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    Monday, 21 November 2011 (taking over from "Jolly Widows")

    ONE Run only (Mon - Fri) at 7:10am (KST)
















































































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    Anyway, something has been bugging me . . . ever since SP mentioned about her 'mistake' that happened 30 years ago . . . I have been seeing comments popping up on Korean discussion boards that the mystery baby could be HJS.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As far as I know, based on what HJS has been saying about his parents. He doesn't know who is his father, he has even labelled him "irresponsible" during the scene when he took CHS out shopping for baby stuff.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If it had been the case that HJS is an orphan and was adopted (by his 'mother' who is now living in Australia), then there is a possibility . . . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The new developement, based on E20, there is a note stating the date of birth of the child, without the year of birth.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    1 What exactly was SP's 30-year old mistake (it doesn't seem like she had a secret pregnancy and gave away her own child, if not she would appear to be more anxious and try to channel her energies into locating that person)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2 With the introduction of the note, does it mean the baby was left on the door-step of Byun residence? {does it then explain why CP dotes on DW bcos he is the 'son' she couldn't have biologically . . . making JR her only child in reality - which in a way also justifies SP's observation about the intelligence of DW & JR)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    why would DW feel so strongly about it and begging her not to do it ! somethin is missing here
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    BDW is used to being the one doing the dumping in past "relationships". This is the first time he has invested his heart and soul into a relationship and he will try every means to not let it slip by him. So he is clinging on and blocking off any possible obstacles. (plus, don't forget his immature, child-like manner which he has yet to out-grow)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In the past he always tells KJM that if she needs to deal with HJS, it should be done thru legal means especially if it is business-related. Without knowing the in-between happenings, from what we see in the preview only, it sounds more like a personal vendetta . . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I don't know if accessibility to KBS is the key factor. If I am not wrong, even KBS' evening daily series are usually in No. 1 spot . . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The way I see it, the only way HJS can redeem himself in KJM's eyes is when he smartens up and becomes man enough to go against BIL CHC's bidding and help KJM instead. Right now he is still CHC's puppet :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Don't think LSM's birth mother issue has been clearly stated yet, after that particular episode where SP mentioned "other people's children" . . . probably left on the shelf for the moment . . until the right time, if required.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    WRT the old note placed in the box with the old baby clothing, the only words I could make out were 15th of April, if I am not mistaken. I couldn't make out the first 2 letters and the last part . . . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    음력 4월 15일 물시
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Edit #1
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the first 2 korean words "음력" means Lunar, so I am guessing the birth date is in the Lunar Calendar . . . now to try making out the second last character . . . 물시??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Edit #2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    spot watching E19 with Chinese subs . . .































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    During her regular check-up, (I think) CHS was wondering if the exact date of conception can be determined once the child is born. Doctor says the calculations are all rough estimates only.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    At the shop, she mentioned to CHC that after she broke up with LSM, she felt like ending her life, that why she went to the beach. That was where she met HJS. She then decided that it was destiny that she wouldn't be 'betrayed'(guessing) by this person and decided to keep the child and carry on with life. CHC tells her to keep this mindset and live on happily. CHS is about to raise her concerns to CHC and begins to say "If the biological father . . " CHC shuts her up and tells her































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CHC - this can never be the case but if it is so, we have to keep it a secret till we die. If HJS finds out, we'll be finished. . .































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CHS - no, it can't possibly be, my instinct must be right































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [why do I have the notion that there might be another twist . . . after all the fuss and fanfare, the child might actually turn out to be HJS' miracle child after all . . . by the looks of it, CHS might not even know the exact time of conception, thus her question to the gynae, a build up of her apprehension and anxiety during both her check-up sessions)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2011-09-18 HFL NGs ~ Park Ha Young / Jin Yi Han / Kim Soo Mi
































































































































































    Very Sketchy, Brief Recap of Ep 20 (partly due to multi-tasking hehehe)
















































































    Disclaimer Note : based mainly on action/body language, very very limited understanding of Korean language
















































































    Park sisters are keeping a dark secret . . . after CP reminded SP to lower her voice about her freudian slip, CP opens her safe to look at the baby's clothes (there's some details written in the envelope, too fast to read the details . . probably age etc). The moment BCN walks into the room, CP quickly stashes it back into the safe. BCN tells her that she should have destroyed the items a long time ago, in case the children see it. CP is doesn't want to . .






















































































































































































































































    "Sweet moment" of DW-JM "date" . . .






















































































































































































































































    In the car-park, KHD keeps denying that he is dating OJH but BJR is not buying it. CP catches both of them arguing and wants to have a word with them in the house.






















































































































































































































































    Back at the boutique, OJS asks OJH to come to her senses. But OJH mentions about her feelings of missing him etc. OJH asks OJS to understand her circumstances . .






















































































































































































































































    Byun Family Interrogation session . . . KHD is asked to explain himself. He keeps saying that it was a misunderstanding. CP says what business does a doctor have to do, at a fashion show. BCN tries to pacify the situation by trying to defend his SIL but the ladies are ganging up together . . BCN takes KHD out of the room. (suspect CP shares her backup plan with SP . . . that's why SP was laughing gleefully)






















































































































































































































































    BJR seems to be threatening KHD . . . (I think KHD may have told her not to go overboard, and he leaves their bedroom)






















































































































































































































































    Scene of Driver Kim fiddling with the GPS system to find out the locations ( I think this was CP's idea).






















































































































































































































































    NDM - NDR scene






















































































































































































































































    Lost visuals . . partial audio






















































































































































































































































    hospital room - CHS & CHC . . . edit - (I think) the Chaes decided to lie to SP that CHS suffered a miscarriage in order to get her off their backs.






















































































































































































































































    Business is brisk at JM's shop . . younger asst talking /teasing JM & mentions about couple rings . . BDW calls JM and she is happy that he called to ask her out (for her Birthday) . . the staff are happy for her.






















































































































































































































































    DW catches JM looking at her ring finger as he approaches the cafe . . JM dreams of the birthday cake followed by DW putting a ring on her ring finger. . . DW walks in . . starts talking about the menu . . . JM is disappointed as DW walks off . . . DW starts to play the piano and sings. Whilst he is singing, the birthday cake is being wheeled to her table . . JM thanks him for the B-day party and DW produces the rings . . he then puts it on her finger.






















































































































































































































































    Doctor is giving HJS a brief on CHS' condition . . about her being stressed etc































































































































































    CHC breaks the news with SP, who is sadden by the loss.































































































































































    SP visits CHS in the hospital and apologises. HJS overhears them whilst CHS and SP are talking - CHS mentions that thots of LSM has only brought painful memories (guessing) & other stuff . . HJS walks off without entering the room. CHS begs SP to not bother them(?) then SP finally wishes her well and goes off. HJS goes to the stairway, recalls what CHS had said previously and starts to feel regret . .






















































































































































































































































    Nam 'new family date' at the supermart . .






















































































































































































































































    Driver Kim provides CP with the info found on the GPS (from KHD's car) . .






















































































































































































































































    KHD & OJH spoke over the phone . . (I was distracted, I think they are suppose to meet somewhere else soon)






















































































































































































































































    BJR calls OJH telling her she wants to meet her but OJH is not interested. As OJH prepares to leave the shop with her package, she sees BJR at the shop.































































































































































    Meanwhile, CP is in the hospital car-park with Driver Kim, waiting for KHD to leave the premises in order to tail him. KHD appears, gets into his car & starts driving. CP cautions Driver Kim to keep a safe distance to avoid being noticed . .
















































































    End of Episode . . .















































































































































































































































    Screen-caps of Ep 20































































































































































    from Korean Media News






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ratings for Ep 19
















































































    TNS – 14.9% (#4 Nationwide) / 18.5% (#2 Seoul)
















































































    AGB – 18.6% (#3 Nationwide) / 20.4% (#2 Seoul)














































































































































































































































    Ratings for Ep 20
















































































    TNS – 15.4% (#6 Nationwide) / 18.3% (#5 Seoul)
















































































    AGB – 18.1% (#3 Nationwide) / 19.6% (#3 Seoul)






























































































































































































































































































































    Top 20 progs/shows Weekly Ranking
















































































    2011-09-12 to 2011-09-18
















































































    TNS - 15.1% (#11 Nationwide) / 18.4% (#6 Seoul)
















































































    AGB - 18.4% (#5 Nationwide) / 20.0% (#5 Seoul)































































































































































































































































    Wow... Is that for real
















































































    The rating for episode 19 jumps pretty high from the last week... I think it's because no more Scent of Woman?































































































































































    Of course it is for real, I wouldn't dare post false info, kekeke . . .
















































































    Yes, HFL & King Gwanggaeto benefited the most from the end of SoaW, yesterday. The premiere of Live in Style (SoaW's replacement) didn't do so well. It was at the bottom amongst the weekend series. Even A Thousand Kisses did better than Live in Style, according to AGB Nielsen figures. TNmS however, has some strange 'feedback' figures, as usual . . . :rolleyes:
















































































    Korean Media News use AGB Nielsen stats whereas Drama-wiki still uses TNmS
















































































    Hope HFL's positions stay on for tonight's & subsequent episode as well.








































































































    Preview Clip - E20































































































































































































































































































































































































    BDW presents KJM with a set of couple rings































































































































































    Preview of Ep 20 - Printed Text
















































































    [애정만만세] 20회
















































































    패션쇼장에서 화려하게 변신한 정희를 본 주리는 속이 상해 줄리앙에게 따지고, 마 침 정희에게 꽃다발을 주기위해 온 형도와 마주치게 된다. 한편, 크리박은 금고안에 고이 둔 낡고 바랜 배냇저고리와 메모지를 꺼내보는데...
















































































    - MBC
















































































    Ep 20
















































































    Jeonghui turned brilliantly in the fashion of this chapter is a rest to the stomach injury, Julien After all, do not spit on my brother to give the bouquet to jeonghui and is confronted. Meanwhile, the creative foil placed in the vault Goy swaddling clothes, and notes with fish it was old and faded.































































































































































    - Google Translator (for Korean Text)








































































































































































































































































































































































    In case any one is wondering . . . .
































































































































































































































































































    Kim Yoo Bin 김유빈































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    DOB : 14 January 2005































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Atopalm 아토팜 CF
































































































































































































































































































    CJW 청정원 맛선생 정혜영 CF































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kim Yoo Bin aka Nam Da Reum [Cuts ~ E03-12]































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For the past week, news has been rife about the 2 child actresses 아역배우 to look out for . .
































































































































































































































































































    Kim Yoo Bin 김유빈 (6) and Park Min Ha 박민하 (4)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Click on IMAGES for links






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2011 KBS "Detectives in Trouble"
































































































































































































































































































    as Song Il Guk's daughter






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Screen-caps of Ep 19































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    from Korean Media News
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    kiss in the cable car
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Last scene : JR recognises JH on the runway, then she notices her exchanging smiles with KHD at the door.
































































































































































































































































































    Ends with BR & JH looking at each other, eye-to-eye






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2011-09-16 HFL Press Conference
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Press Con started at 3pm KST
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Related News Article
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Related News Article






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2011-09-16 HFL Press Conference
















































































































































    Press Con started at 3pm KST
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Related News Article ~ JYH 1 || JYH 2 || JYH 3
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    KSM - Related News Article






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2011-09-11 HFL NGs ~ Kim Soo Mi
































































    2011-09-14 HFL [bTS Clip ~ Fashion Show & Discovery (E19)]























































































































































































































    Preview Clip - E19








































































    Preview of Ep 19 - Printed Text








































































    [애정만만세] 19회








































































    희수는 뱃속의 아이가 누구의 아이인지 확인하려고 하고, 정수는 과거 희수와 상민








































































    이 함께 찍은 사진을 보고 써니와 희수에게 과거를 캐묻는다. 주리는 우연히 참석한








































































    패션쇼장에서 정희가 모델이 되어 화려한 무대 워킹 하는 것을 보게된다.








































































    한편, 미라의 기습키스를 받은 동우는 때마침 들어온 재미에게 오해를 사고 마는 데...








































































    - MBC








































































    Ep 19








































































    What the hell is left forty-two huisu you and say it!








































































    Huisu the unborn child whose children are trying to determine whether an integer in the past huisu and see pictures taken with Sangmin Sunny and huisu kaemutneunda the past. Juri accidentally attended a fashion show is modeled in Chapter jeonghui see that walking is a brilliant debut. On the other hand, received a kiss of Mira glaze to buy the building, Obama came to a misunderstanding with fun















































































































































    - Google Translator (for Korean Text)
































































































    In case anyone is wondering about the details of the fertility tests . . .

    KJM is perfectly healthy. The doctor says the problem lies with HJS. However, the doctor stressed the fact to JM that HJS is not 100% sterile. Just that it is (near/totally?) impossible for him to impregnate someone thru normal means. Of course, during the whole conversation, the divorce was not mentioned and I guess it was 'perfectly alright' for him to even give JM HJS' results . . .)








































































    DW's concerns . . .








































































    Incident of HJS being caught outside JM's shop, taking a photo of the new product poster.








































































    KJM was infuriated by HJS' actions and to spite him she blurted out that soon, he will witness his family crumbling away . .








































































    [During HJS & SP session, SP mentioned that he can think whatever he wants but in time to come the truth will be out, even if it is something that he doesn't wish to know. (DW had advised SP that the paternity test (guessing) can only be performed after the child is born, which is in about 2 months' time. When DW found out later on that SP had recently met up with HJS and that HJS was suspicious, DW reminded SP not to say anything to jeopardise the situation) This remark from SP made HJS even more suspicious of the relationship between SP & CHS. Noticing his cold treatment and awkward behaviour the past day, CHS reported to CHC her fears. At the shop, CHC talked HJS into believing that LSM was a stalker whom CHS paid no attn to. CHC was so convincing as to even say that he will produce the police report as proof, to which HJS said it wasn't necessary.]








































































    HJS was puzzled by what KJM said and what she meant. KJM says not to ask her but to find it out from his wife.








































































    After DW has pulled KJM back into her shop, he tells her to call him whenever HJS bothers her, then he can deal with HJS thru legal means . . . not to stoop to his level. However, hot-headed KJM insists that she wants HJS to have a taste of his own medicine (eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth . . . )








































































    DW asks JM ~ if she really likes him? A completely empty bowl is able to receive/hold things. In her heart, her hatred for HJS is already filled to the brim, is there any place left for him to enter . . . He tells her to seriously think of the wrong she has done during her bus journey home. After giving it some thot, JM starts to text-message to DW saying that she is sorry, and as he had mentioned she still has a lot of leftover hatred in her heart. Whether he believes her or not, she tells him that she truly likes him, so..... (then she starts to delete the message without sending it out.)































































































































































    what happened to today's episode????








































































    where are you semi-fly?????!!!! <3















































































































































    If only you had bothered to read the comments on the last page, before posting your outburst . . . <_<








































































    If I am not wrong, E208-E210(Last Ep) will only air after the Chuseok Holidays








































































    ... i.e., E208 will air on Wed 14 Sep.
























































































    does somebody know what is the song played when they kissed on episode 16?







































































































































    Going [가나요]







































































































































    Lee Yoon Jong [이윤종]








































































    (Wonderful Life OST)








































































    Romanised Lyrics & Translation


























































































































































    Since That Day [그 날 이후로]



































































    Sung Si Kyung [성시경]




































    (Prince's First Love OST)




































    2011-09-21 HFL FMV ~ Since That Day [그 날 이후로]




































    [Credits : Xandddie2]







































































    translation and romanization. some done by me, others credits to google.com




































    Since That Day [그 날 이후로] - Sung Si Kyung [성시경]




































    [geu nal ee-hoo-ro - Sung Si Kyung]




































    여느때처럼 햇살은 따스했고




































    [yer-neu-ddae-cher-rum hae-ssa-reun dda-seu-hat-go]




































    the sun was warm as usual,




































    내게 기대앉은 그대는 아름다웠죠




































    [nae-gae gi-dae-an-jeun geu-dae-neun a-rum-da-wot-jo]




































    and you were beautiful, leaning against me,




































    시간을 묻듯 헤어짐을 얘기하기에




































    [si-ga-neul mut-dut hae-er-jim-eul ye-gi-ha-gi-ae]




































    you talked about leaving, as if asking for time,




































    그대 힘들까 웃었죠




































    [geu-dae him-deul-kka oo-sert-jo]




































    I smiled, so you won't feel pain,




































    입버릇처럼 얘기했던 말




































    [ee-ber-reut-cher-rum ye-gi-hat-dern-mal]




































    I used to say,




































    그대 원하면 난 무엇이건 하겠다고




































    [geu-dae won-ha-myun nan moo-er-si-gun ha-get-da-go]




































    I will do anything you want,




































    바보 같은 난




































    [ba-bo ga-teun nan]




































    the fool that I am




































    못난 그 약속을 지키려




































    [mot-nan geu yak-so-geul ji-ki-ryer]




































    to keep that promise,




































    내 생애 전부였던 그댈 보냈죠




































    [nae saeng-ae jeon-bu-yer-ddern geu-dael bo-nat-jo]




































    I let you go, you who were everything in my life.








































































    * 그날 이후로




































    [geu-nal yi-hoo-ro]




































    Since that day,




































    난 늘 미안하게 지내요




































    [nan neul mi-an-ha-ge ji-nae-yo]




































    I've been living in guilt,




































    단 하루라도




































    [dan ha-roo-ra-do]




































    worrying that even for a day,




































    난 그댈 잊을까 걱정하면서




































    [nan geu-dael ee-jeul-kka gerk-jeong-ja-myeon-ser]




































    I might forget about you,




































    그대 없이 가끔이라도 웃으며




































    [geu-dae up-ssi ga-kkeum-yi-ra-do oo-seu-myer]




































    the saddest thing is to realise that




































    살아가는 나를 깨닫는게 제일 슬프죠




































    [sa-ra-ga-neun na-reul kkae-dat-neun-geh je-il seul-peu-jo]




































    I still smile every now and then, even though you are not around.








































































    꺼내보기도 아까운 기억들이




































    [kker-nae-bo-gi-do a-kka-un gi-erk-deu-ri]




































    the memories too precious even to reminisce,




































    마음안에 고여있는데




































    [ma-eum-ah-ne go-yer-eet-neun-de]




































    dwell in my heart,




































    그대는 없죠




































    [geu-dae-neun up-jo]




































    but you are not here.




































    여느때 처럼 별일 없는 세상속에서




































    [yer-neu-ddae-cher-rum byerl-il up-neun se-sang-so-gae-ser]




































    in the world mundane as usual,




































    가끔 이렇게 서렵죠




































    [ga-kkeum ee-rer-ke ser-rup-jo]




































    sometimes I feel such aches,




































    사랑한단 말 고마웠단 말




































    [sa-rang-han-dan mal, go-ma-wot-dan mal]




































    I love you, I thank you,




































    이제 다시는 말할 수 없는 상처같죠




































    [yi-je da-shi-neun mal-hal soo up-neun sang-cher gart-jo]




































    are now painful words that cannot be said again,




































    그대 앞에서 턱 밑까지 차올랐지만




































    [geu-dae ah-pae-ser tuk mit-kka-ji cha-ollat-ji-man]




































    I so wished to say them to you,




































    끝내 말하지 못한 날 용서해요




































    [kkeut-nae mal-ha-ji mo-tan nal yong-ser-hae-yo]




































    but forgive me for I couldn't till the end.








































































    * 그날 이후로




































    [geu-nal yi-hoo-ro]




































    Since that day,




































    난 늘 미안하게 지내요




































    [nan neul mi-an-ha-ge ji-nae-yo]




































    I've been living in guilt,




































    단 하루라도




































    [dan ha-roo-ra-do]




































    worrying that even for a day,




































    난 그댈 잊을까 걱정하면서




































    [nan geu-dael ee-jeul-kka gerk-jeong-ja-myeon-ser]




































    I might forget about you,




































    그대 없이 가끔이라도 웃으며




































    [geu-dae up-ssi ga-kkeum-yi-ra-do oo-seu-myer]




































    the saddest thing is to realise that




































    살아가는 나를 깨닫는게 제일 슬프죠




































    [sa-ra-ga-neun na-reul kkae-dat-neun-geh je-il seul-peu-jo]




































    I still smile every now and then, even though you are not around.








































































    기억하나요 날




































    [gi-erk-ha-na-yo nal]




































    do you remember me,




































    그 눈부셨던 시간을




































    [geu noon-boo-shert-dern si-ga-neul]




































    those brilliant days,




































    사랑하나로 난




































    [sa-rang-ha-na-ro nan]




































    when I was joyful as a child,




































    늘 아이처럼 행복했던 날




































    [neul ah-yi-cher-tum hang-bo-kat-dern nal]




































    because of your love,




































    그대 없이 숨을 쉬는게 미안해




































    [geu-dae up-ssi soo-meul shi-nen-geh mi-an-hae]




































    now you are not here I feel guilty even just for breathing,




































    한숨이 느는지




































    [han-soo-mi neu-neun-ji]




































    more sighing,




































    그날 이후로 늘 이렇죠




































    [geu-nal yi-hoo-ro neul ee-rert-cho]




































    Since that day it has been like this,




































    그날 이후로 늘 아프죠




































    [geu-nal yi-hoo-ro nel -ah-peu-jo]




































    since that day it's been full of pain.











































































































    Preview Clip - E18




































    Preview of Ep 18 - Printed Text




































    [애정만만세] 18회




































    희수가 임신한 아이가 정수의 아이가 아닐수도 있음을 알게되는 동우.




































    재미는 동우와 불임검사를 한 병원에 찾아가 정수와 재미의 불임검사 결과를 확인한다.




































    패션쇼 무대에 오르게 된 정희.




































    형도는 정희를 만나기 위해 패션쇼를 찾아가고,




































    주리는 형도가 자신에게 거짓말을 한채 어디론가 가는 것을 목격하는데..




































    - MBC




































    Ep 18




































    Huisu pregnant child of an integer that is a child learns that maybe no glaze.




































    Sterility tests of the glaze and fun to visit a hospital for constant and fun to see the results of fertility tests.




































    Jeonghui was mounted on the catwalk.




































    You used to go after the fashion show to meet jeonghui,




































    Juri is a brother to lie to ourselves for a witness to go somewhere.







































































    - Google Translator (for Korean Text)




































    English translation:




































    Dong Woo learns that Hee Joo is pregnant and suspects that Jung Soo may not be the father of the baby. Dong Woo and Jae Mi goes to the hospital to see Jae Mi and Jung Soo's fertility test results.




































    Jung Hee joins a fashion show, in order to meet Jung Hee, Hyung Do goes to the fashion show. Joo Ri who knew Hyung Do have been lying to her for a long time drove there to witness it.














































































































































    No recap from me today, due to very bad connection . .







































































    Screen-caps of Ep 18







































































    from Korean Media News














































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ratings for Ep 17




































    TNS – 11.2% (#7 Nationwide) / 12.2% (#7 Seoul)




































    AGB – 13.0% (#7 Nationwide) / 14.1% (#7 Seoul)










































































































    Ratings for Ep 18




































    TNS – 8.9% (#14 Nationwide) / 10.6% (#11 Seoul)




































    AGB – 11.4% (#8 Nationwide) / 13.0% (#7 Seoul)










































































































    AGB Top 20 progs/shows Weekly Ranking




































    2011-09-05 to 2011-09-11




































    HFL - -% (#- Nationwide) / 13.5% (#20 Seoul)






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Screen-caps of Ep 17































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    from Korean Media News
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    After the climatic meeting and face-to-face introductions, JS went into the kitchen. HS intentionally poured water onto JR, who then had to excuse herself to change her attire. With Sunny being alone with HS, some words were exchanged. Sunny's anxiety led to her voice being raised and HS told her to quieten down for fear of JS hearing anything . . HS seems to be making excuses and not answering directly. JR re-enters into the shop. After all four are at the table chatting, (awkward situation between HS & Sunny), Sunny made an excuse to leave the shop cos she was tired. JR only found out about HS after they had gotten into her car, cos JR was wondering why Sunny wanted to leave so suddenly ~ Sunny showed her the picture of Sang Min with HS. Soon after they see HS getting into a cab, JR and Sunny tailed HS.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JS called HS up when she got home. After the call had ended, the door-bell rang and HS opened the door to find JR & Sunny at her door-steps. After several rounds of HS 'screaming' her frustration . . . Sunny asked HS "who is the father of the unborn child". Sunny subsequently said if it could possibly be Sang Min's to which HS hysterically screamed "NO! NO! NO!" ~ at that very moment JS came into the living room with stuff that he had bought for HS. He apologised for not being a good host, with nothing to offer but JR & Sunny made a quick exit. JS was puzzled why they came by when earlier on they said they wanted to leave the shop bcos they were tired.
































































































































































































































































































    During dinner, Sunny sought KHD's opinion/advice over possible medical procedures/test(?) that can be done . . .
































































































































































































































































































    HS tells CHC (Chae Hui Cheol) about her problems with Sunny, who has been trying to call her on her mobile, during his visit.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JS caught Sunny peering into the shop trying to see if HS is around. JS invites her in for a drink and they chatted. Sunny asked JS when/how did he meet his wife & how far is she into her pregnancy. JS said he met her in March in Sydney and she is now 7 months pregnant (apparently JS is not good with mathematics too, kekeke how can he run a business, when he can't do simple maths). He proudly shows her the image of the foetus, which he stored in his cell-phone. CHC sees both of them from outside of the shop. Sunny leaves the shop and is getting into her/JR's car, when CHC suddenly gets into the car and threatens Sunny about bothering HS.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sunny informs Crystal & JR of her latest encounter with CHC. JR comments about CHC whilst looking at his photo. Sunny is wondering how/what she should do to get some affirmation. DW returns home, he is consulted (guess Crystal may be asking him about the legal standpoint etc) and in the process updated about the situation regarding Sang Min's GF. DW picks up one of the photographs & immediately recognises the face ~ it is the photo of Sang Min with HS. Crystal asks him of his opinion etc and DW says he needs some time to think over how the situation should be handled. In his room, he continues to look at the photo, recalling some past comments, which sets him thinking. Next scene we see JS & HS in bed, with HS fast asleep. However, JS is tossing and turning and finally gets up and takes something out of his wallet . . . he takes a look at the burnt photo which HS had discarded earlier on . . His mind is beginning to wonder with his growing suspicion . . back to scene of DW looking at the HS/SM photo and trying to think of a solution(?) (based on next ep preview, I guess if possible, he can use JM/JS' fertility test result to ascertain the probability of the foetus being Sang Min's child . . . )
































































































































































































































































































    DW/JM shippers : 1 back-hug + 1.5 kisses in Ep 17































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    DW heard JM coughing over the phone. He decides to take JM out for a relaxing time at the spa. Whilst JM was asleep, he stole a soft kiss from her and took more pictures of himself with the sleeping JM beside him.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Another day : Captain "Promo King" DW came to JM's rescue again, when she tried to market her product to mothers attending a post-natal care session but the moms were too busy packing to give her any of their attention. At the end of the day, both of them got out of the car and talked. DW inched closer and closer to JM and JM started to close her eyes, anticipating his kiss . . . he got even closer to her then stopped for a few seconds . . he decided to tease her instead and gave her a kiss on the forehead. JM is disappointed . . .






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Happy Chuseok Holiday































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Preview Clip - E17
































































































































































































































































































    Preview of Ep 17 - Printed Text [revised]
































































































































































































































































































    [애정만만세] 17회
































































































































































































































































































    이상해..뭔가 분명 있어! 그게 뭘까..?
































































































































































































































































































    희수가 자신이 찾고있던 아이임을 알게 되는 써니. 써니는 희수의 집을 찾아가 예전
































































































































































































































































































    에 막대했던 것에 용서를 구하며, 희수가 임신한 아이가 정수의 아이가 맞는지 묻는 다.
































































































































































































































































































    감기에 걸린 재미. 동우는 재미를 마사지방에 데려가 푹 쉬게 하고, 그녀가 해야할
































































































































































































































































































    일들을 다른 친구한테 부탁해서 해결하는데..
































































































































































































































































































    - MBC
































































































































































































































































































    Ep 17 - Something's definitely weird! What was it?
































































































































































































































































































    Huisu were looking for their children to know that Sonny. Sonny's house to visit the old huisu
































































































































































































































































































    Seek forgiveness for what was the bar, huisu pregnant child meets the child asks for an integer.
































































































































































































































































































    Fun colds. Martha glaze for a fun holiday ... take her to the province, and to do her
































































































































































































































































































    Different things from a friend asking him to solve.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Google Translator (for Korean Text)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    English translation:
































































































































































































































































































    Hee Joo learns that Sunny is looking for her own child. Sunny who came to visit Hee Joo's house before, asks for forgiveness. Hee Joo who is pregnant meets Jung Soo and tells him she has the baby he was asking for.
































































































































































































































































































    Jae Mi is down with a flu. So Dong Woo brings Jae Mi to the province/vacation to rest thoroughly. She was asking him what she ought to do to his other friend, Martha (?), and how he is going to resolve it...





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credits : twitter/dcinside / re-upload : tiki_sg
































































































































































































































































































    Please do not hotlink






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Fashion Show (E18)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    KJM~BDW on a date (E18)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2011-09-08 Behind the Scenes (Ep 18)
































































































































































































































































































    (Credits : MBC)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Cameo : Hong Seok Cheon 홍석천





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2011-09-08 BTS [KJM~BDW Date on the Streets (E18)]






















































    Thanks Joseyusa for letting us know the current status. (huge sigh of relief)




































    2011-09-04 NGs (1) ~ Byun Jong Soo, Park In Hwan & Lee Tae Sung


















    2011-09-04 NGs (2) ~ Park In Hwan, Kim Soo Mi & Byun Jong Soo























    Hi tiki_sg! It's happy22qt, where did you get the text previews? 'Coz I checked MBC a few minutes ago and it's not yet posted there. Amazing!


















    I get them from fan-sites. Based on past weeks' records, when MBC finally releases the text, which is like towards the weekends, it is more or less quite accurate.




































    Thanks happy2qt, for posting the translated previews in here . .

    Viki will release the soft-subs soon until the english subs is 100% completed. Right now, we just reach 90% for episode 1 and 2.




































    Hope you can enlighten us with the situation (well, at least for me)


















    HFL Viki E-subs has Ep 1-7 at 100% completed, however it is still non-viewable & neither are the soft-subs released. However, I notice that "A Thousand Kisses" (which has currently aired Eps 1-6) has released their soft-subs for Eps 1 & 2, although they are only about 98% completed.

























    tiki those translations as usual make no sense


















    Dear IBELIS


















    Thank you for your feedback. However, my purpose of posting the early released Korean text previews (from other sources) is that hopefully happy22qt (happy2qt) will be able to catch it and in turn translate it at her site. The badly translated GTrans version is only (hopefully) a temporary stand-in. I don't visit happy22qt's site very often after I found it for Ep 3 preview (I think) but I think Tango27 might be tracking the site and then she in turn can post the English translated version. Due to time constraint I don't have time to search all over the place . . .


















    Patience is virtue and we can only post what we are able to find. To me, something is better than nothing at all.






















    Preview - E17
















    Preview of Ep 17 - Printed Text
















    [애정만만세] 17회
















    희수가 자신이 찾고있던 아이임을 알게 되는 써니.
















    써니는 희수의 집을 찾아가 예전에 막대했던 것에 용서를 구하며,
















    희수가 임신한 아이가 정수의 아이가 맞는지 묻는다.
















    감기에 걸린 재미.
















    동우는 재미를 마사지방에 데려가 푹 쉬게 하고,
















    그녀가 해야할 일들을 다른 친구한테 부탁해서 해결하는데..
















    - MBC
















    Ep 17
















    Huisu were looking for their children to know that Sonny.
















    Sonny's house to visit the old bar was huisu things, seek forgiveness,
















    Huisu pregnant child meets the child asks for an integer.
















    Fun colds.
















    Martha glaze for a fun holiday ... take her to the province, and
















    She was asking him about another friend as to what needs to solve.































    - Google Translator (for Korean Text)
































    Preview - E18
















    Preview of Ep 18 - Printed Text
















    [애정만만세] 18회
















    희수가 임신한 아이가 정수의 아이가 아닐수도 있음을 알게되는 동우.
















    재미는 동우와 불임검사를 한 병원에 찾아가 정수와 재미의 불임검사 결과를 확인한다.
















    패션쇼 무대에 오르게 된 정희.
















    형도는 정희를 만나기 위해 패션쇼를 찾아가고,
















    주리는 형도가 자신에게 거짓말을 한채 어디론가 가는 것을 목격하는데..
















    - MBC
















    Ep 18
















    Huisu pregnant child of an integer that is a child learns that maybe no glaze.
















    Sterility tests of the glaze and fun to visit a hospital for constant and fun to see the results of fertility tests.
















    Jeonghui was mounted on the catwalk.
















    You used to go after the fashion show to meet jeonghui,
















    Juri is a brother to lie to ourselves for a witness to go somewhere.































    - Google Translator (for Korean Text)



































































































































    ..that indicates they were pretty close actually she said something eomeoni I did not hear well that could only mean that she was married to the son !!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    FYI, CHS was on the phone with JuRi (at the clinic) and she called her "Unnie" before she turned around and saw Sunny.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    BTW, one need not necessarily call "father" or "mother" after marriage, as long as they feel the closeness in the relationship, they start using those terms of address, even for same gender friends (as in childhood friends etc)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It doesn't look like CHS was ever married to Sunny Park's son (Sang Min). CHS and Sung Min attended the same university in Australia. However, their close relationship faced family objections.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (I am guessing) After CHS 'left', Sung Min must have been giving Sunny a hard time. I guess that's why Sunny seems so regretful and is so earnest in finding CHS ~ in order to make her son happy again
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ep 15 - Sunny explained that Sang Min & CHS were deeply in love. Sang Min's father strongly objected to his relationship with CHS solely because she is an orphan and only taken care of by her brother. Based on what Sunny mentioned to Crystal and her brother-in-law, she feels she has no say in the situation bcos 30 years ago, she too did something wrong (not revealed yet . . . more spoilers/speculations to come). (from the way she mentions Sang Min, I am guessing that Sang Min is not her son.) However, I think she does sympathise with CHS bcos of her family circumstances. That's partly the reason why she wants to find CHS, to talk to her and find things out for herself bcos Sang Min does not seem to have gotten over the break-up.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Based on the hint about the wrong she did 30 years ago, there are speculation about the 'other' 30 year old in the story . . . our BDW??? (if so, 'technically', there shouldn't be any problem for the BDW-KJM relationship . . .right???)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Finally found the English version of the initial Character Descriptions.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Note that some of the provided background info has since been tweaked and some of the "fact" may differ from what is being broadcasted . . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hope you can update the necessary info in the first posting of this thread. TIA . .

    Source : MBC Global

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    After six years of marriage... Jae-mi was tricked by her husband into signing divorce papers. This drama is a story of her comeback after rebounding from a divorce! Jae-mi is a perfectionist or at least tries to be one. After her father whom she was very close with had an affair, which resulted in a divorce that shattered the family, she became wary of smart men. So she married Jung-soo who was not so bright. With her strong support, Jung-soo was able to make his restaurant business a success and he couldn’t have done it without Jae-mi. As their financial situation improves, her husband buys her three round-trip plane tickets to a tropical island as a wedding anniversary gift and tells her to have fun with her mom and aunt. Jae-mi had no idea that the trip was part of a plan by her husband to break up their marriage...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kang Jae-mi / Actress Lee Bo-young
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    She tries to be a perfectionist and believes she’s as smart as hell but she’s far from being the sharpest tool in the shed. Ten years ago her dad, whom she admired so much, had an affair and divorced her mother. The betrayal of her father had a profound effect on her relationships with men. So she ends up marrying Han Jung-soo who isn’t a great match for her. But with her help, their porridge restaurant becomes a big success. After delaying having a child due to their restaurant business, she finally decides the time is right to conceive a child. In the sixth year of their marriage, Jae-mi goes to a fertility clinic with her husband so that she can take a fertility test. Her husband surprises her with three plane tickets for her, her mother and aunt as a wedding anniversary present... She wasn’t aware that the trip to the tropical island was part of her husband’s plan to divorce her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Byun Dong-woo / Actor Lee Tae-sung
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He is a Casanova who welcomes all women and makes sure that all the women he breaks up will continue liking him. He has chiseled looks and his family has money. He’s athletic and an accomplished pianist. With his good looks, he is committed to living as a bachelor while living off of his allowance that he gets from his mother who runs a successful hairdressing business. Enjoying a carefree life, he goes on a trip to a tropical island with his mother where he meets a woman who is quite a handful. Her name is Kang Jae-mi. Upon returning to Seoul, he encounters her again by coincidence...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh Jung-hee / Actress Bae Jong-ok
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    After divorcing her husband who had an affair, she supports her daughter Jae-mi by getting a job. She is not happy that her daughter Jae-mi married Jung-soo who is not that bright. But their marriage turns out alright as Jae-mi makes the couple’s restaurant business a success. Thinking she has nothing to worry about her daughter’s marriage, she goes on a trip with Jae-mi that was paid for by Jae-mi’s husband. But her trip is spoiled when she meets her ex-husband Hyung-do there...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kang Hyung-do / Actor Cheon Ho-jin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He was a good father, husband and provider. He also had a solid reputation as an esteemed surgeon but he gave that all up when he had an affair with Joo-li. When his wife divorces him, his life spirals out of control. Living with Joo-li is miserable as she is a shopaholic who rings up massive credit card bills every month. She hardly does the housework so he finds himself doing the dishes all the time. He even aged quicker and looks 10 years older than his actual age because of Joo-li. But a ray of hope appears in his life when he meets his ex-wife Jung-hee again...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Han Jung-soo / Actor – Jin Lee-han
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Han Jung-soo is not a good man nor is he smart and capable. But he married someone smarter than himself and his wife helps him become a successful restaurant owner. But instead of staying faithful to his wife, he finds her overbearing as she relentlessly tries to be perfect in every way... As his dissatisfaction with his marriage increases, he finds himself attracted to Chae Hee-soo and soon she gets pregnant with his child. The news of her pregnancy makes him determined to divorce his wife. But he doesn’t want to hurt Jae-mi by demanding a divorce up front since he knows about her dad’s betrayal and her vow to never get divorced like her mother. So he comes up with a plan...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Byun Joo-li / Actress – Byun Jung-soo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks to having a mother who owns a beauty salon, she entered many beauty contests where she won a Photogenic Award once. This helped her nab a job as a correspondent to a TV show. Due to her lack of talent, she doesn’t get much work in show business though. However, she believes she’s an A-list celebrity when she’s not. She relies on her mother to pay her credit card bills...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh Jung-shim / Actress – Yoon Hyun-sook
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Jae-mi’s aunt and Jung-hee’s younger sister. She has no job or money. She is a silly person who is quick to burst into tears over minor matters. She married young while in college but after seven years of marriage, she could not conceive a child, which her mother-in-law found to be unacceptable. Her husband’s family finally forced him to divorce her because she couldn’t bear children. Now she’s back in the marriage market. She’s not a good judge of men and ends up being swindled out of her money by some of her dates. But she doesn’t stop hoping of having a child of her own one day.






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ratings for Ep 15


























    TNS – 12.6% (#9 Nationwide) / 15.2% (#6 Seoul)


























    AGB – 14.4% (#7 Nationwide) / 15.6% (#7 Seoul)












































































    Ratings for Ep 16


























    TNS – 12.1% (#9 Nationwide) / 15.5% (#8 Seoul)


























    AGB – 14.7% (#8 Nationwide) / 16.2% (#8 Seoul)












































































    AGB Top 20 progs/shows Weekly Ranking


























    2011-08-29 to 2011-09-04


























    HFL - 14.6% (#14 Nationwide) / 15.9% (#15 Seoul)




























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