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Posts posted by yuzhousmitten

  1. This might be a little off topic but the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is Rumoured to be in Shanghai China this year, and I'm hoping JY and ZZ will hopefully attend. One or the other that would be Amazing!! IDK how massive of a star Timmy Xu is but it maybe a long shot but hopefully he'll perform one of his new songs that is not out yet, wouldn't that be the BEST thing ever!! 

    • Like 7
  2. Idk about any of you but this picture is what I imagine BLY would look like after he showered, (On a video call with his love) not having GH there to shave him or blow dry his hair for him, teasing and testing GH for his own pleasure. 

    BLY, "just got outta the shower and I'm off to bed......goodnight"

    GH "Wait!"


    GH "Yinzi, didn't I tell you to always blow dry your hair! Also what's with the scruff?.....Get back in there.......shave the scruff and dry your hair!"

    BLY (with a mischievous smirk) "who's going to make me huh? Gu Zong.....Are you going to crawl through the screen and make me?"

    GH "....."

    BLY" it's breezy and chilly outside, I'll let the breeze dry my hair." 


    BLY" What do you Think?"

    GH "Yinzi.......if you don't do as I say, the punishment is.......You......Me.....and your Military Uniform......!" 

    BLY (rushes to the bathroom(blow drier sound)(water thrashing) "okay, okay, I'm done, I did as you said!"

    GH "Good!......I'll see you tomorrow........I won't forget the handcuffs"

    BLY"You said if I.........."

    GH "Major Bai hasn't been following orders, and needs to be held accountable"

    BLY"...GU HAI!!..."

    GH "I believe tomorrow night you'll be yelling ....Da Hai...." 

    BLY"Gu Hai!"


    • Like 8
  3. JY arrives to comfort ZZ, ahhhh he's probably exhausted from the busy schedule, and the reason behind the cancellation of ZZ appearance at SuperDry maybe due to several things, idk how big Superdry is as a company but when ZZ visited them in Europe it seemed to be a Small intimate gathering, but I just takes that one person to send a threatening message that then makes Superdry reconsider having someone as big as ZZ there, I don't know much about security cost but when that happens extra security can cost a couple thousand if not tens of thousand of dollars especially last minute. It may not even have to do with ZZ maybe the boss was threatened and they just asked ZZ not to come because of threats, idk maybe excessive fans and they were expect hundreds of people to come making it overwhelming, but he does look drained and of course with the death of Linkin Park front mans sucide, seeing that he was probably a huge influence to many artists, I could say that he influenced ZZ's band when he first started in the very very beginning, and ZZ himself, but JY to the Rescue holding his Meow tight to his chest in comfort. I wish we all had knight in shining amour like JY. ZZ why are you so lucky. 

    • Like 3
  4. 36 minutes ago, bearology said:


    JY's studio weibo update. Because of filming schedule, JY won't be attending OPPO event. HAHHAHAHHAA, I won't say it out loud why I am so happy. Even if tis a coincidence, its a pretty good coincidence LOL. @vtroo From the beginning, ZZ was never supposed to attend this event. ZZ will be attending the Asian Music Award event tomorrow in Guangzhou


    @bearology I totally forgot about ZZ attending the other event so much going on lol,(thanks for bringing me back down to earth ) I was hoping to have JY watch ZZ win, even a glimpse of his reaction when they called his name but that disappeared when the voting 'incident' took place. 

    • Like 4
  5. Johnny won't be going to the OPPO Event.....


    .some how I just knew it was too good to be true. Why is it every time they're so so close they seem to get pulled apart. And maybe it's because they were trolled so hard with the voting and the "rigged" voting that happened to ZZ. (I wonder if ZZ will attend)  But when the time comes when they finally are seeing together it'll all be well worth it, I'm assuming it'll happen after JY movie is released. So it won't effect the film, imagine if a scandal were to break out I wonder if China would pull the entire movie, better to wait get a massive paycheck to take care of the wife and be solidified as a Major player in the Acting and Movie Business. And same for Timmy in the Music World. 

    • Like 10
  6. Now I'm confused, the TF Boys are Out?? But then again I can totally see TF Boys asking to remove themselves from this due to the unfairness. I would have been fine to loosing to the TF Boys because they have a legit fan base and the marketing @bearology was doing on Instagram with all the translations on how to vote for ZZ really made it close and competitive and interesting and all the others insta users as well.

    I'm still voting but it seems useless to vote because I can see them removing ZZ or having the girl all of a sudden have 6 million votes tomorrow and be in first. This is really weird. But keep voting, seeing him at number one until the 18th would be perfect!! Even if ZZ is number one on the 18th and a different winner is announced we'll all know who the real winner is! 


    Lets show how that even though there is manipulation that we support ZZ!! (And JY) but imagine how the TF Boys fans feel. Talk about have your heart broken. 

    • Like 8
  7. Whew the voting is back up, was in a meeting, my cousins who I convince to vote sent me messages wondering why the guy in third was now number 1? I just told them it's manipulation at its finest, but now that it's back up we're all voting again, it made them all upset knowing their/all of our hard work seemed just to be erased, they were wondering who ZZ was and did there own research and I told about Addicted and they're currently watching it and I kinda outted my self having them vote and them finding outthat it's a gay web series. :wub:

    • Like 8
  8. 14 hours ago, urslae said:

    @vtroo you're crazy lol but you gave me ideas here it's 8 am. Im going to vote later.


    @urslae Thanks for the Compliment?? Lol :wub:

    so I vote on my whole family's devices, called my cousins gave them instructions and they all confirmed they voted and sent me screenshots to prove it. I think I am going crazy, I'm Addicted to YuZhou. Just seeing them in the same place would be heaven sent, were defiantly not far behind about 40,000 votes behind, a couple days ago it seemed unreachable but there's a lot of posts on Instagram to vote for ZZ since yesterday, so keep up the good work everyone. 

    • Like 5
  9. 4 hours ago, bearology said:

    Vote for ZZ


    Click on ZZ's photo (he's currently no.3) and hit that green bar. You will see the number goes up. 5 votes a day iirc :D


    I've been voting since it was posted by @bearology, you can vote more by first using your wifi connection then turning on you LTE, and also if you access private wifi, so I was at the mall today and vote 6 different times by connections to the stores wifi and also my personal wifi and work wifi, so in all I voted 9(times 5) a total of 45 times today. Keep going everyone, Now he's in second. 

    • Like 5
  10. Question: Why does is seem like everyone is against ZZ And JY?

    Its very confusing to me, I'm try to piece it together, so these die hard ZZ fans are very weird, they say they're there for Timmy only zero CPFs "here to protect him" "with him forever" talk, but as soon as he's seems like he's doing something sucessful there they are again with negative comments, and same with JY. Doesn't seem like there the ones hurting Timmy and JY rather than helping. It's bizarre. 

    And they find every single ounce of YuZhou to pounce on with negativity.

    im over here like "let them be happy and do what they want, if they do a show together then they do a show together, if they talk they talk, if they're "dating" they're dating, if not then they're not" 

    is there a reason why these poison fans are so mean, did ZZ and JY do something? 

     I just hope China lifts the "ban" lets Shangyin Season 2, 3, 4, 10 lol be filmed, release it, done, Everyone's Happy. 

    • Like 3
  11. 25 minutes ago, bearology said:

     JY and ZZ usually never say they will be catching this that flight or flying here and there on this date so no, we didn't know when would JY fly to Morocco or fly back to China from Morocco. We only knew Jy was coming back when Xiao Han - his manager posted a photo with caption on the bus going home.


    Thank You, @bearology 

    To everyone, Do these dates have any significance to them, like if they were in the same city/events etc. 

    March 25th

    May 1st

    June 5th- I believe is when JY returned/left from Morocco 

    • Like 2
  12. 7 hours ago, bearology said:

    ZZ's and JY's fanbase are named BaiZhou (white porridge) and HJT (Whale protection group). At the beginning, we were living in harmony. Since the YZ ban, we were trying not to mention JY and ZZ together for their sake. Now, some of these poison BZ and HJT are still using this excuse, acting all mighty and claiming that they are doing it for JY and ZZ. They think that if we love both JY and ZZ then we are not pure enough, not a true fan blah blah. In fact, they are just crazy and poison JY's and ZZ's only fans, who don't like JY and ZZ to be linked or have any connections together. I don't mean all only fans are bad, I say poison fans here. Everytime when some accounts posted JY and ZZ together like the post above, they would come and leave hateful/bashing comments til the point they had to delete their post.  

    For example like today, ZZ's poison fans who manage ZZ's supertopic (hashtag they use in weibo to collect data, JY and ZZ both have their own supertopic. CPF created one supertopic called HuangWhaleandZhouMeow to post fanarts, etc). These poison fans updated their weibo saying that they will ban all CPF to post in ZZ's supertopic. If they see you post and you are CPF then they will ban you forever. As a result, CPF who would like to post ZZ's photos from events/airport/etc, won't be able to post in ZZ's supertopic from now on. That is how crazy they are.


    This is Ridiculous! Wow, I don't know where to start, I find it extremely hilarious, why not celebrate the both of them. 

    @bearology do you know if JY's management or JY himself ever release his schedule at the beginning of April or earlier saying he was going to return back to china from morocco on June 6? 

    You seem to know everything about YUZHOU lol

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