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Posts posted by DollEyes

  1. @Penny I declare myself a fan of your observations. It seems that you are well informed about Korean society and its customs.


    I remember Rowoon mentioning that he first saw Eunbin on Hot Stove League (that's where I met her too, great series!) and being impressed by her and how he wanted to work with her ever since. Now that I think about it, he was probably a bingo before most of us. I think that makes the reports of him showing up at her fan meeting that much more endearing.

    That's what makes this relationship, platonic or not, so interesting to me. Because regardless of whether there is a romance, a friendship was formed, one that has really left its mark on Rowoon and influenced him, dare I say, for the better. Eunbin, who says that she doesn't like to give advice, she broke some of her own rules for this guy and I have never seen her more giggly, more playful and funny.


    Unfortunately, there's a limit to how much you can research without paid accounts on sites like Fancafe Daum (according to DCinsider, most sighting reports come from this one first) or theqoo. There are also many links and information that have sadly been removed.


    Having said that, I also respect Kim Hye Yoon, and if Rowoon decided to date her publicly I would really be happy for both of them. If Eunbin declared her undying love for Kang Tae Oh (I mention him because he is the actor people most want her to date with) I would celebrate it too. I think that what has characterized the RoBin community so far has been respect and tolerance. I really want us to continue this way.


    Welcome to the new RoBins that join, and to the returning ones, welcome back. Let's interact and have fun talking about two amazing artists.

    • Like 3
  2. 3 hours ago, Yuen10 said:

    Would there be a possibility that it might be her Manger? I can see how there may be a possibility for him to be mistaken for KSW since he is pretty tall and if from a quick glance especially if he wears a masks. Just another random thought

    Rowoon is taller than Eunbin's manager. I also think it's more plausible that her manager was behind the scenes and not in the audience with the rest of the fans. But i guess anything is possible.

    • Like 1
  3. @Penny Incredible! I would never really have made that connection. It's very interesting, you have a great eye!


    I hadn't noticed, but Eunbin's Instagram followers dropped from 3.11 million to 3.1 million. In DCinsider they blame this drop in followers on the rumors of the romance between her and Rowoon. 

    I don't think that's the case, but I hope Eunbin continues to be successful with her next drama.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. I love the way Rowoon seems so random and cryptic in a lot of his stories, it's probably things only he understands and I can empathize with that. Anyway, it looks like he's at a beach location for his new series, so the shell he posted is probably a reference to that. Now I really wish I had photos of Eunbin filming on location too (since it's supposed to be an island). I wonder if the two of them are on beaches filming at the same time, I hope they both can support each other!


    @Penny Welcome! I hope we can share more comments in this forum.


    @MT220214 The people on dcinsider don't seem to be very friendly, and I get the impression that some of them don't seem very happy with the idea of Eunbin and Rowoon together, but the existence of the rumors is undeniable and they seem to have come from different sources. Who knows? We may not be so delusional after all?

    • Like 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, Pen G said:

    Okay, the second one about Dispatch?

    1) There wasn't anything about Dispatch or a screenshot?

    2) They were talking about a different couple. A certain Yuri and some Jumg Ilwoo? Nothing about RoBin couple?

    Did I misunderstand?

    Yes, a screenshot. The page was quickly deleted.

    The list mentions three couples:

    Yuri and Jung Ilwo

    Han Sohee and Song Kang

    Park Eunbin and Rowoon

    This would mean that Dispatch (a publication famous for revealing intimate details of the lives of industry celebrities in Korea) would have the evidence and material necessary to "uncover" any of these couples. This is still a rumor, so take it easy.


    I don't know which fan meeting Rowoon could have attended, from the dates of the comments, I guess it could have been the most recent (which I think was in Korea).

    • Like 2
  6. @Pen G 

    Hello there!


    To answer your last two questions:

    It seems to me that Rowoon's parents was a translation error, an apology! but, regarding the fan meeting, from what I could understand Rowoon was discovered by some fans and other members of the event staff who spread the word, although I don't know why there are no photos, maybe it was those same staff that prevented it.

    Regarding Dispatch...



    You are right to complain to the Korean vision with its artists and their personal lives, unfortunately that continues to be the reality. Maybe things would be different if we were talking about two actors (which can still be complicated) but Rowoon being an idol, well, let's just say that it can represent more complications. The contracts of idols and their agencies are usually much more restrictive when it comes to romantic relationships. 


    As I mentioned, both of them are going through turning points in their careers; with Eunbin having the eyes of all of Korea on her because of the success she has achieved, and Rowoon who will soon be due to complete his military service and must establish himself as a singer and actor before then.


    The reaction of the public would also have to be taken into account. From what I read on dcinsider, it seems that people would like someone like Kang Taeoh or another actor to be Eunbin's boyfriend. To my personal appreciation, it seems that many Bingos would not be very happy. The Fantasy with whom I have talked are wonderful and very sweet, but although they are very happy if their idol finds someone to love, I don't know how the fandom's reaction would be in particular.


    I hope I could help you! Have fun on the forum!

    • Like 1
  7. @MT220214 Thank you very much for these new data. You really are the pillar of this forum, I really appreciate that you're still here.


    It's really very difficult for me to navigate these forums, since I am not familiar with the language or the interface, not to mention that some of them require membership to purchase certain features. However, I was able to find some gems with the help of Google Translate: like, apparently, Rowoon's parents were really upset that he forgot to include Eunbin in his acceptance speech at the KBS awards.

    Apparently, according to dcinside users, Rowoon secretly came to one of Eunbin's fan meetings, but I don't know more details because the comments are very difficult to understand. 


    Please take this information with a grain of salt. I ask you to share it only in the forum. If all this is true and they are indeed dating, I think their privacy needs to be respected, especially now that they are going through such important phases in their careers.


    One other thing, based on the comments on dcinside and the screenshot from Dispatch, it's likely that an article could be released. Let's hope their respective agencies handle this situation well.


    @Pen G

    @cherry47 I really appreciate your presence here! Thank you for continuing in this small community and all your contributions.

    • Like 2
  8. My friends, I know I've been absent from the thread, but I just want to remind everyone what a great person you all are. I think we've built something special here. Regardless of what the future holds, I've had a lot of fun here with you. I have met wonderful, intelligent and kind people.

    I hope we all continue to be here to support Eunbin and Rowoon in their new projects. This might be the long way around, but we'll be proud to have seen them before the rest of the world.

  9. Wow! I am stunned by everything that has happened. I seem to have missed a lot, both on Twitter and in this thread.

    It's taken me a while to catch up, but it's been a lot of fun. I love how active the thread has been lately.


    I am very proud of all of us; for keeping us out of absurd ship wars and for the degree of maturity and integrity that the robins have shown. It would be very easy to get carried away by the bad comments and nonsense of some Twitter users, but we have managed to stay out of it and show that we can be better than that.

    I also want to thank @yong44 for sharing with us some fragments of blu ray.


    I propose to focus on us and our boat. We can put together activities, we can write fanfics or even plan to watch TKA again and comment on it. There is so much we can do! Let's not let the times of drought make us disappear.

  10. From what I've read, Season 2 is not confirmed yet. ASTORY is discussing the possibility, but nothing is concrete yet. I also read about the special emphasis on Eun Bin being willing to reprise her character to make a final decision.


    We know that Eun Bin is no stranger to reprising roles, she did it for AOY, but the role of Woo Young Woo is much more complicated. I suppose that everything will depend on her future labor decisions.


    Reading about the musical made me roll my eyes, especially since for many people on the autism spectrum, musicals full of sensory input can affect them terribly. I've seen some musicals have special features for people on the spectrum, but there aren't many. If an EAW musical is made, I hope they take all of this into consideration.


    I also can't imagine another actress playing Woo Young Woo, because I'm 90% sure that Eun Bin would not participate in the musical. She is not confident in her singing and dancing skills. So I imagine they would look for a new actress who is trained in these skills.


    ASTORY must realize that if the show was a success, it was because of Eun Bin's impeccable acting, that is something that a web toon, musical or anything else associated with the brand will not be able to replicate.

  11. @parkyenbin @yun cohi @Yuen10

    Hello! It is a pleasure to welcome you. I'm glad we are more and more!


    I've finally finished watching Tomorrow, Ro Woon's series. I hadn't been able to do it before due to lack of time, so I started watching it around the same time as EAW.

    I needed to say that I think it's a good series with a beautiful message. There were a few things that left me with more questions and I think could have been executed better.

    Ro Woon is great, I am very impressed that he has grown as an actor since TKA. And I'm really not sure why it was so poorly received in Korea.

    I hope Ro Woon doesn't pay attention to bad criticism and continue to grow in his acting.

    The fact that he and Eun Bin chose projects with positive awareness messages speaks to what great people they are, and how similar they think.


    Now I'm ready to see the end (of season 1) of EAW!

  12. 12 hours ago, PEBunny said:

    Chicos, estoy molesto por la reciente caída en las calificaciones de EAW. ¿Cuál crees que puede ser el motivo?

    I have read some comments on Twitter speculating that a factor could be due to the recent natural disasters that have occurred in Korea. In my country this has happened many times, I know that Koreans will be able to get out of this!


    On the other hand, the ratings for episode 14 improved a bit from episode 13. They are still extremely good ratings, and it's already quite an achievement to maintain such high ratings consistently for all these weeks.

    Let's see what happens next week. Only two more episodes to go!

  13. 1 hour ago, Ejj ng said:

    About fans reaction, Kpop fangirls are quite crazy and overprotective of their idols. Rabid fans can support but also can attack even their idols, let alone the other party. So it makes sense when some fans do not want people to vocally ship RW with EB, just in case EB can be attacked or even RW. I don't know how popular SF9 is, but if they're really hot, then their fandom can also be quite complicated.

    Yes. Unfortunately having a romantic relationship with an idol is not easy at all.


    Eun Bin herself got caught up in it when rumors surfaced about her dating EXO's Jongin. That was back in 2016 when they filmed ChocoBank. Apparently, EXO female fans felt upset and therefore avoided filming a kiss scene in the series (much to Jongin's disappointment).


    From what I know, Ro Woon is super popular in Korea, along with Cha Eun Woo.

    Although I have noticed that SF9 fans have sympathy for Eun Bin, I have no idea how they would react in a hypothetical scenario where Ro Woon and Eun Bin confirm their love for each other to the world. But it's so much fun to imagine!

  14. @l33z Hi there! it's great to have you here again


    @liez enriqz Welcome, I hope you have fun with us.


    Wow, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who really liked the kiss from episode 15. The first time I watched it, with that beautiful sunset and Baek Z Young's amazing voice I swear I got butterflies in my stomach.

    How am I going to live with myself now that I know there's a more intense scene somewhere? I need to see it!

    Ok, there are so many things that I have not seen.

    Those who comment on the alleged lack of chemistry are kidding themselves, I have no doubt.

  15. To be fair, Eun Bin has filmed content alongside Tae Oh (and Ki Young) for Netflix and Swoon. Saying that Eun Bin is on a break is debatable, as she is still filming CFs, doing interviews, and most likely in talks for new projects. Though now that she's in Bali, I hope she can really relax.


    Although, I must admit that I also find this whole setup a bit strange. With EAW and Young Woo and Jun Ho's romance being so popular one would think that ENA and Netflix would take advantage of the Boom with many more couple interviews, public appearances, etc. At least I know they did it with Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin when CLOY was in its peak.

    It is strange that not even the traditional photoshoot has been released yet.


    It could be because, even if romance is present, this series is NOT romantic. I think the whole EAW team is very aware and they try to keep the central focus on Slice Of Life. Not to mention that the main purpose of the series is to raise awareness about the autism spectrum.


    This only makes me sadder that most of the audience missed the point.

  16. Thank you all for feeling free to share your concerns in the thread. I think it's really nice that this is a safe and supportive space.


    I understand how you're feeling. I have had to resort to silencing some bingo accounts, until EAW concludes.

    Personally, I don't find the romance in EAW annoying, as the main focus of the series continues to be the law and the autistic protagonist's struggles to deal with her environment. I feel that Twitter and social networks have exaggerated the romantic aspect of the series.

    AKA the scene where Young Woo has a meltdown and Jun Ho hugs her. That scene was meant to show what autistic people must deal with in situations of extreme distress and anxiety. But, somehow it was also romanticized: “Oh! he hugs her, he's so cute.” I grit my teeth just remembering those comments.


    The truth is that I've started to find all TaeBin's comments a little funny. Like, they have so little to stand on, but they still hold on. I've read comments on YouTube predicting wedding and children that just make me laugh out loud. Many of these shippers barely know Tae Oh and Eun Bin, so they are unaware of their previous works, interactions with other actors, and behaviors; Tae Oh has said that Eun Bin is pretty, yes. But, he has also referred to other co-stars in the same way.


    On the other hand, reading that Ro Woon still mentions Eun Bin, being so vocal in her support and admiration for her. Expressing that both of them have supported each other in their most recent works and still maintain contact warms my heart. A sincere friendship, without forcing anything, without other pretensions is what really captures all my attention.


    I can't wait for Boston 1947 to be released. I wonder if the bingos will keep their shipper phase with Im Si wan.

  17. @Ejj ng

    Yes, the truth of the sageuk is that they are not like before. It is for this reason that in recent years they have become a fusion with modern elements to make them more "digestible" for the audience.
    It's true, TKA had several mistakes in directing, editing and pacing. However, I quite enjoyed it. Ro Woon and Eun Bin's chemistry is literally what brought this thread to life, and Eun Bin's acting was magnificent and the best part.

  18. I'm a bit concerned that some EAW fans/bingos on Twitter have started a crusade to block and report people who express dissatisfaction regarding Eun Bin and Tae Oh's gained popularity, as well as the disparity of it. At least, the comments that I have read do not express any insult towards Tae Oh or anyone, but criticize a society where actresses must do their best and give 200% of themselves to be recognized, unlike the actors who nothing more than good looks and accommodating performances are demanded of them. Also, the female audience has been criticized for valuing the "green flag" of a love interest more than the true protagonist who is a woman. Now, I may not agree with some of these opinions, but I still consider them valid. They are important because they open a possible discussion that can make us reflect on many things. However, this blocking and reporting behavior falls under censorship, as well as the persistent deafness to valid criticism. Some EAW fans attribute the criticism to RoBin fans, which seems totally unjustified to me.

  19. @PEBunny Hello.

    First of all, although I am not the creator of the thread or an administrator, it's always correct to advocate for free expression and safe spaces for it, when these opinions are held with respect, of course. It seems to me that you have expressed a point of view in an honest and respectful way, for which you have my support.


    I understand, I'm also a Eun Bin fan since Stove League so seeing her take off like this is an event that I greatly celebrate.

    I can understand how difficult it can be to navigate a fandom, shipping culture, and how passionate we can get about it.


    It's a natural behavior for fans who, liking a couple in fiction, decide to take it to real life. I experienced it in the DYLB era with Kim Min Jae. But, I think I speak for all of us interacting in this thread when I say that we don't ship RoBin just because they look cute on screen. It's the moments outside of it that count the most, and as an Eun Bin fan myself, I could tell how happy and relaxed she was with Rowoon around her. For me it was almost unprecedented, because she is not usually like that.


    I see the behind the scenes of EAW and I definitely think that Eun Bin is totally professional and sets limits again. She seems to get along with Tae Oh, which is important for good on-screen interaction. Maybe it's what helps me see it as just a performance and no more.


    Popularity polls change from week to week. Sometimes Tae Oh will take first place and sometimes Eun Bin will take it back. It's healthy not to see it as a competition and just be happy that more people in the world recognize the name of Eun Bin Park.


    If you decide to spend more time on the thread, feel welcome, and I apologize for so many words. I hope not to overwhelm.

  20. As much as I'd love for them to have a romantic relationship, I think it's best and healthiest for them to just remain good friends for now.

    I can see the two of them being cautious with their feelings and taking things slow. Also, they both have careers that continue to grow and that they certainly prioritize for now. It's okay, because affection and trust are what nurture and cement a healthy relationship, and they have already found it in each other.

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