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    If you want to hear the new song すべてへ, click here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    A little underwhelming maybe, but I do like when it finally kicks in.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It has a similar opening to Gemini with a slow build up.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is also their current look:


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So errr, in hopes of "reviving" this topic, they're doing Big Day Out in Australia & NZ and a few sideshows, and I bought tickets to it, just thought no one should know :D
















    Also, to the above (even though it's a year late) I agree they didn't do a good job covering the song, but then again, that was a very early MCR, they're "better" now but whatevs :D






















    I should update this thread with links to the two singles they've released since I last posted:



















    Heart of Gold [1 minute teaser], which I would describe as a pop punk type song. Certainly a departure from their previous songs, seemingly more catered towards a younger, more mainstream audience, but I still like it.



















    Niji No Yuki [2 minute teaser], a song which the singer Shou composed. It's a winter ballad, not their best work but again, still has its qualities.



















    I much prefer the b-sides of both these singles Ray and NEMESIS, respectively.



















    They've also been doing rearrangements/updated versions of their previous songs G3, Naru Rondo and Yami Ni Chiru Sakura, which are more or less the same, but still worth a listen.



















    The latest news is that they're releasing another album February 22.



















    ◆New Album “9”



















    2012/2/22 Release



















    1.Heavenly Tale



















    2.the Arc












































































    6.ハロー、ワールド (Hello, World)



















    7.虹の雪 (Niji No Yuki/Rainbow Snow)



















    8.リニア (Linear)



















    9.Apocalypse [it's not the end]



















    10.Heart of Gold

























































    TKCA-73733/\3,780(tax in)






































    1.「すべてへ」MUSIC CLIP



















    2.「すべてへ」MULTI ANGLE ver.






































    So yeah, that's all :D



















    Too bad no one reads this thread anymore.



















    Yes, of course I have to flush, it just feels unhygienic if I don't (and yes I'm aware this is a bathroom we're talking about)...
















    The real issue is when people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom... the amount of friends I have that don't... good lord.


















    I'll bite :] I had a discussion with someone about this on another forum, but

































    ...if Fairy Tail ends up winning the tournament, I will have given up on this manga x__x. Shonen or not, there is no reason why 3 months of training (scratch that! FIVE DAYS of training! Just read chapt 262) should put them anywhere /near/ the level of everyone else. Yes they are the main characters, and main characters in shonen pretty much always win, but they shouldn't get first place. My suspension of disbelief has been stretched pretty far as is.































    Well in the original Dragon Ball, Goku entered the World Martial Arts tournament 3 times, and only won once, just barely. So with that being said, I hope Mashima will go a similar route. I like the idea that Natsu will always strive to be the best, very much similar to Gokus mindset, he always trained because he always thought there would be someone much stronger than him. I think it's possible for Natsu and friends to get to the semi finals just as a way to keep readers interested but I hope they don't win.
















    I only expect Erza and Natsu to get far honestly. Gray is strong but meh, Lucy has always been weak to me and Juvia and the rest I don't think are too strong.
















    I also note how Natsu barely handled himself against the members of FT in one of the recent chapters.
















    P.S Oh my glob

































    No idea! <.<;















































    Oh I hope he does! I remember reading he intended FT to be a lot shorter too. Which I am glad to hear because for a while I was scared he was going the One Piece route D:















































    I've watched convention panels where he's featured in but people aren't allowed to ask questions pertaining to chapters that haven't been officially released yet so there wasn't much he could say @_@















































    I'll just keep my fingers crossed, I guess! (And secretly hope things go back to normal, haha :x )















































    *Edit* Oh, and I should mention:

































    Another reason I really dislike the "time skip" is because I really wanted to see what was going to happen with Jellal/Erza. I know that a few issues back he was shown in prison for several panels and it made me think that it wasn't completely over for him.































    If anything, the time skip means that Jellal could have been released or is going to be released soon (which is good for their relationship) and means that Erza wouldn't have to endure waiting as she would without the time skip
















    Regarding Ch 260:
















    World Martial Arts Tournament anyone?


















    Haha, we both sort of agree with each other, it seems!















































    I agree that the old "rpg" format of shonen can get stale (as exemplified in DBZ as you've noted), but that's why I was hoping that Mashima would take it in a new direction, like explore the whole dragon thing more (because we're almost 300 chapters in and no one knows anything about them besides the fact that they all disappeared. Except for one. ....That we also know nothing about.) Now it just seems like he's going to be using that old formula, except in a time skip. So, kind of a step backward.















































    I still have faith in him so I just hope that things end up going in a direction I can get behind ^^































    (Why are we still putting things in spoiler tags?)
















    Yes, the dragon thing has barely been touched upon, which is quite annoying. I guess it'll be fully explored towards the end of the manga since it seems like final story arc material. I remember reading Mashima intended FT to be a lot shorter which explains why the story seems to be kinda crazy right now.
















    It does seem like it's gone back to the old formula, I just hope the new characters turn out to be really interesting.























































































































































































































































































    The worst part is, it's not even a "true" skip. The main characters all stayed the same, and have lost 7 years of potential growth and strength increase.






































































































































































































































































































































































































    This may or may not be the "jump the shark" moment of Fairy Tail for me. I'll probably read a few more chapters to see where it goes but right now, I'm not happy with the direction.































































































































































































































































    I do sort of agree but I can see why the author chose to do it. The story couldn't have kept going the way it was, that is, with new characters being introduced after every arc. We eventually got to a point where we pretty much met all potential characters and threats of Earth Land - at least during that era. I feel the timeskip was needed in order to avoid stories like "NOW WE INTRODUCE SOMEONE WE NEVER MENTIONED IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTERS, YET IS AN EVEN BIGGER THREAT THAN THE FORMER ENEMY" - I mean, that gets stale. That's what happened in Dragon Ball Z, which was intended to end after Goku kills Frieza. Cell was interesting, but Buu came out of no where.
































































































































    That being said, I would like the crew to eventually come back to their own time but at this point I don't think that's going to happen.
































































































































    I'm still interested in seeing Fairy Tails return to the public eye and their subsequent comeback as a top guild. I'd also like to see how magic has evolved and how FT adapts to it, e.g new armour for Erza, new keys for Lucy

























































































































































    It feels so sudden, I was looking forward to something new.
















    I guess Hizumi couldn't fix his throat problems in the foreseeable future and they didn't want to continue as a group without him, so this had to happen :(.
















    I hope the remaining members work as a new group or something :(

















































































































































    Haha well, Hiroto has been blonde for a while, I'd imagine most people would like him P:
































































































































    I think he's one of, if not the most popular member of Alice Nine haha.
































































































































    Anyway, since there's no info on here:
































































































































    BLUE FLAME is going to be their next single, which is due to be released 8th of June, so really soon.
































































































































    It's a maxi single so there will be 3 versions, Type A, Type B and a Regular edition, similar to what they've done in the past
































































































































    Type A includes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. Zankyo Whiteout
































































































































































































































































    1. BLUE FLAME MUSIC CLIP (I could only find a shortened video as Tokuma has had Youtube delete any other videos)
































































































































































































































































    Type B includes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. Zankyo Whiteout
































































































































































































































































    1. BLUE FLAME MUSIC CLIP (another edition) (I have no idea what this means)
































































































































    Regular edition includes:
































































































































    -only CD
































































































































































































































































    2. Zankyo Whiteout
































































































































    3. G3
































































































































    G3 is a a rearrangement of one of their older songs of the same title. Definitely more refined and heavier, it's really good. You can listen to it here keep in mind, it's a radio rip, so you'll hear Tora talking towards the end.
































































































































    Also, they're planning to release another single in September, but there's no info on that yet :)
























































































































































    I believe the PV for Vortex was just released.
































































































































    I haven't been following Gazette that much lately, but I enjoyed this song.
































































































































    I'm not sure why there are small amounts of auto tune though...
































































































































































    It's all preference!








































































































































    I don't like Tops white/blonde hair, but other do!








































































































































    I do think a lot fo Asians do can pull it off though :) Not me though, I'll never try anyway haha
































































































































































    Damn, I really like the new album so far (have only heard all 3 parts of GEMINI and listening to "birth in the death" right now which I like a lot, though a little slow)








































































































































    Hopefully the rest of the album doesn't disappoint or at least not too much!








































































































































    It actually took me 4 hours to download (internet connection is really bad today T_T)
































































































































































    Honestly I don't think her "before" pictures are anything bad. I guess now it's pretty obvious she's had surgery but I don't think she looked unattractive before, just not as good as she does now I guess.








































































































































    I never really liked her that much anyway but she always appealed to a wide audience of males haha, and I don't think most of the same group cares all that much P:


























































































    But alas, I cannot
















    Good luck dude :D










    Eh, well I've noticed most if not all J-rock bands tend to change their sound as they grow and evolve as a band.







    I'm a fan of both heavy and (somewhat) soft music so I'm not against it completely but it does kind of betray the fans who were into a bands original sound when a band does do something like become "mainstream".







    I agree "Falling Down" deviates from the much more awesome "Gentou Sanka" and is pretty disappointing, but I guess they're happy with the change and the music they're producing now so I'm not gonna hate them for it.







    Yeah, I've noticed Gazette still has a heavy sound which is good but I also prefer their old music, as with a lot of bands I listen to.







    I think Dir en grey has consistently released good stuff even though it is all over the place, it still has their charm haha.







    If I could say anything about how Alice Nine have changed... their sound is definitely more polished and I guess they're more pop oriented, but I don't think that's entirely a bad thing.










    Mmm, I wouldn't say they're completely soft now, they still have songs like:







    Drella and







    百花繚乱 (which isn't really heavy)







    That was 2 years ago though...







    I guess the hardest they've made in the past year are:







    Le Grand Bleu and







    Solar Eclipse which again, aren't really that heavy







    Their upcoming album I think has a couple of heavier songs:







    Previews here







    KING&QUEEN which sounds like it's going to be sort of heavy and































    It's the first part of a 3 part song that lasts 13 minutes (I don't think they're going to make PVs for the other two parts though) but the song is awesome.


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