Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by my_angel03
























































































































































    For those people who keep saying that fans who are not supporting 6PM, are not "true fans." Don't say that because you can't narrow down a definition for a "true fan." 2PM started out with 7 members. I was a true fan of a 7 membered 2PM, not a 6 membered 2PM. That's MY definition of a true fan. I'm not saying that I won't support 6PM, but I'm not going to be as fanatic as much as before. I would just be that girl watching on the sidelines.
































































































































































    You know, MAJORITY of fans are still in a state of confusion since the conference is a sensitive topic (like myself). After what the members said, JYPE, etc., part of me is a bit disappointed because it's not the words we would like to hear from them, especially from the members. But we can't abandon them now, support is all they need. To the 6 members, and to Jay.
























































































































































    Rumors here and there. Speculations everywhere. I know it's not easy, but the way JYP/JYPE handles the situation has no foundation.
































































































































































    #1: http://www.youtube.com/michellephan








































































































































    #2: http://www.youtube.com/bubzbeauty








































































































































    #3: http://www.youtube.com/DragonPalace88
























































































































































































































































































































































    Oh my! Fans got super excited I guess. I feel bad for the members who got hurt. Even though it's minor scratches, that's still gotta hurt. I remember reading that the fans had easy access to touch the members since the place is small and 2PM went in front of the crowd too.









































































    made a wallpaper cuz i felt like it. first post so if i break some kind of rule please let me know!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My new wallpaper<3. You're awesome. ^.^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyways, what was the first thing that drew me to 2pm?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To be honest, it's their song "Again and Again." I was very infatuated with Taecyeon's rap in their performances. Then, I saw Nichkhun on Star King. That's what drew me closer to 2PM. Eventually, I just bookmarked EVERY single appearance they made. Then I was on Allkpop and saw an article about 2PM in Wild Bunny. I watched that and that totally made my day. The first episode was full of laughter and comedy. PURE comedy. I loved that. The best thing about it was Jay made me laugh the most.

































































































































    I'm sad that I can't listen to it now but I just found out something kinda interesting:

    - 10 out of 10: The 1st impression of a man to a woman and seems like he's flirting her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Again & Again: A man who keeps going back to the woman he loves although she's bad.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - I hate you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    - Tired of waiting.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Like a story, don't you think so too? I really wanna fly to my house and listen to it. I'm "tired of waiting".































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Good catch!

































































































































    OMG! i heard the teaser!! so nice!

    I HEARD JAY'S VOICE TOO!. if i am not wrong, only the "wooo" at the front of the teaser
































































































































































































































































































































    i cant wait to see their teaser mv or full mv!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sorry for cutting your post. ^.^
































































































































































































































































































































    Yeah, I heard Jay's voice too. It sounded like Jay doing the adlibs.
































































































































































































































































































































    Same here, I can't wait for the release of the full song tomorrow.
































































































































































































































































































































    I'm waiting for their comeback. I'm wishing for too much If I say that Jay will be with them on the day of 2PM's comeback, but hey, we'll never know right? Stay strong Hottest, stay strong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The mysterious timer on the website is making me confuse.
































































































































































































































































































































    What happens when the timer hits 0? Will Jay be coming back?
































































































































































































































































































































    Or is it a countdown for 2PM's new album? I'm seriously hoping it's a good news.
































































































































































































































































































































    JYP/JYPE really got us thinking.
































































































































































































































































































































    The timer depends on your time zone.
































































































































































































































































































































    Right now, the timer says: 75:49:22.
































































































































































































































































































































    Well on my time zone.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was really looking forward to their new album.
































































































































































































































































































































    I hope to see them perform together as 7 with Jaebeom in the future.
































































































































































































































































































































    It's nice to hear that Wooyoung and Taecyeon are going back as MC's.
































































































































































































































































































































    Btw, I'm loving the flash mobs from all over the world!
































































































































































































































































































































    I love the diversity of people supporting 2PM.
































































































































































































































































































































    Since there's a of 2PM fans here in Hawaii, maybe we should do one?
































































































































































































































































































































    Ah, I heard that my friends are performing 2PM's songs in our school's talent show.
































































































































































































































































































































    I don't know for sure since the talent's performance is discreet.
































































































































































































































































































































    But I'll take my video camera just incase they do it so I can show it to you guys.

































































































































    awwww 2PM's getting support from other celebrities too XD

    first Afterschool performing their song again and again
































































































































































































































































































































    then SJ added a bit of the dance move from I Hate You at the end of their performance
































































































































































































































































































































    finally Boom played a bit of again and again at the end
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Star Dance Battle does seem a bit lonely without them though >___< they rocked it last year and if they were in it this year <3333333333333333333333333333
































































































































































































































































































































    Let's just wait for next year then :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love the chuseok special even though 2PM wasn't present. But what made it special for me is the amount of support 2PM is getting from fellow celebrities. I hope 2PM members (including Jay) saw the performances.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    panhia87, THANK YOU for changing topic!
































































































































































































































































    my favorite episode was the one where they prank Taecyeon. i seriously LMAO non-stop at the scene where chansung licks taec and jaebum uses the fan to hit chansung, but really is hitting taec!!! i think i repeated that part more than i can count!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG!! Agreed! My favorite episode and by far, my favorite hidden camera prank of all time. Jaebeom made it even more funnier. Jay owned that episode...couldn't stop laughing!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JYP Entertainment speaks up about 2PM leader JaeBum’s decision on whether he will return to Korea, “He has not said anything.”
































































































































































































































































































































    I just hope that they're in some kind of contact with Jay to see how's he doing.
































































































































































































































































































































    For the new member rumor, I don't think it's the right decision for JYP to debut him
































































































































































































































































































































    with 2PM especially with the situation that fans and 2PM are facing. Please don't do this to us.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Why do I feel that he's only focusing on the Wonder Girls? I have nothing against them but I just need JYP/JYPE to confirm the future plans of 2PM.

































































































































    For everyone asking for his youtube, just stop. The reason this whole "scandal" started was because someone was snooping in his myspace. snooping his youtube isn't much different. As much as I'd like to know it too, it's a privacy thing. Just leave him alone... Supporting him is one thing. Stalking his personal accounts is taking it too far.

    Anyways, can anybody tell me where this is from? I watched it earlier but I don't remember where it's from. :(































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Agree with you.
































































































































































































































































































































    The gif is from "Introduring Star's Friend"
































































































































































































































































































































    Just search: "2PM JaeBeom sing/dance cut Introducing Star's Friend 090620 jaebeom" in Youtube.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Time will heal the wounds.
































































































































































































































































































































    Forgiveness should've been the other option.
































































































































































































































































































































    It's really hard grasping the truth right now.
































































































































































































































































































































    I'm just waiting for JYP's statement about this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    II really don't want him to leave 2PM! OMG! Please! I just hope it's not really too late! I just hope he will leave not permanently!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The radio live performance just showed how versatile these girls are.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm actually really excited seeing this girls perform.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CL stood out for me the most in their music video. Her full on energy just kills it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't know why, but Lee Hyori reminds of BoA, in my opinion. ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sorry for this constant questions, but how do they make these pictures so clear? I know it has something to do with camera quality. I have Nikon d80, and my pictures doesn't come out as clear as this. Does anyone know? Thanks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Hello! I was wondering how you can do the effect on this picture
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Not the blurry background. Like how did they put those effect on the girl.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you in advance!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Hey guys. Does anyone know how they achieve this vintage looking thing on this picture? Thank you.

































































































































































































































































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..