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pietree
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Hi everyone... i'm new to this website eventhough i'm Filo, i'm not from the Philippines, I lived here in Australia...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So I just want to know where do you guys buy korean CDs like 2ne1, Big Bang, etc...??? coz someone from Manila is asking me where will they buy 2NE1's first mini album daw?... 'coz I have to let them know first before they can check it out the stores...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    They can go to OKbooks(the address is posted in this thread,idk which page though..hihi) but, I don't know if the CDs you're looking for are already available there.. Coz OKBOOKS is not really a record shop.. it's more of a bookstore but they sell some Kpop items there as well.. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hey, does anyone know the titles of the songs that Yoojin sang??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    edit: I know now..hehehehe

































































































































































































































































    Like junyunho said, take the MRT from Cubao station, then drop off Guadalupe Station. Take a jeep with a "JP Rizal" sign on it and then get off in Makati Ave near the stoplight. From there, you can just ask for direction to P. Burgos, and then find the 7/11 store. Across it is the OK Bookstore.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh.. hahaha!! I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to the previous posts.. Thanks!! :)

































































































































  5. My bro just went to OKBOOK to buy me the men's health mag (feat. Siwon on the cover), but they don't sell it there. Luckily, they'll order it for me straight from Korea. So yay! So much thanks to jungyunho.

    It's kinda expensive. SuJu's Sorry Sorry costs more than a thousand and their mags are like 500-700-ish. But for Siwon's sake, I'm willing to pay that much. Hehe

    HUWATTTT!!!!???!!! hehehe... Why can't odyssey/tower records sell Kpop CDs?? I'm sooo angry..hahah.. JK

    Their CDs really cost a lot.. (they probably doubled-tripled the price due to the shipping cost :()

    Anyway, thanks for answering my question.. I guess it's worth it since I really love Kpop..haha!!

    Does anyone know how to get there from Cubao??

  6. - name Katrina

    - picture

    - gender F

    - age (specific or general, e.g., 20+) 22, turning 23 on june 2.. :( hehehehe

    - location Manila

    - ethnicity Filipino

    - interests Listening to music, singing, kpop, dancing, etc.

    - links to soompi threads, myspace, xanga, aim, msn address, etc. my blog (check out my sig..hehe)

  7. HEY there!!! haha!! This is my second time posting on this thread..

    I just want to tell you about [click:]2oneday's Meet & Greet: Worldwide Edition!

    Please click the link if you're interested.. haha..

    2ONEDAY Meet & Greet:

    Worldwide Edition

    Hello fellow 2od'ers! Yes, the title of this topic is ready to go into action! But before all the fun and magic happens, we need your help to achieve this with success. First off, we'll give you a bit of details so you know what this thing is (although it is a bit self-explanatory by the title, haha).


    All 2oneday members (members, moderators, uploaders, staff, admins, etc)!


    An official 2oneday Meet & Greet Week worldwide, wherever our fellow I AM HOTTESTs are!


    This will take place within a week (whenever date within that week your region agrees upon) that all the members, staff, and admins come to agree upon. Most likely this will take place during the summer in July.


    Worldwide baby! From Toronto to the Philippines. And over at California to London. Yes, that is what I mean by worldwide and global.


    Through you all lovely members is that we can actually make this Meet & Greet happen. We need all of your wonderful ideas and your contribution.


    Because we're family -- to bring our members closer, to get to know one another (and not stalking their profiles), and to show how international/diverse we are >D

    Basically, we need our awesome 2od'ers to help us make this happen like I said before. Please fill out the following below with your name, your location (this is important!), the preferred time you'd want the 2OD Meet & Greet Week to be placed in (month/week of month), and lastly, ideas (games, challenges, anything!)!

    -got this from 2oneday.com

    Please fill out the form there if you want to participate.... :)

  8. I listened to your bolero cover but I wasn't able to finish listening to the whole song coz my mom was kinda nagging on me..hahaha.. But I will listen to the whole thing later or maybe tomorrow...

    so far, I think you did an awesome job!! I haven't heard any struggling part/s yet..[coz some people commented that you kinda struggled..]haha..

    So... I've finally listened to the whole song.. I think you did a nice job.. Although some of the high parts' volume needed to be lowered coz it kinda makes the sound of your voice unpleasant.. But if I were to evaluate your voice, I think that your voice is very powerful and beautiful!! Also, I noticed that you have adapted to Jaejoong's style of singing, I think that this is not good if you want to make it big in Korea's music industry..haha...because you don't wanna sound like someone who's famous already.. It's like a compliment but at the same time it isn't coz you don't want to be compared to someone else.. right?? While singing, try to think of yourself as the one who sang the song originally. feel Like you own the song and forget about the singer who sang the original...Try put as much of your own style into the song.. Hmmm.. I don't know if it helps.. but.. you can ignore this if you want to..hahaha...

    Anyway, I think that you are one of the best among the male singers here in soompi!! haha...

  9. I have a problem...

    My external mic jack stopped working for some reason... So yesterday, I bought a USB sound card so that I won't need to buy a new mic anymore.. but when I tried to record using my laptop, the sound is static-y.. but when I try to record using our desktop computer, It sounds just fine.. I don't want to record publicly for all of my family members to see & hear..hehe.. ^^ Is there any way to fix this?? =[

  10. wowowow!! just watched the video!! Your voice is really soothing!! I wish I could sing while standing when recording also.. coz I have to use my comp's internal mic.. that's why I have to sit & slouch everytime I record something.. I wanna cry now.. lolz.. but enough of me.. I really like your covers.. haha.. The first one I listened to I think was your I believe cover.. hahahah... Keep up the good work!! *(^0^)*

  11. you can always check on cyworld.co.kr the korean site. it has alot of them on peoples mini home pages by searching it in korean + MR at the end. o_o. its really complicated if you don't read korean though :[

    Thanks so much for suggesting that one!! I tried looking there, too bad i couldn't find what I was looking for(I was looking for sori's song.) ..hahahaha...^_^

    I joined some cafes as well..hahhaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg!! I love it!! ^___^ You have the TPAIN effect going on..haha.. very nice.. the beats were awesome!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    edit: Oh wait!! I have to praise you for your lyrics!! Amazing!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Your personality type is ISFP
































































































































    ISFP: "Artist". Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. They are shy and retiring, and are not talkative,. They are not big on commitment. 5% of the total population.
































































































































    ISFPs can be over-accepting of others and need to be more skeptical at times. Their need to please everyone makes them reluctant to critique any one but themselves. This excessive desire to trust others makes them targets for hurt feelings and disadvantaged relationships. Long-range planning and adherence to policies can be their downfall. When the freedom to act on their instincts is limited, ISFPs become bored, restless, and passively defiant. They are skilled at seeming to comply with regulations while annoying those who cause them distress.
































































































































    If stress continues to build, ISFPs will penalize others through self-degrading behavior. This behavior has the tendency to divert accountability away from themselves and onto others who they blame for their plight. This restores the excitement back into ISFP's lives while at the same time getting even with their accused oppressors. Rationalizing their responsibilities, stressed-out ISFPs attempt to find their way out of unstimulating circumstances through seeking inappropriate thrills.
































































































































































































































































    This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality... this happens all the time...and sometimes works out quite well.
































































































































































































































































    clerical supervisor
































































































































    dental assistant
































































































































    physical therapist
































































































































































































































































    radiology technologist
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    landscaper designer
































































































































    crisis hotline operator
































































































































    teacher: elementary
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    marine biologist
































































































































    social worker
































































































































    wow!! almost every personality tests that i took gave me the same results...well duh.. stupid me... hahahaha
































































































































    I was kinda hoping for a nice one..lolz..
































































































































    The Artist
































































































































    As an ISFP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit into your value system. Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in via your five sense in a literal, concrete fashion.
































































































































    ISFPs live in the world of sensation possibilities. They are keenly in tune with the way things look, taste, sound, feel and smell. They have a strong aesthetic appreciation for art, and are likely to be artists in some form, because they are unusually gifted at creating and composing things which will strongly affect the senses. They have a strong set of values, which they strive to consistently meet in their lives. They need to feel as if they're living their lives in accordance with what they feel is right, and will rebel against anything which conflicts with that goal. They're likely to choose jobs and careers which allow them the freedom of working towards the realization of their value-oriented personal goals.
































































































































    ISFPs tend to be quiet and reserved, and difficult to get to know well. They hold back their ideas and opinions except from those who they are closest to. They are likely to be kind, gentle and sensitive in their dealings with others. They are interested in contributing to people's sense of well-being and happiness, and will put a great deal of effort and energy into tasks which they believe in.
































































































































    ISFPs have a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty. They're likely to be animal lovers, and to have a true appreciation for the beauties of nature. They're original and independent, and need to have personal space. They value people who take the time to understand the ISFP, and who support the ISFP in pursuing their goals in their own, unique way. People who don't know them well may see their unique way of life as a sign of carefree light-heartedness, but the ISFP actually takes life very seriously, constantly gathering specific information and shifting it through their value systems, in search for clarification and underlying meaning.
































































































































    ISFPs are action-oriented individuals. They are "doers", and are usually uncomfortable with theorizing concepts and ideas, unless they see a practical application. They learn best in a "hands-on" environment, and consequently may become easily bored with the traditional teaching methods, which emphasize abstract thinking. They do not like impersonal analysis, and are uncomfortable with the idea of making decisions based strictly on logic. Their strong value systems demand that decisions are evaluated against their subjective beliefs, rather than against some objective rules or laws.
































































































































    ISFPs are extremely perceptive and aware of others. They constantly gather specific information about people, and seek to discover what it means. They are usually penetratingly accurate in their perceptions of others.
































































































































    ISFPs are warm and sympathetic. They genuinely care about people, and are strongly service-oriented in their desire to please. They have an unusually deep well of caring for those who are close to them, and are likely to show their love through actions, rather than words.
































































































































    ISFPs have no desire to lead or control others, just as they have no desire to be led or controlled by others. They need space and time alone to evaluate the circumstances of their life against their value system, and are likely to respect other people's needs for the same.
































































































































    The ISFP is likely to not give themself enough credit for the things which they do extremely well. Their strong value systems can lead them to be intensely perfectionist, and cause them to judge themselves with unneccesary harshness.
































































































































    The ISFP has many special gifts for the world, especially in the areas of creating artistic sensation, and selflessly serving others. Life is not likely to be extremely easy for the ISFP, because they take life so seriously, but they have the tools to make their lives and the lives of those close to them richly rewarding experiences.
































































































































    Jungian functional preference ordering:
































































































































    Dominant: Introverted Feeling
































































































































    Auxilliary: Extraverted Sensing
































































































































    Tertiary: Introverted Intuition
































































































































    Inferior: Extraverted Thinking
































































































































    and another one here...
































































































































    Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
































































































































    by Joe Butt
































































































































    Profile: ISFP
































































































































    Revision: 3.0
































































































































    Date of Revision: 23 Feb 05
































































































































    ISFPs are the first to hear the different drummer. Many eagerly plunge into new fashions, avant garde experiences, 'hip' trends--some even setting the trends.
































































































































    More in touch with the reality of their senses than their INFP counterparts, ISFPs live in the here and now. Their impulses yearn to be free, and are often loosed when others least expect it. The ISFP who continually represses these impulses feels 'dead inside' and may eventually cut and run. (One ISFP friend has become nonambulatory within the past few years. He will still, on impulse, leave home in the middle of the night and go to Las Vegas or wherever, regardless of the difficulties of his physical condition.)
































































































































    ISFPs may be quite charming and ingratiating on first acquaintance, flowing with compliments which may (or may not) be deserved. On other occasions, the same individual may be aloof and detached. Some ISFP males are fiercely competitive, especially in sport or table games, and may have great difficulty losing. This competitive nature, also seen in other SP types, sometimes fosters 'lucky,' 'gut' feelings and a willingness to take risks.
































































































































    Organized education is difficult for the majority of ISFPs, and many drop out before finishing secondary education. Their interest can be held better through experiential learning, at which many excel. ISFPs will practice playing an instrument or honing a favored skill for hours on end, not so much as practice as for the joy of the experience.
































































































































    Differential diagnosis:
































































































































    ISFPs are less fantasy-oriented than INFPs. These types are often confused, however, INFPs lean strongly to daydreams, poetry, prose and more philosophical pursuits; ISFPs often live out 'id' experiences rather than writing or even talking about them.
































































































































    ISFJs are driven by the conventional, by 'should's and 'ought's; ISFPs internalize their Feeling (by nature a judging function) which bursts out spontaneously and leaves as quickly and mysteriously as it came.
































































































































    Because of these variant expressions of Feeling judgement, ISFPs are sometimes confused with ESFJs, but keep themselves more aloof, more often concealing the feelings that ESFJs are so apt to expose.
































































































































    ESFPs express thoughts more readily (and, in the main, skillfully). ISFPs can and do perform admirably in the spotlight, but generally have little to say about the performance. For example, few ISFPs would be disc-jockeys, a field strongly represented by ES_Ps.
































































































































    Functional Analysis:
































































































































    Introverted Feeling
































































































































    Feeling, unbridled by the external forces of society and substance, is the dominant function. ISFPs spontaneously develop their own codes and credos, about which they are quite sober and intense. ISFPs are questors, driven to find the pure and ideal, as personally and individually defined. Feeling may temporarily turn outward, but cannot be long sustained beyond its cloistered home.
































































































































    If the individual has values greater than herself, feeling may express itself in valiant acts of selflessness. Turned in upon self, however, it becomes an unscrupulous, capricious enigma, capable even of heinous acts of deception and treachery.
































































































































    Extraverted Sensing
































































































































    ISFPs keep a finger on the pulse of here and now. They are more adept at doing than considering, at acting than reflecting, at tasting than wondering. As do most SPs, ISFPs keenly sense color, sound, texture, and movement. It is not unusual for ISFPs to excel in sensory, motor, or kinesthetic abilities.
































































































































    ISFPs cherish their impulses. Some of the most beautiful, graceful, and artistic performances are the result of this drive for physical, sensate expression.
































































































































    Introverted iNtuition
































































































































    Tertiary intuition works best in the background of the ISFP's inner world. Perhaps this is the source of the "gut feeling" SPs consult in matters of chance. However "lucky" the ISFP may be, intuition as a means of communication is a poor servant, evidenced in spoonerisms, and non sequiturs and mixed metaphors.
































































































































    Extraverted Thinking
































































































































    The ISFP may employ Extraverted Thinking in external situations requiring closure. As is the case with inferior functions, such Thinking behaves in an all or nothing manner. Thus, as with other FP types, the ISFP's Extraverted Thinking is at risk for a lack of context and proportion. In most cases, persons of this type enjoy greater facility operating in the open-ended style of sensing, implying the opinions of feeling values in the indirect fashion characteristic of introverted functions.
































































































































    Famous ISFPs:
































































































































    Marie Antoinette
































































































































    Auguste Rodin
































































































































    U.S. Presidents
































































































































    Ulysses S. Grant
































































































































    Millard Fillmore, "The American Louis Philippe"
































































































































    Warren G. Harding
































































































































    Fred Astaire
































































































































    Marilyn Monroe
































































































































































































































































    Elizabeth Taylor
































































































































    Yogi Berra, professional baseball player ("It's deja vu all over again.")
































































































































    Dan Rather
































































































































    Orrin Hatch, U.S. Senator
































































































































    Ervin "Magic" Johnson, NBA basketball star
































































































































    Patrick Duffey
































































































































    Dan Quayle, U.S. Vice President, 1988-1992
































































































































    Paul McCartney
































































































































    Christopher Reeve
































































































































    Michael Jackson
































































































































    Kevin Costner
































































































































    Greg Louganis, U.S. Olympic gold medalist
































































































































    Brooke Shields
































































































































    Britney Spears
































































































































    John Travolta
































































































































    Ashton Kutcher
































































































































    Donald Trump

















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