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Posts posted by Rae

  1. Source Cosmopolitan magazine 10/14/20, 


    "the truth about love at first sight

    Having a super-intense reaction when meeting someone for the first time is not just a figment of your imagination. “That very strong electrical feeling that people say they have—that’s very much possible,” says Niloo Dardashti, PhD, a psychologist and relationship expert in New York City. However, it’s not exactly what you would call love.

    “With love, we’re talking about things like intimacy, tolerating somebody’s flaws, seeing them as a whole person and still liking them, and so on. That’s a lot of stuff that generally doesn’t happen in the first moment you look at someone,” explains Dardashti.

    What you’re actually feeling is really just a result of having a strong attraction to the person. “But then, you’re attaching all these attributes to that feeling like, ‘This is meant to be. This is love at first sight. This is something inexplicable. It felt electric, and therefore, it must be love,’” Dardashti explains.

    Don’t get too bummed though. This strong, instantaneous connection you have with this person may eventually manifest into real love. "


    ENOUGH WITH THIS LOVE AT FIRST-SIGHT, it doesn't exist.  You can have intense reactions to so someone , you need to have a relationship for long lasting love.  

    CJ had an intense reaction to SY

    CJ had  potential for a long lasting love with SB

    He can have long lasting love with SY, that should be base on honesty, trust and  SY taking credit for SB hard work isn't a good start. I found plenty for fan fiction online so. I am moving on. 

    FYI, I never expected a BL ending for Mr. Queen.  BH without So Yong's memories is a bromance.  SY memories and BH 's  soul created SB. If  SY had been my active participated and not a bystander. I need a reason to care SY see the character development. 

    My never going to happen endings

    SB willing choose his life with CJ. 

     BH wanting to be with CJ even as a man in future. In SK, not happening 

    My happy satisfyingly end would be 

    BH and SY agree to go back to their lives, she thanks him for his assistance.  SY is now more empower woman who can stand by CJ as an strong queen,  we saw a lit bit with GDQ.  She shouldn't be this submissive woman in the present of her husband. BH's soul was  insider for months you didn't  learn a something.  SY should be honest with her husband, that she has come back and no longer has BH soul inside of her. So she can have her long lasting love, without  a shadow of BH.   BH finds his soul mate and we see possibilities for his happy ending. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, Rae said:

    Actually I hate  it more with the English subs.  I like  the Chinese ending better. They lived and died together, sad but true the characters.  I am more  heartbroken than before.  

    Anything is better this s...t ending. 

    I just finished watching the spin-off episodes. 

    Ep 1 love at first-sight (except i hate  your whole clan) this is lust, 

    Ep 2 male friends (showing SB has no feelings for CJ) okay  you had 1-19 episode to show a bromance. SB wanted to kiss the king before she found out she was pregnant. 

    Ep 2 last scene ( SB wishing to go back to his body, and she also wished for CJ storybook happy ending.  Next time asks Disney for help writers.  CJ wishing to meet SY in the future, but just as regular individuals. ( not as  king and queen ) without all the baggage.  Basically let fix our crap ending. I am not watching rest of episode 20. 

    I have reached my daily limit. I am taking a break from Kdrama. 

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  3. 15 minutes ago, aisling said:

    And we thought the Chinese version had bad endings  :joy: 

    You know what I just realised? I finally caught the famous second lead syndrome! Can you believe I’ve never suffered from SLS even though I’ve been watching dramas for over a decade?

    But I guess this is what people feel when they root for the person who ends up alone while loving a main lead? 

    I’m team So Bong all the way! 
    So Bong will always remain my true eccentric Queen and the one who Cheoljong fell in love with.

     I never understood Second lead  Syndrome, until today.   I don't  know if I can finish watching the ending with English subs.  I am going to wait until the Mr. Queen Bamboo forest spinoff are with English subs and than try again. 

    I feel bad for CJ he stuck with his Kitten.  In my head I think BH will missed CJ but they will find enough each in this life. CJ died at 32 and is reborn remembering his old life and finds BH. 

    • Like 6
  4. Actually I hate  it more with the English subs.  I like  the Chinese ending better. They lived and died together, sad but true the characters.  I am more  heartbroken than before.  

    13 minutes ago, kozukomi said:

    The writer could have used the dying moment of SY (moment when she and baby were in danger) to give us clear closure and ending by having SY and BH had met on dream and talked. Something like sealing that they are actually the same soul but BH is the reincarnated one.


    I bet we would be more satisfied.

    Anything is better this s...t ending. 

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  5.  This Kdrama was written for a Korean audiences, not international fans. So so if the majority of the targeted  audiences  are  satisfied,  who i am to disagree. BUT, I can see why Netflix didn't pick up Mr. Queen for an international audiences, as a weekly series. Maybe it can be added  to Netflix  all at once and it might have a good reception.  I do fault the Writers with the execution, I would have preferred more of a happy ending for Bong Hwan.  I love episodes 1-19. 20 can kick rocks. Waiting for subs on the spin-off.  But I will never watch an ongoing drama again. This is reminds me of why I always watch the last episode and then decide the whole series.

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  6. 4 hours ago, zzang phoenix said:


    Okay, before reading this, let us put our best clown makeup and costume:))


    The subtitle for EP 19 is "The One Who Come Back From Hell"





    WHAT IF?


    "The One" here refers to real Kim Soyong not CJ?

    Why hell? Because she maybe being judged by the deity because of the suicide incident, abandon your body is a sin, but since she did it out of desperation, maybe the deity will forgive her:)

    This is the 1% chance that we're talking about, actually 99% of me believe that the writer won't make Soyong comeback no matter what happen, so I don't want to hold on to a false hope, but yeahh, I'm just missing Real Kim Soyong so much right now, then what could I do?


    Another 1% chance theory, this pic

      Reveal hidden contents

    The way she sits is way tooooo ELEGANT for someone like Jang Sobong, and as long as I remember I haven't seen that scene before, so I predicted that she might be Real Soyong who came to the lake and thanked Bong Hwan (after he went back to the future).


    Yes but anyway, this is 1% chance theory, so let's just pray, and be prepared to accept everything, one more week to go, we can do this!

    The writer are going to either disappoint So Yong's fans or So Bong`s fans . Because this isn't my happy ending.  If So Yong was supposed to come back to her body I would preferred to more internal conflict between the two souls. I would have wanted reason for the switched, at least in C-drama a reason. I haven't formed an attachment to So Yong.  I am hoping for happy ending  for the King.  Anyway  after  Mr. Queen I will wait til a drama finished before I start.  I don't like waiting. 

    • Like 6
  7. 3 hours ago, kyakyari said:

    my pleasure :)

    been away from soompi almost a week finally can properly open and posting here again


    yeeay new teaser for spin-off


    credit to the Tving

    i kinda confuse with spin off teaser. i first thought the timeline is before SY/SB become queen. and at this preview SY already become queen also there is Oh Wool too, when HJ already become royal concubine. aaak im so excited yet sad anticipate this spin-off since it means our Sat and Sun would not be the same when Mr Queen finished T.T

    It looks like a prequel and sequel.

    • Like 4
  8. I want a happy ending for Cheol Jong with the woman he gave his heart, body and soul too.  Cheol Jong has suffered the most, his family gets killed,  made into a puppet king. He had to stand alone for two years.   If Bong Hwan has to go back to his body . So let's this  be a bad dream, that he was stuck in woman body. He meets the reincarnated soul of Cheol Jong, who is now a woman. They can be happy in the next life. 

    Kim So Yong has not showing the strength of character to stand by Cheol Jong side.  Kim So Yong ran away from her problems by killing herself. Didn't think of the trauma this would cause her father. He lost his wife in child birth and than has his daughter's suicide. He wasn't great father but he wasn't so horrible he deserves that. He pushed his  own expectations on his child. Many parents have committed this sin. 

    She can't expect the King forget her family murder his. She given a bad hand.   But she treated the servants badly in hopes of getting send back. All she did was punch down and not up.  Maybe she just pretend to have them fogged. I hope.  I just can't forgive So Yong for killing herself.  Nothing in life her had  justed suicide at point. 


    • Like 2
  9. His first love was So Yong

    Hwa Jin was an obligations.

    His true love is Bong Hwan

    First love isnt always true love.

    First love needs to grow into true love. 

    So Yong isn't the Queen for  Cheol Jong.  He needs a strong and fearless Queen,who can fight her own battles and who help him rule.

    Hwa Jin was conditional love and  he felt an obligations to love her base on lie. She saw an  opening and exploited it, twisted into love.  

    Cheol Jong is in love with Bong Hwan as a whole person. He  loves the good, bad and ugly parts, he know Bong Hwan flaws.  Bong Hwan showed Cheol Jong  his hypocrisy. Cheol Jong  was punching down (trying to kill So Yong ) , when he needed to Punch up.  He could never get pass his prejudice for So Yong,  because she did not fight for him.   Bong Hwan is a walking contradiction... he cares for his father and he also cares for So Yong  and his Maids. Cheol Jong doesn't have to pretend with Bong Hwan, he can be  a man, a king, a husband and now a father. 

    Bong Hwan should be part of her/his  child's life. 

    Bong Hwan would be a dangerous Mama Bear, who can take on the Kim and Jo families.

    • Like 8
  10. I haven't watched many historical drama

    Writer is always trolling us 

    The little maid doesn't die, she saved by the king

    The father doesn't die, he got mad and fainted

    Even Hwa Jin, Got no punishment for ruin the King's plan


    13 hours ago, shimshimae said:

    Just read the recaps - my question is why didn't they do ANYTHING for two whole months (apparently that's the time that passed from their hot night till the pregnancy is revealed) - they meet so often and during night times,

    King wanted to win the Queen's heart and it was  like they  were  dating for last two months. 

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  11. 4 hours ago, Rae said:

    So youg should go live in Bong Hwan body.. , she wanted to die so go live in and the comatose body. Go through the hardship of physical therapy, learning to talk, need to make Bong Hwan  body work, make Bong Hwan less ill mannered and self centered person. Save Bong  for the Mr. Han .Cuz that is truly b******* that you wake up from a coma walking..  Maybe than I could see a happy ending  for her. But she  needs to earn it. 

    Maybe  So Yong really went to Bong Hwan's body. What's the point of posting his picture I know the writer like the troll us.  Does his body die, does his parent take him off life support,  does Han try to kill him again. 

    • Like 1
  12. I wish the writers have made up characters with no ties to history.  I am tired of posts referencing history, this is a fictional story base on real people. This is base on a  web drama not the  book on the drama per writer and director. I have read the original source material and watched a good amount of the web drama, on a few similarities so far. I was trying to let the drama play out, but poor So Yong are to much. 

    • Like 4
  13. So youg should go live in Bong Hwan body.. , she wanted to die so go live in and the comatose body. Go through the hardship of physical therapy, learning to talk, need to make Bong Hwan  body work, make Bong Hwan less ill mannered and self centered person. Save Bong  for the Mr. Han .Cuz that is truly b******* that you wake up from a coma walking..  Maybe than I could see a happy ending  for her. But she  needs to earn it. 

    • Like 3
  14. 38 minutes ago, louisawatson said:


    Oh, the original all have sad endings. 


    It would be awesome if kdrama makes satisficing ending, but if not, I want at least bittersweet alternate endings.

    1) Like you said, Bong Hwan gives up his original timeline, but he's happy with Cheol Jong.

    2) Or Cheol Jong successfully gains back his power as king, but Bong Hwan doesn't want to give up his original timeline, so despite them loving each other, Bong Hwan decides to go back, and Cheol Jong lets him go. Bong Hwan goes to museum to see better changed history, and meet modern Cheol Jong.

    3) Or Bong Hwan decides to go back after their crown prince has grown up, and Cheol Jong decides to follow him to modern timeline. Somehow, it works. Now, Bong Hwan needs to help Cheol Jong get used to the modern era.


    I like third option where Cheol Jong becomes successful king, and both Cheol Jong and So Bong raise a child together, then later Bong Hwan gets to return back home, but together with Cheol Jong to be still happy together.

    For this to work, Cheol Jong needs to completely know and still in love with identity of Bong Hwan. 

     I like the third end. I just don't want So Yong to be reward for trying to kill herself.. plus I dont think the King will be happy with So Yong. He falling for the ill mannered and self centered person, thats in So Yong body. Even if So Yong comes back she will be a woman who was raised in 19th century(she will have that mindset) and could never match the crazy, foolish stuff So Bong does. The one time so bong Y acted like a proper Queen ,if freakout the  King CJ, I would be happier if So Bong  stayed in the past and Bong Hwan was reborn and met CJ as a woman . Queen has a eliminates the Han family. I just can't see So Yong happy. The writer has not made be care her. I think the most selfish act she did was trying to kill herself

    I could live with  Either everyone unhappy. Cj dies and so Yong mourned her husband and Bong back...He his  missing  CJ.  I want to see  CJ happy ending 

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