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Posts posted by Artemis

  1. I really feel for GHS and the rest of the cast (and crew!) It is clearly that they are risking their health for this drama and it really shouldn't be like that! I wish they could have done like POTW did - delay all the episodes for a week. I'm sure we all would greatly enjoy a couple of SPs instead if we knew that the actors and everyone else involved got some rest.

    I seriously question the state of these drivers. Would it cost them so much to have 2 per actor? This is a drama that is making money!

  2. I love Ahn Suk Hwan ( JD's dad). He is funny. I liked him in Delightful Choo-yang and in My Girl. I am glad that they got him for JD's dad. The scene with the both of them at the swings was one of the best scenes in the whole series.

    I really like him too. I loved him in Hong Gil Dong. He made me LOL so many times when he referred to himself as the core of power.

    The only thing I didn't get in episode 16 was when the F4 ignored Jandi in school! WTF is going on? (okay, it's reasonable for JP to ignore him)

    I am guessing JP told them what his mother did to JD and him. They all are scared to death of the evil witch.

  3. Can anyone explain the desert scene?

    You can read about it here. http://salimbol.livejournal.com/33019.html

    But the more I think about it, it doesn't seem like they will go to a tropical island - it is really cold in Jeju this time a year.

    Out of curiosity, did the writers change the ending of the original manga? As far as i know, Jandi (Makino) will end up with Goo Joon Pyo (Tsukasa). Her liking Yoon Ji Hoo (Rui) is temporary?

    Have they written the ending yet? I read somewhere that the last 4 episodes were not written yet, just a couple of weeks ago. I would be very surprised if they changed the ending though....

  4. My heart is aching now for JH once JD rejected his love. :tears:

    Hope the writer will make it tolerable to watch. :phew:

    Seriously, in this version, my heart is really breaking for JH. He keeps telling himself "what are you doing?", but he just can't help himself. Unrequited love can be so painful!! :( I always pitied Rui, but it's painful watching JH's pining.

    Another BOF filming siting:

    Fans saw BOF crew and cast filming at a library. Maybe BOF will finally show JD seriously studying to prepare for med school? Also, someone supposedly overheard the crew talk about filming at Jeju island next week... maybe we should expect to see the deserted island scene soon?

    Oh, I hope it is the deserted island scene. I want some real kissing!!! But I have a feeling we will not get a "Goong" kiss at all. Stupid director told LMH to shut his mouth while kissing. And LMH looked so humiliated.

  5. But, another question... when it is all said and done you know the kissing scene and the other drama that surrounds the two love birds JD and JP, do you think that JD will take Junpyo back? Wouldn't Junpyo have to offer some kind of explanation to Jandi about his actions? Will it be JiHoo who will find out the truth, like the incedent at the ski resort, and expose the truth to Jandi? Thinking about this kinda gives me a brain cramp... I don't think that I have been so obessed about a drama like this in my life!

    This LJ of Volumes 31 & 32 of HYD reviews what happened after NY (Macau in this installment). It's beautifully written. I hope they do something like this in this version. I can see the picture we've been seeing of JD & JP on the beach, holding hands and she is wearing the necklace here. :)

    ... Damn, some of you guys are BRUTALLY mean when it comes down to Hyunjoong.

    So lemme sum up what I'm about to say: If his acting is SOOOO bad that it makes you cringe, why do you still watch it. I'm sure BOF doesn't need your sorry eyes watching the drama, really.

    Why can't people complain about an actor's work? In all honesty, I have a really hard time understanding what he wants to convey at times. If I hadn't read a lot of the manga and watched the J-version, I am not sure I would know who this Rui really is. I seriously feel he is the weakest link. But he is laughing all the way to the bank as he is raking in more than twice than what LMH & GHS are making these days in deals. I can't feel too sorry for the guy. :rolleyes:

  6. This whole episode felt so incredibly disjointed. Do they know what transitions are at all? It seriously doesn't take a whole lot to make a few scenes in between the big drama ones - let us see that the characters do think about what they've just been through..... :blink:

    I realize they want to tell A LOT in a short time, but honestly I think it really shows that the editing people are given WAY TOO little time. We all know they shot a lot of these scenes on Sunday, so no wonder.... Unfortunately it's affecting the quality of the show in a big way. I guess I came down from the big high that was episodes 9 and 10. :huh:

  7. Thank you so much for taking the time to translate the interview. It was a lot more enjoyable watching it again knowing what they said. Kim Bum is really funny. Ha - the EOE cast stopped calling. LOL

    It's interesting to hear they feel awkward after kissing. They probably had to do it A LOT of times. I surely hope they will have to do it lots more - and that we will get to actually see it then - stupid backlight!!!

































































































































































































































































    How come nobody has posted pictures and information on JUMONG ??? :blink:

    It's (one of the) greatest korean series of all time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does anybody know the sub and video quality for the YAE version of JUMONG ??































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have the two first box sets and they are more than OK. Some of the fight scenes in the dark are a bit pixelated but the rest are fine. The subs are good.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks credeisca and kazenai for answering.

    Do you guys know if yesasia declares the exact price of the products or do they ship declaring the itens are cheaper to avoid customs issues?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    YesAsia has never declared more than $15 on anything I've ordered from them. I have only ordered Japanese stuff. The last DVD I bought was the Hana Yori Dango Final, which was about $100. CDs they usually declare $10 for. I'm very happy about it. :D

































































































































































































































































  10. Ep 10 Junpyo's first kiss

    Brightend version. Here you can see changed bgm, slow and brightend moving vision of the scene. Believe me you will enjoy it.


    Credit : DC inside gal. Suruki.

    Thank you for this. Too bad this is much much better than the actual scene they decided to show. It's a pity when fans do a better job. :tears:

    I really hope the producers get some new songs ASAP. I am sick of "Paradise" and Ashley's "Lucky".

    I can't get over how perfect episode 9 was - from start to finish. It's my favorite so far. I have no idea how many times I've played some of the scenes - over and over.

    Just thinking about how well LMH acted when GJP by "coincidence" met Jandi& GE makes me laugh. He was hilarious there! And he was perfect in conveying the longing he has for Jandi and her family in the ending scene. Kudos to him!!!

  11. Question: does anybody have or know where i can find the x264-ZephyR raw version of BOF episode 8?

    I've been dling the ZephyR files from pdbox, but the uploader seems to have stopped uploading stuff and don't know if they'll be uploading again. and i can never get it on clubbox before they change it to a green file.


    I don't know about ZephyR, but Moohan's versions are also x264 and you can find them at AJA AJA.

    2 more days to go until Monday. It's Saturday, why on earth do I want Monday to come so soon?

    From the pictures it looks like Yi Jung is going to make Ga Eul's BF jealous, see what he is missing out on by holding her hand and giving her his scarf. Can't wait!!!

  12. where do you downloade bof for the ipod format?

    I'm sure there are easier ways, but I like good subs and good quality video for my ipod, so I use:

    Any Video Converter to convert from. avi to .mp4 for my Ipod Touch. Lately I have been watching BOF in bed before I sleep. :)

    If you need subtitles, you have to use a program to encode the subs to the videos.

    (I have used VirtualDub to get the subtitles to the video though...) It's a bit more complicated than just converting hardsubs to .mp4 format. :wacko:

    ETA: I tried watching OhmiyaSK's videos from Veoh on my iPod, but the subs were so small it hurt my eyes. It's ok to watch them on the computer though. :D

    I love Jandi's little brother! He's so cute and a pretty good actor! ^_^

    I thought he was fantastic as little Yi San in "Yi San". I loved the first 5 episodes he was in.
































































































































































































    Thank you so much for the caps, Luv. I agree this thread is too quiet. For me, it's a real drawback that it doesn't have any English subs. I don't watch shows online. :unsure:

































  14. I watched Ep8 and love it love it, so I decided to download the 1.5 GB version of Ep8. The download started at 11am this morning, it is 10pm now and I still have about 2 hours remaining, is it supposed to take this long?? Has anyone else downloaded this version before?

    It's much faster if you use a download accelerator. I use Internet Download Manager which increases the normal DL time about 5 times. I'm sure there are free ones out there. I think IDM has a 30 day trial period. You can try it and see how much faster it is for you compared to not using any. I have a 20GB DL line and Megaupload usually gives me 1.5GB down, so I have the files in a few minutes.

  15. Is Lee Minho ambidextrous? He throws all his darts using his left hand but when he was eating at the Japanese restaurant, he was using his right hand to hold chopsticks.

    God, I swear, this guy knows how to do everything! :sweatingbullets: I think he will take on more serious roles after this. He sure will have a lot of offers, and we'll get to see him a lot more!!


    so to make permy dude and for the most part mushroom head girl come to their senses, the orange haired guy and the other boys (Mr Gangsta and McLovin'), devise an underhanded plan to make her realize that permy dude is the one she likes best and to help permy dude get a confirmation that he isn't just the one who likes her but her to him as well.....


    Seriously, I was eating while reading this and you made me spit my food! Too funny. :lol:

    you mean that fake cousin? yeah i think it has to be shown, bcos that is the point where makino chose her heart over logic and decided she's going to go all the way with domyoji.

    the angst, i know exactly how you feel :sweatingbullets:

    we're going to be like this untill march, can you imagine??????????

    I was just thinking about it too...March... how will we cope? It's taken over my life!! :lol:

    me too.. epi 7 and 8 made me like i wanna see more JH than JP... he grows handsome by the minute.. love his smile!! :wub: .. i wished the production people just kept his hair naturally black.. coz ive seen him at his concerts.. he's more cute in black hair... OR maybe bcoz they wanted his hair same as oguri shun in HYD.. coz in MG lei had black hair...

    I agree he looks a lot better with black hair, but Rui's hair is blonde in the manga!!!!

  16. Oh, I loved this episode - seriously, just LOVED it!! Jun-pyo made me laugh so hard I had to stop the video many times! Him spying and getting caught doing so during JD & JH's date was hilarious! Probably my favorite episode so far. So much good stuff happened. :wub:

    How are we going to wait a whole week now for the next episode?? Probably by watching the ones we already have over and over!!

    Burn mkv file to dvd! I did it mine like that! It's awesome. I can fit 2 episodes in one disc, and don't have to worry about space in HD (well.. at least till you finish burn it :lol: )

    Can I ask you what program you use to burn .mkv files to DVD? - because none of the programs I have can burn .mkv. :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you so much for the screen caps, Luv - he looks so HAWT!! :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope some subbing team will pick up this show.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  18. This show just keeps getting better and better. Mondays are fun nowadays!!!

    I loved all of Jun-Pyo's scenes - Lee Min Ho just continues to shine. He really has put a human touch to Doumyouji and I'm loving it!! :wub:

    "I’m good-looking…

    I’m tall…

    I’m rich…

    How can you hate me?"

    ............. oh, Jun-Pyo, we can't hate you!!! :lol:

    As for Kim Hyun Joong - he didn't have many scenes tonight, but he is so wooden. He doesn't come off as warm or caring. It really is too bad. We are supposed to root for him at this point. I just absolutely loved how Oguri Shun always said "Makino!" when she needed it the most. His voice was fantastic - then again he is a really good actor. Maybe KHJ will be more comfortable playing the friend and not the love interest - and will get better from then on?

  19. uhh, to be honest, i was hoping they would sing i'm stupid, but i guess it's not sort of a club song huh?

    but i was distracted by that guy who was playing the guitar lol so i wasn't paying attention to them when i was watching epi 4.

    I read somewhere they were supposed to sing "Because I'm stupid" but there was something wrong with the CD so they had to do "U R Man>" instead.

    totally agree! i loved hua ze lei. like i was 100% for hua ze lei and shancai, and the japanese version i was so-so for it, but still on rui's side partly!

    but HERE IN THIS KOREAN VERSION, i'm ALLL FOR JUN PYO AND JAN DI <3. ji hoo's not even CLOSE to getting my support. ahhh! i think it's the guy playing it ><" but lee min ho is getting cuter and cuter. started adoring him in ep 4 :]

    I am wondering if it's intentional by the writers/director, or just that LMH is so incredible in the role and Kim Hyun Joong is not convincing as mysterious but yet very attractive Rui?

    I don't know, I just know I hated Domyoji and even MatsuJun in the beginning. He really is terrible in the first 2 episodes of Hanadan.

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