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  1. @Biology Lesson give it a go I'd say. My mum watched that nine tailed something or other he's in, I couldn't have cared less. Wasn't blown away by his performance here but he wasn't bad either (it's meant to be a quiet / bland character so he did his job) and even had some cute moments. The character is Sheldonesque - non-romance, work driven Romance wise I think the love story here is much better than Because This Is My First Life, which is a drama I mostly like because of the ML - still think he's the best Sheldonesque character I've watched. In TYH, the FL is more important and I actually thought she did a good job because with a character like that there is a thin line between cute and bratty. And I love how they showed her as resilient Sign me up for 40+ romances. Lol all my stories are in that bracket even though I don't have the life experience 😅 I saw the Jihyo and JH post and yes I'm totally intrigued by it. I did think JH was a little stand-offish in the past, presumably the way he usually is cautious around female actors. And even in the short clip he seems distracted. I would love to see them in a project though I've only seen 1 SJ project to date. In general I tend to like down to heart (isn't afraid to look silly) and feisty women
  2. Watched Touch Your Heart and it was enjoyable from start to finish. I'm truly surprised because I don't like K romcoms. Even some bits of FTLY were too cringe for me. I think I like it so much because it is an ensemble and all the characters were likeable. The lead actress took a potentially OTT character and made her genuinely likeable and cute (not the nauseating kind). The only gripe is that the legal aspect of the drama was too thin and they did not have any cases to make it compelling enough. But since I enjoyed the romance and comedy so much, I can forgive them a little on this
  3. @Biology Lesson thanks so much for sharing. Where did you watch the full episode? I noticed the bruising too and thought it was some type of skin condition. His hands have never looked like that before. Or could be from the boxing? Again he's boxed for ages and not seen something like this before
  4. @azureblue7 on the hair thing, I think Running Man was filmed before his fanmeet. The hairstyle at the fanmeet is the most recent (and it's trimmed) If I'm not mistaken, he's still in Japan. Would make sense if he has another fan meet this coming week... One think about RM, he's not wearing his signature black. Didn't realise clothes would age a person but he does look younger with this fit though it's probs too hip for my taste haha
  5. I actually do think the antagonist husband is a good actor and great in this role. It's really difficult to nail those microexpressions and he does it effortless. I'm reminded of the conversation between the air hostess and the colourblind that the husband is the type of bad guy who doesn't come across that way when you encounter him at first. It's only when you scratch the surface that you see how terrible he is. I agree and the actor nails this - he looks like a details guy who doesn't fly off the handle very easily but if you push him far enough then the nastiness comes through. I'm waiting for him to explode - it seems inevitable. Will start episode 10 tonight and at this stage I'm mostly interested in the husband guy. The only thing that will let me down is if his storyline goes nowhere. Also looking at his wiki page, he's done quite a bit of theatre. And I'm not surprised. You can see the level of maturity and control he has as a performer and that comes from training in theatre I do agree that it's harder to be interesting as a protagonist versus an antagonist. Yet there is also a risk with antagonist characters of being over the top. The female antagonist has her moments - again it's mostly in those scenes with her husband that I enjoy her. And it's because of the power play. For me, her character is all over the place. Her sense of entitlement and evil has to be rooted in something. And I don't think the writers know whether it's because of a psychological disorder or just brattiness and sense of entitlement because she's rich. I feel they should have pushed the psychological angle a bit more otherwise it's jarring to see what she's done (psychopathic really) and the image of a devoted mother (which seems genuine). Not a criticism of the acting per se just that I find the character hollow and the acting wishy-washy One major positive of this drama is they don't shy away from sex like other shows do. The relationships are very adult, well except for the one with the FL and ML, they are going for a modern fairytale. The tropes are there even if it's not the traditional fairytale Risky Romance sounds genuinely disturbing. I think I'll pass
  6. Started The Glory last night and about to start episode 7. I've avoided it for the longest time partly because it is popular and also because of my huge dislike for bullies While I do like it, I think the pacing is slow and the bullies (mind you not their actions) is too caricature like. It's the same template of opening their eyes very wide and leaning their heads to the side to look intimidating (and the shrill shouts). The child actors were far more convincing than their adult selves - maybe because they're actually school aged and understand classroom dynamics? The biggest revelation for me is the actor playing the husband to the main antagonist. Six episodes down and I have no idea about his intentions / motives but I'm so intrigued by him. He's both mysterious and intimidating and alas everything I wished for JH's characters in Paid and Blood and The Killer. He radiates power and it's amazing how intimidating he is being as quiet and still as he is. He embodies a chaebol better any other actor I've seen in a kdrama. The aura is insane and the scene when he goes to the golf club and meets with the colourblind guy, that guy looked like a poodle next to him No comparison with Lee Gun because they're different personalities. By and large, the common chaebol characters I've seen are sh#t because the actors don't have the gravitas. I would like to see this actor in something else but I'm totally sold on his character in this Plus I prefer him and the female lead. It looks like the adult relationship I want to see JH do albeit the guy seems to be doing all the work chemistry wise. As for the male lead, I can defo see the age gap between him and the female lead. Their platonic romance does nothing for me Anyways don't mean to ramble on but I'm just shocked at how attractive I find the chaebol / husband character
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