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Posts posted by kawaiiprincess1987

  1. 3 hours ago, snowlou said:

    Interesting! Could you please elaborate more on what kind of foreshadowing it will be? :rolleyes:


    We haven't really seen that moment when IJ realizes that he has feelings for SongHwa again (I mean in 2019); so I'm thinking that SongHwa coming into that scene and driving so fast and parking so flawlessly could be a foreshadowing of IJ's romantic feelings for her too. Or something like thattt :D

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  2. Hi! Inserting some of my observations from my HP ReWatch of Episode 4 :D

    1) In the scene with IkSun note here that when IJ teases her, IS says, “We’re really just friends, just like you and SongHwa”. Which I'm not sure if that's meant to distract us again from thinking that they're a possible love line, or if it was the writer's way of showing that friends of the opposite sex can be just best friends and that's normal. Or maybe this is also IkSun showing us that she knows how fond of SongHwa IJ is, similarly to the closeness she has with Chi Hong. 


    2) This episode shows so much of the character of SongHwa. She’s very self reliant. When they had an Indonesian patient who had no money for hospitalization, she called Daddy Long Legs program and even called the Anesthesiology Department in order to book an emergency OR. In my early years of surgical training, never has a consultant/professor done that for himself (they’d always rely on their trainees to do the errands for them). 


    3) We also see a bit of Ikjun’s character, he’s very helpful and considerate even to nurses, remember when he sits on the nurses station just so SuBin can eat? This episode I think shows IJ to be selfless too. 


    4) SongHwa is the type of girl mothers would want their kids to date. Remember when SH's mom said, “Call SongHwa for dinner. I really like her.  She’s kind and calm.” Can she be more perfect? :D


    5)At the parking lot, with Songhwa driving so fast… Ikjun goes, “That startled me.” (is this a foreshadowing?!) When Songhwa goes down the car (after parking flawlessly beside IJ) we see them smiling warmly at each other. This is in stark contrast to their earlier encounter at the parking lot in episode 2 (that part when SongHwa seemed to really avoid IJ). 


    6) During the scene where they were eating dinner at SongHwa’s Office: 

    "Our taste in food changes as we grow old. Yes, but not gradually. It changes overnight. All of a sudden."
    IJ says she took 6000 pics of flowers. Maybe this too was a foreshadowing, SongHwa being said to symbolize flowers or spring. I remember people say that the confession in Episode 10 came out of nowhere, now while I don't agree with that statement, I think how they say that our taste/preferences can change all of a sudden can also point to how feelings can be re-awakened (like the deep seated feelings IJ has for SongHwa).


    7) During band practice, IJ helps Songhwa fix her bass. *crumbs*


    8) When IK says, “Alright then, SongHwa can be vocalist” without even hearing her sing (fine, she said she was coarse). But remember when IJ had to test SH’s piano skills lots of times even asking him to play multiple pieces? I think that while SongHwa pretended to know how to sing to get into the band, IJ really wanted her to be part of the band anyway.


    9) When IJ plays Canon with SH, and we see SongHwa staring at IJ intently (with so much love). *crumbs*

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  3. On 6/27/2020 at 6:35 PM, KDramaFan0828 said:


     Might as well prepare for an initial “rejection” of some sort. But I’m good as long as we get IkSong moments and the narrative moves towards IkSong as endgame LOL. AHHHH I can’t wait HAHAHA :w00t:

    I agree that they'll possibly be some initial rejection, and I think my heart can take it (as long as they're endgame).


    And I agree, I don't think it will affect their dynamics as friends because if we remember, when SongHwa rejected SH in 1999 she said that she would want to stay friends and won't let this affect them. :D 

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  4. My thoughts for Episode 3 (I won't repeat what others have already mentioned) :D

    In the earlier scene, IkJun says they're getting seafood stew. Jwon said he’s allergic to seafood stew but IJ says… “Songhwa wants seafood stew” and it seems settled then. It's a small detail but goes to show how SongHwa is really lucky to be friends with people who let her get food she wants. HAHA 


    At the karaoke scene, the lyrics of the song SHwa was singing goes, “Seeing you smile makes me happy, even if you’re just joking” Guys, who likes to joke?!? Who's a goofball? (okay, maybe I'm reading too much into this, LOL). And the part of Aloha that SHwa sings goes like this, “I ask only one thing from you, I’m dreaming to be eternally happy with you. It doesn’t have to be fancy, I don’t need a perfect life. The only thing I want is you.” :D

    If we recall, this karaoke scene was actually 4-5 years into their band practices right? Because during lunch time they were talking about how they've improved after 4 years of practice (the karaoke scene was supposed to be the night of the comedy fest or something right?). So based on that timeline, SHwa and IJ were likely already in relationships at this point. I'm not sure if they still have feelings for each other then, given that it's probably been 3-4 years since IJ gave up on SongHwa because of SH. 


    Actually, I think IJ loved his wife. If you recall, when the wife calls him, he does seem happy and he was really excited to see her and talk to her. And IJ is shown to be sad at the very least about the divorce. I guess even more devastated to learn that she cheated on him (and we get to verify this in a future episode right?).


    Rewatching this actually makes me put things in perspective. Episode 3 happens in May (based on the calendar at SHwa's office) right? Which means IJ's divorce was probably finalized after 2 months at the soonest? I mean, if IJ was still that excited/happy to see his wife in May, I'd be uncomfortable too if he professes his love for me after 6-8 months. (I know, I know it's been 20 years worth of love, but you know...)


    Lastly, this episode really shows so much of IJ's character as a doctor. :D

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  5. 8 hours ago, Jules said:

    SHwa too in a way. When she was asked to check on IJ, she said he will sort it out himself. Without the knowledge of the later episodes, I was slightly hurt that she didn't go check on IJ. As one of his best friend, one would think she would just go and check if he is okay. Even if he won't tell her anything.


    I have a guy best friend too, and while we're best friends and we tell each other everything... we also respect each other's privacy. I usually just wait for him to open up about his relationship (even if I've already heard from other people the rumors etc.) and he does the some. Maybe it's because we know that we can sort out our stuff on our own and that when things have mellowed down and we've processed out thoughts, then we'll give each other a call to update each other.


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  6. 1 hour ago, KDramaFan0828 said:


    This is something I've been looking out for while we're doing the rewatch and as of episode 3 I haven't seen her lay her hands on anyone aside from IJ (and Uju, and her patients which is work-related). I'm basing this off of my memory from earlier watches though so I'm not entirely sure but I'm keeping an eye out for this HAHA

    She laid her hands on Chi Hong in one of the last episodes though. I think episode 9, when she came back from dinner with IkJun (the "it's raining, let's eat" dinner) and there was an emergency case at the ER. 

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  7. Just a few observations/opinions on Episode 2 :D


    1. In the phonecall with her mom, SongHwa says “I broke up with him… I’m not in my 20s. I’m okay. I’m busy… it’s better this way. I can live without him or get new boyfriend.” Maybe this alludes to her 20s, a time when she got her heart broken and maybe her parents saw how much it broke her spirit? The timing of Ikjun here is perfect too, he can be the new boyfriend right? LOLSo Ikjun overhears and asks her about it, eventually he just compliments her on her singing. Maybe he did that in an attempt to dissipate the tension (because obviously, they have that boundary that neither dares cross), but he has that smile afterwards (like the smile we have when we find out our crush is single). 
    2. We almost always say that SongHwa seems to be unbothered by Dr Jang cheating on her. After thinking about it, maybe she just wasn’t as bothered as she could have been but obviously it still affected her. We see think in the way she was asking JunWan about his knowledge of Dr Jang’s affair and even to the point of asking him why he did not just tell her about it. I did read in one article of PD that the characters are in their 40s so not everyday is filled with melodramatic moments, and this seems to be especially true for doctors because we have surgeries to do and patients to see at our clinics. We can’t just let our heartbreaks get hold of our lives; maybe that’s why to us SongHwa seems to be rather cool about the breakup but that doesn’t mean it did not affect her at all. 
    3. After a looong hospital day, she comes out and massages her neck (showing that she’s probably tired and stressed with work). IJ passes by, says “I’m hungry shall we get kalguksu?” SongHwa seems really happy with the invitation but says, “Shall I call the others?” This scene probably just shows us that both are being very proper. I am not sure about Korean culture, but maybe in a way it doesn’t seem right for a married man to be seen with a single woman as it can seem like they’re out on a date. Which is why I think SongHwa was just being careful here. 
    4. She had hesitation about taking over the surgery, but eventually… she volunteered to assist. Even lying to say, “I don’t feel confident about doing TSA” even if we know she’s the expert there. She appeared like she did not want to meddle or get involved, but she really thought things through and in the end decided to assist in the surgery (she ended up doing the surgery herself right?).
    5. During the Wake: Jongsu asked “Nothing happened between you guys? “ and Rosa said, “Why would you do that? Why disturb the calm water?” SH admitting to liking SongHwa but that she said she liked someone else. People teased her saying that it’s a cookie cutter answer. “No I really did.” says SongHwa then she looks at Ikjun. She initially smiles then suddenly has this sad look in her eyes (maybe she remembered something?). 
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  8. 6 hours ago, Chu_Qiao said:


    I had noticed that she likes to make hand-drip coffee, but took more notice of her kit in ep 1. Doctors are crazy busy and barely have time to enjoy (let alone eat) their meals yet she invests any down-time to make this type of coffee which takes effort and patience. This tells me that she is not a hasty person and when needed, she takes her time to process things to come to a conclusion. With that said, I think her no reaction or no response to Ik Jun's confessions later is because she's shook and needs to process what's happening.


    Side thoughts - Some times I feel she's somewhat similar to Jeong Won. Both likely know how they feel about their love interest, but need to fully process the situation themselves and at their own pace to arrive at an answer.




     I did really like how she made that hand dripped coffee too. I'm a coffee drinker too and it made me want to buy that coffee grinder. 

    This isn't IkSong related, but definitely something that's been mentioned in other groups before. When she made the coffee here for JWon, they had matching mugs (blue and pink), and this was initially taken by others to mean the love line is actually Songhwa-Jwon. :)


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  9. 20 minutes ago, snowlou said:

    Someone mentioned that the song on a particular ep would reflect the POV of the singer. Ep 1 soloist was SHwa - Lonely Night. What is everyone's thought on this? What is it telling us about SHwa's POV? Because we already watched all the 12 episodes, I somehow felt that this might be the reflection of her deep-buried feeling from 20 years ago.. letting go of 'someone' and regretting it and that she still remembers it. 


    Oh I had this in my notes, but forgot to transfer here...

    One of the lines goes like this: 

    “I remember the night when you left me. Lonely night. You are in my memory.”

    At this point (Episode 1), this doesn't have meaning yet. But may have a deeper meaning in the succeeding episodes. (like from SongHwa's birthday when she was supposed to meet up with IJ but he bailed out on her maybe?)

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  10. Just finished rewatching Episode 1, I'll just post some observations or noteworthy scenes (may or may not mean anything in the greater scheme of things, but this will allow me to come back to them after rewatching more episodes).

    1. In the first seen in the den of SH, SongHwa said, "You just need Ikjun, you don’t need me." when SH asked her to be part of the band. 


    2. In another scene, SongHwa was in a fone call with JW. From here I can gather that she kept in touch with SH and JW. In this fonecall, we gather that SongHwa is dating Dr. Jang since they will go out on a date that weekend. 

    3. She bought Dr Bong an Iced Americano, when he teased her that an iced coffee was all he gets after treating her dad (even if he was off duty), she says, "If I buy something better, it will make you uncomfortable". I guess the reason this struck me was because SongHwa seems to be the type to really know her boundaries and respects these boundaries too. In terms of social norms, I would say that she's very proper and likes to draw lines. 


    4. When IJ went to the ER, he enters the Acute Care Unit (bypasses triage?). Makes me think that he was specifically looking for a friend or someone he knew in the hospital who can accomodate him. As SongHwa is also in the Acute Care Unit checking on the other GS consultant, she sees IJ and says that he can perform the transplant surgery. IJ tells Uju to say hi to his “friends” (Songhwa and Dr. Bong), which can mean that Uju previously did not know who Songhwa was (possible that they were not in contact or they did not see each other that much over the years).


    5. While IJ was doing the transplant surgery, Uju stayed with SongHwa. At this point, I’m thinking, “Why did Uju’s mom fetch him? Is IJ a single dad?”.


    6. When IJ calls to say that surgery is done, Songhwa smiles. When they were talking thru the door, Songhwa has this warm smile (but it can also be because the surgery was successful).


    7. After they signed the contract, and SH said he won't sign unless they form a band (then JW and SongHwa leave); JW said, "If she says no, she means it." (let's take note of this as this will probably be useful in future episodes).


    8. IJ said that approach to SongHwa should be, “What would SongHwa want?” (awww, how pure is this guy?!)

    9. During band practice, IJ helped SongHwa with her bass. I mean, Junwan could also have helped her. But it was IJ who helped SongHwa (maybe alluding also to the fact that he was the one who taught her to play the bass).


    10. In the throwback video of the scenes in the shed:  When SongHwa enters, her stare lingers to her right. IJ being there. She sits beside IJ. As the take a photo, IJ puts his hand on her shoulder (weird for someone who met for the 1st time).


    11. JWan came to SongHwa’s office. SongHwa said he has a symposium at J Hotel that weekend, and when JunWan asked why she knew, he realized she’s still with Dr Jang. SongHwa's smile was warm at this point which makes me think that she really liked Dr. Jang and their relationship was kind of smooth sailing at least in her up until that point in time. 


    12. As Junwan enters car with his gf, she notices she's drunk again. And they break up. In the next scene, we see JunWan saw Dr Jang being cozy with another woman in the elevator.


    Honestly, when I first saw this episode, I thought the love line would be SongHwa and JWan, since both of their relationships seemed rocky at this point. 


    Other observations, may or may not have underlying meaning. I remember this being discussed in one YT video recap, but can't remember what the user thought they meant. 


    When Dr Jang dropped off SongHwa, they were at Basement 4. (Honestly though, is there a rule that doctors in Korea should enter thru the basement and not thru the main lobby? Because I get dropped off at the main lobby all the time.)

    JunWan parked at Basement 3 during the symposium, and this is also where Dr Jang parked. 

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  11. 26 minutes ago, Jules said:

    I thought the same too. But what makes me happy about the Sokcho confession is the fact that he wore a suit. To me it feels extra special. 

     Yes, he was so cute in that suit.

    Also, he had 5 hours before his flight but Sokcho is at least 3 hours away from Incheon Airport, which means that by going to Sokcho, he was literally risking himself missing the flight. All for that confession. <3

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  12. 2 hours ago, JJS's Fan-atics said:


    Yes many possibilities, but I just hope that they don't drag the triangle with Chihong in the next season.

    Or bring another brand new competitor for IkJun.


    I would love to watch Song jealous on IkJun with some other woman. Might be possible his ex wife come back to him because she is regretting her decision, she is not happy with her new partner, she missed Uju, she can't live without Uju etc etc. OR might be some other woman can be included in IkJun life to give Song some kind of shock so her feelings could resurface.

    But plz no more rival/ competitor for IkJun. pLZ.

    I think that with SongHwa in Sokcho, it's inevitable that she will draw attention from other attendings in that hospital. So I'm kind of expecting another guy to be part of a love triangle (but please not ChiHong anymore). As for IkJun, I don't think they'll be another girl he'd be interested in for real (he only has eyes for SH) :D

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  13. I found this observation in a FB group, I found it interesting so I guess I'll share it here:


    In Episode 9, when Ikjoon finishes his long OR, he chanced upon Nurse Su-bin in the hallway (they chat for a bit about the father who initially wanted to donate his liver for his daughter but was unfit because he was overweight and had fatty liver). Before parting, Nurse Su-bin told Ikjoon, "Professor Lee, it's raining outside" (with a smile). And we all know what happened after that, Ikjoon going to SongHwa's office saying "It's raining, let's eat." :D

    Interesting observation, now I really want to know what is it with rain and Songhwa :D 

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  14. 8 hours ago, Jules said:

    With that said, what do you think would be the reason of her not responding? Is it because of their friendship? Or maybe the fact that she'll have to consider IJ having a kid? 


    I think one of the possible reasons would be that SongHwa is just really happy by herself already at this point. She has mentioned it before when talking when her residents that she doesn't want to date, Dr. Bong said she doesn't want to get married, and she told her mom that she doesn't need a man. :)


    I guess when you reach that point in your life, you really don't want to rock the boat and disturb the calm waters. Or if you'd try to get out of that comfort zone, then it really should be something that you see to be worth it. :)

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  15. 3 hours ago, Lawyerh said:


    I agree with @im0202, actually about the first love thing. But since SH character is build as someone who treasures even old shoes, her first love could something she treasures a lot too. 

    I was wondering about this too... during the scene with one of the twins (when she realized SongHwa was the one who operated on their mother), they had a shot of her shoes. Was she wearing her old shoes? or the shoes ACH gave her? I couldn't tell.

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  16. 22 minutes ago, Kathy345 said:


    I do believe her first love is Ikjun, but she buried it deeply as one of a good memory and move on her life already, the reason she does not get married yet could be because she still cannot find that mr. right yet who made her feel happy enough to share the rest of her life with. I don't think she is waiting for Ikjun all along (that would be too much traumatize) and also the reason why she kind of confusing expression towards Ikjun confession.



     @Kathy345 Agree with you on this one. I mean, it's been 20 years... it's hard to believe that someone would be so hung up on their first love after all that time. I mean, he'll probably always be a fond memory but I think she's moved on. They both have moved on from 20 years ago and gotten into their own relationships and on their own lives... Until maybe he got divorced and they started hanging out more again (when IJ transferred to Yulje) :D 


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  17. 39 minutes ago, milkokoa said:

    Agree. Songhwa usually is very confident, she has answer to everything, can even become consultant about life lol but always silent when it comes to Ikjun and his confessions, most of the time silent means yes. Ikjun probably notice this too, that she never says no, that's why he keep pursuing after her 



    SongHwa even made the coffee after the 1st confession (like right after he said that drinking coffee together is a treat he gives himself). :)


    And she kept hanging out with him, just the 2 of them. I mean, I've been on the receiving end of a bestfriend who got clingy and made subtle confessions (I didn't feel the same), and after that I just found ways not to hang out with him alone anymore. So I'm positive she hasn't exactly rejected him yet. 

    Also what baffles me is this:
    Prior to Sokcho, he has already low-key confessed 2x right? But SongHwa didn't try to talk to him formally after that? Is it a cultural thinggg? I mean them just keeping silent and not talking about the big elephant in the room?

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