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Posts posted by Alixana

  1. Wow, it's been so long since I've visited this thread. Man, what I would give to see JYJ doing music again and promoting on music shows.

    These boys, along with Yunho and Changmin, marked my adolescent years. I feel such pangs of nostalgia that borderline on physical pain, when I listen to their songs or leaf through their photobooks.

    Sigh. I've grown up/gotten old. What I would do to go back to those years when they were promoting "O" or when Purple Line came out. The excitement, the jitters~

  2. @meilove
    50 shades of Grey is one of the worst books I ever laid my eyes upon. I downloaded it for free and I read some 120 pages before giving up. It is horrible. I liked Twilight well enough when I was 15 and I still can't deny its appeal. It has a love story, immortality, magic... But this? There is no love story here. There is a bunch of pretentiously named 1-D characters who later have raunchy sex.

    As for what I'm currently reading - Crossed by Ally Condie.
    Matched, the 1st book of the trilogy was quite enjoyable. I don't really like YA, dystopian novels that seem to swarm the shelves of the bookstores lately, but I liked Matched. It was straightforward, fast-paced and well thought-through. Not perfect by any means, but I liked it a lot.
    I'm half-way through Crossed now and I must admit I'm really disappointed. It suffers from the same flaw as Inhertance saga. The first book was fun and simple, but then the author tried to expand the world and failed miserably. :/ I'm not too happy with the switching of POV's nor with the new characters. They are so flat. Will finish it though.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Not the sweetest thing someone has ever said, but this is the most recent:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    " I saw a magazine that said 'natural beauty' on the cover and thought of you "
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    From my best guyfriend :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sounds like he's been friendzoned.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The whole concept of being attracted just to men or just to women seems kind of bizarre to me. I don't fall for someone based on what's in their pants, but based on their entire persona. I think everyone is to some extent bisexual. You can lean towards general characteristics of one gender, but if you meet someone of the opposite gender that is perfect to you, well, there ain't helping it.

































































  5. Metro 2033 by Dmytry Glukhovsky. Russian SF bestseller - I stumbled upon it the other day in the bookstore completely by accident and decided to buy it. I'm only 1 chapter in, but damn, it's awesome. Not the most beautifully written book ever, in fact at times the language is kind of clumsy, but the atmosphere and the plot more than make up for it.

  6. Re-reading Norwegian Wood again. Need to detox out that horrible film adaptation of it.

    Really? Murakami said he liked it. I still haven't seen it, but I had high hopes. :(

    Finishing up 1st book of First Law trilogy, "The Blade Itself" by Joe Abercrombie. Crazy good writer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Why do I even know 42 groups? D: I'm crazy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    A girl friend told me this once (she's popular and uber pretty):
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "You know, you could be like us. With some make up, different clothes, you could be one of us. But what's it worth? We are all the same. Clones. And you are different. And I admire you for daring to be different."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It was probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Okay. That guy is definitely a richard simmons. However, messing with him can only hurt you. Defeat him mentally. Keep you cool, but if he bothers you, tell him to knock it off.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just a simple "Enough" can do miracles IF you emanate the right energy, so to say. He can probably sense your anger. Your anger is your weakness. Be superior.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've been through similar stuff, so I know what I'm talking about and I feel for you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Good luck.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1. Winter Sonata - such a memorable ost, I loved every single track and none felt like a "filler"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. Chuno - didn't watch the drama but I bought the ost, it has some seriously beautiful songs. And instrumentals are strongly reminiscent of Hans Zimmers' works.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    3. Iris - I only liked the instrumentals (which basically means I skip first 6 tracks), but I like them so much I have to include Iris here
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    4. Kim Sam Soon - epic ost. "She is" is still one of my favorite kpop songs
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    5. SKK Scandal - couple of truly wonderful songs that managed to overcome the mediocrity of the others.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    5'8 (172cm)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    112 (51kg)

































  12. I received my copy of Mozart DVD yesterday and I was watching it today when my mother showed up.

    She was like: "What's that?"

    Me: "Musical."

    Mom: "Niceee~"

    Both of us watching. Junsu starts performing Cannot escape my destiny.

    Mom: "Wow, this guy is good! He's really believable! His acting is good!"

    Me: *blush* "Yeah, he is ^^"

    Mom: "...Hey. Isn't that one of your guys?" (She calls DBSK "my guys")

    Me: *impressed* "Yeah, you're right mom"

    Mom: "It's your favorite one! The cute one! Wow, he sure can sing. I can see why you like that group. Such hardworking boys." *nod nod*

    I was so happy my mom recognized him and praised him! I never trust my judgment when it comes to Junsu cause I'm so hopelessly biased. However, if my mom says his acting is good and that he's rocking that musical, that it is damn right true!

    <333 Love ya mom
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Random English that defies logic
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The whole "I like this group first!" thing
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Concepts. I don't care if they're going to sport frills or guyliner - I want to hear the song
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Talk-rapping. It's so damn weird.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Rapping in general. It is rarely done well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    All those purposely catchy dance moves with crazy names (point dance, chest dance, chin dance, ankle dance, you name it)

































  14. TVXQ poured their hearts out on March 2nd’s episode of “Knee-Drop Guru“.

    Explaining their feelings about JYJ breaking off from TVXQ, Yunho stated,”It was a shock to me at that time. I didn’t know [they] filed an injunction. My heart was broken by thinking that our big success at such a young age caused all of this“.

    He added, “I was also disappointed as a member that they even took the situation as far as filing a lawsuit. I can personally handle being called a ‘traitor’ but I regretted the situation influencing my beloved and respected parents“.

    credit: allkpop

    I just posted here a part of the whole thing.

    The rest is same old stuff we've already heard, just rephrased.

    Um... Say what? Respect to Yunho and all, but there is no way in hell he didn't know.

    Wouldn't it be logical for all JYJ to try and gather all 5 members first and see if they can all get out of SM...?

    The only other explanation is that JYJ hated Yunho and Changmin and were like: "hey, let's screw over those 2 and run off to make some big money!". And I don't buy that, noup, sorry.

    So... WTH? No really, what... the... hell...? Where is this coming from all of a sudden?

    This is a total shock to me. I don't understand a thing. They (HoMin) HAD to know. You would notice if your roommate in student-dorm with whom you've never really talked except to warn him to put the toilet seat down is moving out. I'm sure they had to notice (IF, and that's a very big IF - JYJ hadn't told them) that something was going on.

    "Hey Jae, dude, where are you 3 going?"

    "Aaah, just to meet some lawyers, nothing much"

    "Ah, I get it, cool story bro"

    "Hey Junsu, why are you packing?"

    "Just going on a vacation"

    "...We haven't had a vacation in 5 years"


    "Oh, cool. Jaejoong and Yoochun going as well?"


    "Can we come too?"


    :mellow: Yeah, not buying this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't. At all. Not even lip gloss. Just lip balm.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't think I need it. I have really clean skin and I feel make up is simply unnecessary.

































  16. Today my copy of Music Essay arrived. While I was listening to Mission for the n-th time on the full blast (why should I deny my neighbors the joy of listening to Junsu singing "let's go mission, make it go") and fumbling with the photobook/planner a thought occurred to me.

    The lawsuit.. Is an act of incredible audacity. Or despair. They sued SM. I think it only just came to me now. They sued SM.

    SM is a company. SM is not just any company. They are the company.

    And JYJ? They are just 3 boys who've been told up till now by both fans and the management that they're only worth something as 5.

    "Junsu? Junsu-the-who? Aaaaah, Xiah Junsu of DBSK!" "Jaejoong? Never heard of him... Oh, Youngwoong of TVXQ!" "Yuchun... Oh, you mean from Tohoshinki!"



    A claim stronger than logic, than our knowledge of math. For years, we've been telling them that as individuals, they are worth nothing.

    Yes, they were all incredibly popular as separate entities among the fans who had their biases. But still... 5 is 5. Nothing can beat that.

    They must've been aware of it. I bet they weren't like "Dude, we're hot. Fangirls gonna love us. Yeah, let's go make some moneyyyyy!"

    They're entire existence hangs on a very thin thread called "fans". Or rather "fans' preference".

    And fans aren't a loyal bunch. Their signatures on forums might read "DBSK 4ever!!! AKTF!!!", but how long will that "4ever" last? Three months until a new group debuts (and nowadays it's just so much more cool to like someone first, while they're still new and underrated)? Not so long ago, it was a matter of principle having one group you've sworn your loyalty to and whom you support by buying cd-s and writing fanfictions about them.

    Nowadays, kids' signatures are a colorful bunch of weird fanclub names

    "I'm a Shawol, V.I.P. Blackjack & Sone!!! Luv the FOREVAH!!!", their shelves are filled with pirated cd's from all those groups and they just shout their love for everyone and everything so the world can hear. Biases are picked randomly, depending on who looks hot in which mv and forgotten as soon as they get a nasty haircut.

    What I'm trying to say is that JYJ's lives are in out hands and I am so afraid we might not be strong enough to carry them.

    Girls, support them. Forever. They make great music, thus not making our support some kind of charity. But just like... buy their cd's. It's just us now.

    Despite them having more legit reasons for lawsuit and despite the fact they stick to their principles, nobody said one word in their defense since the beginning of the whole thing.

    It's them against the world.

    So stay by their side, please.

    P.S. Sorry for the grammar/spelling mistakes - didn't proof-read.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I just read that fan account from Inkigayo and I almost cried.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's so sad, yet so sweet! I'm really surprised with Mikka! Not to say I thought he was a bad guy, I simply thought he was... a celebrity. "Make a walk-away", you know?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Oh, and congrats on making it to Star Golden Bell and Invincible Youth! Something tells me that in months to come, they will have to rely a lot on Karam to gain more fans. He has the most public appeal, so I'm guessing they will put all they have on him and use him as a bait for new fans.























































































































































    1. Choi Ji-woo & Bae Yong-jun in Winter Sonata





















    my ultimate No.1 couple~





















    2. Kim Nam-gil & Han Ga-in in Bad guy





















    they are sooooo good together, I love their relationship





















    3. Kang Ji-wan & Sung Yu-ri in Hong Gil Dong





















    both leads very so charming and dorky and adorable together!





















    4. Chun Jung-myun & Moon Geun-young in Cinderella's sister





















    a couple like no other





















    5. Kim-bum & Park Jin-hee in Woman who still wants to marry





















    cutest couple ever, made me cry and laugh


  22. She's lovely! I've known (and liked) her since Xman days. Though I was a bit (insanely) jealous when she got paired up with Junsu.

    I like all her songs, she always has catchy songs(but not mind-numbingly so).

    I loved Shake (though she sounded a bit weak in live performances) but I love Lookx3!

    She looks and sounds great! :D

    I'm broke so I can't buy her cd, but I hope in a month or so, I'll buck up.

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..