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    can't wait to watch him perform this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm listening to this right now too. oh i had such a bad day this has made it so much better i totally forgot it's released today. loving the title track so far very upbeat.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the teaser was hot can't wait for the actual album to be out!
































































































































































































































































































































































    Yay a forum kayla you're spoiling us here































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    BTW, how do you feel about opening a forum for Hwanhee?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't know how active it will be but it's just a thought...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    great idea kayla! i'd love to have a forum just for hwanhee.
































































































































































































































































































































































    btw great job with all the update guys! *rushes to go watch the video*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh i can wait i've waited years for his solo so a few days or weeks is fine with me. *excited*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    btw i love how brian keeps his fans updated so sweet of him to update us on hwanhee too what a guy huh.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks Julliana for the subs. i've been killing myself by trying not to watch it until the subs come out but i created i watched the ending where hwanhee and brian read there notes to each other (it was subbed though).
































































































































































































































    kayla you did a great job cleaning those pictures up. my favorite is the first one i've been meaning to do something with it. i haven't posted up any graphic here in a while maybe i'll make some banners for you gals with those pictures.
































































































































































































































































































































    ^ here is the youtube link i had it on favorites hopefully this is the right one.
































































































































































































































    Here I am
































































































































































































































































































































    x. State what kind of battle you want : Poster (sad/dark)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    x. State who you want to battle: 1 other beginner medium/slow worker































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    x. State how many rounds you would like: 4-7 rounds.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    pm me if interested (oh an it'll be nice if you provide examples too)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^i agree i never liked leather and never thought it'll look good on anyone until now.
































































































































































































































    thanks chickenwing & sgd66 for the link of the song hwanhee composed. beautiful song hwanhee did such a great job he never fails to amaze me. super junior did a great job of singing it i hope to hear hwanhee sing it at least once (fingers cross)
































































































































































































































    LOL the kissing scene. i replayed that scene like five times his reaction was priceless.
































































































































































    ^ i just read the article at heavenly sent. they've been working like crazy...poor thing i hope he gets all better soon. *joins the flock and runs to go tend to him*
































































































    kaya LOL that's the one thing i've learned.
































































































    the new performance blew me away. how is it even humanly possible that they keep becoming hotter and hotter.
































































































    the ending killed me i'm still recovering from it. and yes finally hwanhee in all white again.
































































































    ther performance was too good i couldn't resist so i made some caps
































































































































































































    is it just me or does he have eyeliner on his eyes looks darker than usual
































































































































































































    i don't know why but i find this pose very sexy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the killer ending
















































































































































































































































    lol a whip? you gals are so naughty.
































































































    this has to be by far my favorite performance so far.
































































































    hwanhee looks smoking hot.
































































































    and yes finally he changed his hair.

















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