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Posts posted by purpletiger86
















































































































































    it's shocking to hear that Rex got kidnapped by his road manager, his most trusted hyung (?). Would that be the guy that he was with in one of those flashbacks? The guy that taught Rex how to ride a motorcycle...and Rex teaching that guy how to dance? Oh gosh...I wonder what happened to his road manager. I have a weird feeling that Rex's road manager might appear in front of Rex again...eek~
















































































































    thanks for the spoilers~ :)
















































































































    I can't wait to watch this week's episodes in full mode.
































































































































































    bellaangel012: Yes...it has been a long time huh. I've been good. I'm always on soompi, just haven't been posting a lot(sadly, i've been a silent reader for the past couple of months)...except for recently :) Glad to meet you in here and see familiar faces, or rather sn's :)
















































































































    Episode 8 looks totally interesting. Thanks for the brief heads up on it! It's so funny how I can't pick out who should hook up with who. I mean, you would think after coming this far...I would have a favorite couple or something right? But NO! This drama is to dang hard to even get the characters emotions straightened out...hah~

    But what im seeing is that in the end, noone will end up with anyone. They will all go their separate ways. Which would suck majorly but more realistic. HJ is quite ambitious too and so is HS and Rex. SM is the only one there that isnt as ambitious.
















































































































    ^man~~I was thinking about all different kinds of conclusions...and yes, this was the most realistic ending that i also thought...hah~All of them just going seperate ways. Everyone in here knows that we like a complete ending to any drama right? I at least pray for a decent ending to this drama...even if there is no couple at the end. And oh yea, definately the suspense, lol.

































    on my own opinion rex is not an antagonist but rather a person who could easily mistrust any person who's been using him. that's why his character was kind of cynical towards a female who easily fall in love with him. even though his character was a jerk he still have a soft heart, he even warned heesu not to fall in love with him because he might hurt her. heesu know's about it already but she told rex she's responsible for her feeling's and want to see their relationship to next the level. but rex find out that heesu somehow was using him to succeed on her dreams. that's why on the next episode there is a kissing scene between rex and angela maybe because rex want to hurt heesu(it's my own opinion only). :D
















































































































    oh icic. That's a very good reason. Thanks~that helps me to understand Rex's character better. Either I skipped that part or I'm not there yet...but I had no idea Rex and HeeSoo were discussing that matter. But I had a feeling something was going wrong in their relationship. W/ the whole...'don't be nervous, this is all a fake' part that Rex told HeeSoo...and there was a scene where HeeSoo walked out on Rex after they were talking about something. I can't wait to watch 7-8...since I hear episode 8 is great!
















































































































































    Sandy...I think Rex kissed Angela to break up with Hee soo and get some publicity :)
















































































































    He's bored with Hee soo because he can tell that she started to like him.































































































































































































































    What the crappo? hah~~Rex shouldn't have come close to her in the first place...or wait, is it the other way around...I dunno~Maybe the confusion in this drama makes this drama so appealing...of course the dancing and singing is also a plus in this! :) Well if what you think is true...I just have nothing to say. Is Rex suppose to be the antagonist in this drama or something?
















































































































































    Hehe...Sandy...glad you're here :)
















































































































    Yeah...I didn't start with this drama until last week...it turned out to be my favorite drama now :)
















































































































    I really like the actors and the storyline also. Every character is real.
















































































































    Rex & Heeso kept playing with each other...They'll get hurt for sure.
















































































































    I believe Heesoo loved Hyuk Joo but Rex's fame made her jealous so she kept on sticking to Rex...hoping to share his fame and success.
















































































































    Starting with the New Zealand trip...she already kind of cheated on Hyuk Joo and started to have some feelings for Rex.
















































































































    She only comes back to Hyuk Joo when things don't go well with Rex. It's so sad when she tried to break up with him...she's like...I don't love you....so sad.
















































































































    I know why most people don't like her character...she's a selfish & ambitious girl...she can't have the best of both world.
















































































































    But she's still my favorite character. Her character is very complex and Kim Ok Bin's portrayal of Hee soo is great.
















































































































    Most of the time, I pity her for having to let go of her happiness in order to be successful.
















































































































    People just have different goals in life...some people just want to be happy and others will sacrify their happiness to achieve something else.































































































































































































































    Hehe right on! If I finished episode 1-6 in one day...that means I'm hooked onto this drama right? LoL~I kind of wished that I started this drama when it was totally over...so that I don't have to worry about waiting for the next two episodes every week...but I guess it's okay, since I had a blast watching 1-6 in one sitting. I just really hope this drama stays entertaining till the end. *praise*
















































































































    I'm planning on letting my mom watch it tonight...since she's been hunting for dramas that target towards younger generation, hah~I have a feeling my mom wants to go back to her younger days.
















































































































    Yeup...I agree w/ you about HeeSoo...a very complex character. Her character is most entertaining to watch...seeing her keep striving for her goal...going back and forth from auditioning, being a back dancer, back to auditioning, getting opportunities to become famous through Rex...etc. But how long would her fame last is the question. HyukJoo might be able to become a celebrity and famous in less time than she had prepared for. I dunno. And yeah...I noticed that HeeSoo calls up/goes to HyukJoo for support/comfort. I honestly think that HyukJoo should just move on to SangMi...seems like SangMi is the perfect match for HyukJoo...a bright girl that can take in all his pains and heal him. (but who knows how long I'll think this way...my mind flip-flops back and forth so easily...blah)
















































































































    I want to see Nam Hyun Joon coupling up with someone...he's so darn cute! How about Hyun Joon and Sang Mi...LOL! That came out of no where...but I was just skimming through episode 8 this morning and I saw HyunJoon smiling to SangMi while she was decorating their stage outfits...I thought it was cute. I love all the gangsta crew...they are so funny/adorable.
















































































































    That picture of Rex kissing Angela is giving me the chills. Why must Rex do that? Well, I guess we'll find out sooner or later...
































































































































































    I don't understand why I didn't catch this drama when it first aired in Korea, lol...jk~
















































































































    I just started watching this drama yesterday...and I am now up to episode 6. So far so good. I just thought I should come in here and comment on this drama. It sure is hard to grasp on how this drama is going to end...unpredictable and totally confusing!
















































































































    Rex and Hee-Soo is making me so confused! I don't know who they like! Maybe I do, maybe I don't. I feel like I need to rewatch all the episodes and look very closely to each and every one of their moves. All i know is that they have great dancing chemistry together...who would have thought Ok-Bin had such dancing skills...heh. I'm somewhat disappointed to see HyukJoo and OkBin to break up. :( I thought they were a great couple, especially in episodes 1-3. I skipped a couple of scenes (mostly all the gang scenes/grown up scenes)...so I might get some facts wrong.
















































































































    And oh...is it just me or HeeSoo's duet performance on Music Core (I think, since Brian was the MC)...a bit disappointing? I dunno...When I downloaded her song 'Start' and listened to it...it was quite catchy (though her vocals are quite weak)...but when I watched her perform it in episode 6 I believe...the song seemed as if it sounded totally different...maybe coz it started out with the chorus...and she didn't sing that much. Maybe I was expecting more from the performance...oh well~All her dancing scenes make up for it I guess.
















































































































    I think I'll be looking forward to how HyukJoo and SangMi's relationship develops...seems like they'll start liking each other. And omg...I really want to know the story behind Rex's past...the whole flashback of him drowning in water...in the car with his body tied up w/ a rope...making me curious! And Rex has a fear of seat belts...I can't believe he doesn't put on his seat belt while driving...it's so dangerous!
















































































































    I have tons more to say, but I'll end it for here now. I just like to end this post by saying that Nam Hyun Joon is such a great dancer and quite cute!!! He's so short compare to HyukJoo...but dang, this man can sure move fast!!! Love him!
















































































































































    the drama finally ended! I need to catch up on this drama...but I did see the last episode today...and i must say...it's one of the most satisfying endings i've seen in a korean drama...a great happy ending! :)
































































































    LeeMoonShik is a great actor and he's really cute when he smiles...for a man in his late 30s/40s. His smile lits up his whole face...makes me want to smile with him!
































































































    ParkSunYoung is pretty in this drama...and she looked dazzling/gorgeous in the wedding dress in the very end of the last episode!
































































































































    From sandy's spoiler... oh golly.
































































































    So it looks like they 'resurrected' Jung Sung Hwan and gave him another role in ep 9?
































































































    :wacko: well, I kinda wanna see him more in this drama, but yeah, this is rather so typical kdrama lolz.
































































































    They just had to do this after SooJung admitted her feelings for DJ. :ph34r:































































































































































































    Hehe yeah~~But honestly...I really don't mind JungSungHwan being 'resurrected'...as you call it...anymore. I actually like his character in episode 10/11...he's nice and it's cool that he had a good impression of daljae...coz he wanted to work together with daljae, instead of that evil dude!
































































































    I just wish SJ and DJ couples up!
































































































    But i have to agree with you that SJ and her husband looks great together!
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh my goodness...I just skimmed through episode 9...and I can't believe what I'm watching!
































































































































































































































































































































    If it isn't already painful for SooJung to get rid of memories of her husband and move on with her life...the writer just HAD to bring another male character into this great drama...and it just so happens it's a guy that looks EXACTLY like her husband (At first, I thought it was just flashbacks/imaginations again, but noooo~). Argh! I wish that the writer did not bring this character into this drama.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But what can I say...I guess it'll spice up the drama even more? I just hope SooJung and DalJae ends up together...DalJae is too adorable in this episode...love him!

































































































































    omo...omo thanks for the spoiler purpletiger86 I think this was scene you were referring to
































































































































































































































































































































    Yeup...that's EXACTLY the scene i'm talking about...i can't wait until monday/tuesday! Still driving me nuts, lol.
































































































































































































































































































































    Just finish reading Sandy's post, and wow.. in ep 9, eh? ;) hehe...
































































































































































































































































































































    Dal Jeh is one lucky man... ^^
































































































































































































































































































































    This drama is really interesting and touching at the same time...
































































































































































































































































































































    I'm still curious on how Soo Jung's husband died...
































































































































































































































































































































    it was such a sad scene in episode 1 when they showed a bit 'shadow' of him :tears:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    how far are you with this drama? Coz...i believe it explains how her husband dies in either episode 2 or 3...and it continues to show recaps of the same/similar scenes in the other episodes as well...if you want to know how he dies...read on:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    SooJung and her husband just got married and was going on their honeymoon...they were driving in the car...happily looking at each other and holding hands...than suddenly a truck or a different car comes in their way...and her husband freaks out and swirves (sp?) the car and it hits into something...and the car flips upside down and you get the idea. It's shocking how soojung survived it and he did not. It was such a sad scene.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    :o Oh wow! This drama is getting better and better...I liked episode 9...though i skimmed through most of it, which i should have not done. The ending of episode 9 is going to drive me insane until next week!!! The drama is spicing up now!
































































































































































































































































































































    I loved the last scene in ep.9: when soojung confessed her feelings to daljae! She tells him that she is starting to get feelings for him/liking him. Daljae had a big smile on his face...than Soojung suddenly gets all these doubts and confusion and runs off. She's basically scared to death...after what happened to her husband. Daljae kept telling Soojung that he'll make her happy forever...and that he's different from her husband. As they walked on each side of the side walk...daljae suddenly runs into the road where a big truck was coming...and boom! That's when the episode ends...argh!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    :crazy: Soompiers, STOP IGNORING THIS DRAMA! :( That goes for the rest of Korea as well! <_<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I agree with jahye! This drama is great! Well at least the first four episodes that I've seen. I can't wait to get my hands on the next three episodes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LeeMoonShik is a great actor and ParkSunYoung is a great actress. I'll be looking forward in watching episode 7, heh.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    psy was married but then what happened to her husband?
































































































































































































































































































































    I'm guessing that after they got married and went on their honeymoon...both of them got into a huge car accident...where PSY survived it and her husband died. There was a flashback of it in episode 2 or 3...it was really depressing to see.
































































































































































































































































































































    Ah~~another drama that I'm willing to discuss about...only seen up to episode 4...but still pretty good. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i started to watch rainbow romance again...i had to catch up on a lot of episodes...but it's all good.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I liked episode 158...and i agree about feeling sorry for ShinYoung in that episode. She knows all the secret! Yay for her! But it would be a struggle/hard for HeeChul, EuiChul, Professor Park, (the whole kibum and bora thing)...to actually admit to ShinYoung their feelings.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It might just be my crazy and twisted mind...but at one point, I had a odd feeling that ShinYoung and newbie JiHoo might get paired up. Hah. It would be totally funny if they did!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And the saddest episode was when MinKi left and Bora cried her eyes out...i felt so bad for those two...have to be seperated and all...but it's cool that Bora is still cheerful and clumsy. It was funny when she made the comment in episode 156 "Should I look pretty too? Or wait, I have Minki!"...lol...this is when Bora and EunBi first encountered JiHoo...and EunBi was stunned by JiHoo's hotness and blabbed about how she should start looking pretty in the house also.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    HeeChul that prankster! LoL! It was pretty funny how HeeBon and ParkHeeJin Professor was imagining what HeeChul would have been like for him to be playing tricks on people.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And yes, it was quite sad what KiBum said at the very end of the episode. For those who are dying to know what he said, read the yellow print:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    KB: I am not acting like this because of pride, I am acting like this because I just want to be beside you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Aww...he sure likes EunBi a lot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Basically EunBi told KiBum that she has been getting all of KiBum's help/support because she felt sorry for him (probably meaning that she didn't want to be rude and decline his help)...and than she goes on by telling him that there is nothing more to it than that...also tells him that she doesn't need his help in getting treatment for her leg anymore. KiBum changes his mood and tells EunBi that she's ridiculous/absurd for thinking in such a way and that he went to America to try to erase his feelings for her. He tells her to just act the way she usually is and the way they have been getting along and walks off. (now obviously...we all know that KiBum doesn't mean what said to EunBi...he just does not want to break the relationship that they already developed right now...I mean sure...he wants to go further with their relationship...but he definately does not want to go below, but above.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    That's pretty much what the convo. was about.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    no, he didnt take credit for minkis work
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    this is what happened when bora was thanking him
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    bora: im thankful for your singing... and the milk. you know i gained a lot of strength drinking that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    jonghyuk: milk? what are you talking about?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    bora: stop being awkard and acting ^-^ you bought me milk every day and stacked them up outside our house
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    jonghyuk: i really dont know what youre talking about
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    bora: okay then i'll pretend not to know
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and the last scene with minki and jonghyuk?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    where theyre in the hospital?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    okay after he comes running this is what happens
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    jonghyuk: hows bora doing??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    minki: shes ok.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    jonghyuk: thats a relief. i'll stay here so you can go back. and also, i dont want to meet you like this again. im enough for bora.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    minki: why would you drag a sick person around if you liked them? you think you have a right to say that after what you did? if anything like this happens again, then theres no *something* (good lord, i rewinded it three times but i could not catch what he said ><)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Great job in translating these two scenes! :) Just to help you out with the very last words that MinKi said to JongHyuk...this is what minki said:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    MinKi: If anything like this happens again, then the brother relationship that we have is through!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (I'm sure there is a better way to phrase that sentence...but it's pretty much right...although MinKi did not like JongHyuk very much in the first place...he called JongHyuk 'Hyung'...which means 'older brother'...so MinKi basically meant he is not going to treat JongHyuk like an older brother anymore...and start treating him like someone he does not know.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I personally liked this episode! It showed me how much MinKi likes Bora...a very devoted love I guess you can say. I know for sure that MinKi will always be beside Bora no matter what...though MinKi does not express his feelings very clearly and openly...he really has a pure/kind heart...and you can tell that he will always be someone that you can depend on for comfort. When MinKi first developed feelings for Bora...and Bora had no interest in him...I disliked how MinKi was like a dark shadow to Bora...but now, the shadow is soon to fade away...I hope Bora and MinKi ends up together soon...though I feel bad for JongHyuk since he is a pretty nice guy as well. *prays for MinKi and Bora couple!*

































































  18. does anyone know who the singer of bo go ship dah was? (not kim bum soo but the girl who sings it in the episode with minki and bora) if anyone has the mp3 version of it and would upload it..that would be great too! =] anyways...i'd like to thank all the people who are uploading all the episodes...THANK YOU!!!

    if I have to take a lucky guess on the female singer who sang KimBumSoo's 'BoGoShipDah'...I would have to say that it might have been Gumi aka Spider. I don't know if there is an actual mp3 of her version of 'BoGoShipDah'...there probably is...but not sure if it's floating around somewhere on the internet. I bet it'll be released sooner or later.

  19. It's cool that KiBum is coming back to the show...but now I'm confused as to how the KiBum/EunBi/HyunMin story will turn out. While KiBum was gone...EunBi is now starting to like HyunMin...will it be possible for her to quickly move her heart back to KiBum? I obviously don't care who EunBi ends up with since I like both HyunMin and KiBum...but I don't like the way the writer is setting up their story. If the writer was going to have KiBum come back...the writer shouldn't have had EunBi's character start to fall for HyunMin. I dunno, it's just my opinion.

    And does anyone think that HeeChul and HyunKyung might end up together?

  20. Since I don't watch this, I don't know what is happening in this drama. I hope the translation of the summary makes sense to you all~ Enjoy! :)

    [ 106 ȸ ] 2006³?¿??(¿??¹?²² ?º??8·???´?²: ¼®?? ¾?ʹٴ?¸»¿¡ °?¤?°??¹??¿¡°??ȭ¸¦ °Ǵ? ?¹??ȭ¿¡¼­ ¼®?: ~³²°??²² ?º??¿¡ °£´ٴ?»?; ¾˰?¥?? ³ª´µ¥..

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    106: JongNam and InBum goes to the farm together, but JongNam worries about SukHyun aftering hearing that he was sick. InBum calls SukHyun. SuhKyun finds out that JongNam is going to the farm with InBum....SuhKyung gets cranky/grumpy...

    Getting frustrated because of the 'big' family, SuhKyun acts very coldy to GiWoong as well. Finding out that GiWoong got at award at BongEe KimSunDal Thingy (?...hehe sorry, i dunno what it is)...SuhKyun takes GiWoong's name off of the winners list.

    107: GiWoong goes to see SukHyun after noticing that his name was not mentioned in the honours/winners/award list. SukHyun tells GiWoong that he dropped/disqualitifed him. Seeing GiWoong depressed, HaeIn donates blood and because of her doing that, she earns free movie tickets. With the tickets, she tries to cheer GiWoong up..

    Coming back from the farm (?)...InBum proposes to JongNam.

    Meanwhile, JaeMan steals NaRah's jewelry in order to lend JaeDo some money....

    108: Because of JaeMan's favor to MinSook....MinSook makes Loach stew for SukHyun. Because of SukHyun's cold attitude...MinSook's heart breaks. SukHyun does not eat the Loach stew.

    Noticing that her jewelry disappeared...NaRa immediately accuses JaeMan.

    Meanwhile, ByungDoo and YooJung goes to HaeIn's work so that they can have a family dinner out...but they see GiWoong there.

    109: ByungDoo asks GiWoong to eat dinner with them all, but YooJung is not too happy about it because she just wants a family gathering. ByungDoo takes interest in GiWoong's assertive behavior.

    NahRah shows SukHyun some profile's of the girls she wants to set him up with. InBum tells SukHyun that he proposed to JongNam. SukHyun goes to see JongNam and tells her that if she doesn't grab him, than he is going to grab her...

    110: All the family gather together to celebrate JaeDo's birthday, except for SukHyun. At that same time, SuhKyun was drinking very strong alcohol by himself.

    Meanwhile, NaRah tells MinSook that JaeMan stole her jewelry to lend money to JaeDo. That night, SukHyun goes to see JongNam very drunk, but JongNam does not come out to see him. He comes home and gets scolded by JaeMan...because everyone (the big family) knows about (whatever they know about). SukHyun gets slapped when he says that he doesn't want to see the 'big' family every again because all they care about is money.

  21. okay, i just got finished watching LeeSooYoung's 'Grace' music video...and like most of you...I got confused watching it the first time as well. I am going to watch it the second time right after I post this up. I also read babybeck's interpretation of the mv a couple minutes ago...and i did have similar thoughts as well. But hnmm...I think I need to concentrate by listening to/reading the lyrics and watching the mv at the same time. But considering that this mv has a part two to it...I'm guessing it'll make more sense if we watch the 2nd part. :)

    I also thought the transition between each scene was a bit random...like showing Kendo (?) aka GumDo scenes...and going back and forth with flashbacks. I actually didn't know what was the present and what was the past...well there were some scenes that was very obvious what took place in the past...but still~~seems like LeeSooYoung's mvs are hard to interpret...but out of all the mvs I've seen of her's...this one was a bit poorly produced...it's just my opinion....but nonetheless, the song rocks and leejunki~~*sigh*...not saying it was horrible mv, coz I still thought it was interesting. I guess what I am trying to say is...I am a bit disappointed because I had such high expectations for it, heh~

    LeeJunKi sure looked CUTE in the mv!!!!




























































    I have fallen In love with this drama! It is such a cute drama...I've only watched up to episode six...and so far, so good. I love HongKyungMin! I love him as a singer...and now I like him as a actor!




















































    I absolutely cannot wait to catch up with this drama!




















































    For those who are interested. Here is the song that yeohweping was wondering about in the previous page. The song that was playing at the cafe...where LYA and HKM were talking and drinking their coffee/tea.




















































    LeeSeungHoon-Rainy Distance (sendspace)





  23. Translation of HaRu and DongJae's Scene in Episode 6

    D: What do you think you're doing? Who told you to go to that place? WHO! I told you to keep your mouth shut when someone ask you questions. Why do you keep acting on your own. Why do you keep acting on your own when I asked you to not do it!? Why are you making me crazy by acting on your own, why!?

    H: Because I am a person/human. I am...a person. I am not a test paper (?). Getting the surgery...going from here to there...experimenting and testing....do this, do that....try this, try that. Don't treat me as something that does not know how to think. I am...mine. I am not an object of yours or Mrs.Heuh (the hospital director/admin lady!). I am also a person.

    D: That's right. You are a person. I made you into a person. I made a handicap who gets treated as a dummy into a person. Who was ignored and avoided...I made you into a person, do you know!?

    H: It seems as if you have forgotten....I...before this operation...I was also a human being. There is only one reason why I wanted to become smart....which was to make EunHye happy/proud. The only thing you did...was (doing) the surgery.

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