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Posts posted by Crystalclear

  1. Thank you for the welcome everyone ,

    thank you @snowlouand @KDramaFan0828 for point out SH position in the triangle love, and yes it’s too melodramatic .

    sorry i think i didn’t mention it correctly, I mean the hints of triangle loveline in eps 4 is between lacking 5 which happened in their first year of college. 
    in eps 2 flashback, we knew SHyung has a crush on SH.

    in eps 4 flashback, SH is honey dripping looking at IJ when he played Canon. and later in eps 6 we found IJ is planning to confess his feelings too to SH.
    While in eps 4 present time SHyung confirms to his mother that there’s nothing going on between him and SH. 

    so i think there would be no triangle loveline anymore between lacking 5.


    To see their relationship in 1999, I don’t think SH is really over care about SHyung being hurt or if she and IJ got together the friendship among 5 of them will be destroy (after all they just started being friend, so i don’t think the friendship is deep enough). She joins the club just to get close with IJ, enter the shed just to follow IJ and took a picture together so she could have a picture together with IJ. 
    She’s really a taurus girl. an independent woman  and when she wants something she’s sure she will fight to get it. And i’m sure she knew back then if IJ wants to meet her alone on her birthday especially in the evening, she has a hunch that he has something special for her that’s why she follow up his request to meet her. 


    Btw i forgot if i read in this thread or main thread if anyone has discussed their character from their astrology. However i only knew SH’s born in spring between end of Apr - early May. So she’s a taurus. Since i’m also a taurus, i find a lot in common in her character with me. She’s really into food (and we always feel hungry), independent, have personal space/boundaries, assertive, close friend = family, self care queen (taurus knows how to treat ourself - one of them is online shopping everything even unnecessary thing just to make us happy), and we always work hard to get what we want - until we knew there’s a line/wall that we couldn’t cross or stop us to reach the destination. 


    I have a feeling that there’s another girl between IJ and SH back to their first year of college, that makes SH is slowly step back to win IJ’s heart. And i don’t know maybe she will appear in next season. 

    Well i’m sure love triangle IJ-SH-CH is ended, to give a little trigger for SH’s POV is to bring another girl for IJ but i’m not sure If they will complicate the story since current situation already complicated between IJ and SH.

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  2. Hi,

    i’m newbie here, i’m only silent reader from the beginning and i love all the theories that iksong shipper explain. 

    when all of you start rewatching the episode, i cant help but wanna join the club.


    i don’t know if someone already mention this before, but as i watched eps 4, there’s so much foreshadowing from this eps to eps 10. 
    When IJ and SH meet at the parking lot, and suddenly JWon stop them and giving them his car to park, it’s foreshadowing how he will gave DLL program to IJ and SH.

    and i remember it’s also in eps 10 that JWon sell his car, and officially ask SH to take care DLL program and unofficially ask IJ to support the funding via VIP patients. On eps 10 IJ and SH find out that JWon is the DLL. 
    I feel like JWon will become the bridge or have a specific role for iksong relationship in next season. 


    in eps 4, when IJ have lunch with Uju, knowing his son have date with Mone (his gf) with her mother, IJ realize that his son didn’t have a mother figure much, even Uju said his dad is his universe.

    While foreshadowing in eps 10 IJ find SH cuddling in bed with Uju who was sick at that time - just imagine how she become “a mother” to Uju.


    sorry for forshadowing much to eps 10 as that episode is my favorite so i’m quite remember.


    btw, i also find eps 4 is giving us a hint for future triangle loveline when SHyung said Canon is his favorit and IJ said “it’s mine” and SHyung again said “it’s mine” while SH is in the middle of them. And as SHyung the first one who said “that’s my favorit song” he’s the first one that confess to SH.

    i’m sorry for my bad english (not my basic language) 


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