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Posts posted by zantac_2

































































































































































































































































    but someone on Soompi has told me that I look like Ken Hirai :huh:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the first thing that came to mind when i saw your avartar was ken hirai. jackalpupz (i think thats his screenname) is another ken hirai long lost brother.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i don't really care. i've dated a couple of drug users, and like any other person they all had their ups and downs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    one girl i really cared for was a heavy weed smoker. some of my best times i have had in life was with this person. i'd like to think we got along so well with each other because we share this common interest.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i don't know whether you would consider this as slang, but i would really like to remove this line from my vocab.
































































































































































































































































    'you know what i'm saying'
































































































































































































































































    i feel just as dumb typing it.

































































































































    I agree. Am only growing my hair til shoulder length or less. Coz this is what I plan for my ponytail
































































































































































































































































    hate to break it to ya but that ain't happening. unless you decide to spray mini cooperloads of hairspray by then it will look totally mini cooper house.
































































































































































































































































    it might work if you tie it in a smaller tail but you end up looking as dumb as the guy chordsoflove posted.
























































































































    i see beatles were mentioned a few times in here...if they had never disbanded would we have been blessed with the wonderful music john lennon and george harrison has provided us?











    My heart did a little skip and stopped when I saw this. I'm glad I'm not a guy, cause otherwise I'd be devising a way to steal all your shoes.

    Said this in WDYWT but I love your brogues--I love both the metallic ones. My sister had a penny-copper colored pair with a slightly squared toe that i LOVED (but since we're twins, we're not allowed to wear the same shoes so it was off-limits for me. -_-)



















    i would probably have a heart attack if my shoes were stolen. alot of effort and resources went into finding these bad boys.










    i'm sure your sister would lend them to you. if not, find a similar pair in another metallic shade. good thing about metallic shoes is no one really wants them, so they are most of the time dirt cheap.










    its funny how 2 yrs ago i would have never imagined myself to own metallic shoes and would probably laugh at anyone who wore them.
















    the strange thing is i get alot more chicks approaching me when i have long hair then when i do with short. maybe chicks subconsciously adore men with long hair? who knows whats going on in those little brains of yours.



















    I really dont like it when guys have hair long enough to put it in a pony-tail. It looks dirty, and feminine.
















































































    uh how does it look dirty? imo pony tail on guys is a very masculine look. i don't know if its because its a style that is usually associated with women, but when a guy proudly wears a pony tail my first impression is usually that of a confident man. funny enough, i find shaved heads and very short hair on women very feminine.
















































































    on a side note, i always thought jang dong gun looked good in his ponytail eventhough it looks like he spent an hour styling it.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































    sony sa-5k and soundmagic pl30.
























































































































    neighbourhood, skulls, infrareds? sorry you're right, it is street, just at the poser level.
























































    ^theres nothing street about the way he wears his pants or the clothes he wears as a matter of fact. all i see is a clueless kid dressed by the internet/hype.
































    are you john teshing retarded? i was trying to show you the obvious difference between a slim fit and a skin tight fit.
















    off note, i do agree that sizing down any cut depending on the wearer can get real skin tight, but it's totally irrelevant to the point i'm trying to make.
















    so the question is, what does sizing down have to do with anything?









    you dont know what you are talking about.

    look at the apc fit picture again, how is that not skin tight? smh































    dude thats a slim fit. go check up on a77 fits if you want to know what skin tight is.




























    the apc's arn't skin tight. they are slim and a pretty good fit.
















    visvim's fit however is pretty mini cooper. why would you buy a slim cut and sag it to look like loose denim?




















































































    ^would look 10x better with the mullet off imo.

































    So what happens when you can't live off of mommy and daddy anymore? What happens when you're out in the real world and you want your Gucci and your LV and your Prada and your YSL and your Burberry and your Dior?
















































































    what makes you think she will live off mommy and daddy forever? for all we know, she may end up being succesfully independant.
















































































































    saw a white girl today who stood out from the crowd of sheeps. she wore a long strapped dress with sunflower decals and a large hat. only until i notice her unique style that she had an absolute gorgeous face making her entire outfit very cute. she had a body that looked delicate and fragile, pale skin, but not perfect with a few light shaded freckles around her body and face. hair was long, natural and light brown with a hint of red.
















































































































    do you girls talk smack back when they insult you? if you don't like it, chances are they won't like it as well.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































    just looked at the ingredients. isopropyl myristate is the 4th ingredient listed (meaning a relatively high % is used within the formula). a quick google search suggests this ingredient is highly comedogenic with a medium level of irritation.
































































































































































































































































    it may not affect some people, but for me any ingredients with a high com number is enough to stop me from using the product.

































































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