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Gigi Salapong

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Posts posted by Gigi Salapong

  1. A Food for Thought .....

    Yes, writers have feelings in fact I expect them to have intense ones in order to write well. And true the writer has the last say when it comes to the final draft. But in the same token your audience has the final say whether you are successful or not. Maybe if the writer can just listen it, would be to their advantage. 

    Just like Yin and Yang ok, writers cannot be alone they need a reader or an audience.


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  2. 13 hours ago, booha said:


    Watching today’s ep was like slow pulling a tooth.  It was painful to sit through seeing how JS humiliated HJ with a divorce.   Still I thought there would be a divorce and with DG standing next to her she could start a new life.  So I was a bit relived.   But seeing the preview I realized the writer seemed to have a different idea.   No clean divorce but maybe it isn’t a bad idea.  By not giving a divorce  immediately HJ can torment JS and JR.:sleepy:
    Besides we know this divorce bandwagon  has to go on for a long time.  :sweatingbullets:
    Btw I think it was JS who paid for their fling with his dad’s credit card?  lol


    coffee truck from Shim Yi Young




    "By not giving a divorce....." But I wish they should use this period to put some brains inside and make her fully operational when it comes to her brains. A cheat most often will be a cheat. I hope she gets alimony for their kid. 



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  3. @tulip06 she can do underwear modeling......They chose the right actress for this role......the tragic figure who makes us laugh


    The goose that lays the golden eggs??? JS, JR is the goose that lays the painted golden eggs .....so run fast and embrace JR because I really don't want you when your ex wife starts  laying bigger golden eggs.  You and JR deserve each other. Both families are leaches. They suck you until you have none to give.


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  4. 16 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

    As DG told HJ she should have looked at all sides before she followed his advice. HJ never thought that SJ would agree. HJ thought that DG's advice was to scare him, which it was but she did not think about what would happen if he decided to follow through with the divorce. You can tell from her reaction to DG that she was foolish and I don't blame him for telling her why did she not think about all sides before going this route. It is not his fault that she did not do that before listening to him. 


    Now she is in a panic mode because SJ has decided that he loves that girl more than he cares about her and her child or he is playing with her head either way HJ needs to get to the point to let that louse go. But this should never be a surprised to HJ because SJ has not shown her in 7 years that he cares about her or the child they have together. So SJ deciding he wants the girl more than he cares about his marriage or child is not a big surprise. He has already cheated not once but twice with the girl. Now it seems we are finally getting to the scene of the knife and the stalking to the hotel. Will it be just a dream sequence or will it be a lesson for SJ in how much he hurt HJ by his selfish actions. One of SJ's biggest problems besides selfishness is no respect for HJ. I still feel like her married her for spite. 


    This is the wake up call coming for HJ in the next episode. She will try to fight it but something will push her to have to follow through. His father and sister will be angry only for a moment until they learn the girl comes from a wealthy family. I hope HJ's mom will let SJ's father have it just like she threatened. It would be good if HJ's mom comes right when Yu Ri is telling SJ and his family perhaps she is pregnant.. lol what a way to blow up the room so very awkward. it would serve this girl right to end up pregnant after all the sleeping around she has done with the guy. Only SJ's the type to end up with his interest waning once he has gotten what he wants and it requires him to step up to the plate and be responsible.


    In my view SJ was never going to stay with HJ once he found a way to get a new backing. He is so in lust now and given his feelings for HJ I am surprised that it took his immature self this long to decide to be selfish and seek this "love" that is so important. Why be with the wife and child that are in his view holding him back when he can be with the cute younger girl who seems to have money and makes him excited at every turn. Its only later that he will want to look back at the wife he tossed away and by that time he will never have a way to get her back.  It is sickening that both he and the girl have no concept of how their actions are hurting others and only seem to think that they are the ones that are hurting. Its funny how she dares to say to her sister in law that he is hurting because he has to stay with a woman he does not love. With no concept of anything between HJ and SJ she is only going by his words. This is why later when she starts to see his true side fully I feel no sympathy for her because you can not ride off into the sunset and live well when you broke up a marriage to get that happiness. I thank her for taking that dead weight off of HJ but that does not excuse her cheating actions that brought about the end of a marriage. I would have had more sympathy for her later if she decided to walk away because of his lies and fooling her into an affair then later after he divorced they got back together then this presentation of teens who are being kept apart by parents when they love each other so much. This girl will not get her lesson until later and I look forward to it. 


    The idea that the wife of Yu Ri's brother may come from "old money" is a good one and I hope that it is true. The scenario of her taking her husband to the cleaners and divorcing him after the way he has treated her is good along with starting her own company and managing HJ. I would like to see the two of them become friends. It would be very interesting to see this woman, HJ and even DG against their ex's each of them becoming successful while their ex's suffer for their choices and how they hurt the people that once cared for them. 


    I look forward to HJ starting over without that family or SJ around her. It will not be easy because the ex and his newest love will try to road block her but I eventually see her being successful. 

    That is the best news I have read. The wife of Mr, Producer comes from old money. It shows in her demeanor. I think the drama will go along those lines. I really want to see the the two faced jerk loose his production company. I am sure the seed money came from her. 


    I hope JS will have a cooking show that would make her a success. After she sheds her pathetic character and divorces her good for nothing inutile leech of a husband and the his family. The leech family. After all her brother is in show business and her character will liven a cooking show. 


    Well we are now back to the opening episode so I hop[e the chapter is closed on the past and will slowly go to the second phase of rebuilding.

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  5. There are two kinds of women depicted in this drama who's husbands are out having affairs. One is refined , well dressed and acts like a lady, the other dresses like a slob and acts tomboyish. One is dependent and the other thinks by making everyone dependent on her will stop her husband from leaving her. Self worth , no self worth whatsoever. 


    Women should wake up. Why do you give men that much power over your life. Both are in denial.


    @ tulip06 JS is so pathetic that you wished HJ would do more atrocious things so she wakes up. She has been physically pushed to the curb and she still believes he gives a hoot. Maybe if she quits her trying to cling he will be able to see her worth.



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