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    TOP looks so hot, and GD with that flat hair again
































































































































































































































































































    V thanks leslie_lei for clearing that up :)
































































































































































































































































































    TOP hair .... he wore it this way in that performance Nom Nom Nom at some awards :D











































































































    i've always wanted to watch this perf

















































































































































































    this performance is from 27.01.2007 in music core :)














































































































    and gaaahh :D







































































    the white day photoshot looks so colorful :lol:














































































































    and I found these two SUPER huge wallpapers....don't know it these were posted before :unsure:














































































































































    cr: YG ent, BIGBANG fansite



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I made one banner for our GD :D I'm really anticipating his album :blush:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so hope to see more things from the VIPs






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and SR at that movie premiere ... I guess that the film will be out soon?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    can't wait~~












































































    Seung Ri - Strong Baby MV Making of ENG SUBBED





















































































































































































    the pressentor is damn sure right :D







































































    SR transformed from the cute youngest member in BIG BANG to a sexy and.... STRONG baby







































































    this video just made my night :lol:














































































































































    the rose was from GD :rolleyes: as SR says.... :phew:







































































    and he looked so tired at 3AM







































































    but then I guess he recovered when he filmed with that female partner :D







































































    "I'm like an amateur" --- loool














































































































    thanks for posting this














































































































    edit: and I TABIED a page :rolleyes:




































    I'll be back with something








































































    like I said in a previous post, I'm gif-ing SR's "GoodBye ladies" from his perfs :D




































    and here are the first 5 gifs. I won't post them all cause that will be an overloaded post :sweatingbullets: there are a lot of videos :phew:
















































    AND .... something extra :rolleyes:








































    "you know you love me" ~~



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    in the new Bangs, OMG GD's eyes >_< scaryyyy~~






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    they already have some filming going on :unsure:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    vip_gd GD's hair is white :mellow:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    that's the first time I am seeing this pic ... or any picture of the kind :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I just had to make this :D
















































































































































































































    ^ yeah, I read something about it too































































































































































































































































































    and I was waiting on that day to see him performing, but nothing...:(































































































































































































































































































    and now that SR is finished with his solo, DS should start promoting his :rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































    ahh....I should finish the gifs from SR videos faster :D















































































































































































































































































































































































































































    he did it again xDDD































































































































































































































































































    the butt touching :rolleyes: ahhh baby :D





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    for me, I guess I would chose the hairstyle he had when promoting Lies...he was just <3 then :D





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and guys, wasn't Daesung supposed to start promoting his new single a month ago or so? :unsure:































































































































































































































































































    and release the MV? I'm disappointed :(





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ncly, those pics of SR in red pants :blush:































































































































































































































































































































































    What is your proudest VIP moment?































































































































































































































































































    I guess it was during MKMF last year cause that was the first time I watched a live show with the boys :D































































































































































































































































































    and I saw them won, and I screamed and teared up a little :tears:































































































































































































































































































    I was with my friend on the phone, and when their name was called we screamed like two little girls :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When do you fangirl/boy the most?































































































































































































































































































    I fangirl like almost all of the time































































































































































































































































































    when I am in school I listen to their music, well, in breaks :P































































































































































































































































































    when I am at home I always watch random clips with them :D































































































































































































































































































    so yeah, almost most of the time ^^





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and I just wanted to share MY VERY FIRST GIF :D :D:D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and I'm planning to take all SR videos where he performed Strong Baby and gif every single "Goodbye Ladies" ~~































































































































































































































































































    but I think it will take me some time cause I just recently learned how to do gifs (thanks to tam and jaja over at cashewmania :D ) and now I'm having problems with my video cutter >__< (if anyone is willing to pm me and tell me a good video cutter I should use I would very thankful)
















































































































































    but of anyone out there already did this, tell me pls :sweatingbullets:
















































































































































    and I have another Q for you guys to answer
















































































































































    If given the chance to meet BIG BANG, how would you react and what would be the first thing to do when you see them?
















































































































































    I guess, for me, I would first pinch myself to let me know I am not dreaming :lol:
















































































































































    and then, just run over to TOP and hug him :D haha~~
































































































































































































    I can't wait for this week's eps :rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































    my predictions are :D































































































































































































































































































    Scott (he sings so well, it touches you to the heart)































































































































































































































































































    Lil' Rounds (she performed really well during hollywood week and so I'm just praying that she doesn't blow up this chance like others did in the last two weeks)































































































































































































































































































    and idk, I can't pick a third one cause I really didn't dig anyone from this group that much :unsure:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and I really anticipate who will get a second chance to sing again :rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Skins thread :D :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am in love with this show :blush: nice to meet you all :rolleyes:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    is here anyone who like the Freddy-Effy pairing? :unsure:































































































































































































































































































    I just wanna see them together <33































































































































































































































































































    their kiss in the water a few eps back was just awesome :blush:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so yeah, waiting for JJ eps this week, I wanna see a new side of him, not the silly/obedient guy he has been till now :)














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hey guys !















































































































































































































































































    Can I request for G dragon's pic ?































































































































































































































































































    with the hairstyle like in this picture




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    here's some picture I found :)




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    credit on the pictures




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and those pictures, I guess they are from when the boys filmed for Energy Song, right? :D































































































































































































































































































    OMG....Tae's room is filled with books or is it me? :blink: he has so many :mellow:































































































































































































































































































    GD is looking so concentrated on his laptop :lol:































































































































































































































































































    and Daesung is always smiling :rolleyes:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and :w00t:































































































































































































































































































    so many pictures of Know leader~~















































































































































































































































































































































































    17 years, 5 months and 8 days :rolleyes::lol:































































































































































































































































































































    half a year and I'll be 18 :(































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't make my bed































































































































































































































































































    and so my mom tells me every day to clean up and bla bla... :phew:
































































































































































































    ^ I think it's HQBB .... google it and you'll find it :)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^^ awww ... that fancam of SR crying made me tear up a little...again :tears:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    to all the vips out there, a BIG hug for making this thread so complete and updated :rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































    I have decided to start posting more here to let to know people how big my love for BIG BANG is :blush:































































































































































































































































































    so yeah, my name is angy and I'm an iVIP. nice to meet you all :P






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    about the strengths of the boys:
















































































































































    GD - great composer and an even greater person :)
















































































































































    TOP - his rapping :w00t::lol:
















































































































































    Seung Ri - he is capable of walking forward even when people are bashing him :)
















































































































































    Daesung - with one smile, and this boy can make one to do what he wants :rolleyes:
















































































































































    Tae Yang - his smooth singing :blush:
















































































































































    and weaknesses:
















































































































































    GD - idk, he should start singing more :unsure:
















































































































































    TOP - and him too :blush: and his dancing :D
































































































































    Omg. I was watching the Stand Up Tour for the 432948209384 time this afternoon and I finally noticed this..















































































































































































































































































    T.O.P's singing voice is super super super super super super duper awesome and attractive!































































































































































































































































































    It was really just this line in the Number 1 Intro [:































































































































































































































































































    Haha..you guys should really go check it out, his singing voice is <3333333333333






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I watched it, and I have to agree, his voice is so good :D
















































































































































    Seung Ri - at some times, a little too confident :unsure: (maybe it's just me)
















































































































































    Daesung - I don't really see any weaknesses that DS has..:)
















































































































































    Tae Yang - like someone here said, the high notes :unsure:
















































































































































    and on another note, I was watching some old BB clips and I had to make some caps :D
































































































































































    I miss his hair like this, he was so hot during Gummy's "I'm sorry" days
































































































































































































































































































































    and shy :blush:
































































































































































    gotta love his smile :rolleyes:
































































































































































    and his too :D
































































































































































    such a dork :lol:

















  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..