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Posts posted by Eeled

  1. Hey! I was just wondering if Heechul is really close with Eunhyuk right now o: I see him hugging and clinging to Eunhyuk a lot more than before XD Just wondering since they were even on Intimate Note together before 8D

    Also, just saw this note about Heechul on tumblr "After Hyuk’s miss, Heenim pretended to grab Hyuk by the collar and said “I can’t afford to lose not even 1 minute!”…. ㅜㅠ"

    …… O.O what is that about?

  2. http://www.donga.com/fbin/output?n=200806180469

    According to this article, Heechul had surgery today to remove the metal rod from his leg. Heechul will receive rehabilitation treatment for the next month. So now I guess we know what Heechul is going to be doing for the next month...

    Full translation of the article at my minihompy

    Check the "LATEST UPDATES" folder in the Board tab to find the various locations of the translations.

    ^- the quote option hates me D:

    hm...I'm not sure if this is the same as Heechul's case, but a classmate of mine broke his elbow area a few months ago. He also had a metal rod placed there. He said that it will take around two years for the bone to "grow back" and cover over the rod. THEN, they can take the rod out. I'm not sure about Heechul's case, but the squeaking noise could be from the bone (finally regrown)?

    As for the surgery...since Heechul has been putting a lot of strain to his leg over the years, maybe he needed the time to rest the muscles+bone abit (therefore his little workload lately).

    Not sure if that's really the case though~

  3. ^ This is the perfect place to ask any questions related to Heechul so it's perfectly fine to ask questions on how to join his fan cafe here :)

    I just went and checked and it seems that KIseKI has temporarily stopped accepting Level Up applications due to an incident with antis bombarding the site. They will open up again soon so try again when they do.

    In Heechul's cafe, you can answer your questions in English and unless they specifically ask you to answer the question in a certain way (i.e. that you have to have a certain number of lines), you can answer it in whichever way you want. I was only referring to the Super Junior fan cafes when I said that they ask you to write a paragraph about SuJu in Korean.

    Questions regarding the questions:

    1. You can just use your first name and English name is fine.

    2. Who knows what they will do. If they reject you, all you have to do is try again :)

    3. Yes, your hanmail ID name.

    4. Yes, anything is fine.

    However you feel comfortable answering is fine. They aren't going to judge you on anything other than that you followed directions, answered every question, AND that you are a genuine Heechul fan.

    Thank you so much! <3 Good thing it wasn't because I did something wrong =D;

    Your answers really clear up a lot of confusion on my side! :D Thank you thank you so much~! <33 *glomps*

    Also, thank you for the recent cyworld entries! :D

    So this won't be spam~


  4. I'm not sure if there's a Kiseki thread...but since I'm currently trying to join Heechul's fancafe, I'll ask my question here @_@ I'm really sorry if I'm asking in the wrong place ^^;

    So, I've followed damifino's guide to joining Heechul's fancafe...and I've been lead up to the "Upgrading Rank" part ^^;

    So, to upgrade, (assuming)we'll need to make a thread to prove that we are a fan.

    So I pressed the button-2.jpg button; (which I assumed) should be the equivalent to "New topic" button. So, supposingly, I guess we're supposed to see a usual "content box" that we can write in?

    But what I saw was:


    Have I done something wrong? or is Kiseki going through maintenance(or something)? o__o;;

    And some questions for later~ So I won't need to ask again...

    Joining the SuJu fan cafes are a little more difficult for non-Koreans since they ask you to write a 3-5 line paragraph about SuJu). Actually, it took me forever and a day to answer all the questions correctly in the format that they want it (doing it on a mac always screwed up the formatting and they kept rejecting me) and get it approved, but I will write instructions on how to join the fan cafes as well and post it.

    Does that mean we'll need to answer the questions from Heechul's fancafe in PARAGRAPHS too? O_O *and we could answer them in English...right? x_x*

    Questions regarding the questions:

    1. What is your full name? (...do we HAVE to use our real name? ._.;; and English name is fine, right?)

    2. What is your nickname/ write the meaning too. (...if they reject me because I put "I love noodles" as the answer, I'll cry T_T...they won't do that...right?)

    3. What is your Daum id ? (that would be the the name we chose for our "hanmail"?)

    4. How did you know kiseki, and how did you become a member of kiseki? (is it alright if I just said something around/leads to "soompi"? As for becoming a member of kiseki, is it alright if I talked about tutorials in english? =D)

    ...and it's okay if we answer in a casual tone of voice, right? XD (plus joke around) XD

    I'm so sorry for asking so many questions T___T;

    and if you're already working on that for your new guide to kiseki, then just ignore me ^^

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