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Posts posted by autumnlotus

  1. Recently, AAA holding an awards vote via U+IdolLive.



    And there is Popularity Awards Actress, but sadly I didn't see HJM's name there.

    Also I missed the Blue Dragon Awards nomination voting that just ended 2 days ago.


    That's why I suddenly curious all awards with fan based vote that I need to join start from this year or next year.:blush: 

    • Like 3
  2. Hi! Hello~

    I am quite new about supporting actress or fangirling over actress.

    But I do love and following HJM since 2014.


    Actually, I have a question,

    is there some awards that need fans vote so far?

    I just install Choaedol celebs, and I saw HJM on the list.

    As I know there was a Choaedol Popularity Awards from AAA if I'm not mistaken last year.
    This year AAA, I didn't found HJM name in the list.


    I was curious about it since nowadays I am quite active with voting events.

    Thank you for answering my silly question~^^ ehehehe

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