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    I wonder if anyone would notice if I just disappeared.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The fact that so many people are worked up about surprises me. Just let the idiots be. If they give you dirty stares, show your maturity and ignore them. Returning their glare only incites them more. And don't worry, they'll regret it later when they start getting wrinkles from all that unnecessary foundation and are $100,000 in debt because all they ever learned was how to go shopping.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So next time you see them, just smile to yourself knowingly.









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    even though theres someone in front of me who might like me, and i feel somewhat attracted to him...







    it's only because he kind of reminds me of you.







    and im so afraid to let go and not be in love with you anymore to the point where its exasperating.







    and i hate that you pop up in dreams to try to keep me from moving on.











    lol, those "sushi" posted on the first post are not really sushi. those are westernized versions. they taste good as its own food item, but they're not traditional. that type of sushi that Americans know evolved from makizushi (rolled sushi). I just dont want people to be confused.








    Traditional sushi is basically supposed to rely of the freshness of the fish/the fish's unique taste combined with the sushi rice, so overall, it is rather simple food, but very elegant. I guess there's kind of an art to appreciating real sushi. so it's easy to see how people think real sushi tastes so plain.








    Plus, a lot of "sushi places" in the US are actually pretty bad. like someone said above me, its hard to find the good places.








    that being said, at the moment I rather like kimbap better ^_^ im 1/2 japanese so ive had sushi my whole life. kimbap tastes exciting and yummy! ...that makes me want some right now T_T


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