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Posts posted by fromlepus

  1. I'll try to update pics. and videos from the concert. The connection is damn slow during the day and weekend, I'm sorry that it's going to be a bit messy...:expressionless:


    7 hours ago, Shorti Inji said:

    So did oppa end up sitting on the side to sing during the concert for some of the songs?


    Yes he did and he looks lonely.

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    Today I have taken up the pen to share regrettable news.
    Last winter. Like a dummy I slipped on the wet road and injured my knee, and then participated in the Daegu Concert with a cast. Since I couldn’t participate in the choreography, I tried to give it my all to move around more to make up for it, but I couldn’t hide how sorry I was to the “Dae-ranges (Daegu Oranges)” who had waited for us for a long time…
    I persistently made an effort in order to show a perfectly recovered self at the June concert but..
    My body never works the way I want it to..
    While I am getting better little by little, I remain at a stage where I still need to be careful.
    So I unfortunately cannot participate in the choreography for a few songs at the June concert.
    While preparing for the concert, I fought to the end to dance, but my condition was always bad the day after.
    On the same day, there would come a bad feeling of pain and I couldn’t go to sleep. I tried to dance while taking painkillers, but the next day I would have to go to the hospital due of the swelling.
    The exact name of my injury is “Complete Tear of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament.”
    In the case of not having surgery, after 6 months of conservation therapy, there is something called a stress test.
    If regeneration has not occurred or if secondary damage has appeared, reconstructive surgery is needed.
    While my condition until now has been positive, before my reexamination, the doctor had told me that there were no guarantees. Since rehabilitation would take a year if I were to have surgery, I was told that I must! take every precaution.
    While I can do light running and go on the cycling and elliptical machines for rehab, I was told that I shouldn’t dance yet..
    It’s because while exercise involves more regular movements than one would think, dancing involves more variable actions than one would think..
    I’m so sorry that I can’t show you my recovered self.
    Especially since I know how much you’ve been looking forward to the new choreography that will be shown for the first time, I am really upset for not being able to participate in it and am really sorry to you all..
    And after seeing me go to the hospital and go through a hard time after dance practice, I am really really thankful and sorry to Yonggyu-hyung and the members for their consideration in making separate practice days to practice the choreography that I can do. ㅜㅠ
    Since I have to live forever as Shinhwa, I will not push myself and will properly receive treatment so don’t worry!!  I will be more careful and properly manage it!!
    Because my knee isn’t perfect yet, you may also be worrying about my July musical but my schedule allows me to have plenty of rest. While I am participating in a project that I really wanted to do, my knee is a big reason why I have less performances compared to the other Cyranos. 
    I found an appropriate compromise between not missing on a project I wanted to do and not going overboard..
    Even though this concert will be a little..actually really disappointing, I will return healthily and show you a perfect “Shinhwa’s Kim Dongwan” for next year’s 20th anniversary.
    Oranges~ See you at the concert!!

    June 15, 2017
    Kim Dongwan

    P.S. Is my handwriting legible? ㅠㅠ


    Translation by http://kimdongwan.tumblr.com/post/161873470449/shinhwa-with-2017-shinhwa-summer-live-move


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    I don't care for akgae fans if they just quietly supporting their biases because everyone entitled to have their own preferences. What I don't like is when they sprouting nonsense and spreading hate to the other Shinhwa members and in this case they did it to Dongwan. I know that Dongwan has a reputation or getting negative perceptions when I started to follow Shinhwa in 2013. The more I read and looking for information about him the more I'm questioning those people, are they really a Shinhwa fan? Or they just never bothered with anything related to Dongwan? Reading FA, netizens and people in the entertaintment industry stories about Dongwan certainly put him in a different light than what the haters trying to potray him to be. A lot of people think Dongwan always harsh to fans but he's actually really nice and communicate well with fans. He has been constantly updating about him and Shinhwa since SM days no matter what the platform is. I remember watching fancams where few fans circling his van when he arrived, you would think he's going to talk in his loud voice, but instead he spoke sofly and asked if they had eaten yet or not. Dongwan will be harsh where he needs to be, but most of the time he loves to troll fans. I hope Dongwan stans stay humble and just ignore the haters, don't feed their hates.

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  4. On 2017-2-23 at 7:07 AM, fromlepus said:



    Cr: coobooc2

    Spotted on his skiing/snowboarding friend Insta. His friend is the barista at the cafe 커피 볶는 이야기 두번째 공간, probably why his friend feeling a bit apologetic, the guy must be busy. Someone spotted Dongwan at Kyung Hee Univ., must be the same day Dongwan went to the hospital to get treatment for his knee. 


    I forgot to update this from Centaro's blog, she posted it month ago...


    Source: http://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=centaro71&logNo=221001293958&isFromSearchAddView=true


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