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    Temptation of Wife OST Special <--- This is the special OST: Includes songs sung by Lee Jae-Hwang (GW), Jang Seo-Hee (EJ), Choi Young-In (SH), Choi Joon-Young (EJ's brother KJ), Kim Young-Gun (EJ's father) and other artistes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Temptation of Wife Remix Album <--- This is a compilation of remix songs sung by Cha Soo-Kyung, Lee Jae-Hwang, Jag Seo-Hee and Choi Young-In.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I dislike the fact that I'm hating President Min more and more because I use to like her (back when her and EJ were like real mother and daughter and also when she was plotting her own revenge against GB's father). But now, she's gone pretty crazy herself--allowing, or more like forcing GW to marry SH, when she was totally against it in the past. What the heck is up with that? Instead of feeding SH pills, President Min should seriously consider checking SH into a mental hospital and have her get therapy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't say this enough, but again, the whole cause of this massive chaos is SH...why did the writer bring her back into the story?? This has got to be the most stupidest decision this writer has done in k-drama history, haha, jk.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And it's ridiculous how the story went from mostly EJ/AR/GB to SH/AR/EJ...GB shows up in less scenes now--not that I liked his character in the first place or anything...but the title of the drama "temptation of wife" is kind of pointless to the actual drama right now because all we get to see is yelling and fighting back and forth by the majority of the characters. It has become more of a battle, rather than revenge! EJ is suppose to be the main character, yet I feel like SH has taken over for these past recent episodes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This drama should have seriously ended with EJ's successful revenge against GB/AR and then EJ finding peace and living happily ever after with GW. And seriously...why hasn't the writer killed off (wow--i'm so cruel) AR and keep saving her butt! Doesn't make any sense to me...we will never get to see her go to jail or admit to all the wrongdoings she has done at this rate! She's a psychopathic lier!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wasn't going to watch anymore episodes until the drama ends, but couldn't help myself...plus, this is the only drama i'm watching at the moment. It's weird how I think this drama is ridiculous and lost its spark, yet I'm still hooked, lol.

































































































































































































































































    okay :) I thought Sohee was screaming about the engagement ring lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    agenth, you're right. SH was screaming for EJ to take off her engagement ring because it's the ring that EJ and GW shares. So SH basically wanted EJ to take off the ring right in front of her and also threatened EJ by saying that she'll do something bad to EJ's finger. And then she goes on saying that she'll do even more terrible things to protect her man and also says that she can't accept anything that happened between EJ and GW while she was gone. SH is one crazy psycho woman.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I watched this drama during my spring break and i was so hooked on it...but goodness, so much screaming and yelling. Like most of you all, I thought it was a horrible idea to bring backl SH, as if the plot isn't chaotic enough with psycho/evil characters (AR/GB's entire family, except his sister and the aunt). This show should have ended a long time ago, yet it keeps dragging and dragging (and I feel like it's the same story over and over again)...but I guess we have a couple more episodes to go, luckily. I still do enjoy this show, although I don't know if I would have enjoyed it as much if I watched it as it aired (I like to watch dramas in one go without any waiting, although now I'll have to wait couple weeks to finish watching episode 109 till the final episode, ha). I'm going to be extremely angry if AR gets forgiven and nothing bad happens to her after all she has done.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    주회 (김소연) - Joo Hee (Kim So Yeon)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    *Director Han is Jin Soo's boss @ the magazine company
































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    총지배인 (도윤주) - General Manager (Do Yoon Joo)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    강매니저 (김혜정) - Manager Kang (Kim Hae Jung)

































































    Where are the originals - was the envelope he gave to DalRae (when Jingoo was their with the ROSES)

    was THAT envelope different from the ones he'd stashed in her car, on the bricks under the wheels, etc.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If I'm not mistaken, the letters are all the same, except for the one that Dal Rae actually read/kept (which was the envelope that OJ gave when JG visited DR's house with roses). That envelope included the letter and all the papers that OJ had the women that he conned to stamp/sign for proof that he did beg for forgiveness to them. Luckily...she was the only one that had the letter and the signed papers, otherwise the police would have known more information than needed. The police contacted Jin Dal Rae because the whole letter was written for her to read...and I guessed the police figured that she was conned by OJ through the letter and all these confessions he made.

































































    ^^ Wow, an added twist to the plot. :blink: What will Oh Joon think?

    And I wonder how the police got the letters. I don't think it was Jin Goo because he has his own evidence that he hadn't opened yet.
































































































































































































































































































































    One thing about the first woman OJ apologized to, Ji Young. Her clingy hug and sudden forgiveness seemed like just an act to me. It was like she did it deliberately, knowing that it would scare off OJ. Because later, she throws salt, rather forcefully, to get rid of the bad luck (brought by OJ). It was like she was saying, "GOOD RIDDENS!"
































































































































































































































































































































    I hope the gremlins have calmed down, so I can re-attempt to dl when I get home. :unsure:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yes, definitely a twist! O-cha & imogene_af, good job in guessing it correctly! :) I kind of sensed that MD was gay in episode 2 (when OJ came to visit MD at school and brought him food to eat. MD didn't seem to care much when OJ was telling him some stuff/tips on women. And even in today's episode, it seemed like MD disliked DR from the way he was talking to her.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If I'm not mistaken...the police found the letter(s) in the car that OJ was driving around (the car that one woman gave to him saying that she bought it with her father's credit card/money or something, so he needs to drive it carefully and not get into an accident).
































































































































































































































































































































    Hehe, yup. It was all an act to get rid of Oh Joon...after Ji Young threw the salt on the street...she said "He won't come to see me anymore, would he?"...so she purposely scared him off to be all clingy, lol.

































































    What comes next, i must rely on hjkomo to translate - because we cut to ManDu's flat -

    and he's getting the crap beat out of him by a man - whose face is new to me....I haven't seen him before.
































































































































































































































































































































    He is screaming at ManDu and tossing all his books around - busted MD's lips, black eye, blood -
































































































































































































































































































































    Suddenly - there's a knock at the door - it's Oh Joon who's spirits are HIGH - because of
































































































































































































































































































































    progress with DR and the teaching etc...
































































































































































































































































































































    He hears the commotion and starts yelling at MD about what's going on???????
































































































































































































































































































































    MD "lady hugs" the man's leg and begs him "not to tell or talk to Oh Joon" -
































































































































































































































































































































    what is THAT about????































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'll leave it to kjkomo to translate this scene, but I'll try to give some spoilers, heh.
































































































































































































































































































































    This scene kind of confused me and so I had to watch it twice before I actually understood what was going on...and this is what I think...
































































































































































































































































































































    The man hitting MD is his older brother. MD's older brother is angry at him because I think MD finally 'came out of the closet'. MD's mom found out that he was gay when his mother forced him to go on a match-making date and so I guess MD told his mom that he was gay...etc...which makes his mom faint, hence why his older brother beats the crap out of him...asking MD to tell him that it's not true...etc etc. MD yells back telling his brother that he should have known from the start and that he didn't wish to be born like this, it just happened. MD tells him that if he had told his family about him being gay, than everyone would feel miserable/unhappy...but he doesn't understand why they (brother, sister-in-law, cousins...etc) have to be miserable because of him and be embarrassed about that fact.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Than Oh Joon comes and knocks on the door. MD's older brother asks MD if he (OJ) is his lover. Older brother stands up to go open the door and MD stops him by grabbing onto his leg, telling his brother that it's just OJ (the brother knows OJ) and to not say anything to OJ because he doesn't know anything about it and if he finds out...MD's afraid that OJ will not be friends with him anymore. MD keeps begging to his brother to not say anything.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I downloaded ep.3 right before I headed to school and I just skimmed through it. It was a bit more emotional than the first two episodes, but it was still enjoyable. Soondae aka Yujin is so adorable, I just want to adopt her, although I would have a difficult time handling all her fits, but other than that...she's too cute for words, lol.
































































































































































































































































































































    Shirley, thanks for the wonderful spoilers...you know I love spoilers since I rarely watch dramas in full mode, unless it's summer break, lol. I just like to say that I really REALLY like the relationship Jin Dal Rae has with her mother-in-law...they are so close that it just amazes me, since we rarely see such a relationship in k-dramas. So I like this new "concept" (ha!) that this drama is throwing in. It was sad to see Jin Dal Rae fall sick and faint...even her mother-in-law already knew that Dal Rae was going to get ill, although Dal Rae told her mother-in-law that she was fine. Mothers knows best! (Dal Rae gets very sick once every year when it gets close to her husband's death day, so her mother-in-law knows what to expect when that time arrives). And did anyone else think it was so cute when Soondae came running over to her mom and grandma to be included in their hugging moment? Aww~~~hehe. And also, that Kim Jin Gu guy cracks me up...I can't believe he was talking so formally with Soondae, she's a child for crying out loud! But I guess that's what makes me like this guy...he makes me laugh without trying to be funny at all, unbelievable!
































































































































































































































































































































    School started for me on Tuesday and so far...I'm taking it quite slow (since it's the first week)...that is why I was able to watch ep.3, yay! I hope it can be the same tomorrow as well. But next week and onward...it's going to be a different story, wah! But I just like to thank all of you who have contributed to this thread by posting up spoilers, pictures, previews, links, great and in-depth discussions...etc. It's going to help me keep up with this drama (and other k-dramas as well) even without watching it religiously, so I really appreciate it! You gals (and guys?) rock! :)








































































































    Yay! Finally there is a drama that I can enjoy, lol. I think by far...Bandit and New Heart are the two most enjoyable dramas to watch at the moment...but it's such a shame that I won't be able to watch any of these dramas continuously anymore now that my winter break is almost over, shucks~! Anyhow...I just wanted to stop by in this thread and say how much I enjoyed watching the first two episodes despite the low TV ratings (but hah, who cares about the ratings?...some people are just missing out on a good drama)
































































    I usually don't post at soompi as much as I use to, but I thought I should contribute a little bit to this thread before I head back to school again...so here is a brief translation of the last scene in episode 2. It was quite a touching scene and LDH and the hubby's friend's acting performance was quite good. In the middle of translating, I realized that I was translating each line/sentence as how I would for timers to time each line easily...so all the lines are pretty much separated as opposed to being combined as a whole...so it looks like it's all over the place...sorry about that...but I did separate each line with symbols to differentiate who's talking. So hope you all enjoy! :) PS-it's so nice to see familiar screen names in this thread...I really missed watching and discussing my favorite dramas at soompi.
































































































































































































    KEY: [*] = Jin Dal-Rae / [-] = Sang Min (hubby's friend)
































































    *Whether it rains or snows...































































































































    *Whether the flowers blossoms or withers...































































































































    *Whether it's windy or hails, I will never leave your side.































































































































    *You call this never leaving my side?































































































































    *Perhaps he secretly had a hidden wife in the Himalaya Mountain and is going back and forth between two wifes?































































































































    *I will hurt him if he did!































































































































    *Was it a Tibetan woman instead of (???) woman?































































































































    *It might be.































































































































    *His style of woman is more of a Tibetan type.































































































































    *That one time, he told me to braid my hair like those women in Tibet. That pervert!































































































































    *Even if he fell in a love with a Tibetan woman, I'll forgive him if he comes home right now.































































































































    *He gets off the plane and gets inside the taxi.































































































































    *He gets dropped off at the bottom of the stairs.































































































































    *He walks up the stairs. Walks up. Walks up. Walks up. He's up.































































































































    *He's nearing the alley. Two steps. Three steps. He see's the house.































































































































    *Five steps. One, two, three, four, five.































































































































    *He puts his knapsack down.































































































































    *Rings the doorbell.






























































































































































































































































    (runs outside)































































































































    *Jang Tae-Woo, stop right there!































































































































    *Just stop right there. I'll hurt you if you move a muscle!































































































































    *Don't even breathe. Don't move!































































































































    *Who are you?































































































































    -It's me, sister-in-law.































































































































    -It's Sang-Man.































































































































    *Oh, Sang-Man!































































































































    *Where's Tae-Woo?































































































































    -I was only able to bring this.






























































































































































































































































    -Climbing down the mountain...when I arrived...he wasn't there.































































































































    *What was?































































































































    -Tae-Woo...Tae-Woo wasn't there.






























































































































































































































































    -When I looked back...the crevasse...































































































































    *What is that?































































































































    -It's a big crack that forms when the ice moves over uneven rocks (or when ice spreads).































































































































    -I don't believe it either...I looked back to see him often...but a minute before I looked back to see him...































































































































    -He was doing a great job climbing down...I really saw him climbing down...































































































































    *So what?































































































































    -My knapsack was heavy so Tae-Woo switched his with mine.































































































































    -Tae-Woo had my knapsack and I had his.






























































































































































































































































    *So what does that mean?































































































































    *What about the knapsack? What about the crevasse?































































































































    -I'm sorry, Dal-Rae.































































































































    -I came back by myself.































































































































    *So that is why I'm asking you...why?































































































































    *What about the crevasse? What about the knapsack?































































































































    -I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Dal-Rae.































































































































    *He said that he was going with you...he wrote in the letter that he'll go just this once and never go mountain climbing again.































































































































    *He keeps his promises.































































































































    *He wrote a letter and just left like that...I was so mad, but still trusted him.































































































































    *If I trusted him, he needs to come back.































































































































    *Why didn't a person come and just a knapsack?































































































































    *I don't understand anything you are saying.































































































































    *I don't understand what any of it means.































































































































    *It's obvious that a 500 year old person will not be alive after 500 years.































































































































    *And it's also obvious that a 200 year old person will not be alive after 200 years.































































































































    *100 year old person may possibly still be alive after 100 years.































































































































    *Someone who is 50 years old is usually still alive after 50 years.































































































































    *But Sang-Man...it's so horrible to say that a person who was here just a minute ago is not alive after a minute.































































































































    *Are you joking with me?































































































































    *Are you playing jokes on me?































































































































    *How can you say such a horrible thing, Sang-Man!































































































































    -I wish everything was a lie!































































































































    (runs back inside her house)






























































































































































































































































    *Please let mommy think for a minute so just hold still.































































































































    *Mommy...mommy has to think...mommy has to think!































































































































    *So you're saying...not even 100 or 200 years...but someone who was alive just disappears within a couple of years?































































































































    *I know. I understand. But hello...I can't see myself get sick or someone else get sick anymore.































































































































    *Hello, I beg of you....Please don't tell me that your sick, how sick you are or why you are sick.




























    ^well said jahye...totally agree with you!




















    I skimmed through the last episode and I must say that it was a very satisfying ending!!! I can't WAIT to watch the last two episodes! :)




















    I love everything about this drama, yet it was very underappreciated! My mom and I pretty much have the same taste in dramas...yet for this drama...we had totally different opinions and views on it...so I ended up watching this drama alone, surprisingly.


































































































































































































    ^aigoo~~~there better be a reasonable explanation for Gong Madam's death or else...
































































































































































    *runs to download episode 13-14*
















































































































































































































































































































































































    Are you serious?!?! Gong Madam died? Why?!?! Is the writer trying to kill off random people now. Hmm...I was already shocked about Ran's sudden death...goodness...not really liking this route anymore...but I guess since this drama is about life and death...I should have expected something like this...but still!!!!

















































































    마이데일리 = 임이랑 기자] 시청자들을 울리는 드라마 KBS 2TV 월화드라마 '꽃 찾으러 왔단다’가 슬픔의 끝으로 치닫고 있다.'꽃 찾으러 왔단다(이하 '꽃찾다')'는 돈 많은 남자인줄 알고 결혼을 결심했지만 그 남자가 돈이 없고 곧 죽을 사람이라는 사실을 알고도 사랑에 빠진 나하나와, 췌장암에 걸려 죽을날을 앞둔 윤호상의 이야기다.

    20일 방송된 '꽃찾다'에서 윤호상은 우연히 의사를 만나 자신이 암에 걸린 사실을 알게 된다. 그동안 나하나를 비롯한 몇몇 사람들만 알던 사실은 본인이 직접 알게 된 것이다. 윤호상은 처음 이 사실을 알고는 예전에 만났던 점쟁이를 다시 찾아가 "내가 20년은 더 살거라고 하지 않았냐, 확실한거냐"고 묻는 등 믿지 못하는 모습을 보였다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    하지만 이후 부모님에게 전화를 걸어 안부를 전하는 등 체념에 가까운 행동을 해 시청자들을 안타깝게 했다. 또한 곧 죽을 것이라는 사실을 잠시나마 잊고 싶어 하는 윤호상의 모습은 보는 사람의 눈시울을 붉히게 했고, 통증이 찾아와 힘들어 하는 윤호상 연기는 본능적인 시청자들의 동정심을 유발했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    '꽃찾다'는 첫 방송부터 차태현과 강혜정의 코믹 연기로 시청자들의 눈길을 잡았다. 오랜만에 안방극장으로 복귀한 두 사람의 능청스러운 코믹 연기는 어느새 눈물연기로 변해 시청자들의 눈물샘을 자극하고 있다. 그동안 강혜정의 눈물, 공현주의 눈물 등에 이어 차태현의 눈물이 시청자들을 울린 것이다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    시청자들은 게시판을 통해 "너무 보기 안쓰럽다", "호상이를 제발 살려달라. 기적이 일어나게 해달라"며 호상의 눈앞에 다가온 죽음을 슬퍼했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ['꽃찾다'에서 자신의 병을 알게된 차태현. 사진=KBS화면캡처]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    임이랑 기자 queen@mydaily.co.kr
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    기사 제보 및 보도자료 press@mydaily.co.kr
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - NO1.뉴미디어 실시간 뉴스 마이데일리(www.mydaily.co.kr) 저작권자 ⓒ 마이데일리. 무단전재&재배포 금지































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Translation of the article (there are some spoilers, so please avoid if you don't want to get spoiled! :))
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    KBS 2TV Monday-Tuesday drama "Flowers For My Life" has made tv viewers shed into tears. This drama is about a woman named Na Ha-Na who decides to get married to a rich man named Yoon Ho-Sang, but later finds out that this man is not rich and about to die due to pancreas cancer. However, knowing his true identity, she still falls in love with him.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 12 was aired in Korea on the 20th. The episode was a sad episode about Yoon Ho-Sang visiting the hospital coincidentally and he finds out that he has pancreas cancer. Excluding Na Ha-Na and a few others, no one knew about his disease. After finding out that he has cancer, he goes and visits the same fortune teller he went to see with Na Ha-Na and asked if it is positively true that he'll be living for another 20 years, but Ho-Sang appears to not believe the fortune teller.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    TV viewers felt sorry for Ho-Sang's character during the scene where Ho-Sang calls up his mom and cries. Ho-Sang is leading people into tears as he tries very hard to forget that he's about to die soon. Seeing Ho-Sang suffering through the painful symtoms has tv viewers sympathizing with him.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ever since the airing of the first episode, Cha Tae-Hyun and Kang Hye-Jung's comic acting has gained much attention by tv viewers. Starting off the show in a more comical mood has now suddenly turned into more of a dark and sad mood. Up till now, we have seen Kang Hye-Jung's tears, Gong Hyun-Joo's tears...and now Cha Tae-Hyun's tears...which puts tv viewers into tears as well. On the message boards, tv viewers have left comments such as : "I feel so sorry for Ho-Sang/I pity him", "Please save Ho-Sang. Please have a miracle happen"...these comments were posted on the message board.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I briefly skimmed through episode 11 and 12 and wow...it does put one into tears...I feel so sad right now! I absolutely love this drama into pieces...hope more viewers come to find out and appreciate this drama! It can't be missed!
































































































































































































































































































































































    I absolutely love watching this drama! In fact, it's the only drama that I'm actually paying close attention to besides High Kick...lol.
































































































































































































































































    Read down below to see who Lee Jong Hyuk comes out as:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lee Jong Hyuk comes out as Nam-Kyung's fiance's (who's dead) big brother. It seems like Nam-Kyung has been calling and leaving messages on Lee Jong Hyuk's phone for three years. Lee Jong Hyuk tells Nam-Kyung that he wish she would stop calling and that she should move on with her life. He even takes the engagement ring off her finger and Ho-Sang see's this and misunderstands the whole situation...and also mistakes the big brother as Nam-Kyung's fiance.
































































































































































































































































    and this is just my lucky guess but I think that Pil-Do guy is Go Eun-Tak's father...heh.
































































































































































































































































    So that's basically it.




























    Just finished watching episode 1 and skimmed through episode 2...so far so good. The story plot is quite interesting and it makes me curious as to what will happen next, hehe.










    I like the cast so far...Cha Tae Hyun is funny as usual and Kang Hye Jung is doing quite well too, but she looks so different! The way she talks seems a bit different too.










    Anyhow, I will continue to watch this drama and see how the story unfolds...:)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This drama is interesting (though I don't like watching dramas like this...love affairs)! But I do try to watch this drama with my mom every chance that I get...and i definately agree....I like EUNSOO...she's my FAVORITE character in this drama. I love her cool, refreshing character. She's not afraid to explode at people and will take direct action whenever neccessary. We need more people like her...haha...she makes all my frustrations disappear, lol!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    exupery-hi~~~long time no see, hehe. Sure thing, try looking up 피망씨-아닐거예요...good luck.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I would also like to say that Kim Suk Hoon is looking hot now, with the hair cut and all...much better from the look he started out with...the perm, ugh, lol. And Ji Yeon's baby girl is so cute! And oh! Byung Gu and Ji Sook is hooking up? Wow...they always fought with each other, I guess they got use to fighting and it turned to love, hehe...I think Ji Sook (eldest sister) is pretty! And I always loved Kang Ji SUb ever since Dear Heaven.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I haven't been following this drama lately, but I'll be catching up soon (thanks for all the spoilers and preview summaries)...there's these two songs in this drama that I love listening to...I'm surprised the OST is not released for this drama still...I would have thought it would be released by now, but I guess not...anyways...I finally found one of the songs for this drama and I thought I should share with you all. :) Hope you enjoy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    PMANG C-It's Probably Not
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wasn't sure if we're allowed to post links here other than the resource thread. I know that we are not allowed to post links in the k-music section...but not sure if it's the same in the k-drama section. Sorry if posting links is not allowed, I'll delete it right away if it isn't.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here's the other song from the drama~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Park Wan Kyu-As Long As You're Here [Megaupload]









































































































































































































































































    This has got to be one of the best medical dramas I've seen!!! Or the best drama that I have seen so far in 2007, lol. I absolutely LOVED the ending. It was the most perfect ending. The ending of episode 17 and the beginning of episode 18 had me grip my hands tightly together...the surgery scene was difficult to watch. *cries*...and whenever DH cry. Examining her chest with the stethoscope and blaming Dr.Ahn telling him that he ruined her 20 year dream. So sad...but I liked how DH faced her struggles and continued being a great doctor, though it took her time. It would be annoying to take pills every single day, get bruises whenever she bumps into things, hearing a clock/machine ticking inside of her chest...etc.










    *SHOCK* Oh wow...thanks liquidfir for the extra extra sneak preview...I can't believe something like that is going to happen to DH! Yikes. I always thought it was cruel that this drama suddenly stopped showing episode previews of next weeks episodes at the end of even numbered eps. (hah, that sounds a bit confusing, eh?)...but I guess it ain't all that bad anymore because the more I don't know what's going to happen in the next eps, the more I anticipate each episode. :) Of course I spoil myself by reading and looking at all the goodies in this thread, but I still enjoy watching this drama.







    I can't get enough of Dr.Ahn and DH scenes...I just want them to hook up already. I also love how there are stories for sub characters...I want to watch an episode about Dr.Park Jae Bum, he's so adorable~!










    This week's episodes were indeed sad...tears were just automatically forming in my eyes whenever I saw scenes with Dong Gun and Dal Hee. Dong Gun was a good child actor...mad props for him to act out his scenes very well. And you go DH!!! That's the way to stomp Dr.Ahn down, calling him a pervert, lol...I was laughing and shocked at the same time...I can't believe the words that came out from her mouth was so smooth, yet her face was expressionless...only DH can do that, lol...just joking~







    I really liked Dr.Ahn this week...the way he was worrying for DH...I just wish he can put more emotion and express his love for DH in a way so that we can see his feelings from the outside...from his motions, lol...rather than him yelling and thinking about DH silently in his room...and going through flashbacks, haha. I am at the point where I am desperate for them to get together...ahaha.







    I have so much more to talk about, but I just have to stop right here for now. And I agree...this drama is definately worth watching and I hope more soompiers will give this drama chance!








    13회 :: 2007년 2월 17일 (토)



















    준호는 지연을 위해 호텔패키지를 준비하고, 호텔에서 밤을 보내게 된 준호와 지연은 다시 예전의 감정을 회복해 가지만, 혼자 수영하러 갔던 준호는 수영장에서 하영을 만나게 되는데.....




















    Joon Ho prepares a hotel package for Ji Yeon, and they spend the night at the hotel and regain their affectionate love for each other again. However, when Joon Ho goes swimming by himself, he encounters Ha Young...






    14회 :: 2007년 2월 18일 (일)






    약속장소에서 준호를 기다리던 하영은 준호가 끝내 오지 않자 준호 집 앞으로 찾아온다.







    준호는 더 이상 하영을 만나지 않으려 하지만, 성빈으로부터 하영의 자살기도 소식을 듣고는 결국 병원으로 달려가고 만다.







    한편, 태섭은 세종을 키우며 미라의 도움을 받게 되고, 다시 가까이 지내게 되는 두 사람. 종민 부부는 태섭과 미라의 관계에 관심을 갖기 시작한다.







    하영은 지연에게 전화해 준호가 병원에 다녀간 사실을 알린다. 불안해진 지연은 준호의 만류에도 불구하고 하영의 병원으로 찾아간다.







    준호는 성빈의 전화를 받고 성빈을 만나러 나가는데, 그 자리에는 성빈이 아닌 하영이 기다리고 있는데...













    Here you go gerryg~~~:)







    Episode 14:When Joon Ho does not show up at the place that he was suppose to meet Ha Young at, Ha Young stops waiting for him and goes to his house. Joon Ho does not want to see Ha Young again, but when he hears that Ha Young attempted suicide, he visits her at the hospital. Meanwhile, Tae Sup takes care of Sae Jeong and gets help from Mi Ra. Tae Sup and Mi Ra's relationship is becoming close again. The Jong Min couple (??) is starting to take interest in Tae Sup and Mi Ra's relationship. Ha Young calls Ji Yeon and tells her that Joon Ho came to visit her at the hospital. Feeling insecure, she goes visit Ha Young at the hospital. Joon Ho receives a phone call from Sung Bin and goes to meet up with him, however...at the place where they were suppose to meet at, Ha Young was waiting for Joon Ho instead of Sung Bin.







    All I can say is that...this Ha Young character is getting on my nerves!!!



    Am I the only one who's enjoying Dr. Ahn's jealousy?!!!

    Damn, he has some great charisma.













    Count me in!!! I have been waiting forever to see Dr.Ahn get JEALOUS! lol.







    Thank you snoopy for those spoilers...it's making my heart pound...but ugh, don't tell me I have to see Dr.Ahn's angry face and yellings again...I thought I had enough of that, but guess not...well at least he has charisma while yelling, lol. (you can tell i am dr.ahn+dh supporter, lol)







    I just finished watching last week's episodes in full mode last night...and it was great. I felt kind of sick watching all the blood splashings during the operation scenes, but other than that...it was good.







    I'm afraid I won't be watching this week's episodes till the weekend...darn midterms!







    I had no idea SS501 sung the ending song for this drama...but it sure is a good song.


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