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Posts posted by Rin

  1. On 12/25/2020 at 6:43 PM, mishaal said:



    reading your post two questions came into my mind.1.why didn't GG report those Malicious account of Alices that were cyber bullying him.2.if they are just friends they need to clear it ,make it obvious that they are just friends not more than that.i am asking this because R probably know that how severely her fans are bullying GG,it is not normal bullying but death warrants .in c.entertainment does the idol /actor have no control over their fans???

    and one more thing why are people shipping her with yang yang this will bring no benefit to her rather it will increase the number of haters .i have seen it in youtube ,fb every place people are shipping them,even dilraba was distancing herself from yang yang in tencent starlight award to avoid shipping.

    As for your questions, my answer is I DON’T KNOW. But I can try to answer them with my observation since I been long as Alice pervious. 

    1.why GG didn’t report?

    -he doesn’t want to put R and himself in a difficult position as both from the same agency and he definitely the one that care less about stuff like that. And even if he cared, he was too small to make a change. Given his popularity and fan based have increased throughout these years, he is still consider SMALL to deal with ALICES. Sound unfair? That’s reality.


    2. Clear things up ?

    -Whatever he said, he will get bashed anyway so why bother explaining. For sure, those who hates GG will conclude his behaviour as being faked. So, even if he wants to clarify his relationship with R, the best move he has is to remain silent.


    3. Of course R knows about it but what can she do? We are talking about ALICE here. ALICE is an official fanclub of R, in order words, they determine her rise and fall.


     FYI, even though ALICe hates R to act with GG in Pillow Book but they still managed to snatched Fengjiu back for R because the actress that acted Ji Heng was supposed to act as Fengjiu as she bought and owned the rights of the novel. 


    Every years during R birthday, ALICE gather millions to celebrate her birthday especially the ‘big ALICE’, they are crazily RICH and POSSESSIVE!!!On her 28th birthday, underground station of 50 cities in China were covered with R posters. LED screen displayed over 25 skyscrapers/high towers over 6 big cities of China.


    So, do you think she wants to do something that could destroy her own career? We are talking about Alice that HATES GG to the bones. And with such big impact, can GG fight back? I don’t think so and I rather him stay quiet though I know it must be harsh on him but rather being cast out completely from this industry. He will be flooded with more hatred and might ended up being froze and thus, both R and GG keep calm and move on. 


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  2. 34 minutes ago, mishaal said:

    i feel sad by reading your post, because i had read in this forum that donut unlike Alices don't attack R and most of the donut are cp fans.i am just asking if one day,they got married will they loose their fans????

    Donut have never attacked R before because GG knows how to take care his fans. GG wouldn’t want to make thing worse because he only wish to act well every role he played and aside from that, he doesn’t really mind but things get worse after Alice keep asking “Did Gao Wei Guang die today?”. Not one but almost every Alice asking the same thing everyday at the official Pillow’s chat room . Below is the link, where everyone asking did GG die today. It really break my heart. Some even tagged GG. How can one live a life where everyday being curse? 


    What have GG done to be curse dead everyday? I want an answer, tell me if anyone know.

    More worst, threatened to kill GG and that was when donut became protective.


    Sorry to say, among all costars or rumours bf that R had, GG suffered the most you could imagine! There was a period of time where every GG fans or those who are not his fans will include “Please leave GG alone” ( it seem to be polite word after I translated them to  English but the real words 放过高伟光吧)in every comment. They are also begging Alice to stop harassing GG. How sad. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, NVKN said:

    I wonder if those fans also threatened him on last sunday at the award ceremony? That was why they did not interact and tried not to be obvious? Plus, R looked unhappy and distanced herself ...I thought it was weird when V pretended to turn left looking at her direction, then he changed his face expression. He stopped smilling for abit there. Not sure he was concerned or serious or something else...


    Anyways, regardless, im still waiting for their gx. Maybe in the next 2 years when she turns 30yo and gets married, we will know the truth about this cp. For now, they remain the only cp i have ever w'shipped!


    @Rin i feel so sad reading your post. And thank you for sharing. We know that not all Alices are bad and you have just proved that! :thumbsup:

    Don’t worry, no bashing or threatening done to GG for last Sunday event. GG no longer being major target after whale appeared though there still is. 


    Not sure if you guys aware of the petition signed by Alice to JX in order to stop both R and GG to appear together, be it event, promotion, drama, movie, interview or magazine shooting. Alice is a major and heavy fans based of R. Such petition angered 甜甜圈 (donut ) but Donut also made the same petition to stop R from appearing on GG all sort of events. 

    Whether the petitions succeeded or not, both of them are obviously avoiding each other at any possible way. Even when GG reluctant to tell out R name during the Happy Camp has became a hot issue in Weibo.


    To be frank, though I hate to admit it but I think the petition did give some effects. Less interaction or should I said no interaction after May 2020 onwards where more bashing and hatred after the airing of Pillow Book be it during airing or after airing.Or one can think of Covid 19 rendering all kinds of activities impossible and hence no more interaction between them? Who knows. 

    I don’t want to break most of your heart and dream but for both of them to appear together in drama or events again, seem to be impossible. Both fans, don’t want to see them together or else they will lose their fans. Fans by means of those fans that could destroy their career. 

    The other reason I remained in Alice is to justify as to whether R and GG are still in good terms because to me, GG is a brother to R, protective, caring and if because of their fans, they no longer in talking term like Yangmi and Tangyan then is a total waste because I love their interaction, no awkwardness but comfortable to each other presence. However, I find no answer but I take this in a positive way , where there is no answer means everything is safe. If they is still in good terms, both fans will definitely find way to stop them. So, since no conclusive answer as to whether they still in good term, let’s just assume they are. Who knows, they are talking to each other without public knowing.



    2 hours ago, mishaal said:

    Regarding tencent event ,i don't know whether they threatened vengo gao or not but when he was shooting his new drama in Shanghai ,they  scolded  vengo gao because reba was in same city shooting for you are my glory.Did Alice have same attitude towards all her costars?

    I hate to admit it but yes, most of the Alice hate R costars. Even though I’m Alice too but I don’t even know why. Some costars are just good to be consider matching with R especially GG, as for me. 

    If Alice complaining GG being too old, like a father to R, I wonder why are they hammering Zhang Bin Bin too? Only god knows what these Alice thinking. No specific standard of what suit R but just randomly hate all R costars, I think. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, mishaal said:

    @Rinthe time when Reba has no project was after Golden eagle goddess award ,because a lot of people thought that she wasn't deserving for this award.she was massively hated for this,this was one of the reason she has no project.Moreover i want her to get out of this whale guy mess,further pillow book  boosted the career of both  the actors .Vengo gao is not a traffic star but he has some noteable roles.i love both of them and wish them happiness.

    As I mentioned earlier on my first post that after her award which was the Golden Eagle, R work became lesser and she was hit hard with Luhan fans as well as JX for mistreating R welfare as an artist.

    “Honestly speaking, as Alice for years, I wonder what GG has done to receive such harsh treatment. When R been received hates, GG has been there to cheer her and stood up for her especially the award event by inviting her to guest cast but was refused as GG knew she isn’t active at that time (no filming between 2018 onward after Pillow Book).But when R received frame, GG got bashed for being not competence to act with R. GG, was called ugly, trying to cling on R’ frame and war between both fans at a shopping mall has badly affecting GG at that time. GG, generously wished R happy birthday were boo by Alice.”

    As to whether the whale thing is true or not, both agency give no words. I don’t want to get into Whale issue either, just sick of it . Alice page has been flooded with this whale. 

    As for Vengo, though he has been bashed and harassed for long, his hard work did paid off. GG is immune from haters 

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  5. 1 hour ago, indogal said:

    gg wished reba birthday (when he was filming miss s) last year incl aaron kwok,alice booed gg?? & reba didn't do anything??? 

    Yup, when he was filming Miss S and it was around that time that he invited R as guest cast because she wasn’t filming or doing any big things due to the rumours involving Luhan (honestly speaking, this rumours was the longest fight and most harmful thread toward R even after he announced his relationship,R was still receiving hates from Luhan fans) but the biggest issue at that time was more of Alice having civil war with JX for mistreatments.

    I don’t think R did anything or I should said she was at her own world at that time when VCR was shown to her and probably didn’t paid attention at the crowd as she was very happy and delighted at that time when all her close friends wished her happy birthday. FYI, she was smiling like any shoujo anime girl when she saw GG. 


    But afterward, I think R was aware because Alice posted in Weibo, tagging R , GG, JX, Yangmi, Alice page stating how GG and Yangmi being booed by the crowd. The Alice intention of posting that post which included the video clearly heard booing was to humiliate GG and Yangmi for being faked and by doing so was to tell everyone especially the Guangre supporters and JX how Alice hated them so much.





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  6. 5 hours ago, AlexW said:

    @Eery2 is this mean alice agree with V for R now? R fans are very possessive. I remember they hammered V to no end.  I agree with alice too about whale/rotten fish guy. Oh my goodness, I hope R will not have anything to do with that guy anymore. 

    Unfortunately,nope. It’s just a very minority, probably 5% or less of the entire Alice that  approved GG. I have been in Alice’s close group in Weibo for years and I came to dislike myself being a part of Alice, not because of I grow dislike about R but I couldn’t accept Alice’s action. GG has been targeted by Alice for the past 3 years. Alice often called GG “Ugly Old Man” and hashtag GG’s Weibo page. GG’s fans no longer keep quiet after GG received death treat. One of the R’s hardcore fans tagged Alice fans group as well as GG’s Weibo reviewing his schedule and threatened to kill him on that day but GG was kind enough to not take any legal action as he knew they might just provoking him but this led to even more cyber bullied against him, harassing him in all kind that you could imagine.

    Honestly speaking, as Alice for years, I wonder what GG has done to receive such harsh treatment. When R been received hates, GG has been there to cheer her and stood up for her especially the award event by inviting her to guest cast but was refused as GG knew she isn’t active at that time (no filming between 2018 onward after Pillow Book).But when R received frame, GG got bashed for being not competence to act with R. GG, was called ugly, trying to cling on R’ frame and war between both fans at a shopping mall has badly affecting GG at that time. GG, generously wished R happy birthday were boo by Alice.

    Hence, I decided to be less active member of Alice. The reason why I didn’t leave the group is because they are still few of us believe that we can do something to prevent unnecessary harm to other artists which would affect R reputation and respect but we are too little for a change. 


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