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    and adding...
































































































































































































































































    AA: Hoik
































































































































































































































































    APink: Eunji
































































































































































































































































    B1A4: Jinyoung
































































































































































































































































    B2ST: Doojoon, Hyunseung
































































































































































































































































    Block B: Zico
































































































































































































































































    Boyfriend: Jeongmin, Kwangmin
































































































































































































































































    CN Blue: Minhyuk
































































































































































































































































    Dae Guk Nam Ah: Mika
































































































































































































































































    f(x): Amber, Krystal
































































































































































































































































    F.Cuz: Kan
































































































































































































































































    Infinite: Dongwoo, Sunggyu, Sungyeol
































































































































































































































































    MBLAQ: Joon, Seungho
































































































































































































































































    Miss A: Jia
































































































































































































































































    MYNAME: Gunwoo, Seyong
































































































































































































































































    Rania: Di
































































































































































































































































    Secret: Hyosung
































































































































































































































































    Sistar: Hyorin
































































































































































































































































    T-Ara: Eunjung, Hyomin, Soyeon
































































































































































































































































    Teen Top: L.Joe
































































































































































































































































    U-KISS: AJ, Eli
































































































































































































































































    ZE:A: Junyoung, Siwan 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    it's an odd feeling, seeing all my favorite members typed out like this XD
































































































































































































































































    (bolded are my absolute top biases.)
































































































































































































































































































































































    I used to lurk the forums of Soompi on a daily basis; now I just come on here for Soompi's news.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm trying to be more active though...
































































































































































































































































    IDK, I guess the reason behind Soompi dying could be due to an increase of K-pop fans? And, I mean, that sounds like a reason for Soompi to become more popular, right? But maybe it's because K-pop is becoming more popular that people feel fine simply going on social networking sites like Tumblr or Twitter for their K-pop needs. I remember I used to love lurking in the group threads for certain K-pop groups, because they would constantly be updated with the newest information or the newest fancams/fanpics. Nowadays, I feel like most of the group threads are moving a bit slower. Which goes back to the fact that social networking sites may be taking all the fans away, since it's so much easier to share news/pictures via Tumblr or Twitter.
































































































































































































































































    And then, y'know, it could always be due to people's interests changing. As people mature and grow older, their interest in K-pop may change and decrease dramatically as well.
































































































































































































































































    Anyways, this is simply just my opinion~
































































































































































































































































































































































    tbqh, I've never really thought about it before seeing the title of this thread, haha! I guess my minimum requirements would be:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - taller than me. (I'm barely approaching five feet, so... herp derp. it's not much of a requirement, haha.)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - good hygiene. (I'd like to think this is self-explanatory.)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - filial. (unless his parents are abusive or something, I don't think I'd be able to tolerate disrespect.)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - eloquent. (there's a bit of leeway on this one; I'm just really attracted to people who can communicate well, since I'm so terrible at it myself.)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - around my age or older than me. (I have a younger brother, so if I dated a younger person... I don't think I'd be able to see them as a man...?)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    although, in the end, you end up liking who you like. so. yeah.
































































































































































































































































































































































    ^hahaha, stick-shift? oh man, changing gears is scary to me.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    got deferred from my first choice school. meanwhile, everyone on my facebook newsfeed seems to have applied early to the same school and gotten accepted. my creys. ;n;































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    also, two friends of mine lost their parents within the past year. one of my friends lost her mom over the summer, the other lost her dad this past week. I feel so useless, because I can't really do much to ease their losses.
































































































































































































































































































































































    "I wish that I was the scarf," <<< I giggled, LOL.Aw, he looks so handsome. I want that red scarf though. *u*
































































































































































































































































































































































    Zico's underground stuff was pretty amazing; while in Block B, I hope he matures even more :DHe'll make a super producer~
































































































































































































































































































































    Okay! I tweeted and liked this, hahaha~ I hope I can win a CD (>///<) *fingers crossed*Congratulations to the other winners~~~ :D
































































































































































































































































    Donghae's looking good... I-I mean, he's looking like a good fit for Sho :DSiwon fits Ren pretty perfectly too XD

































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