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Posts posted by litost

  1. To clarify, airing dramas same time as olympics does not mean the ratings are effected. In fact, next week was W's chance to increase viewers because Wanted isn't airing. There are separate drama viewers and sports viewers so if one drama doesn't air, the other drama is mostly likely to go up in ratings. Plus, the games during prime time are all pre-finals so not many people will watch. That is why fans can't understand MBC's decision. MBC is not thinking of W at all. Taking the 1st place drama off air for two weeks is a stupid decision. In all cases of being taken off air for two weeks, the rating went down for more than half. Like, there are cases where ratings went from 15% to 5%. UF will air all episodes because KBS has two channels and it is pre-made so they have to keep promise with chinese. UF will increase ratings for airing alone and the day W comes back, a new drama will also start. W is most likely end up 3rd place when it comes back. Fans are upset and angry for a reason. 

    Not asking for everyone's help, but try to understand the situation and take it seriously. 

    • Like 19
  2. W is not being delayed only for one week. It is basically certain W won't be airing the week after next week because of the olympics. That means it will be off air for two weeks and come back on August 24th. That is three weeks from now. That is why Korean fans are trying to at least save next week so MBC will air ep 7&8. They are calling MBC and writing on official homepage. Chinese fans are also joining in to protest through weibo and instagram. If international fans would like to join in, please help. 

    If the ratings fall because of MBC's scheduling, it will be a serious detriment to the actors, especially LJS. I'm so angry MBC have no respect for the actors.  

    • Like 9
  3. it's been a long time since i came in darling thread and a lot has happened huh

    about js's exgf



    they started dating before js started modeling back in junior high school and broke up around time of Secret Garden so it was like near 10 years. it's js's only known past relationship and it was long one. he has said in an interview that they broke up because they no longer felt like lovers, but just friends. he also said he stays in contact with her and yes, most of his friends are her friends too. she works as a fashion editor and obviously they are going to cross also because they work in the same industry. from what I know of their history, regardless of realness of Darling couple, they wouldn't get back together. but i think whether you are a shipper or just a js fan, you should know the ex is going to stay in his life in one way or another as a friend but it doesn't mean more than that so don't freak out.


    • Like 16
  4. definitely she says something and then he nods :rolleyes:



    It appears that she says "come this way".  I think he was a little lost and she saw it. 

    They're so cute!

    yes, i think i like your interpretation better.


    Why do you have to feel sad litost?

    i was sad because i thought their air had a bittersweet vibe but not anymore. i keep looking at that gif and everyone else is busy checking their award and getting off the stage but only JS and SH make a point to make eye contact, say something, and step towards each other. what is important is that they have a moment, something special, as if there is no one else on that stage. not just because i'm a shipper, but anyone who sees would agree they look and vibrant like movie stars and at that moment they are the main leads on the stage and every else is just supporting. i think even iu knows lol.

    • Like 11

    He has his first acting role in the short film "SYMPATHY" in 2005 but then there is a gap until he becomes a professional actor. This is what confuses me. He wanted to act so he moved to Seoul at 16 years of age but then they signed him up to be a model instead. What is the reason for it?  Whom can enlighten me with this? @dramafan100  @Rania Zeid ?  Also, do you have any idea when Wellmade will release his next project?

    From what I know JS always wanted to be an actor but agencies tricked him telling him they will let him act but made him idol trainee and debut as a model instead. He quit the idol agency and even sued them. When he quit modeling he signed up with Wellmade but they didn't let him work for 3 years, not even audition.   He became so seriously depressed he had to get a job at a bar to feel active. He got discovered by Jin Hyuk PD and finally made his drama debut. This is one of the reasons korean fans hate Wellmade, because they were so horrible to JS in the beginning. 

    • Like 10
  6. Oh my God :w00t::w00t::w00t: they both  will attend in the ceremony????? :w00t:I mean together????:w00t:  they can sit together???like SBS 2014??? :w00t: and.................................

    I'm gonna die!!!!! :rolleyes:

    yup i think both will attend but don't think will sit next to each other they ll sit acc to the award category they ll get

    suki will prob sit next to IU 

    and SH next to KSH & LMH 

    no, jongsuk and shinhye and iu are all in the same category. prime minister award.

    ksh and lmh received it last year so they are not attending. 

    it's not broadcast so we won't see darling sitting together but they will be on stage together.


    • Like 13
  7. Sorry ... I just realized ... I do not want them to be more than friends ... He is a lot of "forgetful" ... (but the director, the writer and the whole team ... he did not forget ...) 
    Once again sorry... PSH has worked with many actors who like her, who to tell her lots of compliments, were "gentlemen" ... But they were too selfish and narcissistic. I thought he different ... I think I was wrong. Alas ...
    But as a couple in the drama they are wonderful.) :)

    why are you in couple thread if you are going to call one of them selfish and narcissistic? :rolleyes: no one cares what you want.

    it is obvious both of them don't mention each other in award speeches because they don't want to bring attention to it. because reporters will pick up on it and run with it. and whatever is between them they want to keep private. if you haven't noticed that how can you even be her fan. 

    • Like 14


    Ok Bad News Jong Suk is No More in One Line movie... seems he declined it after it got postponed till march 2016 now the role is offered to IM siwan .... daamnnnn

    oh!! Does this means that he's taking drama ? 

    Sukkie-ya we miss you! Just act even if it kids programme I don't mind!!

    dunno... nd his name isn't mentioned yet for that drama i mean officially in articles... just rumors in drama DC 

    rumors? i'm wondering those rumors. can i ask about rumors?

    rumors abt him being offered I remember drama that will be aired after the Village drama on SBS 

    Do know how to say...my expectation is movie from Jong suk,i really don't want he take drama adless 2years after pinocchio,better he keep up the movie..i want he space his acting ability to next level,and stabilize his 'relationship'..i know to some of us miss him..but drama is gambling..with competition on rating lately is ..hard to quest the audience need,as we know 'yp' had highst rating after several month  the rating just around 13-17 in.but when we compare the story is weak ..i say not bad,but many hole sometime i cannot undestand,make me lost interest to continued.i more prefer 'SWB' and 'STtwenty'the story is light but no hole.i mean the time to release the drama is more important than the main story,with so many good drama about to release is hard to predict..'yp' relese is just in right time with no big rival...perhaps wellmade and Jong suk make wise decision..i don't want he get slump again..but i don't want he unconfident to take a project...just be wise..and happy to do it.

    cheer up chingu @mujay... Sukkie will be fine, trust him. He's also the director of wellmade now & surely he'll do his best for the company success!! He's the the 2nd largest shareholders remember? 

    I think he's enjoying his 'single but not available ' life well now & that he has someone who is very experienced to refer to before he makes any decisions! Let's hope we'll see him soon, very soon in his new project. Tbh, i too dying inside to see him in a movie! I can't wait to see him developing new characters in movie rather than a romanticist in mellow drama...

    @aydenJ, is it true Jongsuk is also director of WellMade? 

    i have come to trust Lee Jongsuk in his decision in dramas or films. An extraordinary actor like him will shine no matter where & when you put him. His talent could not be hidden. We just have to patiently wait for him and wish him all the best. 

    If One Line is not for him, something better is sure to come. I know...we all terrribly missed him. :sweatingbullets:



    no no jongsuk is not a director of Wellmade and he's not a shareholder. The director guy(who's in charge of girl's day} just have same name as jongsuk. 

    • Like 9
  9. red Circle  13MONTH
    blue Circle MEGATON89
    but Alphabet  without I,
    maybe it means you have to play bingo with "I" (me) as the title WITH ! ME BINGO?
    Bingo game at least 2 persons for playing~


    Nice!! I wonder what's does the 13 month means..

    Is LJS going have his own megaton brand ? And what's does megaton means ?

    13month is JS's designer friend's brand and he did a collaboration for the fan goods. His high school friend who appeared in V app works there. Megaton i think something has to do with pokemon.

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