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Posts posted by myvilvil

  1. Congrats to MDBC team, welcome to new members and thank you to the members who still stuck with us even after almost a year that the drama is over. Thanks also for the bits and pieces of the dvd,( not the film itself, ok or we might get into trouble) that you shared, it's a source of encouragement to us boyoo fans. I don't know why yoojung wear the cap with a B whether it has meaning or none I'm a happy shipper.

    • Like 2
  2. On 9/2/2017 at 0:58 AM, moonlightdream said:

    Ok I deleted my sharing! I am officially getting annoyed about be careful this and that and everything! It's like I paid and watched a movie but I am not allowed to share in text in what I saw or how I feel! 

    Hi we feel for you @moonlightdream and we who did not purchase  the dvd were very happy about what you shared but we are also worried about you if there's going to be copyright problems and they have already shared what you wrote in instagram. Maybe im just being paranoid, i sincerely hope so. We are really thirsty for boyoo news and what you shared meant a lot to us. 

    • Like 8
  3. I wish the copyright rules be shared in instagram because some fans have already posted what @moonlightdream wrote here. I'm worried that it will become a problem for boyoo fans. I already message the one who copied but I don't think she/he has read it already as some fans have regram her post. Not really sure if we violated the rules though or I'm just paranoid. The one who posted the garden kiss bts has already deleted the photo. As most of us who do not have copies of the dvd are so curious about what's on them, I wish that we also curbed our enthusiasm and probably wait for the right time that we will be able to see or know what's on them without violating any rules. Just tell me if I'm just paranoid or what. ☺

    • Like 8
  4. 3 hours ago, thesecretgarden said:

    Gah, chingudeul~ I'm back! :dissapointed_relieved: I hope some of you still remember who I am XD I AM FINALLY BACK TO CIVILIZATION! :bawling:

    Honestly I didn't think I will be AWOL for this long but second semester really got the best of me and I really did not have the time to take a break aside from the occasional random youtube video-watching. That said, I really miss our BoYoo couple :( I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED SO MANY THINGS! SO MANY JUICY DEVELOPMENTS :'( I was so, sooooo tempted to go on this forum during Baeksang but I had my organic chemistry exam the day after and could not risk failing that course if I want to maintain my GPA :bawling:


    Hi! you're back! You're one of my favorite writers in this thread! Hope to see you more often here but of course, studies should come first. Good luck!

    • Like 13
  5. 22 minutes ago, moonlightdream said:

    Didn't say yoona is not a good girl, and also saw yoo jung was trying to help her. Yoo jung is a super sweet girl as always! I was just expressing my uncomfortable feeling about Yoona was really around alots and also saw few fans ship she and Bo. This forum seems to be a loving place that I think I can get comfort words from so I expressed my thoughs here. That's all! It does not always mean evil when sometimes ppl Share not so positive feelings hope u can understand. Like I said, none of my friends or coworkers understand why I go crazy with bo and yoo being in love or not...

    I can understand you because maybe you are still young and I used to feel that way if my OTPs are threatened but you have to accept the fact that they will have other partners in their future dramas and we might see less and less of them together. Unlike in my country that if love teams are bankable they will have more movies and dramas together, in Korea it is seldom that they do so and if ever will take years for them to be partnered again. That's why we are just happy to see them in awards nights and other events being sweet together and believe that they are great friends and see each other without us knowing. You have just to prepare yourself that others or probably even some of us  will ship them with other celebrities as these two have great chemistry with other people as well.

    • Like 23
  6. Honestly, I don't know why is there such a big deal about BoYoo these days. We are shippers and as far as I know we can have our illusions or delusions about our OTP and it's up to them if they believe it or not. Shipping should be fun and I don't think that what have been posted or given additional meaning by the shippers has in anyway harm these celebrities. I understand if they are protecting Yoojung because of her age although as what I have seen the complaints were more on the side of PBG and I don't even understand the concern about her age and their other worries because all these are pure speculations. Why can't they see that these two are happy together and have a very good relationship as evidence by the videos and photos and fans fighting about them will only make them sad. They should realize that if they hurt the other person the other person will feel the same because whether they believe it or not these two are great friends! 

    • Like 24
  7. 1 hour ago, presentk said:
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    @cici1 said.

    He mentioned "Raon" but not as the character's name directly.

    About the last scene which was in 1st place.... he's saying that the all of the scenes in LITM are beautiful, the hanboks are beautiful, the cosmos field was beautiful, the lines in the script was beautiful...... WHAT?

    I want to hear about THE SCENE guy! hehe..... well I guess he's a little shy to talk about the relationship and feelings there

    because it's not far from his real life and relationship?

    and plus it'll be to much of a giveaway. OK I'll give hime some space :)

    Sorry to cut your post. And when the emcee told him that Oh happy day is Oh Raon Day and he said yes, he was kind of "how did he get that?" like he was caught redhanded, and then he changed the subject. This is merely my observation.

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  8. 1 hour ago, airasara said:
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    KJW was rumoured almost casted as raon, fortunately she rejected (?) it so we have yoojungie as our raon.. :D i'm also looking forward to bogummie next partner... I got a feeling that he will take a movie for his next project...

    Truthfully.. It got me heart attack when i see that video... Hahhaa..my shipper heart said It should be yoojungie who fixed his tie hahahha.... Just kidding :P

    Anyway.. Do you see... Bogummie looks more comfortable to stand among actors/actresses instead of idols. Just compare him mc-ing at drama awards with gayo festival/ presenting award at entertainment awards. His expression is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. 

    Don't worry about Kim Ji Won, she's rumored to be dating Yoo Yoonseok although they denied it. My delulu mode went back to reality for a second, reminds me it's just natural for PBG to let other people fix his clothes which means KYJ fixing his clothes doesn't mean anything.Their BTS also showed their attraction towards each other although I've also seen Lee Dong wook/Lee Da hae  also very sweet to each other during the Hotel King drama bts but they didn't contact each other anymore after the drama (as far as I know)  unlike our ship. My only consolation is that I have other delulu incidents to fall back to such as the starry night twitter header photo, their photo after KYJ reunion with Gumiho team, his tweets and messages which most of the time seem to refer to KYJ. Sorry to mention other ship here.

    • Like 11
  9. Just now, louise31 said:

    You have a clear point there...besides he also came from Sidus before right?... I guess when BG was just a trainee, cmiiw...he can always raise that as a defense... Is BG following sidus quite recently only? Or he was already following sidus way back before mdbc?...

    He followed today and unfollowed a few hours later maybe after netizens noticed that he followed Sidus. By the way there was a clearer translation of KYJ and CTH interview in KJY thread, don't know how to transfer it here, had to ask permission first. But a bit sad about YJ answer when CTH asked her if PBG is the one she loves, she said no. It seems that wisdom tooth is considered as love tooth in Korea, it appears when you experienced first love. Although if she said yes, it would be a scandal, lol.

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  10. 15 hours ago, kurosakura said:


    For the people that got hurt because of a thoughtless post, I am sorry there was no malice nor intent to defame, nor insult anyone. That was never my intention.

    I believe you meant no harm but was a little bothered at first that some people might misunderstood and misinterpret it. I wished I could have warned you sooner. Anyway, it will passed. Don't worry and don't lose any sleep over it. Life's too short for misunderstandings and fanwars. It's probably even childish.  Sorry to cut your post btw.

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  11. 1 hour ago, canes said:

    @cici1  all chingus

    Yoo Jung had boy friend around 2014 and date about 300 days. why people say she is underage to date, i do not understand.

     it is because of they both are popular celebrities , then i could be able to understand. they can date but they should not date. am i right . enlighten me please. LOL

    Actually, she's the one who set her mind to date only if she turns 20. This she said after her experience of dating at a young age. But I guess she can always change her mind. As long as they don't confirm it, we don't mind either if they're dating in secret-delulu mode again.:)

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  12. 1 hour ago, faith101 said:

    i m wondering.....if YJ said she wanted to have the chocolate....BG would directly put it into her mouth?!....hahahahaha!!!

    I was wondering too about his intentions, why didn't he give it to her unwrapped? His intention was really to feed her! :) If KYJ said yes, what do you think will happen to us BOYOO shippers! <3

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