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Posts posted by dramamilft

  1. What a tragic love story they had . It felt like Deok Im lost her spunk after she made her decision to be with San. Was she ever truly happy? She didn’t even want to meet him again in her next life and would rather be with her friends . It seemed to me she spent her days caged up in the palace and her only goal was to wait for San to come. I hope it’s different after watching it with subtitles . 

    • Like 2
  2. 7 hours ago, chickfactor said:

    Yes, it's a terrible violation of his privacy. It's really sad and scary that she screencapped all this from her phone and sent it to her friends.


    This reminds me of how awful her original message was, how she told everyone about their private life together and made it pretty obvious who he was.


    And now we know about 90% of what she said were lies. She accused him of being a bad person who had a "trash" personality and sent her "trash" messages. (nope) That he said he would not love their child. (nope) That he was obsessed with money, his fame and career. (nope)


    In any case, it is what it is. We saw these messages, it's being dissected all over the internet, and now we know:

    I think she described herself instead . What trash . I noticed on one of the text messages that she mentioned the abortion before he did . The one where they don’t perform that surgery here . I wonder why she’s so quick to jump to that idea ? 

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  3. KSH should count his blessings and count them again that he didn’t actually marry this girl. Thank God he had enough and walked away. She seems very manipulative by secretly recording and using it  against them later on. 

    Now that we’ve cleared things up, let’s go back to a clean slate . I think HomeCha still needs to be recognized for the wonderful drama it was but got overlooked because of this scandal . Can they bring back those canceled interviews ? 

    • Like 11
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  4. 1 hour ago, gwin said:

    This is simply a case of difference in culture, I suppose.  South Korea is still largely conservative in values compared to the US.  Heck, even the portrayal of romance in these dramas we watch are all so chaste!

    I personally think the culture is very hypocritical. They’re self proclaimed conservative yet have love motels ,high beauty standards (basically if you’re not good looking , you will get no service ) , they attack and are revengeful, bullying and high suicide rates from  their toxic and highly competitive culture .  That’s just my personal observation of having visited the country a dozen times 

    • Sad 1
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  5. I’m very surprised none of his colleagues has stood up for him.  His agency has also done the worse job at protecting him.  I guess everyone is afraid to be associated with him?  We need to cancel cancel culture . It’s 2021, the perfect person does not exist and we shouldn’t expect that from anyone ; especially entertainers . 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, KjmluvsCLOY said:

    I saw the video of the Korean Psychologist and her thoughts on KSH. I 100% agree with her statement that the kind, funny, sensitive KSH we saw on 2D1N could not have been acting 100% of the time. It was consistently too spontaneous and kind to be acting. Now, is he moody and tired after a day long shoot or 2 days with his buddies on 2D1N so those close to him in his personal life would see that? Maybe. I know many people who are like that. But to trash him in every aspect of his being with only this woman’s words? I can’t. 
    For me, it does seem plausible that neither of them were mature in the realities of their relationship. But her? Describing in depth her view of his sexual needs and requests? And then apologizing and feeling sad watching his current projects be cancelled? No thank you. Not a sign of a calm, mature woman. 

    Well I read somewhere (maybe here) that she was married for 17 days. Guys , 17 days and it ended because she was caught with another man .  It makes me question SH’s taste in women for sure but more so, I question her character . She doesn’t seem to be mentally stable coming out with all this sexual explicit details  , having it backfire back on her , and now regretting it. At this rate , I would fear for their unborn child with both parents being not very  mature. 

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  7. 15 minutes ago, Sianna said:

    Frankly I don't feel comfortable seeing so many talking down and trashing the ex-gf all over social media. 


    Personally I think disclosing private dating details to public is simply the worse way to dealing with things as such, and it truly is unwise of her to choose that path.   But after re-reading her original claims, I can't help but wonder what if this is her last resort, after being completely broken with all his vague responses, platitudes, and empty promises? WHAT IF most of the things, if 

    Sorry I had to cut your post short ; last resort is called therapy ; if not couples  then go to individual therapy. You’re absolutely right , none of us know SH as well as she does , but a psychologist even made a comment about this and said that it’s hard to fake your persona 99% of the time . You can fake it that 1% , but even when you’re acting , it’s still the core of who you are that you put forth into acting . Take that with a grain of salt . Where there is smoke there is fire . I believe there are truths to her statement but which, we won’t know since SH never clarified them.  I still believe at the core he is a good person but made some  mistakes along the way .

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  8. A lot of comments on allKpop and Koreaboo defending her . No, I’m not defending oppa ; he’s 1/2 at fault here . Maybe is not a nice person irl, maybe he is;  will any of us ever know?  Just like a surgeon performing surgery , do I care if he’s a wife beater as long as he does his job well?  I get it ; woman to woman , I should support you. At 43 years is age, I’ve had my shares of breakups and drama; but did I rent out a billboard to exonerate my ex? Did I air my dirty laundry for the world to see?  How you handle adversity also says a lot about who you are as a person.  She is next level crazy, y’all. Who does this to get revenge and then “just kidding , I take it back “?   And to go into details about their sexual relationship is just wrong on so many levels. Rules of a relationship, don’t kiss and tell! You never know when it’s going to bite back at you. I support women , don’t get me wrong , but it’s when they do psycho things like this that give women a bad rap.  And this YouTube guy , why do his fans support him still? I like the way he handled the apology . He didn’t go into explicit details nor did he gaslight the victim.  He admitted his fault and took responsibility without bashing the woman .  Keep it classy , not trashy . 

    • Like 8
  9. 17 minutes ago, 7psyche7 said:

    Hilarious but so so true about wrapping that hotdog up! Especially if you are in the K entertainment industry. Honestly I don’t give a rats RickRoll'D if you have a kid before marriage or never ever marry but it matters to your audience so wrap that hotdog up. 


    Have all the sex you want but be disciplined about it! 

    Hallelujah sister !  At the age of 35, do we need to have the birds and the bees discussion?   This is what happens when you don’t wrap it up  , SH! 

     I hope he can bounce back from this issue as I don’t think it’s a big deal . Other actors have bounced back on more serious things.  It’s funny how she’s regretting it now, makes me wonder about the mental age of these people .  

    • Like 3
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  10. Sorry not sorry but this girlfriend sounds like a nightmare of an ex girlfriend who cannot let go , got jealous cause he moved on and also became popular. Girl, the relationship has ended . If he was such a malicious and not so nice man like you

    claim , then RUN, cut your losses and count your blessings that you’re no longer tied to him!  If you’re as crazy as you’re showing  yourself to be right now , it is no wonder SH broke up with you. You went public with your statement on the ending day of his popular drama knowing full well the repercussions to him, the staff and colleagues . And now you want to retract your statement and lawyer up.  Sorry hunny, but this issue you released will be a scar on the both of you for awhile .  Now you’re mad because netizens are digging up your info and finding out that you drank while pregnant — what did you expect to happen?  That everyone would throw rocks at the man, but not you ?  

    This is why SH mama should have advised him to choose his partner wisely and wrap that hotdog up! 

    • Like 16
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  11.  As an introvert myself , I am satisfied with his apology . I know we all want more details and which part is true and not. We want to hear his side of the story, but this topic is personal and not for us to be a part of . It’s a private matter between 2 people and it should have stayed that way from the beginning .  The apology that he needs to give is directly to her , and it looks like he has done so and seems she has accepted it.  If he had gone on and on about his apology , the netizens would find more to criticize him for and it would become a he said/she said situation . It’s best to go directly to the source and say what you need to say. 

    As for his character , I’m sure a lot of men even women have been in the position where they’re not ready for a baby in their lives .  It should be a decision made by the two people involved and then ultimately by the mother to keep the baby or not.  Again, this personal and sensitive matter should have been discussed between two MATURE adults —not the rest of the world to judge them because the judgement is reserved for when they meet their maker . It still doesn’t make KSH a bad person, just a person who still has a lot of growing up to do.  I’m just glad he has met up with her , apologized to HER, cleared up their misunderstandings and hopefully move on with their lives . Even though she’s already ruined his and now the damage is irreversible; I hope he takes this time to rest , heal, and come back stronger ! 

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  12.  If we cared about everything entertainers did , Hollywood would cease to exist . I know the culture is different but it all circles back to Nobody is perfect . We make mistakes and important is that we learn from our mistakes . Don’t we all have skeletons in our closet ?   I like watching him onscreen and onscreen doesn’t always project to real life . Do fans forget this?  Hope through this experience he learns to wrap it up , lock it up , vet your bedmates to make sure they’re normal.  I’ve said this so many times after scandals like this come out and yet it still happens . Netizens also need to realize that their own entertainment industry is what drives to put Korea on the map and what drives their tourism Industry.  At this rate, they’re going to kill off all their talents . But why am I surprised?  Everyone is getting a kick off a film about a game of killing off people. 

    • Like 8
  13. Isn’t it a coincidence every single time a contract expires for an up and coming actor/actress, some scandal breaks out ?  I was devastated by the news but didn’t know his contract had already expired!  And now SALT is literally lollygagging and dragging their feet to issue a statement. It certainly makes me go “hmmm”.  

    I cannot stand “allKpop”. Their headlines seem so sure that KSH is actor K and you can tell which way they swing . Such slanted headlines without any proof yet . So toxic! This is why I cannot stand the Korean entertainment culture . These ppl should just be known for their talent and profession, not their personal life . 

    • Like 6
  14. 19 minutes ago, lavanta said:

    I think it is most likely that he cannot afford the money for damages since he is doing commercial left and right as well as dramas and movies are in line. Cancelation fines and charges of damage to brands could be quite hefty. Although he is been the business for sometime now, he only landed a main role this year which would tell us he is not that well of as you might think.

    I think the rumours could be true but I don't think it is as bad as that woman portrays. She clearly stated his reasons why doesn't want a baby especially when he just started to climb the ladder after his decade of hard work. Also he has to think about not only his reputation and his finances. He is very logical and realistic in that matter. She is the irrational one in this case. If she got pregnant with her condition as she said, she should have kept the baby. after that if he force her to abort then it would be a crime and he should be scorned. But this didn't happened. She made a choice so she should own it. She is seeking revenge after seeing him successful. Typical occurrence in Korean entertainment.    

    I get that the fines could be hefty for a breach of contract . Unless the contract stated that he cannot have children or date , I don’t see what devastating effect a man at 35 could have for bearing a child and being responsible for it in the sense of his endorsements and CFs. Being a fan for so long , my assumption is that idols are held to a different and stricter standard than actors in regards to their dating life .  But no matter, we are are hypothetically speaking as if it’s SH and I desperately hope it isn’t . This woman should also be held accountable for her actions of abortion as she’s as much of a participant as he is ; of course she doesn’t have as much to lose as he does, but I think she should have some self respect as I assume she’s also a grown woman

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  15. 33 minutes ago, YuSanSeul said:


    That, or date a fellow celebrity.

    I've thought about it recently, and he's a grown man at 35, surely he can't be single for someone with so much charm. If an article came out that he was secretly dating, I would accept it. But this!

    Really hoping its not him, his IG has been inundated with support from Korean fans alike chanting a constant msg of support believing that he is innocent, I cannot imagine the aftermath if it turns out true.

    Sincerely hoping him and his agency are sorting things out behind the scenes (if indeed innocent, determining who she is and her motives for posting such a grey story, or trying to clear his name) instead of hastily releasing a statement, then have to backtrack or somethin. 

    I've received so much warmth from the drama and his lovable persona in 1N2D that it will just be heartbtreaking if there is no reasonable explanation.

    After all, he's received so much support from industry insiders and his fellow cast mates and actors that all this bashing from the OP about his character behind the scenes (and subsequently the abortion and breakup story) musn't be true? Surely this wasn't all just a made up "image" of his?

    One can only hope.

    Why come out now and on the last day of HomeCha? What a selfish woman to ruin the hard work and effort by the entire staff of HomeCha! This drama wasn’t just carried by SH himself . She couldn’t wait a week or something out of respect for everyone else.  He is 35 years old and at an appropriate age to date , get married , have kids ; but her reasoning is that he can’t afford the money for damages and he didn’t want this to affect his parents . If he did have a child , I’m sure fans would be respect that because he isn’t a young chap anymore . She is speaking like he is a rookie just starting out in his teens or 20s.  And why can’t he afford the money for damages ? I’m sure since his career started , he can afford the money.  I hope that Salt is working to hire a lawyer , find out the truth , and sue everyone who is involved in spreading these malicious rumors ; including the news outlet who used his pics , dominos , canon . 

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  16. The K-ent industry is truly a toxic place! Haven’t these Korean celebrities learned anything ? From Kim Hyun Joong to TOP to Kim Hyun Joon..cmon men, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned . And boy , is she scornful after you’ve made it big in the entertainment business ! I certainly hope it isn’t SH and even if it is, it should have been a private matter between the two. Abortion isn’t something to go public about unless you’re just out for revenge .  But I guess that’s how the industry is run, these women can come out and say anything and ruin a persons career in an instant .  These k actors need to just become monks and keep their parts away from scornful women . 

  17. 46 minutes ago, ned_lee said:

    Hmmm I think drama writter is aware on audience reaction and tried to sometimes give us our wishes or sometimes troll us :tounge_wink: 


    I like how they confused us on HJ packing while prev shared with us teaser they are both happy that we thought she's not leaving :lol: - indeed she is but with HJ style she will just attend several days seminar with hauls of clothes to change on.:wow1:


    And yup not yet watched Squid Game but that scene of Bora and Ijun :lol:

    And doesn’t I-Jun  remind you of a mini Eun-Cheol?  I just love how they wrapped up every story and side characters in this drama . It was done so beautifully. 

    Ep 15 was a tearjerker but I also shed a lot of tears in ep 16;  the regrets Gam-ri’s son had , the letter she left for DS, HJ eating with her stepmother, just so many scenes in ep 16 that were so realistic and so heartwarming . Everyone wants a DS in their lives but where can I find a community like GJ? They say part of the healing process is finding your tribe , and this is the tribe I want on my side . 

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  18. Must I dareSay one of the best dramas I watched! Dramas don’t need to be complicated, love triangle , cliche , and evil mother in laws (in this case I thought it would be Gam Ri) . The show proved us wrong over and over . Just when we thought HJ was going to leave for Seoul and a timejump, the writer proved us wrong!  She left for 3 days! I laughed so hard .  So glad HJ and DS got their happy ever after surrounded by people who love them..that’s Framily right there . I was so touched when they all wanted to help with the wedding pictures ; how blissful they are as a family unit . So glad they tied up grandpas dream for DS, the fathers wish for HJ, and Gamri for the both of them so well! Love love love everything about this drama and I miss the people of Gongjin already. 

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  19. They professed their love to one another with their “Saranghae” and I don’t think kdrama land takes that lightly; considering they did that, hopefully they don’t separate for some stupid issue . I like dramas where they couples remain together and work through their issues together . I really hate when they separate and there is a time jump. Please don’t go that route . This is a healing drama where the power of love and your “family” should prove to heal you . 

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  20. I hope all this unhappiness does not take away that it still was a great drama and that the actors did an awesome portrayal of their characters . I, for one, forgot we were in a pandemic every time I watched the squad on screen.   I really didn’t expect a homophobic ending, especially the drama already got warned for using historic figures in the beginning and because this wouldn’t sit well with Korean audiences . Could the writers have done a better job with SY ? Yes, I wished they would have made her original character close to who BH is and that she had no choice but to jump into the lake so that it makes sense that SY + BH are one. 


     Focusing on the ending is doing such an injustice to the actors who worked so hard on it . Being a veteran Kdrama watcher , the writers rarely tie up loose ends like we want them to and writers really need to take a lesson on how to end dramas.  But thank you to SHS, KJH, Choi Sang gung, Hong Yeon, Royal Chef, kings eunuch, Kim Hwan, Director Hong for bringing us so many laughs and joy admits a worldwide crisis.  I, for one, will rewatch this for all the funny scenes . 

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  21. Honestly is anyone really surprised with the ending!? It’s Korean drama and for me, they always have lackluster endings despite a strong beginning. Look at My Love From The Star and even CLOY.  They were popular dramas but the endings all fell flat for me. I don’t have much hope for endings anymore and just watch it for what it’s worth. I commend the actors for giving us a great 3 months and a lot of laughs during a much needed time. I’ve always loved Shin Hye Sun and so glad for this pairing. I think KJH found himself the perfect acting partner to showcase what he is capable of 

    • Like 16
  22. 5 hours ago, Madu Mita said:

    Genuine question to those who are gynaecologists / moms who have given birth 

    The human body is extremely resilient . Even babies are stronger than we take them for. My gyne always said to do whatever I have been doing. If you workout , exercise, jump walls prior to pregnancy ; there isn’t no reason why you cannot .  Especially back in the olden days, I think the living conditions are a lot harsher than they are now. When people had to hunt and gather their food or horseback ride as main form of transport . 

    5 hours ago, Madu Mita said:

    Genuine question to those who are gynaecologists / moms who have given birth 

    The human body is extremely resilient . Even babies are stronger than we take them for. My gyne always said to do whatever I have been doing. If you workout , exercise, jump walls prior to pregnancy ; there isn’t no reason why you cannot .  Especially back in the olden days, I think the living conditions are a lot harsher than they are now. When people had to hunt and gather their food or horseback ride as main form of transport . 

    5 hours ago, Madu Mita said:

    Genuine question to those who are gynaecologists / moms who have given birth 

    The human body is extremely resilient . Even babies are stronger than we take them for. My gyne always said to do whatever I have been doing. If you workout , exercise, jump walls prior to pregnancy ; there isn’t no reason why you cannot .  Especially back in the olden days, I think the living conditions are a lot harsher than they are now. When people had to hunt and gather their food or horseback ride as main form of transport . 

    5 hours ago, Madu Mita said:

    Genuine question to those who are gynaecologists / moms who have given birth 

    The human body is extremely resilient . Even babies are stronger than we take them for. My gyne always said to do whatever I have been doing. If you workout , exercise, jump walls prior to pregnancy ; there isn’t no reason why you cannot .  Especially back in the olden days, I think the living conditions are a lot harsher than they are now. When people had to hunt and gather their food or horseback ride as main form of transport . 

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