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Posts posted by mm_7888

  1. How can I come to this point?

    from "i know that this ship will doom for sure but i will go down with it anyway" to the point where

    "oh my holy moly god.. TK might get a shot at this for real."

    hope is a scary thing.. hope kept you going .. silly little hope

    i still remembered last week.. the feeling of waking up at 8am quick check soompi forum and saw the kiss scene screen cap then

    literally jump up and down in my bedroom like a crazy lu..

    when you felt hopeful, you felt insecure about the outcome.. you expecting the unexpected..

    you have doubt- a lot of doubt..

    one thing i admired about JH  shippers are that they are so optimistic and so confident... and they're so brave..

    they didn't even flinch,, i wish i got that sort of security blanket... i wish i fear less and trust more...

    at this point in the game.. any signs we see can be point either way -it's up to to our own interpretation.,

    can anyone wake me up when sat end? --- i hate this angst......  









    • Like 11
  2. You guys this is seriously amazing CSI NCIS SHERLOCK level of detective works!!

    we talking about this mad skills of looking into 15 sec previews - crop image and zoom into pupil reflection and convert it (DAMNnnn)

    and the ability to distinguish the level of pinkness in DK sweater..  

    you guy are awesome...

    you know, i'm a very realistic person. and as realistic as the doomness of this ship. i found myself become this hopeless believer.

    i felt like i'm walking into the sea when i don't know how to swim and doesn't even expect myself to last 5 secs before drowning.

    but miraculously somehow, i still paddling and surviving ...  this thread giving me life!










    • Like 22
  3. i actually love this move Tk made.

    everybody thought he will fight back getting his competitive side on. but he didn't..

    and this have twist everything even further and this is what made taek's fate so different from CB's fate.

    he did not resist or persist, he actually give up on DS (which by the way, poor girl she still thinks noone likes her)

    it's not a noble idiot because he's not.. it's a calculated well thought act.. before the phone called he made to cancelled the plan.

    i cried with TK (literally insane sobbing actually-- it was not pretty guys) and moment of realization came to me..

    "aahhhh.. this is why i was on this sinking ship.. this is why i love TK so so much.."  







    • Like 8
  4. in reply 1994. chilbong's feeling has only been one-sided through out the whole series- i rarely saw najung gave him any hope or lead him on. it's not a fair fight to be honest. trash already won from the start.. once he declare he will be in the game. he already won by default.

    reply series theme are always been family.

    the theme of husband in reply series is you fall in love with your best friend who is like a family to you.. person you have history with, grow up together, and one day-- your feeling change- you see that person in a difference light..

    i am sure they are all close as a gang. but anyone can clearly see that DS is close to taek the most out of the boy. she knows everything there is about him. she knows how to deal with him better than anyone else.

    to me, taek fits the theme of reply husband than JH does.

    i just hope if the writer plan to have taek as a husband. i hope that she stick to who she original wanted him to be and not be sway by who's more popular.



    • Like 16
  5. Wandering to the main thread and read some very annoying thing such as...

    "The reason why JH can not confess is bc TK confessed first.  So TK holds the key to everything right now.  and TK should just confess already so he can get reject and JH can start date DS"

    let's one thing be clear...


    JH  had his chances time and time and time again again before he heard TK's confession.

    BUT HE DID NOT TAKE those chances. he let it pass him by.

    for JH to waiting for TK to resolve his feeling before you stepping in is not gonna help TK or himself.








    • Like 15
  6. That scene when TK came back all tired from the losing match and rest his head on DS shoulder.

    it speaks so much to my heart.

    DS is a home for him. it felt like home with her.


    I'm try and try and try so hard to get on JH  ship so i can get of this sinking ship aka taektanic lol

    but i just can't ... i'm not feeling JHxDS scenes what is wrong with me??? i mean it's cute and all but i just not investing in it.








    • Like 8
  7. as much as i love this series -
     i still think that with the length 60+ minutes for each episode - how the hell they gonna make it into 20 episodes???

    i think 16 is about right to me- i can't believe at this point in the story - there's still 9 episodes left.

    lol im just scared. if oppa and na jeong get together now- they gonna break up soon..

  8.  i am come to solution that kim yoo mi need to rejects jungwoo publicly or annouce marriage with some other guys in order to make this bad pr goes away. well, that being said, oppa will be heartbreaking .... :)

    LOL i can't believe i'm acting like na jeong on ep3 that's she being happy when she realized oppa broke up with his gf..   

    ok- im just kidding ok? im not that evil yet LOL

  9. so,are they confirm as dating ? or he just having a crush on her?

    urgh,, what annoying me is the people who release this dating news is the red family movie pr team-
    seriously, this will get some hype for their movie- but this could change his outlook in his booming career...
    im not saying he can't date- but the news shouldn't be released now.
    this not helping his career at all - even though, i have to salute him for being honest about it.

  10. @falloutjane i love your recap so much!! that i want you to watch reply1994 so u can recap them,too!!
    omg, it's a highlight of my day to read your recap LOL

    on to the kiss- i know, a lot of ppl will be like wth?!?? he forced himself on to her!! that's not cool!!
    but see,, their relationship is far way way more complicated than any normal relationship..

    they both go through so much misunderstanding and mistreating each other..
    but once they realized that they both mean no harm to each other and actually he means well to her.

    i felt that the force kiss happened because i don't think he knows how to love her properly..how to express his fondness of her.
    in the past,the only way he can kept her around is order her - he wasn't sure if she will stay with him..
    if not because his order...

    but the second kiss is awesome!!!!!!
    i'm really glad that both of them let their guard down.
    mh stop acting like a mad stalker
    and yj stop blaming herself and accept mh's love. girl, you deserve some chaebol love,alright!!

    they can hold hand and beat dh to the ground..(dh has this crazy eyes going on lately, im kind of scare of him now)

  11. i love ep.9 as everyone said this episode really is the turning point..

    dh is step into the dark side completely whereas mh open his eyes and see things in the whole difference light..

    my only worry is that yj seems really scare and annoyed with mh so badly - i still can't imagine she will reciprocate his feeling back anytime soon lol
     plus mh,being himself- explains his feeling in a very barbaric way..

    all mh did for yj goes unnoticed and she only seem to think the worst when it comes to mh- which i don't blame her...

    mh is smart- lazy but smart - i hope he get his damn act together before evil dh take over evry penny he has.!!

     by the way , i love love @falloutjane recap!!!!! so fun!!

  12. OH BOY... this drama made me cry so much - i couldn't believe i have that many tears in me...
    i usually not a fan of melo drama- cos i just don't want to see something that i know it will end badly...

    i avoid shark, or any magjang dramas  mostly but for this- i can see the light at the tunnel- cos at the end of the day YJ  is innocent..and her action stem from love not some stupidity -
    people who wronged her will pay the price hopefully  and i hope she get her own happy ending
    her life is friggin miserable,man... it's beyond trauma...what she has gone through..

    i can't wait- till the day MH knows ---on top of his crazy obsessive over her... i can see him fall madly deeply for the girl who took the blame and accept his anger and punishment all these years...

    respect, regret, guilty and sorry- i hope MH  felt its all...
    and for DH, you need to get your richard simmons in jail soon- cos u deserve it!

  13. just finished watching ep6 by far this drama made me cry evry single episode..

    YJ character break my heart- her life is just as miserable as it can be..
    but she smile and take it day by day without whining why my life is so suck..

    i am glad she broke up with DH not because he's such a friggin a hole.. but becos,
    i felt that dh pity her more than love her now.. he made it seem like its a responsibility and burden to be with YJ instead of being grateful for what she has done for him..
































































































































































































































    I honestly have to say that i don't love G.N.O performance- the song is not reallly good for live and the dance are kind of random.. anyway, i love be my baby though! eventhough when lim part i could hear clearly that she was either lipsync or backing track is too loud..
































































































































































    i guess this is just the first show-- need a little time to adjust to stage since they've been away for quite a while..

































  15. -

    I hope the Hyun Bin's topic goes back to the harmonious environment it once was. Some people are experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms from Secret Garden, it's a shame that negativity surrounds with topic.

    Thank you to the people who share news on Hyun Bin.

    i don't think anybody ANYONE coming here because they hate HB.. not at all...

    a lot of new ppls fall in love with hb in SG so sometime they will talk about HB&HJW just because of the drama.. trust me noone want him to break up with anyone ..we all like him that's why we come here..but people that stay here..

    keep bashing new people tell them to get back to reality tell them to stop talking about hb personal life...,tell them they bring negativities ?? really? I'm sorry ..i don't know that the harmonious environment it once was means when SG is not aired?? coz seem like all negative surrounding the topic are from most of the people that already a regular in this thread here...

    and to all the regular in this thread..

    i means no one that come in here has bad intention but seems like ppls that are staying in this thread ...

    push us all out... shuu us away tell us -why dont' you just leave?- isn't that too much?

    oh by the way, minus-- yes, that's very mature...

    can we just appreciate HB as he is ...when ppls talked about him and hjw can you think of it as a compliment that he's a good actor?

    being a fan takes a lot of effort...and i appreciated you translate article and photos but if the vibe in this thread is like this... a lot of his new fans will soon be gone after the sg is done.. who knows some of them might become a loyal fans just like you are right now..

    if you can't accept any new people that share a love of HB to the thread how can the community will grow?

    i'm sorry if im offend anyone here..

  16. @ sintame there's no trailer for section 7 yet only the poster came out.

    I love HJW with HB in real life too but yeah it's not good for them to pair up in real life. He already has a girlfriend. If they get together, then HB will be seen as a two-timer and HJW as a third party.

    i totally agree with you..

    i wish they're a couple or at least becoming one later but because of the situation it's kind of difficult for its to even happens.but most of all i want them to be happy with whatever choice they make and will make in the future..

    this is excerpt from sg press con that someone kindly translate it here few page back;

    During the press con for secret garden which i really like..

    “If prior to this drama we’d gotten to know and understand each other, I think we would have been able to bring more to the table. But we didn’t, so during filming we observed each other a lot more and took note of the details. It’s the same even now..”-Hyun bin

    “To date among all the dramas and movies I’ve been in it’s the first time I’ve had to really take note of the other person’s every move like this. Even now, if he passes by me I would take note, I would observe carefully Hyun Bin-sshi’s every little move.” -Ha ji won


  17. i saw ha ji won for a long time ago but didn't really pay attention eventhough a lot celeb chose her as ideal girl.. to me i still didn't think much about it..

    up until i watched 1 st episode of secret garden.. wow this girl can really act...

    she's such a cool person.. and when i watched the bts she's all smile and humble and just really friendly person..

    ha ji won has those charm that when you're start to get to know her more and more you'll start to think wow, this girl is such a cool person but warm and has such a kind heart

    instead of saying sorry all the time to ppl like gil ra-im charecters.. ha ji won always say thank you to her co-worker and her fans...~

    how can you not like her..?

    she's serious about her job, passion about acting ,warm people around her...

    that's why in the back of my mind.. i always have a secret thought that hyun bin might fall for ha ji won just like me..


  18. guys let just all get along please.. evrybody loves HB well ppls that love him for a long while must have watch him from WWI and know that he's in a relationship..

    and there's also a lot of PPLS just start to like HB becos of secret garden..

    and of course when you watch a great drama you want the main couple to be together.

    nobody want him to break up with anybody but everybody just really into the drama.. and i think that's a good thing becos it means he's a good actor..

    let;s just all enjoy HB and i think he's a grown man and obviously know what he want..
































































































































































































































    Is it true that tomorrow they will air 2 episodes in a row of MMM??

































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