too. From my analysis, her maturity, hair, sense of style, make-up, and her role have major effects. From Summer Scent and back: she seems to have had less make-up and her hair, pin straight. A Moment to Remember, April Snow, The Art of Seduction: a little more make-up and touch ups, a little more mature, sexier outfits. Alone in Love: different hair style, more make-up, and more mature therefore the role. Open City & Spotlight: hair is pulled back, major difference in makeup (it brightens up her face more, I also noticed that other actresses use this new make-up), change in outfits, and again more of a mature role.

    She's taken on many different roles so far and is progressing smoothly as she matures.





    OST of Powerful Opponents (8 out of 20 songs)

    1. KeepInYourHeart.mp3








































    2. ComeOnB[1].B.mp3








































    3. 미안합니다.mp3








































    4. 말할수없는비밀.mp3








































    5. ToTheSky.mp3








































    6. 사랑이야.mp3








































    7. DayDream.mp3








































    8. 진달래.mp3



























































    Thanks for the share! I have been patiently waiting for them, wondering when they will be released. I love this soundtrack especially the main theme.





  13. Yeah, I remember there was no poll in 2006, right?? :wacko: Agree with you that the high rank in the vote doesn't means that Rain will be on the list. But what I wanted to say is: Why did they choose him to be on the 2006 list but in 2007 thay didn't, even though at the time of 2007 list, he had better advantage than in 2006?

    I don't really respect this vote because Time doesn't care about the result to chose who will be on the offical list! I better post good comments for Rain...

    Proud of him and pray for him ^___^

    They had a poll in 2006, I remember voting. I don't think they should pick winners from the poll because it's unfair. Fans vote and they're allowed to vote more than once.

  14. Source: http://krfilm.net/truyen-hinh-han-quoc/dan...e-cung-ai-nhat/

    Etrans: Latuongtu@KST_CICHLID

    Yesterday (February 12), a Korean matchmaking company published the result of a survey by 523 single participants (240 are males and 283 are females). The purpose of the survey was to find out "Who is the one person you would like to spend Valentine day with?". The survey started on January 28 through February 10, 2008 on this company's web site.

    Listed below are the results of this survey (top to bottom)!

    On Actors side:

    1. Jo In Sung

    2. Gong Yoo

    3. Kang Ji Hwan

    4. Lee Seo Jin

    On Actresses side:

    1. Son Ye Jin

    2. Kim Tae Hee

    3. Lee Soo Kyung

  • Create New...

Important Information

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