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Posts posted by urslae97


    On 05/10/2017 at 7:54 PM, jajachin said:

    Don't know how to attached a file though

    Yep just lile @crystalclear18 said. You can do it for any fb, IG, YT and other sites. For images you put them in image uplouder sites then copy-past the url.


    Who is gogoboi


    1 hour ago, ghettomilkshake said:

    im more annoyed by how so many fans are always asking to sleep with him like backoff he’s taken by zz hahaha jk (ok maybe not :wink:)

    That's nasty why would anyone want to sleep with a man who already zz in his heart

    • Like 6

    3 hours ago, lovehaiyin said:

    The most important is 'you', yourself are happy, being with someone/single'.  It's NOT necessarily a negative thing to be single/alone, it depends how 'one' ''feels'' about it.  It's a 'blessing' to have found a 'soulmate' of course, but if not, 'BEING CONTENT' and 'COMFORTABLE' in WHATEVER POSITION can be just as 'fulfilling' .  It's sad if one must find someone to be happy.  'Happiness' IS WITHIN YOURSELF and ''not'' about just looking for/pairing up with someone to make you happy.  We 'must' be happy with ''ourselves'' FIRST before we can be happy with someone, make sense?? It's my philosophy ~ 

    So true it all starts with us. If we aren't happy with ourselves first we can't be happy with other people.


    1 hour ago, clediver said:

    ZZ s phone is in his sunglasses, someone please ZOOOOOO

    It looks like he's playing a sort of pinball game from the photo of the camera.

    2 hours ago, lovehaiyin said:

    Hey, why not ''15 reasons why love YuZhou''?  Then you can find ALL & MORE answers HERE easy ;))..

    For the schook work i had to choose one person who inspires me but i still talked about youzhou

    • Like 4
  3. I've never seen this footage of zz  shy and covering jy :D

    3 hours ago, clediver said:

    rumored they had a lover querell,,, maybe because of zz new tattous or JY selfi with 2girls??? but after that selfi zz become so sad in every picture annnd jy become distante ,,, than sang red beans .. zz didnt pick up wechat we alll saw jy near dying in train station going to DDG that night he post" I miss you deep in my heart" zz still ignoring him

    angry JY going back to beijin dint let any fan girl near him, obvious his assistant will not let anyone near him ,,, focus in videos he had clear instructions (jalous zz)

    sad what is happening between them they can get past this. Jiayo jiayo "fighting fighting"

    Edit: @ghettomilkshake for me too jy was the possessive one

    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
  4. @urichingu it's understandable with society we live in which describes straight relationships as the norm but the more you will follow youzhou the more you will love them. 


    You need to watch this interview of zz and another one of jy around the same date to see how they love each other. I've never been into shipping & I've never watched any bts before shangyin.

    3 hours ago, urichingu said:

    but please don't say that you'll die alone, being alone is the worst thing in the world, fighting


    There are people who have no interest in being in a relationship (whether aromantic/asexual or not so this may be hurtful to them). It's not because you are in one that you're happy.


    • Like 7
  5. 5 hours ago, ghettomilkshake said:

    questioning the interviewer whether he should answer regarding male or female and then awkwardly brushing it off.

    I still remember the interview was asked what was his type and he asked the mc if he was talking about girls, he couldn't be any more obvious than that if he strying to hid:D

    2 hours ago, bearology said:

    ZZ's front cover collection for this year. 18 Mags!!!! 

    Cr 小象王国

    Men's Uno really loves ZZ haha. 4 times in Hongkong, China and Taiwan!! Good job ZZ!!! 

    WoW and it's not even the of the year. Uno know how Shuai zz is

    • Like 6
  6. 6 hours ago, urichingu said:

    i can't fully blame the fan if they don't like their idol have relationship, because sometimes i think the entertainment industry in east asia country can be blamed to for creating this kind of behaviour. the way they sold their idol with love ban rule in that country is like "your idol is the one and only for you", and with that make the fan have sense of owning of the idol.

    I agree with you. these girls spend their time studying so they look up to the idols.

    6 hours ago, urichingu said:

    ut not being homophobic and to read rated scene between men in novel is two different thing.

    I read young adult book in french and s.e.x i hardly ever mentioned and if they do its along the lines "we did something that human beings have been doing since the dawn of time". BL is very explicit (which i don't mind hahaha) in my opinon especially for the public it's aimed at. 


    6 hours ago, urichingu said:

    finally i decided to read the novel.

    Im scared of reading it. I don't want it too end

    • Like 5
  7. 5 hours ago, urichingu said:

    hello everyone, maybe this is kinda late but i'm just finished watching this series, and believe or not i watched this series because this thread lol

    when i'm surfing in this forum, suddenly i see this thread, i'm swear this is the thread with the most number of page i've ever seen, 1700 page wow, how can be good a series like this with this so many post? i'm very curious, and you know then so i must post a comment in this thread for thanking you all...


    this is my 2nd time watching a movie/series focusing on homosexual, my 1st is eternal summer from taiwan, and the coincidence is two of them are in mandarin

    shangyin is so good, too sweet and fun, this is far from what i'm imagining, in my imagination is BL series must have many fan service with topless man and intimate scene, but not in this series, the relationship development is good, very slow and with little hint to "that" kind thing, as general audience i'm really enjoying episode 1-11 and my favorite is episode 10 and 11, maybe you can say those episode are still bearable to watch for me lol

    and the one thing i never expected is the soundtrack, the original song and insert song are perfect, walk slowly is the best


    and for the main actor, i think thy're typical pretty boy or bishonen in japan

    for JY, he can be manly and cute at the same time, and don't know why he always give impression of a bad boy, don't know much about his other works beside modelling, because it's so hard to follow up his acting carrier on youtube lol

    and for WZ, he is absolutely cute, even his nickname is zhozhou (read chouchou), thay is way too cute, seriously the more you look on him the more you interested on him, his lip and thick eyebrows lol, and after i know that he compose the original song, the more intersted i am to him, my favorite song is walk slowly and leave me alone, i think for him to choose a carrier as singer really percfet



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    can i ask something to you guys, this is very sensitive question in this community, please don't take it into your heart



    are the main actor JY and WZ admitted each of them have their own relationship partner? i mean man and woman relationship in real life, it's hard to find that information online, if they were never say that, is there any rumour about that thing around the web? if there's a rumour, how the actor and agency reacted? keep silent or admitted?

    in interview of addicted cast, JY asked by a fan that if he have realtionship will he exposed it to public, he say yes

    i'm not yet a fan of the both, but i think i'm interested to know more about them and maybe can be a fan


    this is maybe sounds stupid for you why i asked that kind of question, but the reason is i'm just sick of how most idol/celebrity in entertainment industry in east asia country (especially korea and japan) keeping their relationship from fan, i know their relationship is their personal life and need privacy, but i don't give a richard simmons about whom they are dating, is it so hard for them just admitted if they are in relationship? even without saying their partner name that just fine. i know the celebrity and the agency must have concern if this kind thing can effect the celebrity carrier, and protect the privacy of their partner if their partner is not from entertainment industry

    i really envy how entertainment industry in western country to handle this kind of thing, the celebrity just can freely show their love for their partner, most of them eventhough they did not admitted it they will show it in public without worriness. But why when it come to east asia country, this thing can be so sensitive, if they are not in relationship why they are always play hide and seek with fan and paparazi, they will wear cap, glasses, mask and full body jacket. and the worst part is the rumours on media and they way the celebrity and agency keep silent, and when the truth finally revealed.


    honestly i really hate myself become like this, this is beacause i have been traumatized by that kind thing, when you trully trust your idol and then you know their true nature is so stresing and fell dissaponted. that's why now i really selective to be a fan of an celebrity in east asian country, first by know their personality, especially about their view about this kind of thing

    seriously can they be just honest to us? what a fan can't be happy if she see their idol happy in their carrier and personal life, as a fan we don't want to be your girlfiend or something, we will support you because we appreciate your work.


    maybe it's kinda confusing why i don't bother whom they're dating but it become matter if they don't admitted it, just admitted it or respond to the rumours and that can make us at ease without bother thinking to much about the rumours, i think that's called trust between idol and fan. sorry for this, but i'm happy and respect to hear from other view point opinion about this thing from you guys, maybe that can help me from this problem, don't forget the real question here lol



    In korea when an actor/idol dates it's considered as a "scandal". In the west it's already not easy bieng out as a gay couple when you're famous. Western fangirls are not the same as asian fangirls who don't like it when their favourite actor is in a relationship that's why they date in secret + the fear of it affecting their career (a single actor is more bankable than an actor in a relationship)


    @jajachin i read till page 40 so much to catch up so skipped to present

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    • LOL 1
  8. China will never stop amazing me. Why have the whole voting system when they could just hand the trophy to Li Yifeng or the girl in 3rd place( i think she is also the woman on the banner)

    I just hope they don't do to ZZ what they did to TFboys just so they can let the singer on the banner win.

    Edit: we still have almost 600k to catch up so keep voting and let's just hope everything goes smoothly till 18/07

    Edit 2: from my research on twitter TFboys are in ads for oppo phones so they have no excuse to remove all their votes even if the votes weren't 100% legal. i also don't think  TFboys have decided not to go the award

    • Like 4
  9. 11 hours ago, pygmalion30 said:

    Hi everyone. Today (4th July), in France, on TV, in a political broadcast called 28 Minutes, airing on the public & popular channel Arte (Link to Arte's webpage: http://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/068401-084-A/28-minutes), one of the journalists talked about the censorship on Chinese Weibo and explained how the web drama 'Addicted' got censored. The journalist did a summary of the story between BLY & GH and said that the censorship of 'Addicted' provoked one of China's biggest scandals because this drama was popular. They showed 2 screencaps of ZZ & JY to illustrate their review, especially this one:


    When I heard the words "Addicted" and saw ZZ&JY pics on my TV, my heart skipped a beat! I can tell you that after this chronicle, a lot of people will go and search about the series and about the actors... ZZ & JY are on their way to become famous in France too!

    And by the way, this TV programme airs also in Germany, since Arte is a French & German channel... 

    I will put a link to the video once Arte adds it on their webpage.


    I live in Belgium and i have the cheapest subscription so i don't have Arte. 

    Did they also talk about the recent censorship or just last year

    @vtroo you're crazy lol but you gave me ideas here it's 8 am. Im going to vote later.

    • Like 6
  10. On 14/06/2017 at 11:51 AM, bearology said:

    @psychology92 ZZ's studio confirmed that ZZ will attend Vogue Film in Shanghai on the 16th. If I'm not wrong, ZZ will be flying to Shanghai tomorrow the 15th June. **lalalala they can meet again lalalala** :lol: Then the Radio show is in Shanghai too 21 June...will ZZ stay in Shanghai til then too? :lol: If he's attending Fashion Show, maybe he will be leaving on the 22nd. Meow has a thing with Paris :lol: 

    @crystalclear18 Thank you so much for your translation. Li hao has a lot of connections in Fashion Industry, hence ZZ has been doing very well with all these Fashion Shows, ambassadors, etc. Interesting that BoyNam knows Li Hao for that long. JY has a few photoshoots with BoyNam last year and since JY was a model before Addicted, I wonder if JY knew BoyNam too. Would be funny if JY, BoyNam and Li Hao have similar friend circle :lol:

    @vtroo Maybe you missed it but ZZ attended Louis Vuitton and Givenchy Fashion Show in January and March this year :D

    @urslae I'm not an expert nor know very much about Chinese Showbiz but AFAIK, its quite common for artists to have their own studio. Their studios are basically their management teams who take care of their work. JY's and ZZ's studio account will normally announce their next coming event/project or confirm that they will be attending this or that event. I assume its also the way for organisations to contact ZZ's or JY's managing team.

    @Kim Kruisbessie Welcome back!!!! IIRC, the one you were trying to listen....Its was fan saying JY's moto sentence at the airport and as ZZ heard that, fan felt that ZZ said the word Huang Jingyu. He didn't say it out loud so they were reading his lips. :D


    Yesterday JY was playing basketball mobile game at the airport. Funny I was joking with my friends that JY stayed back in Beijing to watch NBA with ZZ after I saw ZZ's weibo then LOL JY playing basketball game :lol: JY said before once or twice that he feels its a waste of time to play game...I guess a certain someone made a huge influence on him :tongue:

    Translated by 北辰星拱008:#黄景瑜海峡青年论坛# 170613 PEK, JY & LZ were playing a online basketball game, the airport staffs reminded it was time to board, LZ:we will board once game over.

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    i thought that only big stars had a company that only managed them. I guess ZZ and JY are big stars in China too

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