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Posts posted by WENJJANG
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You guys may want to try Dr. Young's Bb Cream and Holika Holika's Color Change Bb Cream.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am quite tan and Dr.Young's Bb cream is one of the best matches for me. I am reviewing Holika Hoila's bb cream right now. From what I see it does matches your skin well, may make it look a tad bit lighter in shade (probably just one shade).














































































    I ordered from them last month, products took a really long time to get to me. However, they are reliable. 



















    SayTeenie: You will need to sign for your package, since it is registered mail.














  3. I def. love eating meat but anything that isn't beef. I am not a fan of beef. I try to eat vegetables, but I grew up not eating much of it.

    I am trying to eat more vegetables. However, I love fruit <3

    I know for a fact, that there some vitamins that you can only get in meat. As I know it is harder for the body to digest vegetables and to get the vitamins and nutrients you need, then meat. 

    However, vegetarians tend to live longer lives and have a less chance of getting cancer.

    Btw...you are not a vegetarian if you still eat chicken and fish....







    ^From his expression, I think we can assume he does. LOL. I'm also thinking, since he has so much wealth and connections, it would be easy for him to get a PI and find out, right? :D






    Don't know if these have been shared but our two main casts in heaps and heaps of wedding photos:












    They look so sweet together...











    There are so many pictures @__________@ I am like giggling like crazy because of all the great photos of them haha









    I finished the drama mainland version...I am still not satisfy for some reason.






    Probably because the bed scene was weak sauce HAHA just kidding <.<






    But, after watching the mainland version it made me love Ou Chen more haha.






    I am definitely going to get the drama when it comes out.


  6. I was actually thinking about it yesterday and I realize many people don't want to comment or reply anymore to threads

    because of the backlash they might receive if they disagree with the overall group. Sometimes, I feel there are also too many illogically replies.

    So the forum seems less inviting?

    As well so many pointless threads that seem to always bring negativity.

    Especially threads in the beauty section for me anyways, about "What skin color looks better, etc." It just throws me off and makes me feel less welcome.


    YES you are so right. For me, single eyelids are so beautiful, I don't really know why, but the people I had major crushes on all have single eyelids! Nowadays, I find double eyelids in Asians common and not unique, which disgusts me. One of my friends has single eyelids and I think she is so cute when she smiles or laughs. So all you people trying to look "beautiful" by having surgery or putting on tape, STOP; you're ruining your natural beauty. D:









    Why, thank you for making feel bad about my double eyelids.









    I actually have small double eyelids and I never thought about surgery. Even though it is nice to tell people to love their natural beauty, it is still their opinion and choice. I am in no way saying you are forcing your opinions on everyone.













    When I realize that I can't stop thinking about the person and the person has shown me their love.










    I don't toss the words "I love you." like those teen boppers I see.










    With my current boyfriend, it took me at least 6months to a year to officially say it and mean it.




    Another question, do I put powder on before or after blush?














    If you are using a regular powder blush, first do your all over face powder and then blush.














    If you are using a cream blush, you can do your all over face powder, then the cream, and finally apply a powder or another blush to set it.



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