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    You have worked out today.















































    Running a mile sounds awful.















































    You have a job.















































    You love to bake Christmas cookies.















































    Your parents are still together.















































    You woke up before 8 this morning.















































    Baths are better than showers.















































    You are 5’5” or shorter.















































    You hate British accents.















































    Victoria’s Secret is a good store.















































    Cats are better than dogs.















































    The 90’s sucked.















































    Your cell phone is right next to you.















































    Your favorite color is either blue or purple.















































    Your hair is short.















































    You are by yourself right now.















































    The last thing you drank was water.















































    You’re in your PJ’s right now.















































    Your hair color is natural.















































    Fred from Youtube is annoying.















































    You don’t drink soda.















































    You are at least 130 lbs.















































    There’s at least 20$ in your wallet.















































    It’s cold out.















































    Orange juice is better than apple juice.















































    You love someone right now.















































    Video games are awesome.















































    Your sheets are white.















































    You have read works by Shakespeare before.















































    You’re fat.















































    You’ve been professionally diagnosed with a psychological disorder.















































    You know someone in the hospital right now.















































    You’ve showered today.















































    You know someone who has beaten cancer.















































    Sneakers are your favorite shoes to wear.















































    Chocolate is better than vanilla.















































    You’re allergic to peanuts.















































    You’ve never been to New York.















































    You’ve never been on a varsity sports team.















































    You want to go to Europe.















































    You’re using a laptop right now.















































    Plastic surgery is a good idea.















































    Vanilla is the best scent a girl can wear.















































    You’ve made yourself throw up.















































    You’ve cheated on someone before.















































    You have a broken heart at the moment.















































    Your friends do drugs.















































    School is too early.















































    Your nails have nail polish on them right now.















































    You’re Italian.















































    You have a tan right now.















































    You’ve been on a diet before.















































    You shop in plus sized clothing stores.















































    Hot Topic is scary.















































    There are socks on your feet right now.















































    You’ve used a hair straightener.















































    Shopping online is easier than shopping in an actual store.















































    You’re in Verizon’s network.















































    Cheesecake is delicious.















































    Your BMI falls into the overweight category.















































    You have gotten your hair cut in the past month.















































    Your birthday is within the next 2 months.















































    You’ve been rejected.















































    Comedies are better than action films.















































    Math is the best subject.















































    You are fluent in more than one language.















































    You love Greek food.















































    You consider yourself a picky eater.















































    You have more than 3 pillows on your bed.















































    You live with your parents.















































    You’re happy right now.















































    You are a high school graduate.















































    You have a pet cat.















































    You were born before April 5th, 1991.















































    You have brown hair.















































    You have blue eyes.















































    Your last name is longer than 5 letters long.















































    You are in a relationship.















































    You are can count to 20 in another language.















































    You have studied a foreign language.















































    You voted in the 2008 presidential election.















































    You own a vehicle that is older than a 2004.















































    You have worked 3rd shift.















































    You have worked in a fast food restaurant.















































    You drove somewhere that was further than a half hour away today.















































    You live in New Jersey.















































    You live in Montana.















































    You live in Pennsylvania.















































    Your last name begins with an ‘M’.















































    Your middle name begins with a ‘C’.















































    Your first name begins with an ‘S’.















































    You are older than 19.















































    You are younger than 16.















































    You are an only child.















































    Your parents are divorced.















































    You have more than one sibling.















































    You are an Aquarius.















































    You are a vegetarian.















































    You have a gym membership.















































    You are in the military.















































    You have a relative in the military.















































    You have been to Canada.















































    You have been to Mexico.















































    You have been to Europe.















































    You are currently enrolled in college/university.















































    You have done something you told yourself you wouldn’t.















































    You have braces.















































    You wear contact lenses.















































    You have a tattoo on your ankle.















































    You have a tattoo on your wrist.















































    You have a tattoo on your lower back.















































    You have a tattoo on your upper arm.















































    You have a lip piercing.















































    You have a tongue piercing.















































    You have your nipples pierced.















































    You have your cartilage pierced.















































    You have curly hair.















































    You have received flowers from someone in the last 2 months.















































    You are engaged.















































    You are married.















































    You have children.















































    You are an aunt or uncle.















































    Your bedroom walls are blue.















































    Your bedspread is red.















































    Your bedroom carpet is beige.















































    You have been out to eat at a sit-down restaurant in the last week.















































    You have been drunk in the past 24 hours.















































    You have lost your virginity before you turned 15.















































    You are bisexual.















































    You watch Scrubs.















































    You watch Jon & Kate Plus 8.















































    You watch American Idol.















































    You have been to the movies within the last month.















































    You have cursed in front of your grandparents.















































    You had a lunch box with a cartoon character on it when you were little.















































    You actually pay attention to politics.















































    You are still waiting for your first kiss.















































    You have kissed someone within the last week.















































    You have kissed three or more people this year.















































    You would kiss the last person you kissed again.















































    You were told you looked cute today.















































    You were hugged today.















































    [One of] your best friends is the opposite sex.















































    You have paid more than $100 on one item of clothing.















































    You had a date to prom.















































    You are a good speller.















































    You are always on time.















































    You believe in karma.















































    You have done something illegal within the last 24 hours.















































    You have thrown up within the last 6 months.















































    You have ridden an elevator within the last 3 days.















































    You have spent the night at someone else’s house within the last 2 weeks.















































    You have been out of the country within the last year.















































    You love Chinese food.















































    You love Italian food.















































    You love Mexican food.















































    You love country music.















































    You love rap.















































    You love hip hop.















































    You love punk rock.















































    You love hard rock.















































    You love metal.















































    You love classic rock.















































    You love bluegrass.















































    You love oldies.















































    You love techno.















































    You love instrumental music.















































    You have taken pictures of yourself just because you were bored.















































    You know someone younger than 10 who passed away.















































    You have been in a car wreck.















































    You have had stitches.















































    You have a parent who is a teacher.















































    You have a checking account.















































    You have a debit card.















































    You have a currently have a $2 bill in your possession.















































    You have dated someone who was 2 years younger than you.















































    You have dated someone who was 2 years older than you.















































    You have broke up with someone for someone else.















































    You have cheated on someone.















































    You have been cheated on.















































    You are Catholic.















































    You are Mormon.















































    You are Buddhist.















































    You are Agnostic.















































    You wish at 11:11.















































    You have had your current job for more than 3 months.















































    You have had your heart broken.















































    You broke someone else’s heart.















































    You felt bad about it.















































    You have an Aunt Karen.















































    You have an Uncle Bill.















































    You have a cousin Sarah.















































    You have a cousin Adam.















































    You have worked with a Danielle.















































    You have ridden in a car with a Stephen.















































    You have hugged a Tiffany.















































    You have kissed a Blake.















































    You have had class with a David.















































    You have had a crush on an Emily.















































    You have dated a Derek.















































    You have been neighbors with a Hannah.















































    You have done something just for the fact that you were old enough to.















































    You have been to a cemetary at midnight.















































    You have been a vampire for Halloween.















































    You have been a witch for Halloween.















































    You have been a pumpkin for Halloween.















































    You have stayed up for 48 hours straight.















































    You have been to Walmart within the last 3 days.















































    You own a pair of scrubs.















































    You own a cowboy hat.















































    You own a leather coat.















































    You are missing someone right now.















































    You have been let down recently.















































    You have had someone you thought you could trust betray you.















































    You would rather have a one-night stand than a relationship.















































    You would rather win $500 from the lottery, than guest on a game show.















































    You have met someone famous.










































































    well that's five minutes gone~



























































































    woohoo! thanks sica <3


















    i think we should leave it up for ten rounds right now since everyone's pretty busy D:


















    maybe start again during summer? :)








































































    pretty pretty please?
















    :D i haz teh cookiez











































    hi guys :) i'm just going to ask for a huuuge favor for everyone who's already participated T_T































    i'll super super love you because i'm super super lost trying to fix the first page ;_; huhuhuhu im such a bad op






















































    i super, super apologize for ditching guys T_T












    i'm not sure when but i'll get around to fixing the first page ASAP!!


















    hi guys














    i think i'll make today the last day to post their round 2








    i'll post up all the round 3 icons soon too ^-^












    glad to see this battle so active :3





























    oh gosh, i've posted here so much but i've never actually done personal replies or posted a round til the third page. LOL ):

























    my round two and three :3


























    ahhh, i'm totally lacking creativity. T__T












    cr: piemin, lovebasics, wildsheep@lj























    cheramour - ilubb. i don't even know where to start my reply with you because i don't know where i last left off D; LOL WE HAS THE TELEPATHY <3 i'm going to tell you this again because i'm so jelly with your ability to not use textures and make these icons look SO pretty <3 i could never T_T YOU TRULY SKILLED WOMAN!






    coolcoke. - hi appa~~~ hehehe DID YOU LIKE MY RANDOM REQUEST ON FACEBOOK? XD LOL i love your iconsss <3 i already told you but your bigbang icons are truly amazing ^__^ i had such a hard time but your icons make it look like you had a breeze! LOL






    ^ again, thank you to both of you for coming up with this battle <3 so much loveee hehe






    ofeliaslie.- hi wei! XD it was my pleasure to open this battle =) hehe. hope to see your icons soon! (:






    d a y.b r e a k- yes, this is the battle i was talking about :D join when everything's back in place PLEASEEEEE <3






    didigirl99- LOL aww thanks! =) i really liked these pictures too XD i don't even remember where i found them anymore LOL aww! thanks! your icons came out perfect! i love your last taeyeon icon XD whenever i try to use that tint, it ends up looking so odd D: CLAPCLAP!






    OohBrilliant-i lovee your second taengoo icon (: aw, how do you guys do all these cool stuff without textures?! such pros XD











    mikki_michelle- aww, your icons are so cuute! i love the yellow tint! :3






    jesster.-sicaaa! it doesn't look like you're rusty at all =) i love your icons! and also the red'ish theme for your bigbang round ~ pretty!






    e-tah-mariam! (: your icons are soo pretty! i love your coloring for the last taeng icon! goshh, is there anything you're NOT good at? XDD~






    Yoyo- lindaaa! hehe i think it's been forever since i've seen your graphics ;_; LOL FREAL XD your taengoo icons are SO pretty! but i think i like your bigbang icons more hehe. i like the stylee! i don't think it's a failure at all XD and i agreee, lisa and yuki should be here! ):






    LAWL!?- HI UMMAAAAAA. good thing you didn't back out <3 appa really would kill you AHAHA i don't see why you should either cause your icons are aweeesomee <3 the first taeng icon and the second bigbang icon UGHH you make icons look so nice <3






    xi_luv_u- yeonjaee! =D LOL i'm jelly of youu! how do you make these icons without any textures?! T_T you're such a beast! LOL share your skills =P hehe and I KNOOW ): i miss those threeways ): come backkk LOL (i think this is like, my third time telling you this AHAH)






    tinyredrobots- LOL your username is so cute XD your coloring is so nicee! and i lovee your first bigbang icon =) very pretty!






    also, thanks to everyone else who commented but i never personally replied to XDD i know most of you are totallly capable of joining this battle XD JOIN JOIN JOIN !






    omg i caught up LOLOLOL YAY ~ GO MEEE hehe that was a nice fifteen minutes ^____^






    i'm really liking this battle =) soompiers unite! hehe


















    hi everyone =)












    with the exception of jeri and wei, we are pretty much finished with everyone's first round












    so please head onto the second round (featuring bigbang hehe) and have fun ~~



















    on other note,







    people are STILL welcome to join














    ~~~ pleaaase join hehe












    let's have a soompi party or something LOL




















    Hey Jessa, why don't we just finish the original ten rounds first before having new comers choose pictures for future battles. After the original ten rounds, if people are still interested (since ten rounds is a lot XP) then we have the people who recently join pick their pictures and have more rounds. (if that makes sense. if it doesn't, I'll be on MSN! <3)






    hehe my bad XD













    Hey Jessa, why don't we just finish the original ten rounds first before having new comers choose pictures for future battles. After the original ten rounds, if people are still interested (since ten rounds is a lot XP) then we have the people who recently join pick their pictures and have more rounds. (if that makes sense. if it doesn't, I'll be on MSN! <3)












    open icon battle || everyone is allowed to join! :)








    the arena is a soompi icon battle meant for the a&b section to become much more lively =)






    we welcome anyone and everyone to join and have fun! ^-^ special thanks to coolcoke. (mimi)






    and cheramour (tea) for planning this out! muchh love =D





























    ─ it's a













    freestyle battle















    , meaning you can have your icons






























































    ─ images will be provided by the participants in













    alphabetical orde



























    ── please provide at least








































    ─ remember that this is an













    open battle















    - anyone can join!












    ─ please put your icons into a













    300x100 canvas


































    there will be no need to add your username or anything





















    ─ please include













    credits and resources















    ! ^-^












    ─ no ditching and have fun! =P






















    TAEYEON 0102030405


















    cr: e-tah, piemin, wildsheep@lj,


















    cr: no textures used























    cr: no textures used


















    cr: FEEL@devianart


















    cr: the great big list of everything

















    cr: lovebasics & innocent_lexys








































    cr: piemin @dA



































    cr: bambinainnero@DA






























    cr: no textures used


















    cr: no textures used


















    cr: no textures used














    cr: no textures used

















    BIGBANG 010203040506


















    cr: piemin, lovebasics, wildsheep@lj


















    cr: no textures used























    cr: yunhe@lj






















    cr: risingstar & so-ghislaine@deviantart    

























    cr: no textures used
























    cr: colorscandy, lovebasics, timeto_operate, makarosh, marsh113




























    cr: piemin @dA














































    cr: no textures used



































    cr: 99mockingbirds

































    cr: no textures used





























    cr: crazykira@DA and yunhe@LJ












    SE7EN&HANBYUL 010203040506























    cr: piemin, lovebasics, wildsheep@lj


















    cr: no textures used























    cr: yunhe@lj


















    cr: no textures used

















    cr: aquatilitis, x_cielogris, reflextoresist, colorscandy




























    credits: topassilem@dA, piemin@lj


















    cr : sanami276@dA

























    cr: no textures used






























    cr: no textures used


















    cr: no textures used














    cr: So-ghislaine@DA, yunhe@LJ












    SUNYE 123456

















    The end is near although we netizens will laugh like  hyenas.  Mummies  burn from flaming Xiah Junsu's hotness advancing  towards  spartans  vomiting sparkles. However, Santa won't eat fries  until Peewee  Herman  pee calculators onto ms. clause. McDonald's Sweet  Tea tastes  like  tomatoes and slugs poop champagne diamonds through its  mouth.  Santa  warped over boobies towards my chameleon hamburger.  Falling, he  takes  ninjas with samurai girls into Yoshi's Island for a  quick fart  but  suddenly Justin Bieber pulled out a kfc chicken and  spit on Onew  who  licked Ronald Mcdonald on his shoe. "What the  hamburgers, ran  ran  ruuuuu!!!!!" My porcupine dug holes in assumption  then spit out  a  magical baby!" Hello Kitty ate a hotdog while trying  someone's  new  netizen lollipop and using a Kamen  Rider  Transformation  Belt,successfully murdered an iPhone. Meanwhile,  scooby  doo wanted to  escape from the Joker lol, but snooki refused  service,  "hakuna mattata."  Jack Sparrow's hairstylist glued 101 pieces  of  cucumber onto Ian  Somerhalder's hairy back without mayonnaise.  A  creeper suddenly tears  open the donut he was hiding in and jumps  into  Mordor across lolita  aiming for the mad hatter'slarge hairy  nipples and  ugly nose for  Dumbledoreeee! Life potions are like poison  to our  brains unless  chocolate emerges from behind, giving life to  sexual  feelings. The  situation reeks of polka dots creating an  unknown  dimension, which  indicates that your mom wants it that way.  The  independent state of  Alabama is under attack from flaming  Q-tips  launched by Chuck Norris on a  seahorse. Fashion Police  cultivate  special herbs that prevent smelly  forks from turning into  spoons that  infect humans with the zombie virus. Pocahontas threw octopuses because
















































































































































    but trying to hold your




























































































































































































    is like trying to reach for the














































































































































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