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    i think it suits her. makes her look older, more mature.
















































































































































































































































































    i just finished watching this!! ken was sooooooo mean but then i couldnt help but love him at the same time because he's soooooo adorably cute!!!
















































































































































































































































































    aww!!! thanks for posting up the lyrics and romanizations!!! :D can't wait for the tranlsations!!! thanks a bunch!!
















































































































































































































































































    some people have really high expectations.
































































































































































































































    i say i do too, but really, when it comes down to it, i just want a guy who likes me as i am and could make me smile and is also comfortable with who he is. as long as he is comfortable with who he is and exerts that confidence, i'm fine with that.
















































































































































































































































































    a couple pairs of jeans./ you can never have too many good pairs of jeans.
















































































































































































































































































    waking up, realizing that someone you've known your whole life was taken away from you and knowing you can't do anything about it. and then the memories still haunt you and you can't make them go away because you don't want them to go away. and then opening your eyes and realizing that that person won't ever come back. and feeling all this, but hiding it from everyone around you because they won't understand how much it hurts because they've never had to experience it themselves.
















































































































































































































































































    i like it! it's nice and simple, just like all her other covers, which is awesome!!
































































































































































































































    i really do wish she'd come out with the book soon though!! the first chapter was awesome and really gave an insight into his head,which you really don't get in twilight. and he's an interestingly complex character!!
















































































































































































































































































    wallet and cellphone and keys.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    we miss you a lot down here.
















































































































































































































































































    i don't like guys who smoke. especially if they smoke around me. i can talk to you, but i can't date you/kiss you/have make out sessions with you because it stinks and it makes me stink too.
















































































































































































































































































    some hot cheetos. those things are soooo addicting!
















































































































































































































































































    i don't. one, because i have a korean blanket and those things are a pain to fold and make in the morning. i do however, fix my pillows and sheets.
















































































































































































































































































    paying attention to the professor. D: hehe..but i'm on here.
















































































































































































































































































    no one can ever place me. they always tell me i'm a mix of something asian. usually i get that i'm half chinese and half thai. which is fairly close to what i am.
















































































































































































































































































    i think i'm truly in love with yoon kyesang. he's just soooo adorable in this drama!! i love the character's OCDness and i love the transformation into the father!! i think that was my favorite part in episode one!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    we rushed to the asian market last night and made some...i just finished all the leftovers!!! =)
















































































































    i really like the song in the mv. it's really nice and mellow, definitely my kind of style! now.....where could i find their album????






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    on the pictures on the page before that heartmonster posted...on the second picture...did you guy's noticed his ring?? that is the left hand right? and it is the 'ring' finger right?


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    And to comment on what everyone's been saying about EY and JH moving too fast...it seems a little fast...but remember that Phillip moved waaayy faster with EY, just because Phillip is more open with his feelings than JaeHa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    But taking all that into consideration, I don't get why you guys are complaining about their relationship moving too fast. Isn't this what we've all been waiting for? And we're already halfway through the drama!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Hi guys. I know a lot of people have been requesting episode uploads, and so I compiled a list of all the episode uploads that I could find throughout the thread. If anyone knows how to fix the first page, then maybe one of you guys can edit it and put the links up so others can download it too. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NGXAKKIA creds: Tanya66
































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Part 1- http://rapidshare.de/files/16248967/Swaltz-Part1.rar.html
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Part 2 - http://rapidshare.de/files/16249767/Swaltz-Part2.rar.html
































































































































































































































































































































































































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    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZWK700LI cred: yujah52
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://files.filefront.com/Spring_Waltz_Ep...;/fileinfo.html creds: crysalide
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 5
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EOFIVASA creds: jahye (LQ)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IYWZVWPP creds: NoName (LQ)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://files.filefront.com/Spring_Waltz_Ep...;/fileinfo.html creds: dreamweaver LQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    HQ version via HJSplit on MU: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...dpost&p=2046869 creds: ma_mel03
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://www.sendspace.com/file/uaz2fo creds: ygchixzta1177 HQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://www.sendspace.com/file/21agtj creds: Khai MQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































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    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IMHTTF53 creds: mooga (LQ)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://files.filefront.com/Spring_Waltz_Ep...;/fileinfo.html creds: dreamweaver LQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    HQ version via HJSplit on MU: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...dpost&p=2051670 creds: ma_mel03
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6O6Y6T5Z creds: YeuCandy LQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://www.sendspace.com/file/whrpuj creds: ygchixzta1177 HQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://multiterra.mooload.com/file.php?fil...+Waltz+Ep.6.asf creds: hot_saranghae (Rina) LQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://files.filefront.com/Spring_Waltz_Ep...;/fileinfo.html creds: mugirl HQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 7
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6EOZ6A5Z creds: camy LQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://files.filefront.com/Spring_Waltz_Ep...;/fileinfo.html creds: crysalide LQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://files.filefront.com/Spring_Waltz_Ep...;/fileinfo.html creds:dreamweaver LQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 8
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://www.sendspace.com/file/c6qjy7 creds: ygchixzta1177 LQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://files.filefront.com/Spring_Waltz_Ep...;/fileinfo.html creds: crysalide LQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://files.filefront.com/Spring_Waltz_Ep...;/fileinfo.html creds: dreamweaver LQ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    spoiler: (points below to indicate reader to highlight) ~hehe..:D
































































































































































































































































































































































































    the scene where jaeha/chris ties her hair up, reminded me of summer scent when she was putting up the flowers and he tied her hair back. :D soo sweet!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i noticed something when i was watching ep.8...or maybe it was just me. but,...
































































































































































































    this scene: (sorry, really bad caps b/c i got the lq version buy you guys can still see...and i know they all look the same but oh well)
































































































































































































































































































































































































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    hehe..or maybe it was just me, but that toootally reminded me of a yul moment and i think they looked soo similar! :D
































































































































































































    well..that was the first thing that popped into my head when i was watching it.
































































































































































































    ps. i can sooo totally see the 'green' theme in here. haha..i guess it's supposed to signify spring...but it goes better with jealousy...hehe. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    again, same applies as with ep5. download all the parts into the same folder and use HJSplit to rejoin! :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    ps. this isn't all. i'm uploading the other parts right now and as soon as it finishes, then i'm editing this post, so do come back!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    another PS. With megaupload, it only lets you download one thing at a time, so when it says "download limit exceeded" you really have exceeded the limit b/c the limit is one file transfer per IP address. I hope you guys understand what this means.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    -you can only download one part at a time. as soon as the first one finishes, then you can begin the next one. and also, remember to use HJSplit to join the files together. If you don't have HJSplit, then type it in google and download the program. It's freeware so it won't cost you anything.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope this helps all you who are confused. and if you don't use the links, then they die and after they die, i'm not gonna re-upload them again.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..