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    how I always imagined that those three would be real friends in high school.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And not to mention that they all look so handsome in the school uniforms.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JaeJoong still looks sexy even when bloody. hahaha.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Love how the only cap with Yunho in it, Yunho has a tissue stuck up his nose.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And I also love how they assigned the roles, matches each of them perfectly, but































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't see Yunho picking on Yoochun. Both love each too much. XD




















































































































    Can't say that I disagree with the poll.























































































































































    Has GD ever composed his own music























































































































































    before? o_O Honest question here.






































































































































































































































    From what I've seen and heard most of























































































































































    his songs are Korean covers of American















































































































































































































































    I don't think you would call it a "national" humiliation,























































































































































    but it is pretty bad. YG and both GD should had talked























































































































































    about this more before releasing or even recording the























































































































































    song(s). I understand if the original is less well- known























































































































































    and they really didn't know but the sings they chose were























































































































































    VERY popular and everybody knows the song.









    I dont have time to listen to Shelter yet cause currenly in my hometown so cannot concentrate to listen to that song yet.

    This is what I have for Colors












































































    You know there's not a moment that












































































    A faded fight between You and I












































































    I'd rather hope that make you sad and cry












































































    What I just wanna say is












































































    Keep the faith but fate never is moving us












































































    It can't take us, it doesn't make different cases












































































    So turn the light out, interact with the piece of dream












































































    Sound brighter, we all want the same sound












































































    Keep the tears, I told you how I am you freedom












































































    Like a bird going through the sky












































































    What are we? Just a christmas tree in the night?












































































    p/s: Dunno whether this is 100% accurate or not























































































































































    Ah. Thanks so much!























































































































































    I really couldn't understand Yoochun. The rap is really cute, although























































































































































    sometimes kind of random. X] Its still great! I'll wait for the full release























































































































































    of "SHELTER" to get the translations. The only words I can make out























































































































































    are coffee, hater to haters, and freaken love. X]



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Looks like the boys have been really busy with their personal life, always























































































































































    going out really late and coming home really late. *cough cough. Hope they're























































































































































    happy and less stressed now.






































































































































































































































    Can't wait for Changmin's drama! Haha, really want to see his acting!




































































































    I'm really loving "Shelter" amazing composition and arrangement.















































































































































































    Can't wait to hear them sing it live. But its somehow unfortunate to















































































































































































    me that they aren't singing as a group. :/ I would love to see them
























































































    perform together again.
















































































































































































    Anybody want to share the English rap part(s) for "Melody & Harmony" and















































































































































































    "Shelter"? I honestly cannot understand Yoochun, his voice is just so deep















































































































































































    and manly that I can't make out what he's saying. I can only get a couple















































































































































































    words here and there. X] Thanks in advance.




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    That honestly does not look like Han Hyo Joo at































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    all. O_O I love how she can change her looks and































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    she'll look completely different.
















































































































    Question ONE!!!


























































































































































































































    What do you think about Changmin/DBSK watching porn? (You're entitled to your own opinion but please no bashing!)


























































































































































































































    Honestly, I don't really care. Although it is degrading to women their all old enough to make their own decisions and they know what they're doing. And not to mention the fact that they are MEN. They are bond to have hormones that needs calming down sometimes, everybody has HORMONES. You learn this kind of stuff in health class. In addition with them being famous and all, having a girlfriend is like almost impossible. Especially when you have like stalker fans who will hurt and threaten anyone that touches them.















































































































































    Question TWO!!!


























































































































































































































    What do you see in DBSK's future? Example questions: What kinds of things can you see them achieving? Where do you see them living? What kind of career do you think they will take up when they "retire" from the performing scene?















































































































































    It can be anything, really!








































































    Junsu- I feel that he would hold onto his musical career the longest out of all the members just simply because he seems to love being an entertainer. I also see him as a artist who'll leave a big impact on the industry (as a soloist), well that actually all have but whatever. X]








































































    Yoochun- I see him being a composer for a couple of years and then settling down with a nice (big) family. And even if he doesn't want a "big" family, I can see him having one!








































































    JaeJoong- He would most likely continue to sing and entertain on for maybe about two to four years but after that I think he'll settle down and have a family. And then after some years when he's like 50 he'll have some epic comeback as a singer or actor.








































































    Changmin- I see him as the person who would leave the "entertainment world" the quickest but also come back the quickest. After Changmin has pursued all of his (other) childhood/ teenage dreams he'll still be really young. I can see him as a MC of TV Host. He'll probably be the last one to get married too. (Besides the Chunster!)








































































    Yunho- He'll most likely continue to act and stay in the industry doing other things but he won't be as well known after things settle down. I also see him as the person to get married have children and be a father the quickest. (I can totally see the stalker pictures of him with his kids and wife. He would have the cutest family.)








































































    Question THREE!!!


























































































































































































































    (Not to depress anyone) but I think most of us have accepted that there will come a day when our boys get married. T_T So my question is, what kind of girls do you see them ending up with? What kind of characteristics do the girls need to have, and how will they be uniquely suited to each of the members?








































































    Changmin- Definitely someone who can out smart him at times and tone him down. I'm not say that him having a witty tongue is a bad thing, I'm simply saying he'd love the girl for being "smarter and quicker" then him. And like what JaeJoong said in AADBSK3 the girl has to be really pretty (but with a lot of manners also). He also needs someone who'll take him out and he won't argue, he'll go with her because he trusts her. (A good cook for him would be nice too!)








































































    Junsu- Like what he said, "someone who flirts a lot". She has to be very outgoing like he is but yet also someone who can calm him down. (Which he already probably does when he's alone buy...yeah) I feel that the girl also doesn't have to be dead drop gorgeous like Changmin's but just somebody who's a little above average looking.








































































    JaeJoong- He needs a girl who can keep track of him and his emotions because from time to time his emotions seem to change drastically. Even if the girl isn't that pretty he'll still love her because she's the person who'll be his best friend. He also needs a girl who'll take his lead without question.








































































    Yunho- Someone who is really pretty and calm like him. They may seem like the "boring" couple but when you see them together, they're the couple that everyone wants to be simply because their love for each other is always there even when they have disagreements. (Their children would be adorable.) I also feel that they girl would also be super pretty!








































































    Yoochun- This man just simply needs a girl who'll change his views on marriage and children. He was most likely scarred from his childhood, thus he's probably (most likely) afraid that he'll end up hurting them too. He also needs a girl who'll bring his spirits back up when he's feeling down, someone who'll make him laugh, and basically happy for the rest of his life!








































































    Basically they all also deserve a happily ever after.




















































































    What's with her voice? Even when she sang "Can You Hear me?",















































































































































    it sounded a little strange, like she couldn't reach her own notes.















































































































































    Don't get me wrong she's a great singer and all, but what's up with















































































































































    the harmonization? Even if their voices don't compliment each they















































































































































    should still be able to at least somewhat good. :/








































































    Okay, honestly I hate it when people say that __________(interest singers name) can't sing well that day was because he/she was sick. Really?! I honestly find that excuse to be a little old and over used. Just about how many times a year can one person get sick?! When your sick you can still hit those notes but with just a stuffy sound added. And truthfully if your that sick all year round, go get some like vitamins, shots or something.
































































































    Can I just say that you're amazing. I have honestly







































































































































































    seen anything this epic before! Dang, your an amazing







































































































































































    artists! You are now my official idol!
































































































    1. Which DBSK song, either Korean or Japanese etc, that you have first memorized the lyrics?







































































































































































    -Love in the Ice [Don't know why I wanted too? That song's like almost impossible to song, not unless your them. But I've memorized the whole song anyways. :P]






























































































































































































































































    2. Which DBSK song that you really want to memorize the very first time you heard it?







































































































































































    -Love in the Ice [Explanation?]







































































































































































    -Forever Love [Not going to lie here, I hold a small baised towards this song because this was when Changmin got a haircut. XD]







































































































































































    -TAXI [The song is so tragic]







































































































































































    -Stand by U [Who doesn't like this song?]






























































































































































































































































    3. Which DBSK song that just naturally got you familiarized w/ the lyrics







































































































































































    -Mirotic [Cathcy]







































































































































































    -One [Tagic]







































































































































































    -Love Bye Love [Loved it!]







































































































































































    -Darkness Eyes [Explanation needed?]







































































































































































    -My Girlfriend [because its in English]







































































































































































    -Purple Line [Japanese Version]







































































































































































    -Summer Dream [super catchy.]







































































































































































    - どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう [Really liked the beat and rhythm.]







































































































































































    -Insa [The song is literally two verses.]







































































































































































    -Rainbow [Japanese Version. Loved it the very first time.]






























































































































































































































































    4. Which DBSK song that no matter how hard you tried, you just failed at memorizing it?







































































































































































    -Hug [XD]







































































































































































    -12시34분 Nothing Better [The song is rather new so I guess I can't say for sure yet.]







































































































































































    -Holding Back the Tears [Yoochun is too amazing at composition.]







































































































































































    -Bolero [Every verse is like different.]





















































































































































































































































































































































    5. Does anyone of you have certain DBSK songs that will immediately plunged you into sadness and happiness?







































































































































































    -Insa [Millionaire's First Love= Tragic Movie]







































































































































































    -TAXI [Changmin & Yoochun's voice took me.]







































































































































































    -Rainy Night [The emotion in the song was amazing. Junsu!]







































































































































































    -どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう [You don't have to know the lyrics, the emotion was enough.]







































































































































































    -Kiss the Baby Sky [smiled like a creep throughout the whole song.]




















































































    What is 2PM without a leader?















































































































































    My heart honestly goes out the him. He worked so















































































































































    hard to achieve his dream. Now within a split second















































































































































    his dream was taken away.


























































































































































































































    Although I highly doubt that there will be a comeback















































































































































    for Jaebom, I'll wait for 2PM's comeback.
































































































    WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TVXQ SONGS (different categories)?






























































































































































































































































    Favorite song of all TVXQ songs: Don't have one, too many.







































































































































































    Favorite Korean Ballad Song: 12시34분 Nothing Better







































































































































































    Favorite Japanese Ballad Song: Love in the Ice, Forever Love







































































































































































    Favorite Korean Dance Song: Rising Sun, Mirotic,







































































































































































    Favorite Japanese Dance Song: Purple Line







































































































































































    Favorite Summer Song: Stand by U, Tea for Two







































































































































































    Favorite Korean MV: Mirotic







































































































































































    Favorite Japanese PV: Stand by U





































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Favorite Korean Album: Mirotic







































































































































































    Favorite Japanese Album: T







































































































































































    Favorite Korean Concert: Mirotic







































































































































































    Favorite Japanese Concert: Five in the Black
















































































    Yunho. I would vote for Changmin but I have a feeling that he would get really frustrated with me and just quit on me. X] Besides Yunho looks like he's the most patient out of all of the members. Haha. But then again if my teacher was that good looking I would have a really hard time concentrating.











































































































    Changmin & Junsu. They would always be over playing something. Which is really adorable. These two already play together like their neighborhood friends.








































































    JaeJoong. Because he's "pretty" so if we were twins I would look like him but hopefully they'll be able to tell that I'm the girl twin. X] He'll probably still be "prettier" then me. I'm also thinking him because he did have eight sisters, thus I conclude he knows about the friend that visits every month. XP




































    Your stalker:




































    Junsu. He would be the funniest stalker ever. Because whenever I get bored I can just ask him to entertain me. Junsu would also probably be really out there about stalking me. I have this image of him being really blond. You can blame "OH MY GOD, SUN!" for this image and the "HEY! YOU WANT ME I WANT YOU!" X] Junsu is love. I'd probably end up stalking him later though.




































    Friend with benefits:




































    Yoochun. You can never get enough the Chunster. Haha. Recently just started really loving the boy. I mean I've always liked him but after seeing him in AADBSK he just seems so much more human to me.




































    In your ideal classroom, who out of the members do you picture as...




































    The bookworm/teacher's pet:




































    Yunho & Junsu. These two are really smart from what I've seen and heard. Yunho's IQ is rather high, while Junsu seems to be book smart rather than streets smart. Which is totally cool. X] Besides I already voted for Yunho as my teacher so I'm hoping he'll be smart. X] "Korean Lesson Time", I can just see it.




































    Class clown:




































    Changmin. Why? Well because he's really witty and blunt. He would say things as they are and talk back, most likely with the class laughing in the end. I love the witty kids in my class. They make me "lmao". Haha. Changmin come to my school!







































































    Most popular among the ladies:




































    Yoochun, Changmin, Junsu, Yunho. Yoochun because we all label him as the "player"; watch he's probably nothing like that. e probably like really deep and committed when it comes to relationships. X] Do I really need to explain for Changmin? Junsu because he's really funny and friendly that you just can't help but love from a far. Yunho because he would be that student who's really really friendly and nice to everybody, he would also be that kid that EVERYBODY knows. Why not JaeJoong? Because I feel that when JaeJoong is in a relationship he takes it very seriously. Its not a bad thing, he'll still have lady friends but... yeah.








































































    Yunho, Junsu, and Yoochun. Do I need to explain for Yunho? Just go look at pictures where he's half- naked. X] Junsu is so competitive (like me X]) which is both a good and bad thing. Sometimes you don't know when to stop. Yoochun? He's shockingly really good when it comes to sports but he wouldn't be cocky about it *coughJunsu*. Just kidding.




































    The gangster:




































    Changmin & Yoochun. They're the more "quiet" ones of the group. Besides when these two are together they're always in their own world. And most of the time the "quieter" ones do come from more troubled backgrounds. lmao. X]



















    New Puppy (with Harang)
















































































































































































































































































































































    So I see that the Chunster has gotten a new puppy.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He should get me one. Hehe. Looks like Harang and































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    new puppy are getting along perfect. Does new puppy































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    have a name yet? Harang would make an amazing































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hyung. Is new puppy a golden retriever? Probably is.
























































    1. Your girlfriend/boyfriend to sing to you?














































































































































    -Beautiful You

































































































































































































































































































































    2.To be played at your wedding?














































































































































    -Love in the Ice







































































    -Forever Love







































































    -Tea for Two

















































































































































    3. To be played at your funeral?







































































    -Insa [JaeJoong Version]







































































    -Kiss した まま、さよなら














































































































































    -Rainy Night












































































































    4. TVXQ to record an English version of?














































































































































    -I like all of their songs as they way they are.







































































    -Not to mention that they don't have the best English out there.







































































    -Besides Park Yoochun.







































































    -Who is so sexy when he does speak English. X]












































































































    5.To be played at the gym? (when you work out)














































































































































    -Wrong Number







































































    -Rising Sun (Japanese Version)







































































    -Summer Dream







































































    -Ride On











































































    50,000 Audiences Sing Along ‘Kiss The Baby Sky’ – TSC at DOME













































































































































    I just watched this last night and it was absolutely beautiful and breath taking.







































































    Stand by U was also amazing with the light blue glowsticks. BigEast put in so







































































    much work and effort to make the boys feel loved, they all looked like they were







































































    going to cry any second. X] They all really did work hard to be where they are today.







































































    Hopefully there will be many more DongBang years to come.
















































    She looks so pretty with her long hair. Why did she cut it all













    off? She should grow it out again. Actually I don't think she really













    looks like she's 15. More like 16-18. Maybe its just me, like always.












    lmao. HAHA.

















    He totally lived up to the Asian stereo- type.

















    Being in chess club, National Honor Society,

















    Jazz Band. He's so different now, I would have

















    never guessed. He acts kind of stupid now. XD


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