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Mr Horse

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Posts posted by Mr Horse

  1. 5 hours ago, LaurenPanna said:

    I keep thinking if someone who learnt the Entire Jiuyin Manual, if he used the hallucination method, maybe ZWJ won't be able to win him. Lol

    Would you say Guo Jing is more powerful than ZWJ as he learnt all of the Nine Yin along with his other skills? I always think that Yáng Guo is extremely powerful because he basically learnt the swordplay of Dugu Qiubai. I believe there is no one in the JY universe who is more powerful at swordplay than DGQB. The reason for it is simple - he went his entire life roaming the martial arts world seeking a challenger who could defeat him but in the end, he died without losing. His swordplay skills developed to the point where he could fight without the physical existence of a sword! Although not much is written about him, I do believe the only thing lacking with DGQB is his inner energy and that it’s not as powerful compared to the other greats in the JY universe. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, kur4p1k4 said:

    @Mr Horse No, ZZR never marry SQS it's just a ruse supposed to saved her 'face'.

    At the end I think it's just ZZR thinks SQS even though he's been forgiven by his father, SQS would not want to be buried in Wudang since he's already been kicked out, he felt ashamed by his various misconducts. Also technically he already entered Er Mei and as Er Mei disciple his ashes should be kept in Er Mei.

    That's my opinion anyway when I watched it.

    Thanks. I didn’t think she really married him either but she never explained to anyone at the end that she’s not Mrs Song, that’s why I didn’t think it was very clear. I enjoyed this 2019 version all the way until the end which I think left some unexplained. The two elders in the book were supposed to have their martial arts skills reduced by Zhāng Wújì but nothing happened to them?! They sold themselves off to let the Ming Cult people assassinate Zhao Min’s Father, that was all!  I felt the last episode was the least enjoyable as they tried to close off the story but was a bit rushed. 

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  3. 20 hours ago, kur4p1k4 said:


    There's a Chinese sub, for anybody that can read Chinese

    Important points:

    Lin Yu Shen can speak Canto cause he went to HK in 1996 to shoot a movie so he has HK friends to speak Canto with.

    He's also the same generation as Hu Ge, that's was surprising for me I thought Hu Ge is younger than him hahaha

    Lin Yu Shen said lotsa ppl thinks he's unapproachable but he's actually very warm (please don't be afraid ppl lol, poor guy:lol:)

    He also doesn't like Yang Buhui and Yin Liting relationship personally, no reason at all it should happen, if it's his daughter he won't agree lol (Yes! I agree also that's the weirdest relationship ever, rather than changing the ending of the HSDS I really wish JY did something about that weird pairing)


    I think he also said that often he speaks his mind and because of this, he sometimes upsets people. As with the Yáng Buhui and Yin Liting relationship, I also think it’s a bit weird. For me it’s not the age gap, there’s nothing wrong with that as long as they’re happy. It’s the fact that she went with her dad’s former love rival. Well, I say love rival but in truth, I don’t think Ji Xiaofu had any feelings toward Yin Liting at all and I might be wrong but, I don’t think they had hardly even met face to face??! I guess JY wanted to find closure for Yin LT’s character so he wrote it the way he did?!

  4. 11 hours ago, kur4p1k4 said:

    OMG what is this travesty?! Lin Yu Shen can speak Canto why didn't he dub his TVB version :persevere: (I know, I know he's too expensive probably and logistically too bothersome)

    He said he actually like Zhang Wu Ji, Yang Xiao no good, always got hit lol :joy:


    As soon as this Yáng Xiao made his appearance I thought... this guy’s a smooth operator! Probably one of the coolest Yáng Xiao of all the versions (even cooler than the one in the 1994 Taiwan version) and all the ladies must love this bloke! Does anyone know if Yang Xiao is meant to be a cool, calm and collective person in the book?

  5. 7 hours ago, chipz03 said:

    @Mr Horse

    Loo~~oong post so sorry for the wall of text.


    Liking a celebrity is perfectly alright. They are real while the characters they played are just fictional. I have seen a lot of married or unmarried men/women become fans of celebrities who are handsome,  pretty, funny,  and/or any characteristics that appeal to each different individual. And That can add more fun to life hahaha.


    Agree that ZM, ZR,  YL all had flaws, although if I can argue,  the context at which they did the evil deeds are what set them apart (at least for me). At the beginning, ZM did the evil things, that's true. She did that mainly for her country. Before she knew WJ and started to understand his POV,  the 6 major sects and Ming sect are her enemies, just like she is one to those who were fighting against her dynasty. From her side's POV,  what's wrong and what's right are not necessarily the same with Wuji's and the opposition's POV.  I guess it depends on from which side are you looking at. And a member of this forum had elaborated quite nicely on the timing of the rise, fall,  and eventual redemption of these characters, and how it shape up the stories and why WJ-ZM worked out.


    Strictly from entertainment/fictional story purposes, having a more complex characters are more interesting for most audience. These type of characters can provide more organic grounds to develop story/create conflicts, which are one of the most important aspects of a drama/fiction. Hence,  ZM,  ZR, yl for me are more interesting from this POV than Xiao zhao.  (in contrast,  in real life,  i prefer no drama at all haha. less dramatic and less drama the better) 


    I also agree that western shows and even some asian shows nowadays have less than the "perfect" happy ending. Although it might also be dependent on the targeted audience. I am not an expert in this so I might be wrong,  but there seem to be an unwritten and unspoken expectations that majority of classical wuxia series like HSDS had hero who ended up with one heroine.


    Now this is my personal POV here but I, myself,  would be personally very pissed if the hero or heroine ended up in ambiguous relationship. Unlike perhaps a more modern series or some western series,  classical wuxia series that I can enjoy has always involved a more traditional approach/POV when it comes to relationships, among other things. And for some drama,  including HSDD,  I prefer it that way.  Hence I am never a big fan of Duke of Mount Deer,  no offense to the fans please.


    For me,  it provides a nice break from the reality nowadays where a lot of relationships seem to lose its value and meaning. A nice diversion from my more cynical point of view regarding relationship in the real life hahaha. (I often think of it as "meh" type of thing. Sorry all if this is rude :sweatingbullets:)


    Honestly though, in reality, I don't think I could,  and I definitely will not tolerate a partner like indecisive WJ. It's like,  if one cannot be sure to whom his/her love belong to, how would one be sure he/she could avoid hurting the partner in the long run. It's a major nope for me. If reality is like the indecisive  WJ, then I would show this person the door now rather than spending my lifetime in limbo worrying whom he/she is thinking about inside his/her heart. Too tiring even when I think about it.  But that's my opinion though so peace out haha:D


    Regarding why WJ eventually fell for ZM:

    I personally feel that resembling his mother might be one factor but I felt that WJ is drawn to her because of more factors. She's not a typical lady at that time,  I would guess. She, a young princess,  has commanded her troops,  she's smart, she fought with him,  she annoyed the heck out of him at the beginning, she teased him, but she's also very brave in facing the consequences of her actions. She own her mistakes while she steadfastly rejects wrongful accusations against her. Plus,  she is more direct when it comes to her feeling toward him and he could be himself more when he's around him. In other words,  she's all around bad-a##. If I am wj,  I would choose her too haha. 


    Anyway,  like mentioned before, HSDS 2009 used the 2nd version ending. I personally quite like Deng Chao who played wuji, but I saw many complaints about this version.  Zzr in this version was a bit disappointing and the editing kind of butcher the overall quality of the series. But you might want to try it out if you want to have a more ambiguous ending. And agree with prev poster, Bambi was in the Three Lives Three World: ten miles of peach blossom.  (my favorite in this series is Dilraba Dilmurat character, which will have her own series coming out).




    Peace all 

    Oh, yeah, if I acted like ZWJ in the book - my wife wouldn’t have married me in the first place and she probably would have used Nine Yáng White Bone Claws on my manhood and blasted me out the door using Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, haha! But you know, I just want to see that ambiguous ending cos i’ve never seen it before. As I mentioned before, I missed the 2009 version. I’ve seen the 1986 TVB version with Tony Leung which I used to love but I think it’s quite dated with it’s low production scenery and backdrop (you can’t beat Mainland China for getting the natural backgrounds and scenery), the 1994 Taiwan version which I thought was excellent and had the best actors (probably the best ever ZZR in Kathy Chow) and the 2000 TVB version which had the worst miscast as ZWJ! I like this 2019 version but like a lot of people, I thought the slow-mo fight scenes were unnecessary. If they could’ve made it more fast paced fight scenes like how TVB HK did it would have been better. HK used to be famous for it’s martial arts choreography in films and tv. Oh, and is the Three Lives Three World actually any good? Look, I wouldn’t actually watch a show just for pretty girls (although Dilraba is also very pretty), :) it does have to be a good watch. I’m a bit shallow for pretty girl celebs but not that bad. :D 

  6. 9 hours ago, polar15 said:

    @Mr Horse if you like actress played ZZR, i think you should watched Ten miles of Peach Blossom. She acted so good in there too, to be annoying no. 2 antagonist lady in that series. :wub:. Why she always played annoying character in Wuxia series:sweatingbullets: but i love her acting..so good that i almost want throw something to my TV or laptop everytime she appear:lol:

  7. 9 hours ago, polar15 said:

    @Mr Horse if you like actress played ZZR, i think you should watched Ten miles of Peach Blossom. She acted so good in there too, to be annoying no. 2 antagonist lady in that series. :wub:. Why she always played annoying character in Wuxia series:sweatingbullets: but i love her acting..so good that i almost want throw something to my TV or laptop everytime she appear:lol:

    Thanks. She’s pretty but I wouldn’t actually watch a bad show just because she’s in it, unless it is good? I’m a bit shallow for pretty actresses but not that shallow, haha! But I might try to catch it to make my own mind up if I get the chance. :) 

  8. On 6/10/2019 at 7:58 PM, chipz03 said:

    Wow,  that's quite a lot of starred words there. If you want to watch ambiguous ending, I would think 2009 would be closer to your taste. 


    You said it yourself that it's unrealistic for ZR to just suddenly changed like that. I feel that If no seed to cultivate, no result can appear. I personally felt it's easier to act according to the high moral and etiquette when you are not faced with many things that didn't go as you wished.  But sometimes it's harder to repress one's true self or what one is capable of doing when faced with adversities.  I've said this before,  from my personal POV  what ZR had for WJ was not love but obsession. She's obsessed to have his love and the glory for Emei, and her obsessions that eventually pushed her to do all those crazy things in Snake Island. 


    Feel free to disagree but that's my stance. 


    You can like the actress and/or the characters, it's your prerogative. I think both actresses are pretty.  I like YC type of beauty more,  but that's my opinion. (while I think GYY who acted as ZR is prettier than ZM in 2003 version,  but ZM remain my favorite. Again, That's my opinion though). 


    But let me ask you this:

    Would you rather WJ enter a marriage built on lies?  Only realizing when it's already too late and no way out?  No matter how "hot" the person is,  you are ready to enter a lifetime commitment like this? 


    Lies that deal with attempted murder of a cousin (zhiruo really should thank her lucky star that her plan to kill Yinli didn't get through) , attempt to hurt a godfather, all for the sakes of a sword and a sabre to "bring glory to the sect" that she belongs to? ZZR had the choice to commit those crimes or to refuse, especially after MJST died (like Ji xiaofu refused in front of MJ at the expense of her own life, but ZR opted to commit those crimes).


    Not only that,  this fiancee had also slashed WJ cousin's face,  went on crazy rampage against the villagers who didn't even do anything to harm her, trying to kill Xie Xun (WJ godfather that he loved and respected) during the lion slaying event even after she obtained the secrets from the two weapons, and cowardly dump all the evil deeds she did on Snake island on another woman who didn't do any of the crimes. While continuing to play that victim card,  even threatened to hurt herself when she felt that she might lose him and he try to leave the relationship. She couldn't even find a peace of mind when she's with him.  She kept on fearing about ZM in his heart (guess conscience is hard to be lied to) . Would WJ be willing to enter this kind of marriage?  Would you be willing to enter this kind of marriage? 


    At least that  person you called "evil b***h" is brave enough to own things she did,  instead of hiding behind lies upon lies to get what she wanted. She took him away from his wedding for her own goal,   but it was also for him. I believe in the novel it was mentioned that he felt relieved to escape the wedding. Unfortunately ZR was not willing to understand his predicament even when he begged for her understanding. The "kind and gentle" ZR for sure could understand, don't you think?  


     ZM was also ready to own up the deeds done by her subordinate years before she was born (at least on the 2019 tv series) . What ZM did at Wan An temple was wrong in the eyes of the 6 good sect and Ming sect, and she's not an angel but in the eyes of her side,  what she did was for the greater good of her dynasty. I am not condoning her crimes, but she did what she could for her side. She did bad deeds too,  but she was brave enough to own up her "crimes."


    My response is harsh so peace all!!



    Hi, thanks for your input. Look, the whole rooting for ZZR thing cos of the girl playing her role is just a minor extra thing I added in as a comment, it’s not an important factor or serious point of argument. It’s all fictional anyway so nothing wrong with complementing a pretty celebrity on tv- my wife doesn’t mind! :D Anyway, my main point was that I have never seen an ambiguous ending for HSDS and just wanted them to follow the book (albeit 2nd edition) to be a bit different. I was born in HK but grew up in the UK and have watched a lot of western shows as well as TVB HK productions and the endings are not always happy, but that’s life. Life is not always clear cut and sometimes films and tv shows should reflect that if it makes a more interesting story or finale. I don’t know if it does make a better ending but it sure will be different to the other versions I have seen. Anyway, I actually think that all of ZWJ’s love interests have a dark side with the exception of the girl who left for Persia (can’t spell her name). You’re probably right though, ZZR’s actions and bad choices were too much for her to be able to be with ZWJ but ZM did bad things too at the beginning. I guess he likes ZM cos she is like his mother? I will try and see the 2009 version but I only understand Cantonese or English subs. Thanks, regards.

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  9. I actually wanted to see them make the ambiguous ending where ZWJ can’t choose between ZM or ZZR. I’ve seen far too many tv series of the Condor trilogies where the hero goes off with his one love into the sunset. Guo Jing only loved HR and YG was too much of a love sick puppy, he wanted to commit suicide cos he thought Little Dragon girl was dead. Come on, be brave, make it more interesting and portray a flawed hero for once! I also have always felt a bit sorry for ZZR. It’s a bit unrealistic of JY to make her suddenly become this evil b**ch even though she was kind and gentle all the years growing up before. I suppose one can only guess she turned like that firstly, cos she was bound by a huge sense of responsibility to make Emei pei great and obeying her master’s wish, which prompted her to feel like she must get her hands on the sword and sabre at all cost. And secondly, ZWJ ran off with ZM on her wedding day and that would be enough to p**s any bride off! Yeah, she did some pretty bad stuff which she does ask for forgiveness at the end. But don’t forget that ZM was a cunning evil b**ch at the beginning, her men crippling ZWJ’s uncles. Lastly, I also admit that I personally think that Zhu Xudan is hotter than Yukee Chen so it makes me root for her character more but that’s my opinion. 

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