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Fan Level: 2-1

Fan Level: 2-1 (5/124)



  1. Ji-woon is not so popular??? This is his natural look? Hope he's okay. found English subtitled.
  2. I think so..maybe not in serious relationship. but at least dating? attracted to someone? For PEB, I don't know when was the last time she said she never been in a relationship, but even she ever was, I don't think she will ever admit it. She said before interview, it's okay to date with other actors, but she will never open about it. But at least she might had at least attracted to someone before. I think she said she is aware fame will not last forever, so I just hope she will focus on love as well.
  3. That is interesting, I thought he's the type to need long time to commit to be in relationship, I read somewhere he took long time before he confesses to his first girlfriend before debut. I don't know exactly how many years. So I thought they were friends until then, but he was not considered her as friend, even talk as friends? but if he already liked her, but if she was not sure or he didn't know how she felt about him, but to him they were not friends? not sure.. Did he ever say PEB and him are friends? I read i X or somewhere some their fan wrote PEB and him said they both said they see each other as friends. But I don't remember or I just don't know since I found TKA for the first time only last year. I saw he said KHY is good friend, but I think there are fans who ships them, maybe not as much as before, but there are still (maybe not just her he has all his FLs shippers except Tomorrow costar)
  4. Thank you Pen G. I also live in USA, but I was not watching any K-dramas before and I don't remember showing up SG or EAW on Netflix, like American series, it shows automatically to recommend. So I think still SK shows are not big yet as Asian countries, Latin American. Thank you MimiSchu. Sounds like SK shows are getting popular more in Europe than USA (where I live now) I am also recently rewatched TKA and love it. How it is still beautiful even PEB dressed as man, RW looks really good in hanbok.
  5. PEB/CAD scene aired in TV show in Japan! Hope non K-drama fan will notice PEB more!
  6. Hi Mktgkat! Thank you for the welcome! When I first saw TKA, I didn't know the meaning of hair pin in Sageuk dramas, but my friend told me only married women use hair pin in that time, so When Ji Woon(RW) bought hair pin meant he wanted to get married with Hwi(PEB) in ep 13. Hwi said she wanted Ji Woon to buy her hair pin in ep 20, my favorite scene!!, meant propose/she wanted to get married with him. When I know the meaning, I cried more!! Yes, we want to share/chat about what we love/like! In your country, K-dramas popularity still not big like U.S? In X, I see many fans from Brazil, and I didn't know K-drama is that popular, or it's only in X, I don't know. Because western or only celebs in U.S. ? seem to use Instagram more than X ?
  7. Or he was just drunk? haha.. It looks like a stature not real dog. Like you said, he was very happy he received a lot of love and saw many fans in person, that's why. I have some friends who are longtime K-drama viewers, but none of them like TKA like me!! Everyone loves Crash landing on you, of course I do too. I love TKA and Crash landing on you almost the same.
  8. I don't know much, but it seems FNC is more to singers, bands agency than actors. But still some how they cannot provide RW good osts include his own drama. Only popular actor I know from FNC besides KW is Jun Hae-in. He plays in dramas like DP, Something in the rain in Netflix. There could be more, just I don't know. Thank you for sharing. Looks like I only remembered word loneliness..haha.. Escapism, fairy tales I get it. K-dramas, K-actors seems a little different structure compare western dramas I watch. I never knew anything about behind-the scenes, soon as I watched for the first time Crash landing on you last year, BTS starting to pop up on my YouTube, same as TKA, BTS popped up in YouTube. I think BTS is one of big reasons for superfans? obsessive fans? I saw RW Instagram, he all of sudden wrote Love you with a couple of pics from Italy? Was that just his spontaneous thing? a lil joke he loves that dog in the pic?? appreciation for fans?
  9. I don't remember magazine name, but I read his interview last year before or around DWY time. I can't remember exactly, but I think he was asked why Kdrama is popular or why people like Kdrama, and I think he answered because of lonliness. I don't remember well how he explains, but I remember I was kinda surprised. I read his comment in his fan meeting in Japan last month, he said change is good, as long as you don't forget appreciations and sincere. I took it as he left the group, that part is changed but he has not changed as himself being appreciated and sincere. PEB and RW both seems attached? like? Japan, They're very popular in Japan. I am very impressed both sings Japanese songs very well. people wouldn't notice if we say it was sang by native Japanese. I don't know how it was in 2021, but seems TKA was very popular also in Japan and I see many Japanese fans go both PEB and KW fan meetings, still waiting for their reunion.
  10. Thank you MimiSchu! I wonder if he's going to sing the native language songs each country. He sang many Japanese songs, and some songs are really hard to sing. If he's goin, to sing English songs, I want to hear All of me by John Legend, I saw clips he sang years ago. I saw on the net, she joined Namoo in 2015. Before Namoo she was with KeyEast. I saw one of her interviews, age of youth was one of her turning point of her carrier. totally different character she played before.
  11. I found this, I think this is before TKA? Because of these thoughts, I like him more than looks. When do you feel happy? To answer your question, we have moments when we feel worried, having hard time like breakups, when your pet is sick. It is important to feel these feelings. I used to think happiness is very big thing, but I am going to eat good dinner, that makes me happy, talking about this right now make me happy. So I aways say find happiness in small things. It is hard to do so actually. I want to feel free, I don't want to worry what other people thinks, I want to live life I choose. This is message from this drama. so, I am very happy at this moment. Very rough translate, I'm not sure which drama he's talking about, because I've only seen this partial.
  12. I didn't know either but someone commented there that man is Namoo Actor's president. He goes to PEB's important events in Korea and overseas. It seems her carrier got advanced after joining Namoo. I have watched DYLB, Hot Stove League, Age of youth, Judge vs. Judge and Father I'll take of you. I watched these when I had subscription with Viki. My favorite in these are DYLB and Father I'll take care of you. I also saw the comment one of SF9 fan asked him to sign for SF9 album and he got also excited. He seems a little more freer and enjoying himself when he's in overseas. I just saw netnews he's having fan meeting in Japan again in March. I don't really understand standard beauty in Korea, me personally I like him more fluffier like TKA time. Excuse my English, it is not my native language, I cannot explain well.
  13. I also discovered TKA after watching EAW, then I started to watch their previous dramas. One of my favorite PEB drama, Father I'll take care of you, I shared here. She's so adorable! I don't really follow SF9 either, I just happened to see net news. Then I just thought if KSW could go to another good agency like Namoo Actors, it will be good for him to advance his acting carrier to be in good script/director drama. He's enjoying walking freely. I like him much better natural and tanned skin like this!
  14. First, sorry if it's been already shared here. From after PEB fan concert in Seul last week. One of PEB previous drama before TKA. so adorable!!
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