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Posts posted by saewoo

  1. 5 hours ago, Adines Nugraha said:

    so, IC original members (YJS, HH, PMS, and JJH) express their collective opinion to step down and to allow the show for a fresh start

    source : (https://www.soompi.com/2018/03/05/infinite-challenge-responds-reports-potential-member-changes/)

    and reading the comments from the viewers, Weekly Idols was also changing it's hosts

    the comments also said that they're watching IC because of the interaction between the members (just like we do to RM), and IC isn't IC anymore without it's original members


    why does it feels like a deja vu ?

    something we SA shipper and RM fans felt a year ago


    i justhope, whatever happened to IC, it wouldn't affect RM

    I think RM will be similar to Family Outing 1. YJS will take a break because he has a second child just like what he did in FM, and some other members might leave as well. Then you know what happens next :)

  2. 56 minutes ago, Cedric Ong said:

    Now allkpop got article on KJK'S niece's interview....and that title heading...ugg.



    Tbh i don't care much if their close friends/families deny their relationship. For sure they must keep JK-JH's relationship secret if the insiders are not ready to reveal to the public. Only when either JK or JH directly deny, I will take it serious. Like someone who said earlier, will keep my faith up until one of the two gets married to someone else. 



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  3. 1 hour ago, tuffygarcia said:

    Dramafever twitter posted about SA dating (from PD interview), and one twitter user replied:


    KJK knew she didn’t leave the hotel room? They must kept in touch during the stay in NY:)

    Thank you for the precious news!


    Btw does anyone know if JH had any schedules in NY on that day (the day JK went to DramaFever awards)? Did she come to NY for work or vacation or something? I'm kinda curious.

  4. 4 minutes ago, merada said:

    this article talk about what 

    happen on ep between Spartace

    and look at angry :(

    i hope this lead to clarify thing , either dating or not date !



    They might deny their relationship on RM, but confessing? Never. Koreans hate it the best when celebs use their own personal lives to attract viewers. If they reveal their love on a national broadcaster, i think it will be a bad move. They could do on their personal sns or through their agency though. But most of time nothing is out until Dispatch takes part in. 

    And about too many hateful comments on Naver, i don't take it too serious. They are bored of reusing lovelines to rise rating. That should be it. Even me. I don't want an official loveline between JK & JH takes place on RM. LKS & JSM can do the job. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, mn0096 said:

    If SA’s not real, the easiest thing for him to do is to deny, but he doesn’t, even when given multiple chances. Instead, he keeps digging himself into a corner. Why? :) 

    It's exactly my question :)


    If he wants to stop the rumour, either say they don't have any feeling (like what MC did) or give themselves some distance. They stick with each other like glue making fans question about their relationship, then "act" surprised when being mentioned hahaha. 

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  6. 12 hours ago, mn0096 said:

    About not living alone, didn’t his friends also tell him that when he has his own place, he’ll have to cook ramen for someone when that person comes over? Maybe I misunderstood, but I think they were teasing him about someone special. :) 

    When i watched the ramen part, i could only think of this ramen, not your edible ramen ㅋㅋㅋ

    I do apologize for my dirty mind :wink:


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