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Mai Stars

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Status Updates posted by Mai Stars

  1. I need some help with a question about posting some Gfycat videos with sound (reaction GIFs).  I posted some about a week ago that looked fine, normal size; however after a few days those that had looked normal became shrunken to maybe 1/4 of the normal size.  I removed them because they looked stupid and replaced them with links instead.  I am a Gfycat Pro subscriber so I have emailed them also with this bizarre occurrence.


    When I posted them on the Ji Chang Wook thread, if there were more than two I did post them under a spoiler.  The Gfycat videos with sound (or reaction GIFs) post as webm files.  Is there some reason that Soompi would change the size of the posts because of some infraction of some rule that I haven't found yet?


    Thank you,

    My Stars

  2. I have an Instagram post that I want to get removed, pretty please.  The Instagram itself was not properly formatted but I didn't realize it until I posted it on Soompi.  I managed to get the post removed from IG, but the empty framework remains on the Soompi page:  Ji Chang Wook, page 588.  The little crosshairs don't show up so I can't target that and then hit the backspace key, which usually works.


    I am not even sure you are the right person, but I was going by your bio which says you stabilize the server, platform, and website.  If you could fix this, or find the right person to fix this, I sure would appreciate it.  Thank you in advance.

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