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Posts posted by babypillow

  1. Seriously, SR kills me. She is just bland and I feel she needs to be woken up with a slap - betting on HR and declining his help. She is really not CEO material but evident when it was HR that invested in her biz earlier. And that constant look of aghast with her lips parted - sigh..... And soju guy - another constant aghast look 24/7 - he is really a dumb xxx to still be keen on YN. She has been nothing but nasty to him!!


    • Like 6
  2. I said my piece on the last episode and after reading more post, it's really getting depressing! This weekend was filled with sadness - from 39s to this ending!! Can anyone recommend good Fanfics sites that perhaps some writer might do an alternative episode 16 instead of this shitty opened ended, no answer ended last finale? I am out of touch with Fanfic sites so please shout out! Thanks!


    • Like 1
  3. I am loving this drama but also frustrated to the point where I think if this series is going to end up to 100 episodes (is it?) - it will be like the Taiwanese drama that can go on for 500 episodes! 


    SR - just be truthful and tell everyone that the jerky RickRoll'D jerk aka KJ is not HB's dad. Thank God. With her perpetual sorrowful face, I kinda want her to gather everyone and just say it and stop being so pathetic!! Poor HB to have a 'dad' like KJ. HB is good at coding and loves to read. Completely different from JAK aka KJ. 

    • Like 4
  4. Used to love watching this drama and was so looking forward to the updates. But really, this SeRa is really killing the whole show for me with her desperation attempts of worming her way into the family. 


    It's obvious she is not that in love with with YG. And poor Dan Dan - time and time again , how often does the writer need to give her such a raw deal!? And seriously, how did the step mom and SeRa cahoot together a lie that became a reality that TG and SeRa are a real item? SeRa needs to visit the mind Dr and get her warp head sorted out. I want to feel bad for her, but her lies - she is incorrigible. 


    Please let all her lies be exposed soon and put the audience out of their frustration and misery!


    • Like 5
  5. Honestly I was enjoying the drama but really now, the stupidity of KN and his mistress is ridiculous, from the false DNA test etc.  KN really wants his cake and eat it too. And cos of what him and the mistress, now poor SR is forever in the blind and HR is carrying the weight of 2 babies (well from the last episode it seems as though SR is also pregnant but I could be wrong). 

    Honestly after watching Episode 23, I cannot decide who I want to slap 1st, father, mistress or wife. 


    • Like 3
    • LOL 3
  6. Totally cried buckets and blown away on how fast the pace was for episode 20.

    The one thing that irks me is this ..... the little girl. 

    WS must know she is his kid right? He is too smart not to suspect and later Jung pretty much confirmed it saying HS wouldn't want her to grow up in the palace. 

    Did he think the kid was HS and Jung? 

    Cos after allowing Jung to come back to the palace etc, he just calmly walked away from both of them. 

    You would think he would want to grab and hug a part of HS right? 

    I find it totally sad for WS. He was truly alone ..... even Jimong left him. 

    • Like 15
  7. totally cried in episode 19.

    truly felt WS is now alone as a King. 

    the saddest was how he tries so hard with HS but nothing moves her. and when he said i didn't leave her, she left me ....... omg. 

    it's really the end of the road between HS and WS. 

    just hope YH treats WS better despite her own agenda, but she will look out for him in future. 

    man, this series is super draining !!!!

    • Like 14
  8. Just finished watching Ep 18. 

    Now that WS is the King, its sad and lonely for him. He was upset that HS was taking sides with Jung and expected her to understand what his psycho mom put him through. Truthfully only she would be able to understand as she saw how the psycho mom was like and WS opened up to her as well. 

    With regards to CR, hello - she helped poisoned King Moo and gave WW and Jo and Won all the ammunition needed to make HS, WS and Moo's life a living hell. HS needs to understand that WS needs to do what he needed to do. 

    YH's mom - haha that was a surprised!! Truly like mother like daughter, in this case, like daughter like mother. I got to give it to YH, she is smart and consistent!!! chop chop, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. she just takes things into her own hands to do whatever is needed to survive, forget about oppa or kitan marriage!

    HS prevented bloodshed but claiming WS is the King. As what WS said to his psycho mom, if not him as King, he will have to end up killing his family including his Jo's son. So that explains why she said he is not longer the bloody King in literal sense of a coup without killing. 

    Totally fast pace, too fast. Wanted to enjoy certain majestic scenes better, like when YH went out to the palace to 'welcome' her hubby to be. So much work went into that grand scene with all the guards but lasted like 3 seconds!!!


    • Like 9
  9. I don't get it , was watching episode 8 and 2 parts of translation was missing!!

    1. the convo between 4th prince and his mom - after he saw her with HS.

    2. the convo between HS and 4th prince when she was doing his face cover up.

    I checked several sites and both sites had those translation missing from those scenes as well!!!!

    anyone can help me get the translation or lead me in the right direction?

    thanks so much!!

    • Like 3
  10. Hi Everyone

    Was watching Episode 6 and english translation was missing was from the following scenes:

    1. Conversation between So and Yo

    2. Conversation between Queen and King about the marriage

    3. Conversation between So and Ji Mong. 

    I tried several websites and the translation was also missing as well. 

    Does anyone know the reason for it and where I can get transcript or summary of the scenes?

    Thanks so much!

    And the funeral scene, I was balling my eyes out :(

    • Like 8
  11. not sure if this is the right thread for BB Taiwan concert - but just wanted to say they rock for both nights! taiwan fans are AMAZING and the atmosphere was just unreal! 
    really enjoyed myself for 2 night and besides the guys giving their all and watching them live, the taiwan fans were great! 
    it was nice to know they cheered just as loudly for all members !! their interaction with the crowd and eye contact through the cameras  ...... faint faint. 
    thinking of the concerts really puts a smile on my face, i am a very happy fan:) 
































































    finally a korean drama that i am excited about and impatiently wait to watch it online!!
























































    this is a winner for me after episode 4 and i hope it continues to be so till the end! - if yes,
























































    i am definitely buying the dvds to re-watch again and again like my other faves - full house
























































    and goong!
























































    ls and pyh are absolutely adorable!! for ls - her acting hasn't made me cringe one bit (yet!)
























































    and thus, enjoying this cute side of her! when it comes to the sad scenes, her tears/ eyes
























































    ...... wow!!!!
























































    for pyh, i haven't seen his recent dramas so this side of him is all new to me and totally
























































    loving it as well!!!















































































































    can't wait for chapter 5!








































































    hi all - i am from singapore




























































    apologise as i do not know how to use the spoiler -




























































    real ahjumma when it comes to techie stuff!!




























































    thanks for all your interesting povs!
































































    thanks so much lalacakes for your superb




















































    summary and translation!! it helped a great




















































    deal and have a good rest!!
































































    thanks for all the snippets, pictures and comments!!




















































    totally loving this couple - my 2nd fave wgm couple




















































    after anbi! i can imagine myself being hooked on




















































    this link and refreshing every couple of hours for




















































    news! it reminds me of anbi season and yes, totally




















































    looking forward to reliving this sweet potato








































































































    thanks once again!





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