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Posts posted by monicaaaa



    I also want to know this.

    I'm going to the Verizon Center show in D.C.


    Yoobin looks gorgeous with her "Marilyn pose", by the way.



    when i went, their meet and greet/autograph signing was after the concert, like when the jobros are done and everything. and yes you can bring other stuff for them to sign too :)








    hey guys i just got back from the 2nd vancouver concert! like most previous posters i also took pictures with and got their autographs! Sunye said personally to me" we're opening for the whole tour." Sunye saw my picture that i got her to sign the day before, it was their bbq chicken promotion picture, she laughed and said to ye eun" i hate this picture". probably thinks she looks bad in it or something. i took a picture with jyp and told him i also like 2am and 2 pm. i was waiting at the gate where the girls were gonna leave the building. the security guys tried to trick us and told us that the girls were not going to get out through that door. they wanted to shoo as much fans away as possible. but they can't fool this fanatic. a bunch of asian ppl starting coming out, managers, equipment ppl, etc and then wg came out!!! they waved but sunmi was totally 4d, she was busy, had her mouthful of food. my brother said goodnight to jyp and he turned back and made a gesture at us. my brother saw a 4d sunmi moment when she puoted her lips while taking a picture with a fan. The girls looked so gorgeous and flawless.








    HI EVERYONE. I posted my fan account earlier. It's on page 465. On that post I said I'd post up the picture that yeeun and sunye posed for my brother to take so here it is!!


    oh and visit http://yeeun.wordpress.com/2009/06/30/acco...e/#comment-2310 to read my fan account right away if you don't want to go back a few pages. and thanks yeeun impact's blog for featuring my fan account!:D




    Sunye covered in foamy stuff that the jonas brothers sprayed on the audience.






    Ye eun and Sunye dancing to the jonas brothers. Sunye was really into it.

















    Ok!....so my seats was right beside this underground stage entrance place. i could poke my head through the railings or lean over to see who's coming out. Some band name honor society came out and then jordin sparks came out from that same entrance too. then we saw jyp come out of the entrance watching the show standing with his hands on his hips and i waved and he waved back! my brother or someone wanted his autograph but he said to us "after the show!". So me and my cousins kept our eyes on that entrance in case the girls enter the stage from there. but they didn't. they entered from wayyy over at the other side of the stage. JB's father introduced the girls and they came on, started talking and then ye eun taught everyone the nobody dance! her English sounded very good!! anyway, they performed nobody only. there was some sort of delay from the very beginning so i think thats why they didn't perform Tell Me.


    Then I sat there, watched the jonas brothers, and someone suddenly yelled WONDER GIRLS! and I looked over the railing, I made out the silhouette to be ye eun because I recognize her styled up nobody hairstyle. then there was more light and I see that ye eun and sunye is standing at that entrance way watching and dancing to the jonas brothers. I waved frantically and ye eun waved at me! then ye eun and sunye was covering themselves cuz the jonas brothers was spraying some foam stuff on the audience. Then I got out my things for her to sign, I tried to reach as far down as I could and she tried to reach up but she almost slipped from the slippery floor.Then I dropped it down for ye eun. my picture landed on the floor and the floor was already covered with the yucky foam which is why my picture with their autographs as you can see, is dirty. ye eun signed it and then reached as high as she could to give it back to me. and i said "i love you!" and she said "thank you!" then ye eun signed my cousin's things and I gave my paper back to her and yelled "sunye" and pointed to sunye so ye eun could give it to sunye to sign. and sunye did! both and ye eun was signing a bunch of things and worker was shining his flashlight for them to see so they could sign. And then I reached my hand as far down as I could and ye eun and I touched fingers! then sunye and ye eun went back inside and we waved and they waved.


    We lined up at an autograph table hoping that it's wg but the people said it was prepared for honor society to sign autographs. so then we waited and they announced that honor society's autograph signing was cancelled and we went outside and caughtthe girls getting into their tour bus. i recorded the whole thing on my camcorder. later on i rewatched it and it was dark but I think inside the bus, Sunmi took a picture of something in the bus, or the crowd outside. then i tried to go to Fairmont hotel where I heard they were staying but no one was there. Then I followed some tour buses to this parking lot and my cousin got out of the car to go see if they're there but the tour bus they were in was empty. they must have changed cars and went to eat or something.


    I can't believe i saw the wonder girls with my own eyes.I interacted with sunye and ye eun. OHHHH YE EUN AND SUNYE POSED FOR MY BROTHER TO TAKE A PICTURE OF THEM. the picture, which i don't have, will be posted soon.




    This here is the paper that Yeeun and sunye signed. As you can see, it's dirty from the wet foamy floor.








    excuse me everybody i have a question!


    so i'm going to the jonas brothers concert on june 29th and it's in vancouver,CANADA. my friend just told me that she heard the girls are only going to tour with the JB IN THE STATES. well that's what she heard and now i'm not so sure myself. and i already bought the tickets!! can someone clarify for me? thank you.














    -too too cheesy and corny








    - pottymouth




    -not compassionate




    - calls women names such as sluts/ho/pinkberry etc.




    -bad hygiene




    - spit on the ground while being with you or with you and your friends or parents








    - laughs at you during situations when he shoudn't because it makes you hurt




    - pushover, wishy washy




    - too perverted, he can joke occasionally to you but overpervertedness is a nono




    - bad fingernails and toenails




    - mama's boy




    - unkempt facial hair




    - chest hair including back hair and thigh hair










    omg dear mom!!! that song is beautiful! i can't wait to hear it live :D




    my favourite member is taeyeon. she's cute, funny, and dorky and i like that fact that she's short like me. i find it so cute how she's the leader but she looks like one of the youngest. we have something in common, we cannot stand aegyo. i mean when the girls and other celebs do it, it's fine with me, its part of their pop culture i guess. but when my friends or just normal ppl around me do aegyo, i cringe. not only that, i adore her voice




    i love the rest of the girls too of course. from time to time, i'd be focusing on different members, like they'll be my favourite at that time. but in the end, it's taeyeon. i think my second fave would be jessica. i think she's funny because she's an ice princess and she loves to sleep like me. her voice is heavenly. i watched the wgm ep of the girls yesterday and its so funny that hyungdon says sica can be hostile towards himXD










    hello everyone. i just read somewhere that on an episode of park kyung lim's outing, jessica said her fave artists was dbsk and that her favourite member is jaejoong. is this true? if it is, then i have missed this episode!! cuz i don't remember that, i only remember tae saying she likes junsu...and that was on tiff's ssgb. i never miss a show of the girls! anyone know where i can watch it!?!? i mean....if it really happened that is.










    those of you who ordered over the phone, do you live in the states?




    i live in canada and i tried calling 10+ times and the line is always busy!..once it wasn't busy but i got a voicemail froma korean lady.




    also, can i get more than one dvd? if so, the shipping fee cost more?.....dumb question but...i don't know these things very much ^^





    This is so annoying, I've been trying for hours and I STILL can't get anything to show up in my cart. This site fails!!!!1

    Anyways does anyone know what time Korea Times is open to call? Thanks!







    sigh...same here.




    last time i couldn't even purchase tickets cuz of the same frigging problem.



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